After several days of learning the sealing technique, Uzumaki Mito and Su Xiuyu spent more and more time together, and the tacit understanding between the two progressed as fast as the sealing technique. It's just that pity Uzumaki Shallow Mound, finally learned the second sealing technique for so many days, and as a result, Mito and Su Xiuyu are going to learn other techniques.

Masahiko Uzumaki continued to teach Asagaoka, while Su Xiuyu and Mito learned medical ninjutsu from Mito's second grandmother.

This is also one of the main purposes of this trip to Su Xiuyu, after all, there will definitely be many deaths and injuries in the upcoming struggle between Yu Zhibo and the Senju clan. When the time comes, you can learn medical ninjutsu well, and you can save one by one.

Mito's second grandmother is also a kind grandmother with silver hair, and I have to say that the Uzumaki family is indeed long-lived. The oldest people in the ninja world are in Whirlpool Village.

"Mito, is this the Uchiha Shuyu you have in mind?"

"Second grandma~ why are you like this!" Mito was embarrassed to say to his second grandmother. Su Xiuyu also politely gave a gift to the second grandmother.

"Well, they're all good boys. I know that you are highly talented, this medical ninjutsu is mainly based on Chakra's control, you first let me see the fine operation of your Chakra. "Before the second grandmother teaches medical ninjutsu, she still has to look at the chakra control technique of the two.

Mito plucked a leaf and cut it directly into a standard circle with chakra.

"Very good." The second grandmother praised.

Without saying a word, Su Xiuyu made a gesture of raising his hand, and the rock and soil on the ground immediately began to shape, instantly turning into a lifelike vortex village. Every building, every road, and even the pedestrians on the road are expressed. You can vaguely see the appearance of the second grandmother, Su Xiuyu and Uzumaki Mito.

The second grandmother is very old and has experienced too much life. Unfortunately, no amount of surprise that has been seen in the past few decades has turned into a sigh at this moment. "Xiu Yu, your Chakra operation ability can no longer be said to be a soil escape, it is about to become a new blood succession limit, infinitely close to immortal art."

The second grandmother has seen so many geniuses, this is the first time she has seen a freak who has suffocated herself in terms of qualifications. Mito didn't feel anything wrong, his eyes were full of adoration. Women who are in love do not care much about things other than love.

"Second grandma, what is fairy art?" Su Xiuyu asked as if he had not heard of immortal arts.

"Immortal art is a talent that is superior to ninjutsu, according to the ancient books passed down by our whirlpool clan, immortal art appeared for the first time in the era of the six immortals, and the six immortals are the gods who have mastered the immortal arts." The second grandmother struggled to recall the records in the ancient books. "But unfortunately, the original books have long been annihilated in the tide of history. This knowledge can only be passed on by word of mouth in the future. After all, the story of the Six Dao Immortals is too long. The

second grandmother's introduction made Su Xiuyu sure that the Vortex family did not know the news of the three holy places. Otherwise, they will understand that immortal arts are not only controlled by six immortals.

"Since you have no problem with your Chakra control skills, let's jump right into the subject and start learning medical ninjutsu. Let's start with the art of rejuvenation.

"The principle of this technique is to use the cells in the injured person's body to heal the wound, but it is extremely physically demanding, and basically if it is really practical, it needs several people to use it in turn to have a better effect." Of course, that's for mediocrities, and in my opinion, it's not a rare problem for you two to want to use this ninjutsu independently. You lack neither skill nor Chakra.

"These are two injured fish, you try to treat it, the speed is slow, the fish will also dehydrate and die, and if the wound is not healed, it will also die." Come and try it. The second grandmother took out two fish with knife wounds and began to let the two practice.

Mito tried the techniques taught by his second grandmother, and it soon worked, and although the speed was relatively slow, the fish eventually died, but obviously there was no problem with practicing twice more.

Looking at Su Xiuyu's side again, the fish was already jumping alive on the ground. The second grandmother wondered how Su Xiuyu did it, after all, this is only the art of healing and regeneration, not the palm cactus technique.

"Xiu Yu, you try again, let me see." The second grandmother used Ku Wu to cut a big hole on the fish. Su Xiuyu directly performed the technique of healing and regeneration, and the mouth on the fish's body healed in a few breaths.

"Unbelievable, no wonder those old men joke that you are the child of destiny, this level of yang, this strong breath of vitality, obedient." Mito girl, you are really a pervert. The second grandmother was amazed. I really haven't seen such a yang attribute in my life. I'm afraid it's not between the thousand hand pillars, but at most this level.

"I can only say Uchiha Shuyu, you really don't live like a Uchiha."

"Second grandma, take a look at my chakra eyes and then consider it?" Su Xiuyu opened the writing wheel eyes and joked with the second grandmother.

Seeing the three-hook jade chakra eyes in Xiu Yu's eyes, the second grandmother shook her head, "This is really the creation of Uchiha, and it is also the creation of Mito." "

'In that case, let me teach you the principles and techniques of palm cactus. It's not too much trouble for you anyway. I just didn't think that my class would end today. Alas, Mito girl, you are giving me a horse. The second grandmother said with some self-deprecating emotion.

It took an afternoon for Su Xiuyu to thoroughly master the palm cactus technique, not how clever Su Xiuyu's skills were, this was simply Su Xiuyu's yang dun was too strong, breaking ten thousand laws with one force, and forcefully raising his medical ninjutsu effect. Now Su Xiuyu understood more why the pillars did not need treatment at all at their peak. With such a strong yang, problems heal automatically.

"Mito girl is going to stay today." Today, Xiu Yu, you can only go back alone. After Su Xiuyu saluted the second grandmother, he waved goodbye to Mito.

"Second grandma, what's wrong with you? You won't have any bad opinion about Xiu Yu and say it to his face, right? Mito was a little nervous for a while.

"Mito girl, what are you thinking, I just have something to find you. I don't want to say bad things about your little lover. The second grandmother smiled and touched Mito's head.

"Mito girl, you look at me. Yin seal, open! I saw a kind of mask unfold on the second grandmother's face, and in an instant, the second grandmother's silver hair turned red, and the loose skin immediately became firm and tender. The second grandmother immediately changed from a 70-year-old grandmother to a 20-year-old "second sister".

Mito's eyes widened, and he hurriedly asked, "Second grandma, what kind of ninjutsu is so powerful?"

"Envy, Mito girl. This is my clan's S-class sealing technique, Yin Sealing Technique. After learning this technique, you can store the usual excess Chakra in the Yin Seal and release it when needed. Of course, this is not its greatest advantage.

"Its greatest virtue is that no woman who loves beauty can resist." After learning the Yin Seal, as long as Chakra is enough to maintain his youthful appearance, if you master it, you can even maintain this figure from now until the moment you die.

"Death may be inevitable, but aging can be without you." Do you like this ninjutsu?

"I like the second grandmother, I want to learn this technique now, I can't learn Yin Seal, and I won't look at other sealing techniques." Second grandmother teach me now? "Mito hurried to sell cute. What woman (girl) can resist the attraction of agelessness and eternity?

"Good, good, second grandma, ah, I will teach you now. If you learn it, you can also teach it to Xiu Yu. However, this sealing technique is relatively difficult for him. His chakra is too much, and storing chakra makes little sense to him.

"I don't care, Second Grandma will teach me now!"

"So what's the rush? In the end, it's not cheap Xiu Yu, that young man! "


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