The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 879: Take sister paper to racing

PS: Today is a tragedy. The notebook's CPU burned, and then there was no more. Going to the Internet cafe's codewords was simply suffering.

After several hours, there are only four chapters, please forgive me!

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Hua Meixue did not refuse Cai Ruichen's invitation, and the two did not wait for the coffee to arrive. Cai Ruichen placed a thousand-yuan Iraqi dinar on the coffee seat, and then took Hua Meixue to continue walking towards the park.

The two hadn't walked a few steps, Cai Ruichen stopped and said to Hua Meixue: "You should go and change your clothes."

"I think this is very good." Hua Meixue glanced at her dress and said.

"Come with me." Cai Ruichen shook his head and didn't say much. He pulled up Hua Meixue's little hand and walked inside.

Feeling that her little hand was only grasped by Cai Ruichen's broad and powerful palm, Hua Meixue's face was flushed, and she felt a little uncomfortable, but she had no intention of breaking free.

Because the moment the little hand was held, her heart was messed up, and the man in front of her had a very fatal temptation for every normal woman.

She knew Cai Ruichen a long time ago, and she also saw the achievements he has developed step by step. The most important thing is that in Iraq, Cai Ruichen is the only one she knows the opposite sex.

Therefore, she always pays attention to this man unknowingly, and then she even knows what is going on, everything is so natural.

What makes her sad all the time is that Cai Ruichen has never done anything to her, even after seeing her appearance, it still remains the same.

But for Hua Meixue. It was completely different. Every day I saw this man and heard everything about this man. The most important thing was that he was still a charming man.

Just always. For the many women around this man. She had to hide her inner thoughts all the time.

She also really felt that she was too far away from him, she was not a person of the world and level at all.

None of the women around him are vases. They are all his right arms. Even the ordinary Qianhe is a stunning beauty that reverses all beings.

Hua Meixue has always been confident about her appearance. In front of him. She never found any confidence.

With such a huge gap, she wanted to let go more than once and stop paying attention to everything about him, but she did not hold back every time.

At this moment, her heart was messed up again. She really didn't know how to face this man next. The first skin touch between the two was when he took the initiative to hold her hand.

Just thought of this. The thoughts in Hua Meixue's mind are messy, and her footsteps are light and fluttering. I didn’t know where I was until...

"Put on this suit."

Cai Ruichen’s voice finally brought Hua Meixue back to her senses. She could not see the surrounding scenes clearly, but she could feel the hotness on her face. She couldn’t think about it. She grabbed the handbag in Cai Ruichen’s hand and turned around. When he reached the locker room, he rushed in.

When the door of the dressing room was closed, Hua Meixue was covering her chest when she was alone in a closed space, her chest undulating violently.

Feeling the residual warmth of the man in her hands, and now she is covering her chest, her face is even more ruddy.

"It's shameful..., will he look down on me..."

Hua Meixue's mood suddenly became confused, and her whole body seemed to be collapsed, leaning on the wall of the dressing room, looking at herself in the mirror, especially when she saw the very obvious blush on her face Later, I almost wanted to leave this place with my face covered.

As soon as the idea of ​​wanting to escape from here appeared, she was immediately thrown away, and finally was able to be alone with Cai Ruichen, she didn't want to end this heartbeat moment like this.

When she thought of this, she immediately thought that Cai Ruichen might still be outside waiting for her to change into her clothes. Only then did she clear up her mood and open the bag in her hand.

It's just that when she saw the clothes inside, she was a little confused, because it was a suit of racing driver's clothes.

Outside the locker room, Cai Ruichen looked at Hua Meixue, who was hurriedly shutting herself into the locker room. She also saw her face that was almost red to the neck. He just shook her head helplessly, then walked into the locker room on the side, and changed her face. Set of costumes for racers.

Only when he came out, he saw that Hua Meixue hadn't come out yet, and he was not anxious, waiting outside patiently.

Hua Meixue didn't let him wait too long, and soon put on his racing suit and walked out of the locker room. After seeing Cai Ruichen outside the locker room, he couldn't help lowering his head, trying to hide the blush on his face.

Cai Ruichen didn't break this point, and said to Hua Meixue: "Would you like to experience speed and passion?"

Hua Meixue nodded gently, and she knew at this moment that she was in the locker room of the racing track.

In the high-tech park, there is a racing track similar to F1, which Hua Meixue knows, but there are only sports cars produced by the Future Automobile Company. Usually, even if there are competitions, they are mainly future sports cars.

Following Cai Ruichen out of the locker room, as soon as he came to the garage, he heard the roar of the sports car engine and the rubbing of tires on the ground.

The garage door is closed, and there is a race track outside. There is only a lone supercar in the garage, and there is no one inside.

As soon as Cai Ruichen came to the garage, the sports car door in the garage unlocked automatically.

Open the passenger compartment and said to Hua Meixue: "I won't be too fast. If you feel unwell, just tell me immediately."

Bring a girl who looks quiet and quiet to the car. It is estimated that few men in the world have such an idea.

In fact, Cai Ruichen thought of this when he handed the racing suit to Hua There was still a little embarrassment in his heart.

This is the first time he has been alone with a girl. Cai Ruichen, who has never been in love with any girl, has never been alone with any girl, and his emotional intelligence is simply worrying.

Originally, his goal for relaxation today is to have two, one is to go to the fighting gym and the other is the racing track.

The encounter with Hua Meixue was purely accidental. He brought Hua Meixue to the circuit before he even turned the corner.

Seeing Hua Meixue really got into the sports car, Cai Ruichen had no choice but to come to the cab.

The garage door in front opened slowly, and when he saw that the distant track was all roaring sports cars, Hua Meixue couldn't help holding the handrails on both sides, obviously a little nervous.

Seeing this, Cai Ruichen said, "Should we change another project?"

"I can do it, you don't care about me." Hua Meixue gritted her teeth, glanced at Cai Ruichen, shook her head firmly, and said.

(To be continued~^~)

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