It wasn't until 9 p.m. that everyone was rescued. In the end, everyone also paid 8,000 Qin Yuan on the spot before leaving smoothly. In the evening, Yangcheng TV also reported it very much.

"Today, near the central street of Yangcheng, there was a case of superpowers. It is suspected that foreign supernatural people are picking quarrels and provoking trouble on the streets of Yangcheng, and they are subdued by the special intelligence bureau of our city. Our station will continue to follow up, please pay attention to the follow-up report. "

Superpower incidents in recent years have appeared in the media from time to time, and later they have been reported on TV stations. At the beginning, it was regarded as gossip, and now the TV official will not hide it, and everyone watches it with relish. Especially this superpower incident, there are dozens of unlucky eggs, and there are many videos of selfies taken by the masses on the Internet.

Yangcheng's local TV station even has a special high-definition report. The expressions of the dozens of unlucky eggs were all clear.

"Is this our superpower? It's really too strong, and it beats so many troublemakers to the ground. Loved, loved. "After looking, these foreign devils still dare to be arrogant in Yangcheng." Ordinary people are with simple patriotic feelings, and they are very happy to see these restless foreigners deflated.

At the same time, the team led by Su Xiuyu swept in all corners of Yangcheng, no matter which country made trouble, they all used the same stone coffins to be imprisoned in a conspicuous place, and then contacted the secret service to follow up and do follow-up treatment.

For a while, the foreign powerhouses of the entire Yang City and the neighboring Dongjun City were in a rage, and the grass and trees were all soldiers. Even the native superpowers of Daqin honestly clamped their tails and became people, making everyone think that they were going to rectify the entire superpowers and related organizations.

Later, it was found that it was only done by the Yangcheng Secret Service itself. And because Su Xiuyu's strength has made all the powerful people in Yangcheng completely clear, who is the boss of this land.

"Captain, you are too strong, no one can have the slightest bit of decent resistance in your hands. How the hell did you practice your powers? Is there a secret? "Li Yunrui and his party followed Su Xiuyu today and opened their eyes. No matter who it is, it is not Su Xiuyu's enemy. There is not a single person in the squad who does not admire Su Xiuyu.

"Well, actually, it's rarely practiced. Basically, it is mainly based on talent (plug-ins). Look at the face too. Su Xiuyu replied seriously.

"The captain is excessive, if you don't teach us, forget it, and still talk to us Versailles, no one talks?"

"Seriously, it's not that I don't want to teach you, it's that I can't teach it, and my ability can't be taught to you." Su Xiaoyu did not lie. Ninjas and ordinary people just look like a species, and most likely there is no reproductive isolation.

But ninjas are not essentially the same species as ordinary people. The average human body has 40 to 60 trillion (trillion) cells, and ninjas are 130 trillion (trillion) cells. It is not a species in essence. Legend has it that Chakra was brought by Kaguya, the ancestor of the ninjas, and was not possessed by the aborigines.

So there is no doubt that there is no need to try, ordinary people cannot refine Chakra, without Chakra as a foundation, all ninjutsu will become a castle in the air, and even become a fantasy. Su Xiuyu knew that he had awakened the bloodline of Otsuki because of the system, and obtained the power of Senluo to successfully become a ninja.

Even if they generously teach Chakra alchemy, they won't be able to learn it. Unless they also have the opportunity to go to the Naruto World, they may also become ninjas due to the long-term influence of the environment of the Naruto World.

"Unfortunately, you are missing some opportunities, but don't be discouraged. Now the space-time wormhole in East County City is your chance. Behind the new space-time wormhole are infinity and unknown. Prepare well, there are still a few days left to explore the agreed opportunity to explore the space-time wormhole. Su Xiuyu comforted the members of the squad.

Everyone actually knows faintly in their hearts that Su Xiuyu's powerful power is not the same as everyone's, it is very likely that he got the opportunity to explore the space-time wormhole, and he wanted to get it for nothing, and if you think about it, you can know where in the world there is such a good thing.

Su Xiuyu did not manage the series of consequences of the public opinion world and the supernatural energy world in Yangcheng because of his thunderous actions, and said goodbye to the squad members and went to the Yangcheng Lieutenant Colonel Hospital.

That's right, Su Xiuyu came to visit Uchiha Jiri. According to the nurse's instructions, Su Xiuyu found Uchiha Jiri, who had woken up.

"Hello Jiri. I am Su Xiuyu, and you can also teach me Uchiha Xiuyu. Su Xiuyu looked at the quiet Zhili and spoke.

I heard from the nurse that Uchiha Jiri woke up and needed to be treated because of his injuries. But even if Jiri woke up, he never said a word, no matter who it was, no matter who it was, Jiri didn't speak, not even an expression. At one point, medical staff wondered if Jiri had suffered a trauma to his brain.

"Prove it to me." Jiri spoke indifferently.

"Prove that you deserve the surname Uchiha. And not to make me suspect that you just said such a word by hearsay. Jiri replied lightly.

Su Xiuyu opened the Sharingan: "How is it?" So that's fine, right? Zhili

saw Su Xiuyu's three-hook jade writing wheel eyes suddenly burst into tears, "Finally saw a clansman." I was so scared that I woke up with strangers I didn't know, and they were all strange ordinary people. The people and objects here are basically different from the world I am familiar with. I was so scared, afraid that I would never find my family, my people, and everything I knew well.

"Can I teach you Xiu Yu directly?" I've been waiting for days. Finally saw his own people.

Su Xiuyu looked at Zhili's tearful appearance, and felt sorry in his heart. I didn't pay attention to the time, and scared a child half to death in the other world.

"I'm sorry, Jiri, it was my mistake not to pick you up from the hospital in time. You should remember being attacked by the Kaguya clan and the Blood Pool clan on the battlefield, and then being seriously injured and dying, right? "


"I saved you when you were in a coma. You really haven't seen me, so you don't know me. The reasons for this are complex, and I can't tell for a while. But now that I'm coming, I'll pick you up, trust me. Su Xiuyu briefly introduced the cause and effect. Now it's better to pick up Jiri, after all, she doesn't belong to this world.

"Let's go, although I am grateful that these doctors saved my life, I also want to get out of here." I believe in you Brother Xiuyu. "

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