The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 1012: I'm not ready to kick!

After the intermission, Liverpool players rushed onto the court aggressively. They looked even more fierce than in the first half. Gintag could close his eyes and guess that Klopp must have encouraged the players during the intermission, so Liverpool players were so aggressive.

In fact, in the first half, Jin Taige did not understand why Liverpool played this game so without a rule?

In theory, Klopp is not such a disorganized coach. Why is he so confused in commanding the team today?

But the moment the first half of the game ended, Jintaige suddenly understood!

It turns out this is the true purpose of Klopp! He didn't plan to play well today!

Kintag was right.

Klopp was not ready to play this game!

This so-called "not good kick" does not mean that Klopp does not want to win. Instead, this game is Klopp's most desired championship.

Prior to this game, Liverpool have lost to Manchester United three times this season. Klopp has to win this game anyway, and it must win regardless of the team's interests or personal appearance.

But wanting to win is one thing, and winning is another. In the previous three games against Manchester United, Klopp felt that he had done his best, and almost all of his tactics had been tested. The defensive counterattack, or the iron barrel, did not prevent Manchester United from winning.

There is no way to win the game, which is really painful.

So before this game, Klopp thought about it for a long time and finally came up with a solution that was not a solution.

Let the team become a huge cuckoo stick, the whole game is not anxious to organize an attack, it is mainly to disrupt and disrupt the rhythm of the Manchester United game!

As long as Manchester United has the ball, they will die! And the action is rougher and desperate. It's best if it offends Manchester United players! We only have one purpose, which is to make Manchester United's offense unbeatable!

This is exactly the master who beat the dead!

Klopp's tactic seems a bit ridiculous. But the game did work.

Throughout the first half, the Liverpool people carried a violent atmosphere, coupled with the noisy atmosphere of Anfield, Manchester United players really fell into it. They put more effort into fighting Liverpool, but their offense lost its rules.

As a result, the two teams eventually caused chaos in the first half-only fouls and yellow cards, no goals and decent offense.

Fortunately, Jin Taige finally saw through all this before the end of the game, and he made careful tactical adjustments in the midfield.

At the beginning of the second half, although the two teams seemed to be in a chaotic hand-to-hand battle, they were mixed with many different things.

In Manchester United, in addition to fighting in the midfield and back, several frontcourt players have been wandering in Liverpool's defensive neutrals, preparing for the offense.

On the side of Liverpool, they were also arranged by Klopp, and the offensive line led by Mane did not fall into dispute, but instead looked for a sudden chance of counterattack in the frontcourt.

The head coaches of the two teams were unspoken, and they were waiting for an explosion point in this game.

Just one goal is enough! The advantage of one goal is enough to push the other team to the absolute disadvantage!

This point appeared in the 61st minute of the game.

In the midfield fight, Henderson smashed through the defense of Cross and De Braun alone, and he passed the ball directly to the Manchester United penalty area! At this time Mane was plugging in at high speed, he was about to get the ball! If he can get the ball this time, only Van Dyke will be left in front of him.

But at this moment, someone suddenly gave a kick in the position of the penalty area and cut off the direction of the ball!

It's Kanter!

When Cross and Debrauner were fighting with Henderson just now, Kanter didn't step forward, he moved back and kept staring at Mane. However, he did not stay in front of Mane and was ready to sprint.

Because he saw a gap pulled by a Liverpool man on the right side of Van Dyke, if Henderson passes, then there is a good chance that he will pass there.

Even if he guessed wrong, Henderson gave it directly to Mane's feet, and there was also Coulibaly and Kimish defending around Mane, and there was not much threat.

Kanter was betting. He bet what Henderson wanted.

Do you want long shots inside the horse, or explosive power and speed inside the horse?

A few seconds later, Kanter won!

When Kanter stretched the ball to break the ball, in addition to Mane, other Liverpool teammates also sprinted forward, hitting a counterattack across the line.

The moment the ball was broken, the Liverpool people seemed to be pinching their necks, and they were out of breath all at once, creating a dilemma.

At this moment, Manchester United started!

When Salah on the left side suddenly started ~ ~ Kanter's pass was also in place. He made a long pass and directly found Salah on the left side of the penalty area. Salah did not stop very well, but he took the ball forward, but suddenly passed Arnold.

"It's a good shot! Salah's stoppage is amazing, and it is indeed a seven-times team attacking a trident player!"

Morris shouted.

Raman also had to admire: "Manchester United's offensive and defensive conversion is really good. In the past, it was Cross or De Brauner who shouldered the responsibility of the team's pivot, but I didn't expect Kanter to steal the ball and then pass. All of these actions were done in one go, and Manchester United's offense was instantly hit. Now every Manchester United player is an all-around player. "

But Salah didn't think so at this time.

If it was just a cross from Cross or De Braun, I can definitely stop it steadily, but Kanter's long-distance pass is still a bit worse. If it wasn't for my alertness, I took a step forward, which is not necessary. No direct out of bounds ...

After this game is over, I must recommend Kanter to practice his long pass. The pass just passed is unreliable!

No one knew what Salah thought, but at this time Manchester United's quick counterattack had already come out.

Four Liverpool defenders desperately chase back, defending Manchester United's three strikers.

At this time after three forwards, De Braun also started long ago, approaching Liverpool's defence.

A 4 to 4 situation was formed in front of Liverpool's penalty area!

At this time both Griezmann and Mbappe chose a good position, he was waiting for Salah's pass. At this time Arnold was just passed away, Lovren hurriedly approached Salah, blocking his passing line.

But Salah had no plans to pass this time!

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