The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 922: The king of land warfare-apocalypse

readx; Apocalyptic Tank:

The main battle weapon unit of the Red Police Corps. The construction price is 500,000 base funds, and the construction time is 24 hours.

Description: The super defensive ability is proportional to the extremely strong firepower. The total combat weight of up to 85 tons makes it invincible. The 120 mm double-mounted high-pressure smoothbore gun can penetrate 1,200 mm homogeneously. The armored, 2100-horsepower gas turbocharged engine allows him to reach a speed of 85 kilometers per hour on flat ground and 65 kilometers per hour off-road. Launching extended-range projectiles with a range of 10-12 kilometers in a non-direct fire mode, reducing dependence on the air force and artillery. Its powerful protection capabilities can make any tank main gun and anti-tank missile completely obsolete in the world. Vehicle-mounted phased array radar and anti-aircraft missiles can make Apocalypse tanks no longer afraid of armed helicopter attacks.

Secondary weapons: two six-unit miniature short-range air defense missiles, one high-level dual-purpose double-barreled 12.7 mm automatic machine gun, one 7.6 mm coaxial machine gun, two smoke bomb launchers, and an active laser protection system.

Armament protection system: a comprehensive vehicle group system composed of sight and sight, fire control, weapons, power, communication, protection and vehicle management, integrated battlefield data link, real-time information automatic comparison database, human eye safety laser rangefinder, gps receiver, Forward-looking infrared detector, auxiliary power unit control system (assisted acceleration), vehicle integrated defense system (control secondary weapons), active protection millimeter wave radar, unmanned stealth turret, artillery drone system, auxiliary viewing system, laser Proximity indicator, armored side skirts...

Special note: The Apocalypse tank adopts an unmanned turret mode, a two-person commander and deputy command structure. It is located in the cab at the front of the tank body and has two independent control terminals. Even one person can use this tank for combat.

Upgrade description: The Apocalypse tank cannot be upgraded, and the advanced permission will open the upgraded version of the Apocalypse Tank-Phantom Apocalypse. The super authority will open the ultimate version of Apocalypse-Phantom Electromagnetic Apocalypse.


The Apocalypse tank is definitely the pride of the Red Police Corps army. At this stage, there is no one.

Strong protection and attack power. Created this incomparable war behemoth, any weapon and equipment that the huge body appeared in the shooting range.

All Saudi staff and Salman, after seeing the main battle tank rushing from a distance, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"God is here. What is this?"

This is the voice of almost every Saudi, and it can be regarded as a well-informed Saudi, who is really scared.

In their eyes, the rhinoceros main battle tank, which was originally quite large, was a child in front of the behemoth rushing over from far away.

The total combat weight of more than 80 tons is extremely clean and tidy. The most important thing is the two long gun barrels on the turret. It looked like a beast of war.

The entire shooting range was full of the roar of this giant beast. As it passed, the dust in the sky rolled up violently toward everyone present.

Cai Ruichen’s voice sounded again at the right time: “This main battle tank is the latest main battle tank developed by the group. It has a combat weight of 85 tons and a horsepower of 2,100 horsepower. It is an unrivaled existence."

Eighty-five tons of combat weight, such crazy data. It scared many Saudis directly.

There is no such heavy active main battle tank in the world, because the weight of 85 tons has exceeded the bridge and transportation restrictions of many countries in the world.

There are not many places in the world where this tank can be used smoothly, in the Far East and islands. It's just useless.

But such tanks are most suitable for use in urban combat and the Middle East and Africa.

The wide tracks and heavy gears are clearly intended to be used in desert terrain, and the whole body is smooth and incomparable, without the obvious edges and corners. Obviously invisible features.

Under the eyes of everyone, on a flat shooting range, a tank rushing at a speed of nearly 80 kilometers per hour was about to hit the two tanks parked in front of the observation room. When a sudden slam brake, everyone It can be seen that the entire tank only slid less than two meters away, and the large man weighing 85 tons instantly came to a standstill.

The two long tank main guns almost slammed into the Rhino tank in front. It can be seen that the driver inside has a very good grasp of the scale of the brakes.

This brake also reflects the superior maneuverability of this tank. At least a mixed tank can't dare to be so messy. After all, the emergency brake is a tank weighing tens of tons.

"In this era when there is a surplus of firepower, two tank main guns, isn't this a waste of tank tonnage and space?"

Although the appearance of the weather tank was very shocking, a person behind Salman couldn't help but speak out.

Cai Ruichen heard this and didn't say anything. The Apocalypse tank is in this shape. He also wants a single-barrel Apocalypse tank, but the base does not have it...

However, the dual-barrel Apocalypse tank is not weak at all, and it does not affect all the tank's data and performance.

In terms of ammunition load, the huge tonnage of the Apocalypse tank is all reflected in force.

At the moment the driver of the Apocalypse tank is parking the Apocalypse tank side by side beside the Rhino tank.

The Rhino Tank, which was originally a circle larger than the Grizzly Tank, became smaller after the Apocalypse Tank came around. The Grizzly Tank couldn't be compared with the Apocalyptic Tank.

The huge body is nearly 15 meters in length. This alone is nearly 50% longer than the inside of the Rhino Tank, but the height of the body is a little lower than that of the Rhino Tank.

The width is also 30% larger than the width of the rhino tank, and all the external parts of the rhino tank are not visible on it, and all the sensors are built into the armor.

The most noticeable thing is that the wide and very long turret of the Apocalypse tank, the flat rectangular turret, almost all the engine vents behind the tank are blocked.

On the top of the double-mounted barrel, there is a prismatic triangular structure that wraps the barrel, so the two barrels look completely pentagonal.

The round barrel is wrapped in a pentagon, and the triangle on the barrel is long and protruding, and there is a gap in the center. Obviously, there is a universe inside. (To be continued.)

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