Su Yi suddenly showed a hand, making Uncle Feng's eyes widen even more in disbelief.

"Are you... magic?" Uncle Feng was stunned for a long time before asking.

Su Yi smiled, said "offended", and suddenly pointed out Rudian and tapped Uncle Feng's acupuncture point.

Uncle Feng was suddenly attacked, and he subconsciously wanted to react, but unexpectedly his body couldn't move. This sudden shock was not trivial.

"I, what... is going on?" Uncle Feng's eyes rolled, and he shouted in horror.

"This is the skill of tapping acupuncture points." Su Yi said.

He put his palm on Uncle Feng's chest, and slowly transferred his internal force, running it along Uncle Feng's body for a week and then pulling it back, which also unlocked Uncle Feng's acupuncture points.

For Uncle Feng, he only felt a torrent rushing in along his body and then rolling away.

This torrent is gentle, mysterious, and difficult to fathom.

"This is internal power." Su Yi retracted his palm.

Looking at Uncle Feng who was stunned and unable to react, Su Yi continued: "Although I have not learned Taoism, I have learned martial arts from famous teachers and developed martial arts and internal strength. Maybe this is what I can understand in half a year. Damn it."

"I learned how to draw talismans very quickly. As long as the master taught me once, I would quickly understand and digest it. I remember that the first talisman I drew was the demon-suppressing talisman. The master was also very surprised and said that I He is an unprecedented monster.”

In fact, with the help of the stream of consciousness teaching space, Su Yi only took one month to reach such a state, but half a year has already been astonishing. If it had been one month, Uncle Feng would probably be like Chen You back then. The thought of "jealousy and murder" arises.

Why do you only need a month to do something that takes half a lifetime?

This is like you studying hard for ten years and passing the second grade, and the five-year-old kid next door got into Tsinghua University after just one month of studying. How do you feel?

"If what you said is true, you are not a monster, who is the monster?" Uncle Feng finally came to his senses. He looked complicated and took a long breath, "Mr. Huang, you really opened my eyes."

"Uncle Feng, if you don't mind, just call me Huo Tu." Su Yi said.

"Okay, Fire and Earth." Uncle Feng calmed down, "You and I are both from Maoshan, but I don't know which branch of Maoshan you are from?"

"My master's name is Chen You, and his magic is passed down from family." Su Yi said, "As for which one, I don't know."

"You haven't asked your master?" Uncle Feng asked.

Su Yi shook his head, looking a little sad: "I... forgot to ask before, but I won't have the chance in the future."

Uncle Feng was startled: "Could it be your master..."

"I saved him myself." Su Yi sighed, "In order to deal with a ghoul, he used the magic spell to restrain the ghost's upper body, and he died together with the ghoul."

Uncle Feng was moved again and said in a voiceless voice: "Ghost? A corpse has a soul but no soul, and a ghost has a soul but no soul. The combination of the two cannot be tolerated by heaven and earth! How could such a thing be born in the world?"

"That's a lot longer to say." Su Yi sighed.

"There's no rush. Speak slowly." Uncle Feng took a deep breath. He was now very interested in Su Yi's story and felt that this person was full of legend and mystery.

"Alian! Stop hiding outside the door and eavesdropping!" Uncle Feng shouted with a straight face, "Come in and add some hot water to your Uncle Huotu. Also, your uncle's mouth has dried up after sitting here for so long, so you can't Don’t care?”

"Oh..." Alian hurriedly went to get the kettle.

Uncle Feng shook his head and said to Su Yi: "My brother and sister-in-law passed away early. This niece was raised by me from the age of seven. After all, she is not my biological child. She doesn't dare to beat or scold her, so she has been spoiled by me. Alas, she will be spoiled in the future. I don’t know what to do.”

"As long as you control the situation and let her marry a good family, then the merits will be complete." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Today's young people are too honest and have no ability, those who are capable are too indifferent, and those who are too selfish are too selfish, and those who are not selfish are fooling around. Alas, I don't know what is wrong with today's young people."

"Maybe young people of all generations are like this." Su Yi said, "In fact, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so Uncle Feng doesn't have to worry too much."

At this moment, Alian walked in again carrying a kettle and a water glass. After pouring the water, she hesitated and didn't want to go out.

Just as Uncle Feng was about to scold him, Su Yi waved his hand and persuaded: "Forget it, tell people everything you need to say, let Ah Lian listen here."

Girls are gossips, so letting them eat half of the melon is probably more uncomfortable than killing them.

"You!" Uncle Feng pointed at Alian angrily.

