The corrective force of history has a strong inertia, even if there is a Su Xiuyu who originally did not exist, the construction of Konoha's village will roll forward according to the torrent of history. At this time, everyone had not yet thought about how to build the village in the future, only Su Xiuyu had even thought of the name of the village.

It's a pity that they still can't resist the torrent of history, and they didn't win over the three ninja clans of pigs, deer and butterflies. In fact, it doesn't hurt to win over success, Su Xiuyu just adhered to the teaching he learned in his previous life that one more friend is one less enemy, and worked hard to pave the way for the Uchiha family to move forward.

But it doesn't matter much if there is really no success, after all, only cattle and sheep will flock in groups, and tigers and leopards always go alone. If Su Xiuyu wanted to, he could even destroy the three tribes of pigs, deer and butterflies in one day - but what was the point?

He is not a murderer, not to mention that there is no point in slaughtering a group of weak people.

After thinking for a long time, Su Xiuyu's mood was much better, even if the plan to win over the various ninja clans failed, but the Uchiha clan still had Uchiha and himself. Even if Uchiha returns for a hundred years, he still has himself.

Looking at the further improvement of the bloodline of the big tube wood in his system panel, Su Xiuyu knew that his lifespan was still long, long, and he might even be immortal like the big tube wood clan.

Of course, the immortality of the Datumu family means that if there is no accidental interference, people will die if they are killed, and the same is true of the Six Dao Immortals, and the same is true of Datumu. Just because you can't kill doesn't mean you can't be sealed - Kaguya was also sealed on the moon by his two good children.

What I need to worry about more is the longevity of Uzumaki Mito. Although the whirlpool family has a long life, there is a limit to how long it is. Mito quietly cultivated the Yin Seal because Ami wanted to maintain her youthful appearance. Of course, the woman is a person who pleases herself, and there is nothing wrong with Mito's idea, but it is better to say that Su Xiuyu also likes it.

There is still a lot of time to think of ways to make Mito live forever, and even have the opportunity to go to other worlds, and always find a way to extend Mito's life.

Not long after, Su Xiuyu rushed to the Uchiha clan land, and Yu Zhibo in the clan saw Su Xiuyu saluting one after another.

As soon as I entered the conference room, I saw Izumi and Madara chatting listlessly.

"Xiu Yu, how are you doing over there? Is the wooing of pig deer butterfly complete? Madara asked casually.

"I'm sorry for the failure, the Nara clan has already allied with the Senju clan beforehand. The three families of Pig Deer Butterfly have always been in the same spirit, and if the Nara family refuses, the other two don't have to think about it, just give up.

Su Xiuyu shook his head, the probability of changing a Uchiha in the past is the same result, the speed of a thousand hands to win over other ninja is too fast, on the one hand, the reputation of the Uchiha clan is indeed not as good as a thousand hands, on the other hand, now Uchiha has two peak combat power, other ninja groups to warm up, otherwise trembling, like walking on thin ice.

"What about Izuna's side?"

"I'm sorry big brother, my side is the same result, basically politely refused."

Madara looked silently at the clansmen outside the window and sighed softly. "Then forget it. Anyway, we Uchiha don't need these little ninjas to huddle to keep warm. Moreover, it is enough that we have the Vortex clan as an ally. "

What about the Hyuga clan?"

"The Hyuga clan had no chance of our alliance, but they also ignored the Senju clan's solicitation. It doesn't matter, it's just a decaying family, and when Hinata dies, this group of white eyes will be completely decayed. Hinata Tenshin is so old, how many years do he have to live?

"Hinata. I'll take a trip to Hinata. Su Xiuyu remembered his relatives on the moon.

"It's useless to go, it's not much point to give up wooing the Hyuga clan." Neither Izumi nor Madara understood why Su Xiuyu was still entangled with the Hyuga clan. "You're not going to destroy the Hyuga clan, are you?"

Su Xiuyu was speechless, "Do you two treat me as a murderer?" As for becoming an extinction because of the alliance not being achieved?

"Hahaha, then I will be relieved, go early and return early."


It didn't take long for Su Xiuyu to reach the clan land of the Hyuga clan. Su Xiuyu did not go in, waiting patiently outside for Hinata to come out by himself.

Sure enough, as expected, Hinata Tenren soon discovered Su Xiuyu, and then hurriedly walked out of the clan land. "Your Excellency is the recently rumored Uchiha Shuyu, I don't know what happened to the visit?"

Hinata Tenren looked at Su Xiuyu - the pride he had when he saw Izumi before disappeared, and his forehead was sweating hard. Even the calves of Hinata Tenshinu, who were a few strong men in the Warring States Period, trembled slightly.

Hinata's mood at this time was complicated, originally Izumi talked about the alliance, and he didn't pay attention to it at all. Now seeing Uchiha Shuyu go and return, I don't understand what the Uchiha family plans to do. After opening his eyes, the Uchiha Shuyu he saw was like the sun in the sky, and the huge chakra machine on his body almost burned Hinata's eyes.

"Are you Hinata Shinobu?"

"Yes, Lord Shuyu."

"I want to make a deal with you and tell me the passage of the moon, so that I can save a crisis of the Hyuga family in the future." You should know that there are hardly any people in this land who are my opponents, and your white eyes should be able to see this clearly. "

That's right, Su Xiuyu came to find the Hyuga family to ask about the passage of the moon.

"What do you mean, my lord, I don't quite understand." Hinata Pretended not to understand Su Xiuyu's meaning and tried to fool through.

"No need to pretend with me, I know that the moon is a descendant of the village of Otsuki Ha, and I know exactly what is there, after all, strictly speaking, they are also distant relatives of your Hyuga clan. I'm sure you should understand what I mean by now, think about it before speaking.

"You know, relatives on the moon covet your white eyes all the time."

Hinata's pupils shrank sharply, and his heart was already upside down. He really didn't expect Uchiha Shuyu to know so many secrets, and even be able to clearly say the surname of Otsuki, and some of them didn't understand what it meant in just a few sentences. It seems that the other party is indeed confident.

"Since the adults have said so, if I still refuse to say it, I don't know how to lift it." Hinata said with a bitter face. I call myself heavenly forbearance.

"Not so, if you still refuse to say, I will naturally not anger the Hyuga clan, but it is still a minimum to take a small book and write it down."

Hinata's smile became more and more bitter. Isn't this a careful eye, it's all written down in a small book, can it have a good end?

"The adult said and smiled, I will present the path of the passage, hoping that Lord Shuyu will remember his promise and pull Hinata in the future when Hyuga is in danger."

Hinata Tenren looked at Su Xiuyu's young face, knowing that in the next few decades, the ninja world would be dominated by him and Madara and he was already dying. Probably this is fate.

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