Mito saw Ling as he wished, she was indeed a beautiful and gentle woman, who regarded herself as a maid, saying that her life was saved by Su Xiuyu, and if she needed to take it back, she did not complain at all.

Mito is not a jealous person, but deliberately attracts Su Xiuyu's attention, reminding Su Xiuyu that he can't mess with flowers. Ling is also a sensible maid, so there is no need to embarrass others.

This matter was so satisfactorily resolved, Ling was still responsible for living and living normally, but now there was one more Mito. Even Mito helped her with household chores.

Ling was very grateful to Mito and even planned to call Mito "Master Mother" in the future, but Mito was embarrassed to accept it at all, and forcibly asked Ling to call himself Mito. At Ling's insistence, they all called Mito "Mito-sama" in the future.

"Lord Shuyu, Lord Izumi has come to inform that a clan meeting has been held."

"I know, Ling, I'll rush over right away." Su Xiuyu said that he knew, "Does Mito want to join me?"

"I won't go, after all, it's your Uchiha's clan meeting, so it's not appropriate for me to go." I'll talk to Ling. Mito shook his head.


Soon with all the clansmen arriving, Uchiha's clan meeting began.

The three seats in the front sat Madara, Su Xiuyu and Senna. The strongest three of the Uchiha clan, there is no dispute.

"Gentlemen, this war with the Senju clan is over. Do you have any ideas? Are we fighting with the Senju clan like this? Generation after generation, fighting, hating each other?

Uchiha's clan discussed it fiercely.

"How about that? My father died at the hands of Senju, and I want to avenge my father!

"My brother and brother both died on the battlefield with the Thousand Hands Clan, and I have no way to give up my hatred!"

"yes! How could the hatred of Uchiha and Senju be so easily neutralized! We are born to be opposites! Clan elder, now that you are so powerful, you must be able to lead us to destroy the Thousand Hands Clan, right?

"Yes, yes, Patriarch, let's wipe out the Thousand Hands clan in one go, right?"

"I agree!" "I agree too!"

"Yes, how can you easily let go of a thousand hands!"

"Kill, kill them so that they don't leave a piece of armor!"

For a while, the crowd was excited, and hatred spread like wildfire.

A sudden sobbing sounded in the corner, louder and louder, it was one of Uchiha's children.

"Uchiha Aibara, why are you crying above the clan meeting!"

"I just... It's just that I miss my dead brother, who died not long ago, but he was not 10 years old when he died, and he didn't have time to experience the wonderfulness of this world. And luckily I survived.

"Aihara, your younger brother died fighting for the Uchiha clan, he is a hero! What do you look like crying and crying!

"I know, I know, I just miss my brother, if I can—I hope it's me who died fighting for Uchiha!" I am not afraid of death, and neither is my brother, but I really can't bear my brother!

Uchiha Aihara's words resonated with many Uchiha people. In this era, almost every family gave birth to several siblings, but after a series of battles, how many are left? Even the death of entire siblings in a family is common. Everyone is not afraid to sacrifice their lives for Uchiha, everyone is afraid of the silent death of their relatives and friends.

Several younger Uchiha people also began to cry. The older clansmen were silent and showed sad eyes.

Although Uchiha seems to be an arrogant ninja, in fact, under the arrogant exterior is also a fiery heart, relatives and brothers, parents and children, Uchiha's love is heavier than anyone.

Su Xiuyu looked at the performance of the clansmen and gave Madara and Izumi a look, and the two immediately understood what Su Xiuyu meant.

"My people, I know your pain, my father Tajima also died in the war with Senju. I know that everyone has their own grief, so I have always wanted to build a real village, a village where everyone lives together and has peace and quiet. The

clansmen raised their heads to look at their almost incomparable patriarch, not yet understanding what the patriarch meant.

"Does the patriarch mean that we Uchiha re-establish a village? Just a village like the Uzumaki clan? But what's the point? We will still fight with Senju, Kaguya, and Shimura. The clansmen didn't understand what Madara meant, and looked at their patriarch suspiciously.

"No, the patriarch means that we will join hands with the Senju clan to build a whole new village together. That's right, as long as we join forces with the Senju clan, we can quickly pacify the entire Warring States. After all, there is no stronger ninja in the Fire Nation than our two ninjas, and none of the ninjas are our enemies after joining forces. Su Xiuyu helped Ban to say what he had in his heart, if the Uchiha tribe reacted too violently, there would be a turn.

All the clansmen were shocked by Su Xiuyu's words. After all, for thousands of years, and the Thousand Hands clan either you die or I die, and today I suddenly want to say that I am united with the Thousand Hands clan, and everyone can't react for a while. After the reaction, there was a chaos.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I'd rather die than unite with the Thousand Hands clan, I can't forget the hatred of the past at all!"

"Yes! No matter what, I also want to avenge my brother!

"My brother and father died at the hands of the Senju clan, and I can't accept uniting with them!" I'm still thinking about how to take revenge! "

Quiet!" Su Xiuyu saw the frying pan all of a sudden, "I'm just making a proposal, don't be so emotional everyone!" What's more, the grief of the clan elders will not be less than yours? The former patriarch Tajima died in the Senju clan, and several of the brothers of the patriarch Madara also died in the Senju clan. It is not that the patriarch cannot understand your pain, he understands your pain better than anyone. Because these pains were the same, tormenting him day and night.

Su Xiuyu's words made the crowded scene quiet again, and the low crying could be clearly heard again.

"Xiu Yu - you should have heard what I said, as the patriarch, I hope to lead my people to a stable and peaceful living environment, after all, no one wants their children to go to war in the future."

Madara looked at the clan domineeringly: "And now we have the ability to protect our own people!" I will lead you to a new era! After saying that, Susanoo quickly unfolded, and the huge Chakra giant was full of oppression.

"Patriarch!" "Patriarch!" "Patriarch!" There is no doubt that in this war with Senju, Uchiha completely secured the position of patriarch. Susano's god-like performance completely subdued the hearts of the clansmen.

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