The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 1028: Does he look like you?

De Blaunet shot long into the net, cheering at Old Trafford!

After scoring at the start of Neymar, Manchester United fans even had a bad feeling, they were worried that this game would really be overturned by Paris.

In today's international football, in addition to Messi and Ronaldo, Neymar is the only player who can change the result of the game through his personal strength. The goal of his opening stage is enough to prove that he is international The top status of football.

Being able to rip through Manchester United's defence with a single shot, Neymar is definitely qualified to be placed in the top five of the world.

Neymar is the flag of Paris. He worries Manchester United fans; but Manchester United also has superheroes, and they absolutely have the highest level of strength, such as Mr. Golden Ball Griezmann, such as the young genius Mbappe, of course, including Manchester United's Midfielder De Braun.

Just now DeBronne was going to pass the ball, because Salah and Mbappe were running at the same time, the two were in excellent positions, and the Paris defender may not be able to take advantage of one-on-one.

Debrauner discovered the problem, and Kim Pembe found it too. Therefore, Kim Pembe did not dare to grab Debrau easily, he kept a certain distance from the teammates behind him, and wanted a safe back.

But it was this indecisive move that allowed De Blaunet a fleeting opportunity. His decisive volley shot helped the team equalize the score and the two teams returned to the same starting line again.

De Blaunet's goal stabilized the mood of Manchester United fans. They are very happy with this goal. This ball is not only a goal to equalize the score, but also represents the glory of Manchester United at home.

Even if you set a record for the first time, don't even think about making a comeback at Manchester United!

Jin Taige on the sidelines was also very satisfied with the goal. He applauded and smiled, "Since entering 2018, Debrune is really in a super state. If he can continue this state, it is estimated that this year's The Golden Globes are very promising. "

Scholes also nodded: "Yes, De Broun is really in good shape. His attacking midfield is so rare. Being able to penetrate, shoot, and advance can make it impossible for his opponent to defend. "

Gintag looked at Scholes: "Paul, don't you look like you at the peak? Whether you pass or shoot long distance, I can see your shadow from him. If it takes time, he may catch up On your achievements and status. "

Scholes laughed: "I think he is better than me. Although I have good passing and long-range shots, Debronner has surpassed me in the single-handed dribbling. And I have never got it In the fifth place of the Golden Globes, in time, this Belgian kid will probably get the Golden Globes. "

Few people can get Scholes's evaluation. Gintag looked at De Brauner on the court, and he remembered the scene when he first met De Braun.

In the winter morning, the bleak little building, the young man who was downcast, did not expect that a few years later, he would become one of the strongest people in international football. It is really unpredictable.

After scoring the equaliser, Manchester United had two good chances again.

But today the goalposts at Old Trafford helped Paris. In the 34th and 41th minutes of the game, Manchester United hit the goalposts twice with Griezmann and Salah, almost causing a goal. On the sidelines, Jin Taige shook his head helplessly, and was not very lucky today.

On the coach's bench in Paris, Emery was still anxious although they had avoided two goals.

In this game, he played almost the same formation as the previous one. The only change in position was the central defender.

In the previous game, Thiago Silva was sent off with a red card, so he couldn't make it. Emery asked Kim Pembe to replace Silva, hoping that he could shoulder Silva's position. Defensive duties.

It turns out that Kim Pembe is still too young ...

De Blaunet's equalizing goal has a lot to do with Kim Pembei's turnover. His hesitation in front of the penalty zone eventually resulted in the team's conceding.

Emery was pretty sure that if Silva was on the field, he wouldn't consider the issue of the back road at all, but would go directly to grab the Debrune short soldiers!

Consider how to retreat before fighting, how can such a soldier win the battle?

If the luxury offensive line of Paris is their weapon to destroy the city, then the hard wall of Paris is their biggest reliance against the European powers. Today, Silva's absence has left Paris without the thickest piece of brick on the solid wall.

Even if Paris face Manchester United in its heyday, the outcome is not yet known, so today's Paris without Silva, it is more difficult to face Manchester United.

Although they have good luck today, Manchester United's two must-goals have hit the goal post ~ ~, but if they are hit by Manchester United in this way, this game will not only fail, but may also suffer a fiasco.

Looking at the players on the field losing ground, Emery also had no choice.

This is at Old Trafford. Their opponent is the powerful Manchester United. Captain Silva is out. The only miracle that can be expected in this game is Neymar.

In the first half of the game, the injury stoppage time was reached. Under the continuous suppression of Manchester United, Paris finally got a good chance. The creator of this opportunity was Neymar.

In a frontcourt match, Di Maria blew an angle on the left and made a precise cross to find Cavani in the penalty area. Cavani was under van Dyke's mark and both jumped high. Headed to the goal.

In the end, the ball flew over the heads of the two, and no one grabbed the ball.

But unexpectedly, Neymar suddenly plugged in. When fighting with Coulibaly, Neymar took his body as a sharp arrow, threw it out fiercely, and shot in front of the door!

"Cavani still didn't get a chance under Van Dyke's mark! The ball flew backwards!"

"Kulibaly is defending Neymar. The two start at the same time. Neymar is faster!"

"Neymar's shot! De Gea's position is empty! The ball scored ... the ball hit the crossbar!"

"It's a shame this opportunity! Paris missed a good opportunity to retake the score again!"

"In the final stage of the first half, Manchester United hit the goal post twice, and Paris just hit the crossbar again. It seems that today's Old Trafford is not planning to let the two teams score too many goals."

All Parisians are sorry for the missed opportunity, but Neymar, who fell to the ground at this time, felt a pain in his toes ...

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