The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 882: Communication chip

Leaving Hua Meixue’s residence, Cai Ruichen thought of picking up his shoes just now and helping him tidy up the corners of his clothes. After he left, Hua Meixue who was waiting at the door until his car disappeared from sight, deep inside, There is a feeling that makes him reluctant.

Hua Meixue is definitely the best candidate for a good wife and mother. No man would refuse such a woman.

Even Cai Ruichen is no exception. In terms of temperament, appearance, and personality, Hua Meixue is in line with Cai Ruichen's taste.

But Cai Ruichen knew very well that he could not give her a perfect family. There were already many women around him, and he didn't want to hurt her.

For more than a year, Cai Ruichen is not a fool. Even if his emotional intelligence is really low, he can clearly feel Hua Meixue's eyes and all the performances with him.

For a long time, Cai Ruichen also hoped that time could fade away from this feeling, but he found that it was not like this at all.

The encounter with Hua Meixue today was definitely an accident, and it made him feel the persistence and hesitation in Hua Meixue's heart.

Cai Ruichen has never known what to do with his sons and daughters... He doesn't want to cause harm to anyone. He simply hopes that time can dilute everything.

Just seeing Hua Meixue's performance today, he can only pretend to be ignorant and be as natural as possible.

Even if Cai Ruichen has thoughts about children's love, they can only be put aside.

Returning to the headquarters of the Future Technology Group, Cai Ruichen immediately adjusted his mentality, putting aside the rookie who didn't know anything emotionally, and returning to a decisive and capable mentality.

At the gate of the headquarters office, Xu Jie was already here waiting for him. Seeing Cai Ruichen stepping out of the elevator, he hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Russian Ambassador. I hope to see you right away."

It was Xu Jie who called him. Cai Ruichen knew very well that Xu Jie would not be able to call himself unless there were very important things.

He also took this opportunity to leave the table where the atmosphere became increasingly abnormal. It's just that he didn't expect it. It is such a thing.

"What's the situation? What does the Russian ambassador want to do with me? Is there anything to go to the Iraqi government? Do you understand the rules?" Cai Ruichen asked suspiciously.

"He just wants to see you, saying that there is a very important thing to discuss with you, if the commander doesn't want to see, I will send him away." Xu Jie said.

"Then send him away and come and see me casually. Who is this ambassador. Will he do things?" Cai Ruichen said angrily.

If it is the ambassador of other countries to Iraq, Cai Ruichen is fine to see it, but Russia can't.

At present, he is still in a cooperative relationship with the United States. No matter how important it is, he does not intend to meet a Russian ambassador who does not even have an appointment.

The most important thing is that there is no need for him to meet with the Russian ambassador. If it is a business with Russia, there is no turn for an ambassador to intervene.

If it's the last thing. He will not communicate with the ambassador, after all, his identity. There are no Iraqi government personnel, just a businessman.

Even if something is really urgent, you should go to the Iraqi government. If it is really inconvenient, Idris will ask himself.

Hearing Cai Ruichen's words, Xu Jie nodded immediately, and was about to go to the reception room to convey Cai Ruichen's meaning, but did not expect that the door of the reception room not far away opened, and a middle-aged Russian walked out of it.

After seeing Cai Ruichen, he hurried over and said as he walked: "Mr. Cai, in Xia Abramovich, is the new ambassador to Iraq..."

Cai Ruichen took a deep breath, looked at Russia as he walked over, and nodded friendly, but immediately said, "Mr. Ambassador, what can I do?"

"I was ordered to give Mr. Cai something." Abramovich said while taking out a small chip from his pocket, and continued: "Please put it away, Mr. Cai. This thing can be passed directly through Russia. Satellite, one-line contact with our President."

Obviously, after Abramovich, who came over for this matter, finished speaking, he gave the chip to Xu Jie and left directly.

Cai Ruichen looked at the leaving Russian ambassador, and was a little surprised that this guy came here just to send a chip.

Now he understands a little bit why this guy must wait for himself. Obviously, he has explained it.

The days in Russia are not going well these days!

Taking a look at the chip in Xu Jie's hand, Cai Ruichen said: "Check the security of the chip."

After speaking, Cai Ruichen simply went to his office at the headquarters.

In fact, there are many ways to get this chip into his hands. There is no need to use an ambassador abroad. After all, ambassadors abroad often represent a relatively sensitive identity.

The most important thing is that Abramovich came to see his news, I am afraid that it has long been on the desks of major intelligence agencies.

Therefore, this is the reason Cai Ruichen didn't meet this guy in the first place.

And this move is also showing him a very critical issue, that is, he can't sit still.

The current form of Russia is not very good, it can even be described as very bad.

In the next stage, if it is in opposition to the United States, Cai Ruichen will have to get the support of Russia. It is far from enough to rely on his hometown and big boss.

Especially in the Middle East, Russia's influence is enough to help the Red Police Corps.

Otherwise, Cai Ruichen will not accept this chip.

Russia needs the help of Future Technology Cai Ruichen also needs the support of Russia.

But cooperating with Russia is not a very simple matter. In fact, it can be said that cooperating with the world’s top five gangsters, don’t expect them to really not sacrifice you in exchange for greater benefits.

This is true for cooperation with the United States, and the same is true for cooperation with Russia. In fact, in Cai Ruichen's view, both the United States and Russia are the same.

In essence, there is no difference between the two countries at all. Otherwise, they would not be called the five big hooligans. The hooligans just pursue benefits and interests without reason.

If you are not careful about cooperating with such a country, you will eventually become a bargaining chip for profit.

Of course, if the strength is not enough and there is no opportunity to choose, it is useless to be careful. Those countries that support you may betray you in the face of greater interests at any time.

Once the cooperation with the United States is terminated, Cai Ruichen can only choose to cooperate with Russia. He has no second choice. It is impossible to fight the entire Western world by himself, at least for the moment. (To be continued~^~)

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