Alian made a face and smiled sweetly at Su Yi: "Thank you, Uncle Huotu!"

Su Yi smiled, adjusted slightly, and then started talking.

"After my daughter's accident, I felt that it was not a simple matter. I suspected that she had encountered ghosts and gods. Although she survived, she could no longer speak." Su Yi said in a low voice, "At that time, there was a fierce counterattack from above. Some people wrote threatening letters. They also kidnapped my wife. Although I am not afraid of death, there is no reason for my wife and daughter to sacrifice for me. I realize that I have made a serious mistake. I should not leave my weakness in the bay and let them catch me. My weakness threatens me..."

"There is no distinction between official and thief, this world is really hopeless!" Uncle Feng said bitterly.

"Between justice and family, I finally chose family." Su Yi sighed, "In the end, I didn't have the courage to risk everything. In fact, from this point of view, Huang Huotu is really a coward."

"It's not your fault!" Alian interjected, "If a man can't protect his family, what's the point of doing great things?"

"What do girls know?" Uncle Feng scolded.

"But what she said makes sense." Uncle Feng changed his tone and looked at Su Yi, "Huo Tu, as long as he is not a ruthless person, he will make such a choice as you."

Su Yi said: "I finally chose to compromise. I was transferred to a casual position and had no future. I was afraid that they would harm my family, so I deliberately stayed away from them to make outsiders think that my wife and I had irresolvable differences because of the death of my brother-in-law. Contradictory, I have been sleeping in the office for the past two years and have never even returned home, just to make outsiders think that my family is no longer important to me. In this case, even if some people want to retaliate against me, they will not attack my family. Already..."

"You have good intentions." Uncle Feng sighed, "I just don't know if your wife understands your good intentions."

"She is also having a hard time." Su Yi smiled, "In the past two years, I have pretended to be decadent, but in fact, I found a master after some setbacks and wanted to learn spells. I wanted to contact ghosts and gods in this way to solve my problem. The problem of my daughter not talking."

"I went to a very old public housing building and found Master Chen Youchen who lived in seclusion there and sold glutinous rice. I also rented a house there. I wanted to get close to Master Chen and worship him as my teacher..."

Next, Su Yi changed the background of what happened in the world of "Zombie" to Beitai, Wanwan, and then narrated it again after some fine-tuning.

Twin female ghosts, Yin soldiers borrowing paths, transforming water ghosts, raising ghosts to extend their lives, refining corpses and bringing them back to life, asking gods to refine ghosts, and suppressing ghosts with life...

Even to outsiders, these stories are strange, unpredictable, dangerous, and can make people break into cold sweats.

Neither Uncle Feng nor Alian doubted the authenticity of this story. How could such an immersive story be told without personal experience?

Moreover, Uncle Feng, as an expert, knew that all the methods Su Yi said were accurate and reasonable, especially the process of Su Yi catching ghosts and fighting corpses. All the details had reasonable explanations. If he had not experienced it personally, these contents The dangerous changes are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

The most important thing is Su Yi's feelings for Chen You.

When Su Yi talked about Chen You's sacrifice, he was still upset and couldn't let go.

In fact, he always felt that Chen You did not need to sacrifice himself. Chen You underestimated his martial arts. If the two of them cooperated honestly, they might not be able to lure out the corpse and kill it.

But in fact, Chen You's decisive and resolute choice prevented the corpse ghost from continuing to do evil. I don't know how many families were saved and how many people were prevented from dying.

Chen You's sacrifice also had a huge impact on Su Yi. Later, in the world of Yitian, he finally showed his courage and chose to end the troubled times. In fact, he was also influenced by Chen You's fearless spirit of sacrifice.

From now on, he could no longer turn a blind eye to the suffering in the world, also because of Chen You's gold-pure character.

"Brother Friend, do you still have any unfulfilled wishes?"

"No, it's clean, it's good, it's good..."

In the end, he walked away cleanly, living up to what he had learned and fulfilling the ethics and responsibilities of a monk.

This relationship cannot be faked, even if Su Yi talks about it now, it is difficult to remain calm.

"Actually, I never called him master, I called him brother friend." Su Yi said sadly, "It's a pity that he never forgets to learn to fly over walls and fly over walls... He will never have the chance again."

Uncle Feng's blood boiled when he heard this, his eyes were red, and he could not control himself for a long time while gritting his teeth.

As a practitioner, his emotional resonance with Chen You is even greater!

