The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 1049: , Ex and if

Sitting in the bus to the hotel, Jintaige closed his eyes and thought about a past.

That was in the summer of 2014 and he just coached Manchester United for a season. In the first season, he won the Premier League and the League Cup. Although he stopped in the UEFA Champions League, the young people he has tapped have shown great potential. Kanter, Van Dyke, Icar Di and other young people are beginning to emerge on the European stage, and Manchester United has a promising future.

Before the start of the second season, Gentager cleaned up nine players at once, even including such meritorious officials as Rooney. The departure of a number of forwards such as Nani, Hernandez, Welbeck, and Giggs' retirement, all make Manchester United's forward configuration look a bit stretched in the new season.

In order to deal with this situation, Jintaige bought Lewan and Griezmann to supplement the forward. He also dug up the budding Argentine kid Dibara from Palermo in Serie B, and promised to let him stay in the team for one year, help Palermo to play in Serie A for one year, and help them relegate.

In the summer of 2015, Kingtag sold Icardi and then returned to Dybala, letting Dybala wear the No. 9 jersey, a symbol of the main player.

Although Jintaige was very reluctant to sell Icardi, but in the mind of Jintaige, Dibala still occupied a larger proportion, and Jintaige still valued him more.

However, I did not expect that after only one year at Manchester United, Dibala chose to leave and went to Juventus's arms, which made Jin Taige very difficult to release for a period of time.

The young man, who is very serious about himself, has proposed that he does not adapt to English football and asks to return to Serie A, which makes Jintaige very sad. Fortunately, the return of loaned players Salah and Dembele filled the vacancy of Dybala, otherwise the road to defending the title of seven champions may be more difficult.

In the season following the departure of Dybala, Manchester United and Juventus met in the UEFA Champions League group stage. In the two Champions League group matches, Manchester United double-juvenated Juventus and won heartily. In that season, Dibala won everything except the Champions League.

This time Manchester United is back in Turin, the relationship between the two teams has also deteriorated sharply, Kintag has encountered Dybala again, do not know what will happen?

Gintag looked at the "Turin Sports" in his hand, and the headline on it was Dibara's photo and news. The staff member just said that in this article, Dibala is called the "Messi heir" of Argentina, the new king of Juventus. Gintag looked at the photos of Dybala in a daze, and he kept recollecting the experiences of the two men working together.

If the Argentine kid stays at Manchester United, will he win more?

Dybala ’s technical characteristics are very similar to Glezman's. If he can always be at Manchester United, will Glezman ’s Golden Globes fall on Dybala ’s head?

Seeing that Manchester United is now winning the world and winning the world, will the Argentine kid be so regretful when he is alone at night?

These questions were hidden in his heart by Jin Taige, and he never said to anyone; he believed that Dybala must also have a lot of his own thoughts, deeply buried in the city, and in the Serie A he was looking forward to day and night in.

Jintaige thought, and Ferran, who was sitting behind him, came over and whispered, "Tiger, would you say that Dibala would come to the hotel to see us?"

Gintag didn't answer because he didn't know.

I think that under the hostile situation between the two teams, the Argentine kid should not come ...

When the Manchester United generals came to the hotel, everyone was very satisfied. This hotel has excellent security measures. They even added six professional security guards to protect the safety of Manchester United. Not only that, in the outdoor parking lot below the hotel, there are two security guards in the parking lot, specifically to prevent fans from coming to trouble.

In this way, Manchester United's rest can definitely be guaranteed. After a brief rest in the hotel, the Manchester United team trained indoors in the hotel gym, and then went to Juventus' home stadium, the Allianz Arena, in the afternoon. A year ago, it was also called the "Juventus Arena". In the summer of 2017, the club official signed an agreement with Allianz Group. Juventus' home naming right was given to Allianz, and the stadium will be named Allianz.

The Manchester United staff have already greeted the Juventus Club in advance, and the Juventus club will also open the stadium to Manchester United this afternoon.

Manchester United also visited this stadium last year and is very familiar with it without any strangeness.

But until returning to the hotel, at night, Jin Taige still did not wait for the familiar figure.

At eight in the evening, Kingtag gave the team members an early break, and he took the coaching staff to continue studying the tactics of the second day of competition in the hotel's conference room ~ ~ At this time, Kingtag's mobile phone rang Someone sent a message.

"Boss, I have something today and can't see you anymore. I wish you all the best."

Jin Taige smiled, shook his head, and said nothing.

Scholes looked at Kintag's expression, and he asked, "Is it Paul?"

Jin Taige nodded: "Yes."

Scholes breathed a sigh of relief: "Now we have a tense relationship with Juventus. At this time, he really is not suitable to come over. It is not bad to remember to send a message."

Ferran snorted: "This ungrateful guy! If it wasn't for the year of Manchester United, he could win the Champions League? After only one year with Manchester United, he ran back to Serie A. You still miss him, really Serve you. "

Gintag shook his head: "He is different from everyone else. At least he left with a fair and honest offer to leave, unlike Dembele and Umtiti. At the time, I couldn't promise his main position, his I am also very upset, and it is reasonable to transfer and leave. Ferran, don't blame him. "

Ferran was still in his heart: "Huh, fortunately he left, if he still stays at Manchester United, maybe there is no progress for Salah and Mbappe's shine. Go to his Juventus!"

Jintaige didn't speak, he frowned. Scholes hurriedly pulled Raferan and motioned him to stop saying that Kintag was angry. Ferran stopped talking.

Gintag saw the movement of the two of them. He explained: "I was not angry because of Ferran's words just now, I was thinking about one thing. Now that Dybala has joined Juventus, will he put us in the team? The characteristics are all revealed, telling General Juventus, and then make a tactical arrangement for us? "

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