The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 1019: I really want to give him a punch!

When Wolf couldn't find a black spot in Manchester United's record, he set his sights on Manchester United's players, but he searched for months without finding any related issues.

What's hackable for Manchester United players?

The best coach of 2017 is Gintag, the Golden Globe and the best striker are Griezmann, the best midfielder is De Braun, the best defender is Van Dyck, and the best goalkeeper is German Gehia's Puskas Award is Levan's. Even the best team Manchester United has six seats.

Oh by the way, I almost forgot one, and the Golden Boy Award was also Kimish.

Manchester United in 2017 has almost all the team and personal achievements of international football!

In this situation of Manchester United, how is Wolf black?

The Sun, which makes a living from lace news and rumors, has studied all the editors of Black Manchester United and worked hard to write a plan.

Write what? Writing Manchester United results is too good, so that other Premier League teams can not stand up?

Is this in Black Manchester United or Kwaman United?

Otherwise, write the Manchester United dominate FIFA awards ceremony and speak well on the stage? Otherwise, make up a few words?

However, the situation at the time was everyone's eyes, and the editor couldn't edit it.

After thinking about it for a long time, I figured out a lot of solutions, but eventually I didn't find a suitable black spot.

Regardless, while Wolf was at a loss, Liverpool media saved him. It should not be said that Fekir saved him.

When he saw Fekir's injury last night, he had some consideration, but he was not sure whether it was a foul or a fake fall, and he was not easy to make a judgment.

But the next morning, when he saw Liverpool media's overwhelming accusations of Fekir, Wolfe straightened up!

In just one hour, he wrote an article attacking Fakir in a swift breath, occupying two pages of the Sun!

And once the "Sun" report was issued, it was the climax in England!

From two in the afternoon, Wolff took many news media reporters to block the door of Manchester United's office building and asked relevant staff of Manchester United to come out and tell them a reasonable statement.

At this moment there were two people responding at the door, one was a Manchester United press conference official and the other was Ferran.

In the face of this kind of public relations incident, the press conference officials' answers are leak-free, and they don't talk about topics related to this matter at all, avoiding the important issues and bypassing all core issues.

But journalists don't buy it, they want to hear more powerful news. So they pointed the microphone at Ferran. After all, he was the party and he was there at the game, so the reporters hope Ferran can explain a few words.

"Coach Ferran, please tell us what you thought about yesterday's game!"

"Coach Ferran, was Fekir injured at the time? Through our technical analysis, we found that Fekir was only slightly bumped. There must be no major problems. What do you think of this?"

"Did Fekir fall yesterday? Is that his personal behavior or the club's arrangement?"

Don't take care of Feren usually, but when it comes to events like this kind of interview, he seems awkward. Hearing the press's interrogation, he hurriedly explained: "Feikir was absolutely injured yesterday, and he is still being treated in the hospital. And how could this be an arrangement of the club? Absolutely impossible!"

At this time, Wolf rushed forward and asked: "Oh, I understand you, Fekir's move is not club behavior, it is personal behavior! Guys remember this sentence, this is Manchester United assistant coach Say it yourself! "

Looking at the shameless Wolff, Ferran can't wait to rush to give him a punch!

This guy made a rumor, but he just opened his mouth!

At this time, a reporter asked, "Where did Coach Kintag go? Why didn't he come out and explain yesterday to everyone?"

Ferran hurriedly told everyone: "Coach Tiger has gone to visit Fekir, he is ..."

As soon as he said a few words, Ferran stopped.

If they said that Tiger was in the hospital, would these reporters go to the hospital to harass Fekir? It's totally possible!

Fei Lan kept silent, no matter what reporters asked, Fei Lan no longer explained.

His sister, the more I say, the more handles this group of boys have, just leave it alone!

But then again, why didn't Tiger return? I can't stand it anymore ...

Just as the Manchester United club was in a mess, a Manchester United staff member ran downstairs and Ferran knew him. He was an assistant to Woodward.

The assistant came to the crowd and looked at the reporters with a smile: "Don't worry, I have something to tell you!"

The noisy crowd suddenly calmed down.

The assistant told everyone very kindly: "Mr. Woodward just asked me to let you tell everyone. One hour later, in the Manchester United press conference hall, we will hold a temporary press conference to explain You are concerned about this. What questions do you have,, you can ask them at that time. "

As soon as the reporters heard it, they immediately appeared!

A young journalist shoved his glasses and asked expectantly: "Who is this interview at this press conference?"

The assistant smiled slightly: "It's Manchester United's head coach, Mr. Kingtag!"

This sentence immediately excited all reporters!

Things are getting more and more interesting!

The assistant asked several club staff to guide the work, asked the reporters to wait in the press conference hall, and then prepared fruits and tea for them.

Seeing the Manchester United club so generous, Wolf was also a bit surprised, he did not expect that Manchester United would actually deal with this matter publicly.

OK, then I'll take a look, how exactly do you justify Fakir?

Wolf was walking in front, and he waved his hands, greeting all the reporters to the press conference hall. At this moment, he seemed to be the leader of this group of reporters, and voluntarily went towards their goals.

Seeing the doorway was empty, the assistant turned to leave, ready to reply to Woodward.

Ferran grabbed him: "What the **** is this? Is this the arrangement of the club? Or does Tiger mean it? What if they ask those tricky questions again? Do we have a solution?"

Hearing Ferran's question like a renault, the assistant laughed: "Coach Ferran, please don't worry. This is not Mr. Ed's personal opinion, but Coach Tiger's meaning. He has already done Please be assured of thorough preparations and arrangements. "

With this answer, Ferran calmed down a little, and he was still worried when he watched the reporters go away.

An hour later at the Manchester United press conference hall, can Tiger really handle it?

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