Chen You's despair towards the end of the Dharma era, his kind attitude towards ghosts and monsters, his open-mindedness towards worldly affairs, his pure childlike innocence, and his willingness to step forward without hesitation at critical moments and his willingness to sacrifice himself...

He felt that Chen You was another one of himself. He wished he could get to know someone like Chen You earlier in his life. He believed that if he could really get to know Chen You, the two of them would definitely become close friends and confidants!


The more Uncle Feng thought about it, the more troubled he became. He couldn't help but slap the table hard, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Alian! Go get the wine! How can I not have three drinks in a row for Fellow Daoist Chen?"

Alian was also moved by this heart-wrenching story and sobbed. She was startled when Uncle Feng suddenly banged the table, but when she heard Uncle Feng's words, she didn't obey him this time. Instead, she sniffed and shed tears. , the little face said sternly: "Uncle, the doctor said you can't drink! If you don't obey, I will never pay attention to you again!"

"Oh." Uncle Feng's shoulders slumped, a little embarrassed and resentful.

He picked up the tea cup and threw it away, smiling at Su Yi and saying: "Replace wine with tea, replace wine with tea."

"Uncle, what you drank belonged to Uncle Huotu, and this cup here belongs to you." Alian reminded him.

"Really?" Uncle Feng was startled, his face darkened and he complained: "It's all your fault for not putting them away properly. Who can tell the difference between the two cups when they are put together? Fortunately, I drank from Huo Tu. If Huo Tu drank Mine, won’t it embarrass the guests? Go get another glass of water! Remember to get a different cup!”

"Oh!" Alian pouted and went reluctantly.

Uncle Feng sighed and said to Su Yi: "Huo Tu, you have to be grieving and accept change. Fellow Taoist Chen deserved his death. In fact, from the moment he proposed to ask God, he had already decided to sacrifice himself. He is a role model for cultivators and also for us. The pride of Maoshan!"

"As for that Ah Jiu..." Uncle Feng gritted his teeth, with hatred on his face, "This evil cultivator should really die ten thousand times! It's an advantage for him to let his soul fly to pieces! He has harmed so many people, he should be executed all over the house. ! The nine tribes were destroyed!”

Su Yi said: "This Ah Jiu is a solitary person. He does not have a full family or nine clans."

"It's so hateful!" Uncle Feng angrily said, "It's really unfair for such a person not to be tortured and completely wiped out!"

Su Yi said: "Actually, if I can keep Brother You alive, I would rather keep him alive."

Uncle Feng was silent, patted Su Yi on the shoulder and said: "Huo Tu, the dead have passed away, we living people still have to look forward."

"I know." Su Yi sighed, "It's a pity that I only learned a little bit from Brother You and can't solve my daughter's problems."

"Have Fellow Daoist Chen ever said what's wrong with your daughter?" Uncle Feng asked.

Su Yi nodded: "He said he could save my daughter in that situation. This is not something ordinary ghosts can do."

Uncle Feng looked solemn and said: "The bullet turns... This is indeed not something ordinary ghosts can do."

At this time, Alian brought another water cup, but when Uncle Feng and Su Yi talked about the key point, no one looked at her.

Ah Lian poured the water by herself, sat next to her with her chin in her hands and continued to listen.

"If a ghost saves people, then your wife's uncle should be controlled by a ghost and then raise the muzzle of his gun to commit suicide." Uncle Feng said, "No matter what kind of ghost it is, even if it is a fierce ghost, the most it can do is this. Or Just control your daughter and keep her away."

"I'm pretty sure neither of these situations happened at that time." Su Yi said.

"So it is indeed not an ordinary ghost." Uncle Feng frowned, "Has Fellow Daoist Chen visited your daughter?"

Su Yi nodded.

His prophetic plot is "reasonable" when it is transferred to Chen You in another world.

"We secretly went to see it once," Su Yi said. "Brother You can be sure that my daughter's body has indeed been manipulated so that she cannot speak, but even he is not sure what means were used. But he has two A guess."

"What guess?" Uncle Feng asked.

"His first guess was that ghosts never do things without purpose, but my daughter's horoscope is very ordinary, so the ghosts may not be targeting my daughter." Su Yi said, "He thinks this is very possible. It’s about me.”

"Your name is Fire and Earth." Uncle Feng said, "This means that your destiny lacks fire and earth, water overcomes fire, and wood overcomes earth. Then you should be destined to be water and wood."

"The fate of water and wood is not considered rare, unless... Shaoyang is in fire, and Taiyin is wet in earth. Could it be that your horoscope is Shaoyang and Taiyin, which is very rare?"

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