The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 908: Angry king

ps: Thank you book friend "Yang Shuo" for rewarding 28888 starting currency, becoming the eleventh leader of this book. This chapter will add more


Outside the door of the safe house, Boris and others looked at the alloy door in front of them, and did not go to the exit of the air duct of the safe house as Mansour expected. ????? One novel?

However, they are not waiting here. One of the commandos with a rucksack untied the rucksack, and everyone spread out. Looking at the commando, he took out the devices from the rucksack, carefully Post it on the wall.

If the people in the safe house knew the existence of Crazy Ivan, I am afraid they would not have any trust in the safety of the safe house.

But Boris and others stood far away, looking at this crazy Evan, and pressing all the explosive devices in the backpack one by one to the screw positions on the gate.

The whole process lasted for two full minutes. Then, on the entire gate, all kinds of explosive devices were installed on the iron gate, and then the lines were connected together, almost the entire one-person-high, half-meter-wide alloy gate was completely wrapped. stand up.

When Crazy Evan was busy with this, everyone left the narrow passage for the first time.

After everyone was concealed at the corner of the stairs of the passage, Crazy Yiwen, who finally retreated here, had a small detonator in his hand.

I saw that he took out a chip very carefully and inserted it into the detonator, then opened the fuse, and the work indicator on the detonator turned on.

At this time, Crazy Ivan nodded facing everyone, and then pressed the red button on the detonator without hesitation.

There are two buttons on the detonator. One is a green button. The green represents vitality. It is used to disarm the detonating device in the explosive device. Once pressed, the detonating device in the explosive will destroy itself and the bomb will not detonate. .

The red button is like blood. It represents death and bloodshed. Once pressed, all the detonating devices connected to the detonator will instantly detonate.

This kind of detonator is simple and easy to use, and has strong anti-interference. Even in a strong electromagnetic environment, the wireless detonator can also detonate explosives. Absolutely cutting-edge military detonators are not comparable to those dIy detonators.

At the moment when the detonator was pressed, the position of all the rivets of the gate was immediately sealed by ice, and soon the entire gate was covered with heavy frost. Even everyone in the gate could instantly feel the transmission from the gate position. The strong chill came.

It was just a blink of an eye. On the door inside the safe house. The effect of freezing also began to appear, where the alloy door was connected to the wall. All naturally shrank under the extreme ice.

When the people inside hadn't figured out what was going on, a strong explosion suddenly sounded, and the consciousness of everyone inside. It was blank for an instant, and the huge shock brought great pressure and pain to everyone's body.

The alloy gate after the edge material shrinks, under a huge explosion. The entire gate was shot directly into the safe house.

Everyone behind the gate, under the huge impact of the explosion, drove the powerful impact of the gate, and the four guards were instantly killed by the gate that was blown by the explosion. Other personnel behind were not spared either.

The heavy alloy gate did not break under the powerful force of the explosion, but the gate, like a cannonball, flew directly to the wall directly opposite the safe house gate, leaving a blood path. At least a dozen people died directly. Under this gate.

I am afraid that all those who died unclearly would not have expected that death would come so suddenly.

I didn't expect that the door of the safe house, which was known as safe, would be exploded.

The brains of other people who did not die directly under the power of the huge explosion almost all crashed.

When Boris and others entered here, everyone in the safe house fell to the ground.

After confirming that everyone was here, there was a gunshot. In the end, Abdul cut off Mansour’s head. He said that he would go back to see Houthi with his head, and if he said it, he would naturally want to Done.

"Destroy all the monitoring data inside, take away all the important documents, and evacuate in three minutes." Boris checked the time and said decisively.

Three minutes later, everyone left this time. During the whole process, the Saudi military and police did not show up. It was not until five minutes later that a team of security forces came here to check the situation. As a result...

In fact, the Saudi security forces did not slow down, and within half an hour they rushed to the Yemeni embassy.

After all, people are needed everywhere in Riyadh, and if it weren't for Mansour, they would not have come here to check the situation.

And if it weren't for traffic jams on the road, there are vehicles and pedestrians everywhere on the road, they can still arrive earlier.

But late is late, and even if they arrive in time, there are only a dozen people, and they have no ability to change anything.

King Salman of Saudi Arabia, who was far away in Turkey, was boarding a special plane to return to Riyadh. His expression became even more gloomy when he received the news.

The death of Mansour was another heavy blow to Salman. The most important thing was that the Yemeni government in exile who fled to Saudi Arabia was almost annihilated.

There are still a few high-level Yemeni governments operating in other countries. They are not useful at all, and they are no longer a weapon for Saudi Arabia to control Yemen.

However, for King Salman now, these are secondary, because his homeland has all been destroyed by missiles.

When he left the hotel and came to the airport, he called directly, filled with only anger and hatred, and what he wanted most now was to destroy the entire Houthi armed forces.

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a large number of members of the royal family were all killed by missiles. The palace where the successive kings of the Kingdom lived was also razed.

In other words, anyone who hasn't been **** off by the news is already in a good state of mind.

What made him most angry was that Saudi Arabia's originally powerful military, at this moment, he had no soldiers to use.

All airfields were destroyed, a large number of fighter jets were blown up in the hangar, and the two ace armored divisions of the 6th Army became cannon fodder under the missiles, and the combat effectiveness was not even one-tenth of the original.

Originally, at the moment when he heard the missile attack on the kingdom, Salman thought of resolute revenge for the first time, but now Saudi Arabia does not even have the ability to retaliate. Instead, he has to worry about whether the Houthis will take the opportunity to invade Saudi Arabia. .

This made Salman, who has always regarded himself as a powerful country, tolerable. The call he gave was not to seek protection from the United States, but to ask the United States to send troops to fight the Houthi armed forces. (To be continued.)

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