The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 1066: You must handle it properly!

Cheferin tried his best to explain, preparing to severely punish Kintag, but did not expect that Infantino was even more angry, and a rage broke out against him.

"Cheferin, do you think UEFA is doing well under your rule, a little smug?"

"I tell you, you're still far behind!"

"What did you just say and want to punish Kintag? It's a joke!"

"Why did you punish Jintaige? Did he say anything excessive? No! Did you just watch the media reports and not watch the video of Jintaige's press conference? I suggest you check it out later! It's on the Facebook page of Manchester Evening News reporter Hall! "

"I tell you that Jintaige didn't say anything too much! Those accusations of UEFA were made up by unscrupulous media themselves! If you count this account on Jintaige's head, you can really give yourself Trouble! "

"Do you think the crisis of trust in UEFA is just because of this game? I tell you that UEFA has been questioned since the UEFA Champions League group stage! It was also in the quarter-finals! And coincidence The thing is, the teams that benefit from misjudgment are all Juventus! This time too! "

"You think about it in a fair way. If you are an outsider, what would you think? Why are Juve repeatedly taken care of by the referees? Are they messy with UEFA? And Juventus also has a criminal record, which is even more suspicious! "

"Cheferin, if you really punished Jin Taige this time, then in the eyes of others, you are protecting Juventus again! Then you ca n’t wash into the Yellow River!"

"I heard these words from you just now, and I don't even say anyone else, even I wonder if you have any private communication with Juventus Club. I have to doubt you!"

These words of Infantino seemed to pour Cheferin with cold water from head to toe, and he hurriedly explained, "Sir, I assure God that I have absolutely no intentional care for Juventus, I have never accepted their benefits! "

Hearing this, Infantino's voice calmed a little, he said slowly: "Cheferin, I believe you, but what's the use? You know, how many people are staring at the UEFA president Position, how many people want to get you off the horse? You have no problem, there are still people who want to plant you stolen goods, and now you are faced with this unexplained crisis, aren't you more troublesome? You still want to be here How long do you stay in position? One year, one month, or one day? Do you want to fall on your head in the tragedy of Platini? "

After hearing these words, Cheferin was more anxious: "Sir, what do you think I should do?"

"You should now set aside your relationship with Juventus as soon as possible, and don't let Juventus be the beneficiary!" Infantino said firmly, "Even if Juventus suffers some losses, let us avoid suspicion as much as possible, Cleanse yourself. "

Cheferin nodded again and again: "Okay, Sir, I'll do it in a while!"

Hearing Cheferin's words, Infantino was at peace. He paused for a moment, and then slowly said, "Cheferin, aside from this public relations crisis, just say Jin Taige. He is a cash cow now! For FIFA, for you UEFA In particular, it is a cash cow. Do you think about how much traffic King Taige has brought to the entire international football? His seven crowns and defending seven crowns have created a new era! You can be with him in the same Times is definitely a lucky one! So you should make good use of Jintaige! "

"If I were you, I would even make Manchester United the Champions League of the season and create a three-time champion of the Champions League at all costs! If so, UEFA will once again become the focus of the sports world and the popularity of football Once again, the cost of advertising, endorsements and sponsorships will also increase! This is of great benefit to our football circle! "

Cheferin was a little bit embarrassed: "Sir, do you want me to favor Manchester United in the next game?"

Infantino explained: "I didn't mean that, I just made an analogy. After all, the situation is tense now. Even if we do this, we will cause ourselves trouble. But fortunately, Kintag and Manchester United are strong enough. They have this season. Strength to defend again! "

"Even if you don't help, I believe they can still reach the end and successfully win the cup. I have enough confidence in Jintaige! So for you, as long as you can ensure the fairness and fairness of the game to the greatest extent, and ensure a good game environment, this That's enough. In an age with Jin Taige, as long as you don't wrestle, you can be pulled forward by him! "

Cheferin's eyes lighted up, "I understand what you say, Mr. Chairman!"

Infantino went on to say: "And personally ~ ~ I have a good personal relationship with Jin Taige. He is very young, I have forged a friendship with him very early, and I am going to establish him Become a temperament, star coach. Just like Mourinho, Zidane, Guardiola and other star coaches. And Jintaige is more talented, better grades, and also very current. So public and private , I all hope that Jin Taige can go further. Do you understand what I said? "

Ceferin is not a fool. It is not easy for him to climb from the bottom to the position of Slovenian Football Association President. With the help of Infantino, he became the UEFA President and reached the pinnacle of his life. He is patient, intelligent, and wise. If he had not been stunned by anger for a while, he would not have made a hasty decision to punish Kintag.

After calmly listening to Infantino's words, Ceferin said seriously: "I understand what you said, Mr. Chairman. Thank you for your guidance, I am very calm now. Please rest assured that I will definitely Do your best to handle it properly! "

Infantino said firmly: "It's not about trying to handle it properly, but you must handle it properly! Hopefully this time tomorrow, this crisis of confidence can end, UEFA can save face, and at the same time continue to maintain with Kingtag and Manchester United Good relationship!"

"Remember, you have to deal with it properly!"

Infantino hung up the phone, and Ceferin was silent in the room for more than ten minutes.

Had it not been for Infantino's reminder, he had almost buried his future!

Cheferin thought about his behavior that was not calm just now, even a little afraid ...

Now Cheferin knew exactly what to do next. He called the club secretary's phone: "You come to my office and come now!"

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