Strange brain, height 670 meters, weight 1600 tons. Speed: 7 Power: 5 Armor: 4 Toxicity: Medium. Overall, according to the detection of scientists in the rabbit country, this kaiju beast monster brain can only be said to be only a normal average among the three kaiju beasts that appear so far.

The strange brain feels that the collection work of these staff members is simply tickling and a little uncomfortable. I couldn't help but sneeze, and as a result, a bunch of snot came down my head, drenching the snot of a staff member.

Mito held Su Xiuyu's arm and secretly laughed on the side. "Isn't Xiu Yu still having a Kaiju beast? Let's summon them together and compare them. Su

Xiuyu and Ban only remembered at this time that there was also a contract open ju beast.

"Uchiha fan. It's up to you.


''Psychic! "A huge Kaiju beast appeared again on the training ground," Lord Xiu Yu, the clan elder, this is the Kaiju beast "Chaos". "It was the second Kaiju beast called Chaos that invaded the Philippines.

Two monsters appeared on the training ground at the same time, almost blocking out the nearby sunlight, and everyone stayed in the shadows a little nervously. Wang Tao, who observed carefully, not only found that they were a little nervous, but this Kaiju Beast Chaos who had just appeared was also a little nervous looking at the Uchiha spot on the ground. Even Wang Tao felt that kind of look - yes, the chaotic eyes showed nine points of fear and one point of flattery.

Obviously, this man named Uchiha has completely conquered this monster. Even without the control of the Sharingan, even without the restrictions of the psychic contract, Chaos will honestly obey Uchiha's orders with a low eyebrow.

This is the instinct of animals in the face of the strong, a natural obedience.

The researchers brought by Wang Tao are now happy, and everyone is very excited to get so close to the two living juju beasts.

Another set of tests came down, and another set of data was collected. Collecting one more piece of data means further improving the reliability of the sample, which is beneficial to the implementation of the "Tenjin" program.

After testing the data, Wang Tao took Su Xiuyu and his party to visit the initial laboratory of the "Heavenly God" project. The laboratory resembles a huge dock, constructing a ring-shaped assembly chamber with a huge arm that has not yet been built.

"This is a prototype mech we've just built, and it's only about one arm. Other countries are doing the same, but far behind us. However, their operational mech system has also been successfully developed. The operating system was developed by Ms. Catherine, who worked on it in her early years, and this system is called the Ponse system. Our side has received support from Catherine because of the backwardness of the operating system.

"After all, the extermination of the Kaiju Beast is the unanimous need of all of us. So it's a rare unity of humanity. Wang

Tao's words Su Xiuyu can still understand, and only when human beings are facing a matter of life and death can they cooperate so sincerely.

"King, there is another reluctant request."

Wang Tao was very strange that Su Xiuyu actually made a request to him for the first time, as a super strong person who could not understand at all, Wang Tao certainly hoped to sell Su Xiuyu a favor. It's just that Wang Tao is not sure how much this favor will cost.

If Su Xiuyu couldn't do it himself, how difficult it would be. However, Wang Tao didn't expect that he wanted to fork at all.

"Actually, I just wanted to wait for you to build the mecha, can you let me experience the feeling of driving a mecha first. Truth be told, I am still very interested in mecha. But I am not a scientific researcher, you let me build it myself, I can't create it. Su

Xiuyu's request made Wang Tao breathe a sigh of relief, Wang Tao still thought that it was something, if it was just a test drive of the mecha, it was indeed not too harsh a requirement, and his own authority was enough.

"No problem, Mr. Su, this is not a very difficult thing, I agreed here."

"When the time comes, can Madara and Mito experience it a little?" Of course, we are willing to receive pre-experimental training. Su Xiuyu directly pulled Ban Ye into the water.

Madara didn't understand what the two Chinese were talking about for a while, and when he saw Su Xiuyu and Wang Tao looking at him with a smile, he also responded politely.

Su Xiuyu knew that according to Madara's personality, he was now very good to get along with, and such a long time of exploration in another world finally gave Madara some positive influence. Obviously, Madara has a much broader mentality, and no longer looks down on these mortals and natives, at least with basic respect, Madara still learned.

Day by day, soon mankind encountered itself in the fourth opening of the ju beast. The Kaiju beast, named "Cutter", attacked Sydney, Australia. Because Su Xiuyu arrived a little late this time, he did not subdue the Kaiju Beast at the first time.

So even if Sydney's population is not so large, the evacuation is timely, but the final casualties are still quite heavy. And this time the international community used nuclear bombs again, but unfortunately two nuclear bombs were fired in a row without directly killing the Kaiju beast knife.

In the end of the incident, Su Xiuyu and his party solved it, and this half-dead and half-crippled Kaiju beast was taken away for treatment and signed a contract to become a psychic beast.

The international public opinion circles set off a lot of arguments for a while, and even irrational people stood up to accuse Su Xiuyu and his party.

"Why didn't they arrive in time this time? Why? They are also murderers! Australian

representatives even accused Su Xiuyu of their inaction on the spot. The United States of America and the United Kingdom of Northern Ireland remained silent and allowed developments to develop.

This is also spoken out at the meeting, such as Wang Tao, the representative of the rabbit country.

"From a humanitarian point of view, I also have a lot of sympathy for the victims, and I think everyone in this room is like that. This is a common scourge of our humanity.

"But your country groundlessly accuses Mr. Su and his entourage, I can't understand - after all, the disaster was not caused by Mr. Su and his group, and even Mr. Su and his party extended a helping hand in several disasters." Including this disaster of opening the ju beast, Mr. Su also helped out. "

Your country blames Mr. Su and the others for the poor rescue because of the attack of the Kaiju beast, isn't this the behavior of the white-eyed wolf?"

The representative of the Australian country was furious, "The representative of the rabbit country, it is not because you have a good relationship with them, who does not know that they have been staying in the base of your country!"

"Joke, none of the Kaiju Beasts have attacked any territory of the Rabbit Country at the moment, and we have not given up an international support once. You mean as if our Rabbit Country and Mr. Su's group colluded to bring in the invaders! Wang Tao argued.

"Quiet! Australia represents your bad mood, I can understand, but don't babble! Mr. So has been supporting us as humans. You can't, the hope of humanity has always been pinned on others. What's more, do you have the audacity to call in front of these superpowered people? Shut up for me if not. "

The representative of Russia showed no mercy. Angrily denounced the Australian representative for not being able to figure out the current situation.

The Australian representative was also scolded awake, and if you think about it, such anger is not only meaningless, but may also offend their only foreign aid.

"Alas, please forgive you, I have a problem with my mentality, and I apologize to you. We left first to clean up the mess. The

silent back of the Australian representative made everyone embarrassed to say anything, after all, no matter which country encounters such a tragedy, it is difficult to accept.

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