The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 1068: It seems there is a play today!

When seeing Cheferin appear at the conference site, Jin Taige was a little puzzled.

The UEFA president has come in person. It seems that today's things are not small, bad things ...

The other Manchester United coaches and players also sink their hearts, seeming to have a bad hunch.

The clock on the wall pointed at ten o'clock, the press conference started on time, and the audience was quiet.

Not only the venue, but even the Manchester United gym was silent, everyone stared at the screen intently, waiting for the UEFA results.

At this time, the English reporters at the venue were sitting on the left side, and the person who was most worried now was Hall. He was really afraid of hearing the news that Kintag was suspended. At this moment he stared nervously at Ceferin on the stage, waiting for the final result.

At this time, many people around the world are also paying attention to this matter.

In an office in Madrid, Portuguese Mourinho is watching from the room.

"Jin Taige, the boy, did exactly the same thing as I did. Bombarding UEFA, haha, it is really brave. But you better not be suspended, I am waiting to meet you in the final, you must Fall down early. "

In Turin, Italy, Allegri is in a good mood!

Although the home team lost 0 to 3, the possibility of a comeback in the next round is extremely small. However, seeing that Kingtag is about to receive a penalty from UEFA, Allegri is still very happy.

"Young man, don't be too arrogant, see that there is no retribution now, hum."

In the FA's conference room, FA President Palmer and management staff are also paying attention to the attitude of the UEFA.

Palmer said solemnly to everyone: "Gintag is now our greatest hope in the Champions League. If he is punished, it is definitely a loss for the FA! If the UEFA punishment is too heavy this time, then I have decided to raise an objection on behalf of the FA to protect Kingtag! "

On the side, the assistant to the chairman, Nat, felt infinitely emotional: Coach Tiger, you do n’t know, our chairman did a lot of things for you ...

At this time, the top leader of FIFA, Infantino, was also watching a UEFA press conference.

"As long as Cheferin is not a fool, he should know how to do it. Kintag is a good card in my hand now."

In everyone's expectation, the press conference officially started!

An UEFA press conference official made a simple opening statement, and then directly gave the venue to Cheferin, and he spoke. This time UEFA's work is straightforward and straightforward.

Cheferin looked around the reporters of various countries under the stage, and then made his speech very seriously.

"In recent days, something has happened in European football. I think everyone is very clear. I will now say a few more words and briefly talk about the situation at the time."

"In the first round of the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals a few days ago, there was a game that attracted a lot of people's attention, and that was Manchester United's away game against Juventus. The score of that game was 3-0, and Manchester United achieved a total The score was ahead, but many controversial penalties in the game have been questioned by many people. "

"The referee on duty at that game was Vettel Sek, he is one of the 20 referees trained by UEFA and one of the law enforcement referees for the upcoming 2018 World Cup. His level of law enforcement is absolutely first-rate . "

"Nevertheless, in that match, Vettelsecke had multiple controversial penalties. In a penalty and a red card, huge controversy occurred; and in the penalty area of ​​a Manchester United player, In the ground, he was also questioned because he didn't give a penalty. "

"This incident has aroused widespread debate in European football after the game. In particular, Manchester United coach Coach Kintag has held a special press conference and expressed some of his objections to Vettelsec's law enforcement. Although some words Intense, but Coach Kintag's expressions are within a reasonable range, understandable! "

Scholes was overjoyed to hear Vettelseck say this! He glanced at Jin Taige next to him, and saw that Jin Taige's eyes also shone, and it seemed that he was also very touched by this sentence!

"Within a reasonable range", "understandable", the meaning of these two phrases should be that UEFA's behavior towards Jintaige is not difficult to accept. It seems there is a drama today!

Having said this, Cheferin took a sip of water and went on to say: "With regard to the penalty of this game Vettelcek, all day yesterday, UEFA was holding an internal meeting to conduct the game. After the review, the UEFA referee department organized core technical referees to conduct a careful analysis of Vettelsec's penalties. "

"After analysis, we have concluded that some of Vettelsec's penalties are indeed problematic!"


Cheferin's words ~ ~ made the whole venue uproar! All journalists were shocked so far, they whispered and talked in the audience.

"Cheferin is the UEFA president. He actually said that Vettelsec's sentence was wrong. Wasn't that a blow to his face?"

"Yeah, it's never happened! If he admits there is something wrong with Vettelsec, then there is going to be trouble."

"The results this time are really unexpected ..."

Hearing the reporters whispering, the UEFA press spokesperson rectified the order at the scene: "Quiet, please listen to Mr. Chairman, and then ask questions if you have any questions!"

The venue was quiet again.

Cheferin paused for a moment and then calmly said: "UEFA is not a single word, we fully respect the opinions of all European Football Associations and European clubs. Now that Coach Kintag has raised objections, and after our verification, when If the referee did mislead, then UEFA is not obscure and expresses our attitude to everyone! "

"About the handling of this misjudgment, UEFA has four things to announce to the media!"

"First of all, as the UEFA President, I formally apologize to Coach Kintag and the Manchester United Club! UEFA regrets the misjudgment that occurred in this game. Although in football matches, misjudgments often occur However, in the same game, such low-level mistakes and misjudgments are absolutely unacceptable. It is also difficult for us to blame us. With this opportunity, we say to all UEFA members that in the future we We will continue to strengthen the technical improvement of the referee team to avoid this situation as much as possible! "

"Second, the decision to revoke the red card for Manchester United player Coulibaly, who was sent off due to a misjudgment, will take effect immediately!"

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