The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 998: , Broken once looked up!

After Manchester United scored this golden goal, the Prince Park Stadium cheered!

It wasn't loud, but it was trembling enough.

There were only a few thousand Manchester United fans at the game, and they were under the pressure of the Paris fans. But when they saw their team's goals, thousands of people even made tens of thousands of cheers!

Fatty Rodney yelled, "Cook! I'm saying this is our feng shui treasure. This game will definitely beat them again! I'm right!"

Cook is also extremely excited, waving the Manchester United scarf with the Manchester United fans around him, singing and jumping excitedly.

At this time next to the visiting coach, the Manchester United coaching staff was also extremely excited.

At this point, De Brouner rushed to the sidelines and hugged Kintag: "Boss! We will definitely make Paris cry out of this game!"

Unlike Manchester United's excited celebration, Emery waved his fist fiercely at the coach of the home team.

What an unfortunate thing to throw this ball! Obviously he had prevented Levan, but De Bruyne actually took the **** and scored a goal.

Emery looked at the time, and about five minutes before the end of the game, he shouted at the players on the field: "It's just a ball, don't take it too seriously! This is our home field, we can definitely win! "

After re-opening the ball, Paris reorganized and continued to launch a crazy attack.

Rabio controlled the ball on the left steadily, keeping the ball firmly under his feet under the defense of Cross and De Blaunet. When all the teammates were in place, Rabio suddenly passed the ball to the side. After Di Maria received the ball, he wiped out Kimisch and cut directly into the penalty area!

At this time Manchester United's restricted area portal opened!

Van Dijk stared at Cavani, but he couldn't let Di Maria advance again, so he could only move closer to Di Maria and not allow him a chance to hit the door directly.

Coulibaly also quickly returned to defense and ran to Cavani.

Just in this gap, Di Maria suddenly passed an inverted triangle to Verati in front of the restricted area!

"Paris' continuous cooperation has opened up Manchester United's defense! Di Maria and Cavani attracted the attention of two Manchester United central defenders! Passed to Verati in front of the penalty area!"

"Verati volleyed a long shot! De Gea couldn't reach it ... and there was still a chance! Alonso extended his foot in the back post to block the ball and prevent it from entering the net!"

"De Gea quickly got up and kicked the ball out with a big foot! The ball went straight to the left half of Paris!"

"Salah stepped forward at high speed and received the ball! Alves has just inserted near the penalty area of ​​Manchester United and he can't go back!"

"Sarah has a large open area before him, and he can handle the ball with ease!"

"At this time Levan was waiting for a pass in the penalty area. Silva couldn't leave him!"

"Maniye went out and he defended Salah! Maniye's position was very good, both blocking Salah's dribble route and making Salah unable to pass easily to Levan in the penalty area. ! "

"What choice will Salah make?"

"Salah passed the ball! The ball came to the back! It was Mbappe! He kept on the ball and hit the ball! The goal came in !!!"

"In the 44th minute of the game, Manchester United once again expanded the lead of the score! The first half of the game is about to end, and Paris has conceded another goal, which is really unacceptable!"

"The ball just now is the best manifestation of Manchester United's fast offense. The efficiency of their turn from offense to fast advancement is simply amazing!"

"From the end of the Paris offense, when De Gea kicked off, Manchester United's offense began."

"Salah reached the penalty area on the sideline, and Levan attracted most of the Paris defense's attention. When Salah took the ball forward, Mbappe had quickly moved in the right! He is Kurzava who can't keep up with him! "

"The match between Salah and Mbappé is also just right. Coupled with the attraction of Levan in the middle, Manchester United's goal is simply sharp!"

"2 to 0! Manchester United are two goals ahead!"

This goal made the Manchester United fans watching the game a ecstasy again!

Unexpectedly, less than five minutes before the last goal, their home team expanded the lead of the score!

It's so cool!

Mbappe, who scored the goal, was also very excited. He cheered at the Prince Park Stadium and enjoyed the joy of scoring!

He is from Ligue 1, but has never made an official appearance in the Ligue 1.

He is from Monaco and has never even been to Princes Park, not to mention playing here.

Greater Paris is a team that Mbappe once held high. In the Monaco youth team, many young people are full of excited expectations when they talk about Greater Paris. Even Mbappe also feels that if he can join a big-family team like ~, his life must be at its peak.

But today, when Mbappe was a guest in Paris for the first time, he scored a crucial expansion goal!

The Big Mac once looked up, at this time was broken by his own goal and stepped on his feet!

This feeling is so cool!

Manchester United players surrounded Mbappe excitedly and congratulated the young French genius.

At this time beside the visiting team coach, Jin Taige also applauded and smiled.

This applause was not only given to Mbappe, but also to the Manchester United team.

In just a few minutes, Manchester United's defense was well done. Although Di Maria's breakthrough threat is very great, but Van Dijk's card position, Coulibaly's grab, and Alonso's last kick in the back post were all responsible for Manchester United's successful defense!

In De Gea kicking with a big kick, Salah pushed the ball at high speed until the final Mbappé's goal. This series of cooperation is simple and efficient!

This is the Manchester United I want to see most! Jin Taige was ecstatic.

When the Manchester United players celebrated, the game resumed.

The Paris players were a little lost on the field, and this situation continued until the end of the game.

They really don't understand why they have just made it their own offensive opportunity, but in the end they have achieved the opponent's goal?

Where did we go wrong? Where did it go wrong?

Not only were the Paris players confused, but even Emery off the court for a long time.

This second ball was something he didn't expect. He thought that Veratti's long shot must have been scored just now, but he was not expected to be destroyed by Alonso. What even surprised him was that after more than ten seconds, Manchester United actually converted this counterattack opportunity into a goal?

what on earth is it?

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