The Red Devils Successor

Chapter 1092: Carrick in good shape

At the Old Trafford stadium, Kintag and Wenger shook hands and talked.

教授 "Professor, this is the last time you have appeared at Old Trafford as an Arsenal coach," Gintag looked at the old coach, with great emotion, "but unfortunately, this game did not let you take victory.

Winger said with a mockery: "Have I lost to you in the past few years? Still care about this game?"

教授 "Professor, in the last round of the Premier League this season, our two teams will still play, and we can meet again. So wait until then to say goodbye."

"Good, good luck, Tiger."

"Good luck, too, professor."

This ups and downs game completely settled. Although Manchester United encountered many problems, they still succeeded. After this game, Jintaige devoted half a day to explain the problems in this game to the players, and increased the intensity of the team's training competition to help the players restore tension.

之后 After this game, Manchester United played a week of double matches and four Premier League games, leaving players nervous.

Although Manchester United won the championship in advance, Jintaige requires all players: must win, must play the spirit of Manchester United! No one can be taken lightly!

In a week's doubles, Kingtag has also rotated the main players to deal with the Premier League games. He told everyone that, while protecting himself from injury, he did his best to exert his best strength.

In the 32nd round of the Premier League in the middle of the week, Manchester United played away against Watford.

Jintaige brings young people to the game. The best player in this game was the combination of Lingard and Ali. The two young players performed very well. They passed each other and took away a victory in the away game. The 2-0 score allowed them to leave proudly. .

三 In the 33rd round of the Premier League three days later, Manchester United face Newcastle at home.

In this game, Jin Taige has discharged the absolute main lineup, and before the match, the players were very strict: they must win a beautiful victory!

In this game, Manchester United's front line attacked the group and Griezmann, Mbappe and Sane each scored two goals. And Jin Taige was very excited that these six **** were actually assisted by De Braun!

之前 In the previous FA Cup game, De Brouné was out of shape due to physical reasons and was replaced by Gintag in advance. This game De Braun is finally resurrected! He took the fifth place in the Golden Globes and six assists shocked the audience!

Seeing that the main players can have such excellent performance, Jintaige completely relieved.

There are now more than ten days left until the Champions League semi-final, and the strong recovery of the main players now makes Jintaige very happy.

In the middle of the following week, Manchester United ushered in the 34th round of the Premier League, away from Burnley.

泰 In this game, Jintaige still eliminated the alternate lineup, and in the starting lineup, a total of seven England players appeared. Four guards Ashley Young, Maguire, Smalling and Jones, midfielders Carrick and Lingard, striker Ali. Seven England players form the core of Manchester United.

In this game, Manchester United's overall individual combat ability has declined slightly. Among these English players, there are no Glezman and Mbappe stars who can rely on single player to destroy the city. Teammates, cooperation is more tacit.

Manchester United won a 3-0 away game and returned home.

Ali's second game allowed the game to lose its suspense early; Lingard once again scored a shot from outside the penalty area to help the team lock in the victory; what made Jintaige very happy was that Carrick staged Assisting the hat-trick, he is still the best midfield commander of Manchester United despite his physical strength and speed.

After the end of this game, the argument about Carrick's return to the England national team was once again mentioned by many media.

索 Because Southgate loves newcomers so much, Carrick, 35, is simply not a candidate for his national team. Not only that, but even the 32-year-old Rooney was turned away.

Seeing Carrick's good status in the league, many people have petitioned for Carrick, hoping to see the Manchester United captain participate in the 2018 World Cup.

"Manchester Evening News" Hall spoke for Carrick: "Now the English national team is too young and needs experienced veterans to push the line. If England can bring Carrick in the World Cup this summer, it must be Will be of great benefit! "

In an interview with a reporter, Kintag also publicly expressed his thoughts: "With Carrick's current status, he is absolutely eligible to participate in the 2018 World Cup. His experience and influence will become valuable for the England national team. wealth."

When a reporter asked Carrick, Carrick also said firmly: "As long as the national team still needs me, I must take it!"

Despite the noise, Southgate remains unmoved ~ ~ He insists on his opinions.

"This England national team is a young national team and we need young people. Maybe we can't get particularly good results this year, but these young people represent the future of England, and I must give them more opportunities. "

Hearing these words, Jin Taige knew clearly that although Southgate disagreed with himself, this did not mean that he was right and he was wrong. This is just a difference in coaching philosophy, it doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong.

But seeing Carrick's good condition, Jin Taige really feels very sorry. He inquired again about Carrick's possibility of renewing his contract. Carrick still politely declined and Gintag had to give up.

This weekend, Manchester United ushered in the 35th round of the Premier League, playing against West Ham at home. In this game, Gentag made an appropriate rotation of the lineup.

欧 The Champions League semi-final will be welcomed next week. In the past, Jintaige will let the main players rotate all to rest and rest. But this time, Jin Taige learned the lessons of the FA Cup semi-final. He let some of the main players in good physical condition start, let them find more states, and then change to rest in the second half, and build energy. Through reasonable defense, the best combination of physical fitness and game status is achieved.

Manchester United only ended the game with a 1-0 score. Gintag doesn't care about the score, he only cares about the state of the team. Through the adjustment of this game, the entire Manchester United team is in a very balanced state, and Kintag is confident in the next Champions League semi-final!

At this time in Bayern's training base, Bayern players are also making final preparations ...

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