The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 1057: And then how to kick?

After Juve kicked off again, the referee blew the whistle at the end of the first half just after the two-foot pass.

Originally, there was only one minute of injury stoppage time in the first half. After Salah expanded the score, the time was nearing completion.

了 Ended the first half of the game, Manchester United players walked out of the game happily, Jin Taige hugged the players one by one on the sidelines, very satisfied with the performance of the players.

However, Juventus players were slow, leaving the field very confused and returning to the locker room.

In the locker room, the atmosphere of Juventus players is depressed.

Captain Buffon first reviewed: "Everyone, these two goals are related to me. I am responsible for these two teams."

迪 And Dybala also stood up: "The technical characteristics of the Manchester United players I introduced to you earlier seem to be inconsistent with the actual situation, and I am sorry for that."

At this time Chiellini first said: "Captain, Paul, don't blame yourself. The disadvantages of the first half are responsible to each of us. This idiot should not be carried by both of you."

Higuain also nodded: "We did fall into a passive situation in the first half, and we all have a responsibility."

Matuidi frowned and said, "One thing I don't quite understand. The characteristics of Manchester United players that Paul said exactly matched in the opening stage. In the first 20 minutes, we almost pressed them. But why did they play in The counterattack suddenly changed the technical characteristics? Alonso no longer assisted, De Blaunet stopped advancing; while Cross frequently plugged in, Kimihi also took a risk in the backcourt. This is not consistent with common sense! what's going on?"

The players are discussing the game, and the head coach Allegri has not spoken. At this time he cleared his throat and slowly said, "Guys, I found that we may be trapped in Jintaige."

哦 "Oh? Why?" Juventus players froze and didn't understand why the coach said so.

Allegri went on to say: "Dybala is very familiar with Manchester United players, he told us everything he knew, and we also made targeted arrangements. I guess Kintag must have guessed this too! So he Only after opening some time, I found that the team was deadlocked, and then changed the tactics! "

"From 20 minutes later, the style and characteristics of Manchester United players have changed greatly! They are completely against their own characteristics! This has put us into a stereotyped thinking and suffered a loss!"

"If this is not the case, we must have paid attention to Cross's frontcourt in the first goal; and Kimihe's extraordinary, we will also pay attention. It is because of our inherent thinking that we have eaten in the first half deficit!"

After hearing Allegri's words, the Juventus player suddenly realized: "That's true, Kintag is so cunning!"

At this time, Dibala was expressionless, and his heart trembled: the coach was right! Super strong adaptability, which is one of Jintaige's biggest advantages.

The locker room was silent for a moment. After a while, Pjanic asked slowly: "Coach, how do we play in the second half ..."

That's what all Juventus players want to ask.

Allegri looked around and said in a low voice: "In the second half of the game, you should pay more attention to Manchester United's offensive methods and pay attention to the personal technical characteristics of Manchester United players. How can you tell what Paul told you before? To think and position, this game of Manchester United players intends to go against their own style characteristics, so you will adopt a reverse approach to deal with it! "

而且 "And we are already behind, we must score goals in the second half! Equal and overtake as soon as possible! If the home defeat, then the away game will be troublesome!"

Captain Buffon nodded: "The coach is right, since Manchester United wants to play against, we will deal with them against!"

Bergman Zhukic also firmly said: "Several of our forward players will seize the opportunity and score goals as soon as possible!"

Juventus players are flexing their muscles, ready to kick off the second half and reverse the trend!

At the same time, in the visiting team's locker room, Jin Taige is also deploying second half tactics. After listening to Jin Taige's words, Manchester United players were a little embarrassed.

戴 Van Dijk frowned: "Boss, are we going to reverse in the second half? Return to the normal way of playing?"

Kimish performed well in the first half, and he was planning to continue assisting in the second half. He did not expect that Kim Taige would restore everyone's previous tactical arrangements, which made Kimish a little bit more interested.

Jin Taige said with a smile: "Guys, if I'm Allegri, I must have found the problem. I believe they are analyzing the reasons why we don't follow the routine, and then make targeted deployment. Such words , We will still play as before, this will definitely make Juventus players very unsuitable! "

"The football field is like a battlefield. Soldiers don't tire of cheating. Who can think ahead and deploy in advance can take the lead! They have formed a fixed mind in this game, so the second half will also use Dybala's intelligence at all times. Carve it in your head! Even if you respond to Dibara ’s orders ~ ~ then they will not go well. As long as you resume my previous arrangements, you will definitely be able to continue to control the game in the second half situation!"

I heard Jintaige's explanation, and the players nodded one after another, saying that they were absolutely serious about implementing Jintaige's arrangements.

I am most excited about Alonso. He has always loved assists, but he failed to pass the first half in the first half! This almost choked him!

I especially admired Kimihi's wonderful excitement and assists.

Hearing that Jin Taige made everyone return to normal tactics, Alonso clapped his hands in succession: "Boss, your arrangement is wonderful! We must still score in the second half! After this game, we must step on one foot in advance Enter the Champions League semi-finals! "

Kimish patted him on the shoulder. "Dude, it's up to you in the second half."

"No problem! Even you can play wonderful and decisive assists, I can definitely contribute more to the offense!"

"What you said is awkward ..."

The Manchester United general manager who led the two goals was in a good mood, and they laughed again and again in the locker room.

Although the lead is in the lead, Jintaige still urges the players not to be proud but to stabilize their emotions.

"Juventus' home court is not good. They will definitely make a great change in the second half. You must not take it lightly."

The clocks on the wall kept walking, and the second half of the game was about to begin.

Jin Taige stood up and encouraged the players aloud: "Guys! The second half of the game is about to start! Everyone insists on winning the last 45 minutes, let us leave our Allianz stadium with our heads raised proudly!"

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