The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 1026: Fortunately, a Manchester United fan

In the next few days, the entire "Feikir accident" ushered in a major reversal.

Since Manchester United held a press conference, all media targeting Manchester United and Fekir have sided and eulogized Fekir. The other side of the matter, the Liverpool Club, also publicly apologized and sent a blessing to Fekir. And those neutral fans are even more fond of Fakir, and the "good guy" Fakir named it.

At the end of the season, the FA really awarded Fekir to the season fair play award, which made Fekir proud for a long time.

After this incident, Kintager specially hosted a banquet and invited Professor Wilt who helped him make the siege that day, and thanked him.

In fact, when King Taige received a call from Woodward that day, he responded immediately. He originally wanted to ask the hospital to issue some medical certificates that could prove Fekir's injury, and use these to stop reporters. Q.

However, Jin Taige did not expect that when he told Professor Wilt, Fekir's attending physician, Professor Wilt actually promised to attend the press conference in person to help the Manchester United club make a clearance. This made Jin Taige overjoyed!

And the final effect was beyond Jin Taige's expectations. He wanted to eliminate the negative effects, but he did not expect to help Fekir gain praise. Of course, Fakir recorded the video temporarily, publicly showing his tolerance for Milner, which became the finishing touch.

In view of Feikeir's slippery performance, Jintaige even considered waiting for Feikeir to retire and let him stay at Manchester United as an assistant coach, devising such a crooked idea ...

The other thing also surprised Jin Taige.

Kintag invited Professor Wilt to eat at his home. In addition to sending a lot of fine Chinese food to that Chinese restaurant, Kintag even cooks himself and makes a few good dishes.

In addition to wanting to thank Wilt this time, Kintag has other plans. After all, Wilt is a famous sports medicine expert in the UK. There are many places where people need help in the future. Exchanging feelings in advance is also an emotional investment.

Thinking of this, Jin Taige smiled bitterly.

I used to be a very cheerful and straightforward person, and rarely considered such interpersonal matters, but I don't know when I became so weighed against the pros and cons?

Maybe from the moment I became Manchester United's coach, I am not completely my own ...

This meal was very enjoyable for Jin Taige and Wilt. Wenna was accompanied by them. In addition to talking about the football field and the medical field, Wilt even gave Jin Taig some other opinions.

During the conversation, Wilt knew for the first time that Kingtag had launched "Devil's Sports", so Wilt had his own opinions on sportswear and other aspects, especially sneakers. He talked about the materials and shapes of them. the opinion of.

Jin Taige and Wen Na's eyes lighted up. Winna immediately found out the pen and paper and wrote down Wilt's opinion.

On the second day, Winna told her company's technical experts about the suggestions put forward by Wilt, and they brought a lot of inspiration to these technical experts, and made targeted modifications to jerseys, sneakers and other sports clothing and equipment. Unexpectedly, it played a very good effect! In the next few years, "Devil's Sports" is making great strides forward with a geometric progression, and has emerged as a new force in the sporting goods company!

Of course, these are the future things. At this time, after hearing Wilt's suggestion, Kintag thanked him.

After drinking a glass of red wine, Wilt said to Mysteriously mysteriously, "Coach Tiger, I want to ask you something."

Jin Taige immediately smiled and said, "Professor, please say."

Wilt smiled slightly: "Although Fekir was injured, this kind of injury is simply not small for a person like us who can see hundreds of cases every day. You have always said that Fekir Seoul ’s injury was caused by Milner, but I think there are some problems. After my inspection, I found that Fekir's injury was not at all injured! Because of my medical experience, the location of the injury and The angles are not right. And I also watched the video of the game at that time. The strength and the collision degree will definitely not cause Fekir to suffer such injuries. "

Jin Taige replied indifferently: "Professor, how do you think Fekir's injury was caused?"

Wilt lowered his glass and said seriously: "I think his leg injury should have been caused by being squeezed or beaten by a heavy object from top to bottom, which caused the injury."

Gintag was silent, and he didn't know how to answer.

He knows better than anyone else that Fekir was injured because of Dierohan ~ ~ But now the outside media has shaped Fekir into a "good man" image. As a head coach, he must defend him.

Seeing that Jintaige stopped talking, Wilt just looked very seriously and suddenly relaxed: "Although I found some problems, this has nothing to do with me. After all, I am not an arbiter, I am only medical It ’s my job to help Fekir recover as quickly as possible. As for the rest, I ’m just talking to you. Rest assured, I wo n’t say these words, otherwise I ’m not Will offer to follow you to the press conference. "

Hearing this, Jin Taige was relieved.

At this time Wilt asked with a smile: "Yes, Tiger, do you know why I offered to take part in that press conference?"

Kintag shook his head.

Wilt pointed to the man United movie on the wall of Kintag's house: "Because our family are Red Devils fans, it's that simple, hahaha."

This was the first time Gintag saw Wilt's open smile, and his heart suddenly warmed a lot.

"Professor, fortunately your Manchester United fans, haha, I respect you again for a glass of wine and thank you for your help!"

With the passage of time, this storm gradually receded, and everyone's eyes turned away from Fekir's injury and gradually returned to the game.

Manchester United won Liverpool and won the League Cup; they also successfully advanced to the semifinals in the FA Cup. In a few days, they will usher in the next game-the second round of the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals. The last game was a comeback in Paris, where they lost at home. Create a miracle and complete a great reversal of the Jedi counterattack!

They are coming this time!

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