The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 1041: Stubborn Spurs

Prior to this game, Gintag has anticipated Spurs' counterattack. He believes that Pochettino is definitely not the kind of person who will casually give up. Spurs will definitely take this game seriously.

But Jintaige did not expect that in the first ten minutes of this game, Spurs completely controlled the situation of the game.

From the first minute of the opening game, Tottenham have made every effort to attack Manchester United's half.

Although they just finished a UEFA Cup match in the middle of the week, the main players of Tottenham are still not tired. The offensive combination of captains Harry Kane, Eriksson and Sun Xingyi set off a wave Another wave of offensive.

By their side, Lukas Mora, the new aid to Tottenham during the winter transfer period, also performed very well. He came to Spurs from Paris in January and spent 28.4 million Euros on transfer fees. Since he came to Tottenham, he quickly integrated into Tottenham's tactical play and became a regular rotation player for the frontline trident. In the past Europa League match, he scored twice to help the Heat The thorns successfully advanced to the quarterfinals.

Today, in order to strengthen the team's attack, Pochettino deliberately let Lucas also debut. He and Sun Xingyi are separated. They are the winger of the team, while Kane and Erikson in the middle are Tottenham. Center axis core.

刚刚 As soon as this game started, Sun Xingyi made a breakthrough through a flank and created a killer in the bottom pass.

"Tottenham pass in the midfield, Manchester United players pressed it up, Eriksson suddenly plugged straight, and found Sun Xingyu who had a high speed forward!"

"Sun Xingyi passed Cross, he suddenly cut inside under Alonso's defense!"

"Kulibaly grabs, Alonso also fills in time!"

"Sun Xingyi suddenly changed direction and rushed to the side again! Manchester United's side defense is empty!"

"Culibaly and Alonso did not expect Sun Xingyu to be so sensitive!"

"Sun Xingyu brought the ball near the bottom line, passed it to the center of the penalty area, and found Harry Kane directly!"

"Van Dijk got stuck with his body! He took the lead to push the ball out of the penalty area!"

"This Spurs attack is too threatening! It really made Manchester United fans startled with a cold sweat!"

Seeing this Spurs attack, Jin Taige took a breath and said, "It's too dangerous."

Scholes was also very worried: "So it looks like today's game is not easy to play ..."

A wave of Spurs' offense has just ended, and soon they have another attack.

This is their new winter aid to Lucas, and he also staged a single ride. Although he didn't break Kimihi's defense this time, he still found an opportunity to pass the ball out. However, instead of passing the ball into the penalty area this time, he knocked the ball to the top of the arc.

"Lucas's forward is very sharp! Kimihi blocked the angle of his cross!"

"Lucas knocked the ball back in front of the penalty area, and Eriksson slammed the ball! The ball was heavily sinking and hung dead!

"De Gea struggled to save! He blocked the ball with his fingertips! Manchester United escaped again!"

After Tottenham's repeated attacks, Manchester United's front line is also more active.

"Muba is advancing along the side with the ball. He is in good shape today."

"He wants to cut in on the right side of the penalty area, but is blocked by the defensive player and has no forward angle."

"Mbappe passed forward to the penalty area, Griezmann barely kicked, no strength, the ball was confiscated by Lori."

"Manchester United's attack is up again!"

"This is Salah's left-hand breakthrough, passing two defensive players in succession, kicking off a long shot! The ball rubbed the goal post and missed the goal. It's a pity!"

"The four defenders of Tottenham today are Danny Rose, Wilton Heng, Aldvereld and Trippier. These four players have formed the Spurs' steel defense this season and they have performed very well today. , Did not give Manchester United's offensive players too good a chance. "

"During the opening period, Manchester United and Tottenham have offense and defense. Both teams are bound to win this game!" Morris looked at the situation on the court and asked Raman, "Man, you What do you think of the result of this game? "

Raman thought about it: "Based on the strength of the two teams, Manchester United is absolutely better than Tottenham; but today, depending on the status of the two teams, Manchester United and Tottenham are in good shape. I think this game Spurs It's unlikely to win, but Manchester United wants to win and it's not difficult. "

"Do you mean, will this game be a draw?"


At this time in front of the visiting coach, Pochettino has been nervously standing on the sidelines to direct the game.

Now the game has passed 20 minutes, the score of both sides is still 0-0. Although both teams made several extremely threatening attacks, both sides did a good job of defense, and the goals may be resolved one by one.

Pochettino secretly stabilized his emotions, he thought: If this game can end with a tie ~ ~ is also good. After all, Manchester United's strength is stronger than Tottenham, and it is still away, and the draw is not shameful. Besides, as long as Manchester United is not allowed to win, they will have to continue to win the next round of the league in advance, when the background board will not be Tottenham.

Pochettino continued to watch the situation on the court with a fluke in his heart.

On the home coach, Jin Taige sat safely.

"Actually, Spurs shouldn't fight this way," Jintaige said calmly. "After all, they have just experienced a double match for a week. The main players are overstretched. This game should be properly rotated. And they have not It ’s a big crisis. After all, the top four positions in the league can be said to be very stable. There is no match in this kind of game. It is too real. In the event of a player injury, it is worth the loss. "

Ferrand nodded: "Yeah, we changed the main lineup in the game, so our main players will definitely have better physical strength than them."

Scholes frowned and said, "But watching Tottenham's performance, they are really hard in this game, they are very tenacious."

泰 Jintaige smiled coldly: "Don't worry, they are just at the end of the crossbow. By the second half, Tottenham's main players will definitely run out of energy. At that moment, they will crash."

After saying this, Jin Taige looked at the Spurs players on the court. Sun Xingye just completed another wonderful breakthrough and pass. Kane's shot was blocked by Coulibaly's foot. From the point of view, the Spurs players are not tired yet, but don't worry, the second half will be the most important 45 minutes of absolute victory!

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