The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 886: In-depth cooperation with Russia

Before the Future Technology Group came out, anyone who said that an enterprise could compete with the entire country for comprehensive industrialization and production efficiency, including civilian and military industries, would definitely be called a lunatic. ??????????????????

Now, those who say such things will only be labeled as hindsight and hindsight.

Because Future Technology Group has done this almost impossible thing.

What makes the world feel most magical is that the overall supporting industries of each product of Future Technology Group are all highly closely integrated.

According to other national military industry exhibitions, almost all of the composition of a weapon and equipment comes from the industry supporting the whole country.

Especially warships and modern weapons, such as tanks and aircraft, cannot be produced by a single manufacturer.

It is necessary to carry out national industrial matching, and some important parts or modules even need to rely on imports.

Especially for fighter jets and warships, it is completely a test of whether a country's overall industrial technology level and supporting facilities are perfect.

But in this respect, the Future Technology Group does not need any imports at all, everything is self-sufficient, and all supporting production is self-sufficient.

As small as a plastic part or screw to the line, reaching the skeleton steel and software system, I have never lost the chain. When I start construction, when I build it, when it is launched, and whether it can be used in service, the time is extremely precise. There is no postponement even once.

From this aspect alone, it is enough to embarrass any country in the world, and it is able to have such a high efficiency. The outside world thinks that because the future technology group does not need to carry out any matching, all parts and components are all their own. produced.

The entire Future Technology Group is like a whole factory, where everything is produced without transportation. The production quantity can also be adjusted at any time, the quality is guaranteed, and the efficiency naturally rises.

But people who truly understand how complicated a complete military-industrial system is will never think so simply.

Once this package is set up, it requires at least thousands of different factories, each part and production line without duplication.

and so. Those who really understand this are very clear about how violent the Future Technology Group is in this regard.

Combining the strong technological capabilities of Future Technology Group, almost all analysts can only assert that Future Technology Group must have mastered very advanced 3D printing technology.

So it can be in the simplest mode. Production of various weapons and equipment parts. But for this, the outside world is just speculation. At the same time, it is also the only explanation, and not only some things do not make sense.

However, for countries, these are not important points. From the perspective of the country, everyone can think of whether the existence of the future technology group is good or bad for the country.

From this perspective. In the eyes of Putong and Jing, if there are no big bosses, and they have seen Cai Ruichen's actual actions, he will firmly believe that the existence of future technology groups is a huge threat to Russia.

Especially after the Mirae Technology Group and the United States showed a very close relationship, with the exception of Putin and Beijing, many high-level Russian government officials could not sit still.

The power system of the United States and NATO has already brought tremendous pressure. If a future technology group is added, then Russia's future interests in the Middle East will face a huge threat.

If it were not for the control and persistence of Putong and Beijing, Russia would probably not sit back and watch the rise of the future technology group step by step.

Of course, Putin and Beijing do not actually trust Cai Ruichen completely, and the national interests are first, and there is no 100% trust, even among Putong, Beijing and the big boss.

As a national leader, in fact, everyone is very clear that the relationship between countries cannot be dominated by personal emotions.

What's more, Putong and Beijing do not completely trust Cai Ruichen. After all, the two sides have not had much contact and understood little, and the future technology group is still fighting the United States.

When secretly cooperating with Future Technology Group, Putin and Beijing also made a three-step plan.

The worst plan is that Cai Ruichen is purely fooling Russia, so Putin and Beijing will not be polite to Future Technology Group.

The other is that Cai Ruichen wants to go to the right and left, then Putin and Beijing will also adjust their attitudes to the Future Technology Group, and must try to win more benefits from the Future Technology Group.

The best plan is that Cai Ruichen really intends to fight against the United States with Russia. It is natural that everyone is happy, and Putin and Beijing are also very willing to form a strategic alliance with such a powerful foreign aid.

As for Iraq, in the eyes of Putin and Beijing, that is not Russia's goal at all.

Iraq was developed solely with the support of Future Technology Group, just like Syria supported by Russia.

Even if Putong and Jing want to find a friend to cooperate, they naturally think of Cai Ruichen, who is definitely not Idris.

In addition, Putong and Jing have seen very clearly that the current Iraq is still what Cai Ruichen said. Idris is just the president Cai Ruichen puts on the face, and Cai Ruichen is the veritable Supreme Emperor.

Talking about cooperation with a puppet is tantamount to asking for fish.

"Presidents Put and Jing joked. I'm only a Chinese, and I'm just a businessman. Iraq or an Iraqi has the final say." Cai Ruichen laughed and said.

Facts are one thing but it is one thing to admit it or not. Cai Ruichen still doesn't want to admit it.

Even if the outside world is sure enough, there are currently some things that can't be put on the table casually.

Of course, this also depends on people. If it is a big boss, Cai Ruichen will naturally admit it. As for other people, even Putin and Beijing, he still has no idea to admit it.

However, if one year after the construction of the mind controller is completed, everything will be different. Even if it is recognized by the world at that time, it will have no effect at all. Even if he directly changes his identity, amends the Iraqi constitution, and becomes the president of Iraq. , Became the first foreign president of the Middle East world, the same.

Putin and Beijing did not hold on to this issue. Although some things are already established facts, he did not break through, but said:

"In that case, doesn't Mr. Cai, do not want to formally establish a deeper cooperation with Russia? On the Middle East issue, I believe there are many things that have caused a lot of trouble for Mr. Cai! You need a friend who can give you enough A strong friend to help."

(To be continued.)

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