The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 913: End the oil war

ps: I am extremely grateful to the book friend "Eternal 11", the starting point of 50,000 coins has become popular, and he has made great achievements in this chapter.

The content of the next chapter cannot be modified. The body content is combined with Chapter 915, just read Chapter 915 directly!


The oil issue is the issue that Americans are most concerned about. Forty percent of the world's crude oil comes from the Persian Gulf, and Saudi Arabia accounts for 38 percent of the global crude oil market.

If Saudi Arabia is unable to provide enough crude oil to the world, there will be only one result, because crude oil in the global crude oil market has shrunk, and the world's oil prices will rise wildly.

In other words, the United States and Saudi Arabia’s oil war against Russia has not yet produced a single result, because the Saudi oil industry has been completely destroyed, resulting in the loss of a large supply of Saudi crude oil and directly bringing Russia back to life.

As soon as the result of this analysis appeared, there was nothing but bitterness, because he led the oil war, but he did not expect such a situation.

At this moment, his heart collapsed, and he almost slapped Saudi Arabia up and down.

The United States has always hoped that Saudi Arabia will buy more air defense missile systems, but Saudi Arabia prefers those weapons and equipment that take the initiative to attack, and the state of defensive combat readiness is even worse.

Otherwise, there will be no disaster today, and all this can only be said that Saudi Arabia is in the wrong.

For the disastrous consequences, the United States will have to bear a lot of losses. The oil war against Russia can only be aborted.

Because it is impossible to take out one-third of the supply share of the global crude oil market. In the next period of time, global oil prices will probably quickly climb to a price of one hundred dollars a barrel.

From the US domestic economy. This oil price is of great benefit to the domestic situation in the United States.

In this way, the huge domestic shale oil industry in the United States will be reborn and guaranteed. The bonds associated with shale oil will get rid of the status of junk bonds and will become more valuable.

The huge leveraged financial risks in the US economy. Will be relieved immediately.

However, the United States does not want to see such a situation emerge. Although the shale oil industry has brought nearly 10 million jobs, it is the current state of the United States. Is able to persevere.

On the other hand, Russia has reached the brink of running out of oil and lamps. All you need to do is to work harder and Russia's economy will be over.

The oil war that has lasted for several years, the result that Americans most hope to see is about to emerge. Then because of a little Houthi armed. A guerrilla that no one looks down upon has completely changed the global economic structure.

This is probably something that everyone in the world could not predict.

Although the United States also hates the Houthi forces very much, the United States hates Saudi Arabia even more for its incompetence and the force that provides advanced missiles to the Houthis.

And the real culprit is naturally this mysterious force. If there is no such mysterious force group to provide weapons to the Houthis, there would be so many incidents.

Everything will develop fairly peacefully. Nor will there be anything beyond the control of the United States.

But now it's too late to say anything, things have already appeared. What can be done is to convene all the teams to discuss what should be done next. A large number of program evaluations have been sent to a large number of think tank companies in the United States.

In fact, in this matter, the United States has basically determined that this is what Putin and Beijing did, because the world has the most such ability and means, and only Russia is.

But even if there is evidence, is the United States going to use force against Russia? That possibility is almost zero.

But if Putin and Beijing really did it, then Putin and Beijing would be too cruel and very clever.

Not only could the outside world find no evidence, but it also gave the United States a ruthless trick to draw salaries from the bottom of the pan, and at the same time gave Saudi Arabia an extremely powerful killer stick.

And Cai Ruichen, who directed all this, has left the base and came to the top of the Future Technology Group.

The eastern morning sun slowly rose, but to the south, there was a thick smoke billowing. At the place where the sky and the earth meet, the thick smoke covered the entire sky.

The speed of the dense smoke gathering is very fast, in just ten minutes, the thickness becomes visible to the naked eye, and it is still spreading.

The dense smoke naturally comes from the burning oil wells in Saudi Arabia. Almost every oil well is burning. The dense smoke has quickly covered the entire Saudi Arabia, and even spread directly to the Persian Gulf and neighboring countries.

If it continues to burn, it will soon spread to Iraq. At that time, the entire Persian Gulf and Gulf of Aden, as well as the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, will be covered by thick smoke.

And this kind of dense smoke brings not rainwater, but oil, and a lot of water sources will be polluted by that time.

If the situation is not controlled, it will be a huge disaster, but Cai Ruichen is also well prepared for this.

But to be honest, Cai Ruichen did not expect that the actual situation would be so bad.

When making this plan, he did not simulate in the virtual world, so obviously, he still miscalculated in some places.

However, it is useless to consider these now.

The dense smoke in the distance is full of black smoke from the burning of oil. There is a large amount of oil in these smoke. When the density of the dense smoke reaches a certain level, it will be like a cumulonimbus cloud, which will rain heavily.

It's just that what's in the black smoke is not rain, but oil, and it's not water droplets that fall, but oil and water.

While Cai Ruichen was in a daze looking at the thick smoke in the distance, Xu Jie came to him and said: "The Houthi armed forces officially issued a statement, acknowledging that the military action against Saudi Arabia was led by them. The purpose is to Saudi Arabia’s response to the dispatch of troops to Yemen..."

When Xu Jie reported the situation to Cai the statement issued by the Houthi armed forces quickly spread all over the world.

Combining the news on the news, everyone knew that Saudi Arabia was countered by Yemen.

The two countries that have entered a state of war are fighting back and forth. In this era of strong offense and weak defense, there is no reason to say that the weak must defend themselves.

The rabbit was anxious and bit people. In the face of the Saudi military attack, the Houthi armed forces counterattacked. That is simply normal.

After all, no one can say that only allowing Saudi fighters to enter Yemen’s airspace every day to bomb Yemenis indiscriminately will not allow Yemen’s troops to attack Saudi territory.

It's just that a powerful military force and absolute superiority in a certain field often overlook many things that can't be normal.

When everyone looked back at the whole incident, they discovered that although the Houthi armed forces cannot represent all Yemeni citizens, they are also armed in Yemen. They are not extremist organizations, just because their political concepts are different from those of Saudi Arabia. (To be continued.)

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