The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 933: Top rich party

Brazilian President Rousseff also personally met Cai Ruichen, and the two also had various cooperation discussions. E little?? said???

Cai Ruichen also spent three days in Brazil. In addition to the talks with Rousseff on the first day, he spent two days in Brazil. He traveled all over Brazil’s important attractions and watched domestic football matches in Brazil. .

Three days later, after Mirae Technology Group and the Brazilian government successfully signed a multi-faceted cooperation, Cai Ruichen left Brazil.

The next stop is Mexico, but in Mexico, Cai Ruichen only stayed for one day and then went to the United States.

Compared with the warm hospitality of the other three countries, Cai Ruichen entered the United States relatively calmer.

Of course, this calm does not mean that no one came to welcome him at the airport, but that the US government did not show the same degree of enthusiasm as Venezuela and Brazil.

However, many consortiums in the United States that cooperate with Future Technology Group are very enthusiastic about Cai Ruichen's arrival.

On the day he arrived in New York, Cai Ruichen didn't even have any free time. As soon as he arrived, he received a dozen invitations, all of which were invitations from major consortia in the United States.

For this kind of enthusiasm that cannot be rejected, it is impossible for Cai Ruichen to go to the banquet with his family.

He can only invite all his consortiums to the future hotel in New York City.

The Future Hotel already has branches in all major cities around the world.

Under normal circumstances, all hotels are open to the outside world. However, the focus of the future hotel is to entertain the partners of the Future Technology Group in the world and the personnel of the Future Technology Group on business trips.

No matter where it is built, the future hotels are all five-star standards, but they have not reached the level of seven-star hotels in the future technology headquarters.

However, compared to all five-star hotels, whether it is hardware facilities or service standards, all five-star hotels exist.

The future hotel of New York. It has been in business for more than a year. The luxurious rooms and meticulous service have made the hotel reputation in the future. It has always been far from other hotels.

However, in terms of price, the future hotels will not be cheap, and it will definitely be a pain for ordinary people to consume.

The biggest feature of the future hotel. It is a variety of high-level and automated services and application systems that integrate a large number of high-tech technologies of the Future Technology Group.

This is also one of the biggest selling points for future hotels to attract customers.

Only today, the Future Hotel in New York announced that it would stop operating, and since yesterday, the hotel has stopped serving guests.

Cai Ruichen's arrival was naturally to stay in the future hotel. On that day, a grand reception was held in the VIP reception hall of the future hotel.

Outside the future hotel, a large number of hotel security and security personnel. Every corner of the hotel is also tightly protected.

Only those big consortium bosses who have received invitations are allowed to enter the hotel.

And this cocktail party also attracted a large number of billionaires in the United States.

Even many business owners who were originally overseas, after receiving invitations, put aside everything they had on hand and returned to New York as soon as possible.

Many consortium bosses who were not in New York also rushed to New York as soon as possible.

That afternoon, all those who were invited. Arrived in the hotel one after another.

Outside the hotel, a large number of reporters almost occupied the street outside the hotel, and there were many curious people watching around.

The New York police had to send a large number of police forces to come to maintain law and order.

The arrival of every convoy. There will be countless flashes of reporters, and even a large number of reports have appeared in the American media.

"America's Top Richest Gathering in Future Hotels"

"The Attraction of Cai Ruichen-Countless Billionaires Gathering"

"Future Hotel-The World's Top Rich Circle"


In fact, almost all the top wealthy Americans have received invitations from Cai Ruichen, as well as those scholars who have achieved certain achievements in the scientific field. Also in the ranks of invitations.

The cocktail party held on the same day, the invitation on the same day, if you change to another party to hold such a cocktail party, I am afraid that few people will be there.

But after seeing Cai Ruichen's invitation, almost all of them revised the itinerary and came to New York.

The strong influence of Future Technology Group is one thing, and there is another main reason. This is the first time that Cai Ruichen has invited so many people to his private party.

And every rich man who saw the guest list, even if there was no reason for Cai Ruichen, would not miss such a high-end party.

Similarly, the person who can be invited by Cai Ruichen is an identity recognition in itself, and communication is even more indispensable in such a high-end circle.

Everyone who was invited was almost all dressed up, and all of them were required to bring their female companions, because this was Cai Ruichen's first private reception.

There are more than 60 people invited in the entire United States, and the protagonist of this private party is worried at the moment!

This time Cai Ruichen came out, and there were not many people with him. Natasha, Tan Ya, and Yuriko were all left in the base by Cai Ruichen.

The only people who followed him were three bodyguards and Boris, and three members of the guard.

As Cai Ruichen's secretary, Qianhe naturally followed him, and the other was Hua Meixue.

This time, the itinerary was just to return to China. Hua Meixue agreed to the accidental invitation. Cai Ruichen has always said one thing is true, and it is naturally impossible to leave Hua Meixue.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen is worrying about who he should take to the banquet.

Originally, according to his idea as his secretary, Qianzuru was naturally the best choice.

But Qianhe didn't like this kind of occasion very much, but if Hua Meixue were invited, the situation would be completely different.

After all, Hua Meixue was not the person around him. Once he went out with him, the information reflected was completely different.

Qianzuru is his secretary, participating in work banquets, even if outsiders have ideas, they can be said to be work needs.

But today is a private party, Qianhe has decisively gone to the room to rest. If he brings Hua Meixue, it is equivalent to acknowledging the relationship between Hua Meixue and him.

The invitations all asked to bring female companions. Cai Ruichen originally planned to let Qianhe accompany him. Qianhe didn't want to, so he became passive.

Originally, I just wanted a lighter private party. At this moment, Cai Ruichen couldn't relax at all.

The most important thing is that he can't go out alone, it would be too rude, because there will be a heavyweight guest. (To be continued.)

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