The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 884: Russia in crisis

PS: The author's remuneration has not arrived, and the computer has not been repaired, so I can only go to the Internet cafe code word, but the Internet cafe is too noisy, and I can't help myself. Five shifts have done their best.

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Cai Ruichen secretly supported the Houthi armed forces. This incident was actually a secret deal between Cai Ruichen and him when he participated in the completion ceremony of the Future Science and Technology Building.

That meeting was monitored by the Americans, but the Americans could not see the note passed by Cai Ruichen.

It was very exciting, coupled with the hint of the big boss, and made a decisive choice.

Because it is clear that the only way to solve the Russian crisis is to raise the price of oil and natural gas. For Russia, this is the fundamental solution to the crisis.

But I also know the United States very well. After the contradiction has not been resolved, the United States cannot let it go.

One thing that Russia has formulated as a great power strategy will not change, that is, the oil and natural gas exported by Russia is not settled in U.S. dollars.

At this point, it is impossible for the United States to let go. In order to compete with the United States, Russia is also an imperative great power strategy.

It is impossible to bow to the United States, and it is very clear what choice an opponent like the United States will make, and the United States is much better than Russia with its background in bearing such economic sanctions.

In order to solve this crisis, we can only start from Saudi Arabia, although Saudi Arabia has 800 billion US dollars in foreign exchange reserves.

But Saudi Arabia is also a very face-saving country. It has always regarded itself as the highest leader in the Middle East, and it is also a Middle Easterner of other faiths. Start without mercy.

In Russia’s view, Saudi Arabia’s two-sided combat is the best, but the plan cannot keep up with the changes. Solving the Ukrainian problem is also a major strategic interest.

The problem of Syria. There is no more tension than before.

But the plan for Saudi Arabia cannot be left alone. Russia is inconvenient for its own hands, and Russia is beyond its reach, and there is no way to secretly support the Houthi armed forces.

All this was done by Cai Ruichen, who happened to want to plunge Saudi Arabia into the quagmire of war.

Regarding oil prices, he actually wants to keep it at the lowest price because of the oil in Iraq. In fact, he only mastered part of it. The Iraqi government has a little bit of it, and the rest has long been divided between the United States and Britain.

And part of the Iraqi oil that Mirae Technology Group holds is that he directly acquired US oil companies by means, and secretly controlled the oil in Iraq in his hands.

There is also a little bit of interest specially given to him by the United States, and a little bit of sweetness for the United States to win over the Future Technology Group.

And Cai Ruichen has never exported even a drop of oil, all the oil that is extracted. They were all placed in the oil depot, and they were not even moved.

The recovery of oil used by technology to drill oil wells becomes a function of funds. They were basically closed by him.

Because the funds obtained by relying on ore are completely enough to use, it is really not worthwhile compared to the price of crude oil and the ratio of funds.

What's more, the future operations of the Red Police Corps will also need oil, and there is a big buyer behind him who is ready to buy the oil in his hands.

The most important thing is that once it turns against the United States, Cai Ruichen will also use all the crude oil reserves to create a little trouble for the United States.

If oil prices continue to fall now, Cai Ruichen can also continue to store the extracted crude oil and use it together in the future.

Moreover, such low oil prices will also make Russia and the United States fight harder.

He needs Russia, but he does not need a too powerful Russia. If Russia can consume more with the United States, Cai Ruichen is naturally happy to see it.

A dead friend is not a poor person. What's more, the future Russia will not necessarily be a friend, more or an enemy, and national interests are above all else.

The situation in Saudi Arabia is what Russia most wants to see, but Russia is also quite clear that it will ultimately be impossible for the United States to allow oil prices to rise.

Otherwise, for the United States, the oil war waged by Russia is tantamount to a situation where both sides will suffer, and it will not achieve the results that the United States hopes to see.

The reason why I want to get in touch with myself in such a hurry is probably directly related to this matter.

Because compared with the United States, which is still able to grit its teeth, the current situation in Russia is really bad.

The Russian ruble has fallen by 60%, although because of government regulation and Russians all understand that this economic pressure is all due to US sanctions, the approval rate has not fallen, but has increased. Also let the Russians unite as much as possible.

Although the economy and consumption in Russia are a bit depressed, the situation is still very stable.

The US plan to use this to combat its prestige and approval ratings can only be declared as a failure.

But this does not mean that Russia is really peaceful, and the situation is not really as fair as it seems.

Russia's foreign exchange reserves are no longer as good as 50 billion U.S. dollars, and it is impossible to flatten this year's fiscal deficit.

The Russian government’s economy will face the risk of bankruptcy. At the same time, a large number of foreign debts will also default on a full scale, because Russia has no money to repay all foreign debts.

And the amount of foreign debt is as high as 400 billion U.S. dollars. Such a huge figure is obviously not something that Russia can afford a year later.

At that time, all companies and industries in Russia will enter a state of default where they cannot repay their loans.

If there is no help from external funds and only prices continue to fall, Russia’s debt crisis will break out without any This crisis can make more than 50% of companies and companies in Russia The enterprise went bankrupt directly.

The Central Bank of Russia can't provide extra money to help these companies, and Russia's Zenger financial sector will collapse.

At this time, even if you clench your teeth, you can't hold on. This can't be changed by personal charm and ability.

Even if Cai Ruichen is placed in his position, there are only three ways he can think of. One is to bow to the United States, the other is to raise oil prices, and the other is to seek strong foreign aid.

The only countries that Russia can use as foreign aid are his hometown and Cai Ruichen, and his hometown has helped Russia a lot. A single US$400 billion natural gas contract has given Russia a good respite.

Cai Ruichen also wanted to get it. She must have hired the big boss, and then came to him.

Therefore, he doesn't know whether he wants to use this chip, because he knows very well that the other party actually came to borrow money, it's that simple. (To be continued~^~)

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