The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 951: Syria is back

In Syria, the war that had lasted for several years finally subsided, but only a few months later, the war gradually reappeared on this suffering land. ????????

War has never been a pleasant thing, and the sins created by careerists are ultimately imposed on innocent people.

Several years of civil wars have caused millions of people to suffer disasters. There are countless people who died directly because of the deaths, and hundreds of thousands of people were directly involved in the war.

When the war subsided, it was also the time when the Syrians should recuperate and rebuild their homes destroyed by the war. With international humanitarian assistance, it should have been the time for Syria to heal the wounds of the war, but because the warlords in Syria have always Unable to reach consensus.

Under the intervention of various countries, the federal system that it wants to implement has not made good progress.

The quelled wars did not achieve a peaceful result for a long time, and the conflicts were not really quelled because of the empty text of a truce agreement. This time it was a chaotic conflict between various warlords.

In the past, all warlords, with the support and intervention of various countries, knew about fighting with government forces, but now, it is more like a melee between warlords.

The various opposition parties used to aim for the other Bashar, because Bashar at that time was the common goal of all people. If they want to gain benefits, they must overthrow Bashar’s Assad regime.

But the situation is different now. If you want to promote the federal government, the opposition forces all want to get benefits. The so-called alliance that unites against the government forces does not exist.

Under the interests, everyone is the enemy. In the negotiation, most of the conflicts of interests have become impatient.

It is impossible for a small Syria to accommodate hundreds of so-called political parties with different philosophies. What's more, these so-called political parties are all tribal armed forces with famous divisions.

There are conflicts between the tribes. At the same time, the benefits are fixed and not enough to be distributed to so many people.

If you want to get benefits, it can only be that there are fewer people who give in. If people with strength want to get benefits, they can only grab the benefits of others.

The interests of the current Syrian regime are like a small cake, but there are hundreds of people standing next to the ammunition. I want to take a bite of this cake, but the small cake can't be full for two people.

These people are all hungry. What can be done?

There are so many cakes, which is a rigid indicator, and there are too many people sharing cakes. The only way is to let those who covet this cake. All die.

In fact. Everyone who covets the cake has the idea of ​​monopolizing the cake. After all, no matter what, this little cake will be even less divided.

It's just such an idea, but someone dare not expose it. Even Bashar, who once owned this cake 100%, can only show his intention to divide the cake.

As a result, those who are weak, took the lead. These people are already far away from the cake. Only by getting rid of the people in front can they get closer to the cake.

Coupled with the original inability to deal with it, conflicts are naturally inevitable.

This is almost the situation in Syria at this moment. The smiles of the Syrians as the war subsided has not been maintained for a year, and there are frequent conflicts everywhere in Syria.

Although the current conflicts like this have not been guided to amplify, the various small-scale conflicts and battles have begun to intensify every day.

Especially in Kurdish gathering areas, Kurds are the four major races in the Middle East. Although Kurds have always wanted to establish a nation, in fact, Kurds are the least united.

It’s a good relationship to keep a group and keep warm, but once life is good and you are holding power, then no one is convinced. Everyone wants to be the boss, and conflicts are inevitable.

Originally, with the support of the United States, the Kurds in Syria were quite strong, and their armed forces were not small enough to fight the Syrian government forces.

If Syria really completes the structure of the federal government, then the Kurds will definitely be able to share a large part of their rights and become the next highly autonomous state within the Syrian Federation. There is no problem at all.

But here is the problem. As soon as the situation in Syria is clear, the formation of a federal government has begun. The Kurds who control the entire northern Syrian region naturally need a leader.

There are always a few of the millions of Kurds who take the lead. As a result, all these leaders are not convinced.

When discussing how to form a federal government with Bashar and the scattered parties in the three northern provinces, he took the lead in breaking out contradictions.

At present, the number of armed conflicts is the highest in Kurdish gathering areas every day.

Amy Zhede (guest guest of book friend), a Kurd in Syria, controls nearly half of the Kurdish armed forces, and has a large number of relatives and friends to help him maintain his position as an armed leader.

He is also the most likely candidate for the Syrian Kurds to become the leader of the Kurdish people. Opposite him, there are two armed leaders who also hold a large number of armed personnel and are recognized by many Kurdish tribes.

In the Kurdish region of Syria, these three people control most of the armed forces. When Syria is full of war, the three people naturally hug together when facing the Syrian government forces.

But now, there is no conflict with the government forces. Instead, all three are ambitious and want to be the only leader.

At this moment, the interior suddenly became calm. Although there were no large-scale armed contests, there were no less small-scale conflicts and sneak attacks

Had it not been for these three people to be more restrained, I am afraid that the Kurdish region would have been completely chaotic.

And these three armed leaders often sit together and negotiate. After all, they all understand that the Kurdish region cannot be chaotic.

But every negotiation ended with a bigger disagreement. After all, everyone wanted to be the boss, and everyone refused to admit defeat.

Amy Zhede is confident that he has the most power in his control, and always wants to become the boss. This makes the other two, all very unconvinced, and can only unite and deal with Amy Zhede together.

The same is true today. The three negotiated in the Tartus government hall and once again broke up unhappy.

Amy Zhede was naturally very upset. Facing the union of the other two people, he still failed to achieve the goal he wanted. Under the protection of bodyguards, he walked out of the government building with a gloomy face.

A sharp "bang" gunshot sounded outside the government building, and Emized, who had just walked out of the government building, had his entire head cut off and received the boxed lunch. (To be continued.)

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