The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 1021: , Head to head!

Jin Taige said this bluntly, but the noisy venue was quiet for a while.

Don't look at everyone just whimpering, it looks like they are going to confess their sins to Manchester United, but when Jin Taige appeared in front of them, these reporters were hesitant, and no one dared to be a leader.

The doctor sitting next to Kintag felt fresh. Although he has seen this scene on TV many times, when he is in it, he feels completely different.

Faced with hundreds of journalists, the doctor felt pressured. This is completely different from his usual face with patients, at least in the operating room, he does not have to worry about patients suddenly sitting up and asking questions.

But now he looks at the reporters at the stage. At any time, these people may throw out a word and put the people on the stage into trouble. If the words are not in place, they will likely suffer immeasurable losses and troubles.

The doctor curiously looked at Jin Taige around him, and saw this man who looked like a spring breeze, a man who respected him and was very polite in the ward. At this time, he was just saying a word when facing the reporters. , The audience suddenly talked!

Although this man still had a slight smile on his face, all the people present at this time were in awe of him, and even when he was sitting beside him, he could feel the slightest chill.

Is this the coercion of the Seven Crowns coach?

The doctor thought wildly, and Jin Taige didn't speak. He scanned the meeting room, waiting for questions.

The scene was quiet for more than ten seconds, and finally someone stood up and confronted Jin Taige.

This man is Wolf.

Just now Jin Taige asked the reporters to send a representative to ask questions. Those Liverpool reporters who were so arrogant before the meeting were at a loss. They looked at Wolfe in unison, and then spoke with their eyes.

Lao Tie, don't we have a good relationship? Aren't you going to report to the FA? Ask your question today on our behalf.

Wolf originally did not intend to be this early bird. After all, this is a contradiction between Manchester United and Liverpool. He does not need to be shot. He just wants to fish in muddy waters.

But now Wolf has been put up by everyone. Just now he vowed to fight Manchester United to the end, and Wolf and Jin Taige have quite some grudges. If you don't stand up at this time, isn't that just admitting to admonition?

So Wolf can only bite his head and become the representative of this group of connoisseurs.

When Gintag saw Wolf standing up, he smiled suddenly: "Mr Wolf, are you planning to make a bet with me this time?"

When Jin Taige said this, the whole venue laughed.

"Gambling God" and "Bad God" are head-to-head again, which is really fun!

Wolf's face flushed, and he stared at reporters around him, feeling very upset.

Where are you from? What am I doing? Let's be good as a group!

But for these reporters here, there are no absolute comrades-in-arms, only absolute news. As long as there are eye-catching news points, even if you laugh at yourself.

After this laughter, Wolf had some meaning to be blessed by misfortune. He was a little nervous just now, but at this moment he was much calmer. He looked at Jin Taige in front of him. At this time, Jin Taige looked at him with a mocking look, which made Wolf feel even worse! He cleared his throat and opened his mouth.

"Coach Tiger, I came to the Manchester United club today. No, we came to the Manchester United club today. I hope you can explain yesterday's game." Wolf said half of it and changed "I" to "We ".

Gintag laughed. He understood Wolf's idea. He pulled all the reporters here to his side and gave him courage. Kintag reached out and gestured please: "What did you need me to explain about yesterday's game?"

Wolf took out a pile of newspapers and raised them one by one to show Kintag.

"Coach Tiger, in the League Cup final yesterday, when Manchester United and Liverpool scored the score, you replaced the French midfielder Fakir, and after Fakir came on the field, he deceived the referee with a fake fall. Liverpool midfielder Milner was sent off. That penalty became the turning point in the game. In the end, Manchester United relied on an unfair penalty and won an unfair championship trophy. We hope you can explain this! "

Hearing Wolf's words, the smile on Gintag's face gradually disappeared. He stared at Wolf and asked with an expressionless expression: "Wolf, I want to ask you a question first, how do you know Fei Is Keel a fall? What judgment do you make? "

Wolfe held up several newspapers in his hand. These are the most recent newspapers from several media in Liverpool this morning. The headlines on the front page are about yesterday's game.

Wolf said: "About the fall of Fekir yesterday, several Liverpool media here made professional judgments ~ ~ This is not our personal guess, but a lot of invitations A check by a kinematics expert. The results of the evaluation showed that Milner ’s physical contact with Fekir was not enough to cause Fekir to react so violently! So we have reason to believe that Fekir's fall to the ground, It was an outright fall! A scam! "

Hearing Wolf's words, Gintag didn't say anything: "Is there anything else to say?"

"Yes! Of course!"

Wolf said more and more excited, he spit the stars flying around, glancing proudly at the other media around him, as if he were the hero of this venue, and continued to talk.

"In addition to technical analysis, in the final stage of the game, Fekir's performance also had problems!"

"He was just kicked by Milner, and he looked very distressed. Within two minutes, he made a lively assist to the edge of the penalty area and volleyed into the net with a wonderful kick! This goal speed, strength, angle Great! What does this look like an injured player can do? "

"Based on the expert's analysis of the foul video, and the performance of Fekir on the court in the last period, we can conclusively say that Fekir's injury was definitely a fake fall! In this way, he helped Manchester United get it. An unfair champion! "

"My words are over, I hope Coach Tiger can explain this! This is not my personal demand, but the requirements of all the media and the majority of English football! Today Manchester United must give everyone an account!"

After Wolf said these words in an indignation, the whole audience's eyes were on Jintaige on the podium.

I'd like to see what kind of reaction will Jintaige, FIFA's best coach of the year and coach of the seven championships!

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