"If I really need your help then, I hope that those nonsense things will not be seen by others as much as possible." Huang Yaozu said, "Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to explain to the public."

"It doesn't sound like you are begging me to do something, but I am begging you to take me to do something." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Sorry, that's not what I meant." Huang Yaozu heard the knock and dissatisfaction in Su Yi's words and immediately apologized, "Actually, I have been too busy recently and a lot of things have happened that I have never encountered before, so I am a little hasty in speaking and doing things. Otherwise, I’m usually a very polite person.”

After a pause, Huang Yaozu continued: "Actually, this matter would be easier for me to handle if I didn't have you. In my experience, they harm people and usually go silent after a while. The only difference is how many people die. , I could completely turn a blind eye and wait for it to stop on its own. If you were not here, the result of this matter would definitely be like this, but since you are here, I want to give those who have not been killed yet a chance. ”

"Since you pity those innocent people, why did you never ask Uncle Feng for help before?" Su Yi asked, "You should have thought that many innocent people would survive with him here."

"But he will also make the trouble worse." Huang Yaozu said after a slight silence, "He and I pursue different things. In fact, catching them is more harmful than not catching them. And Uncle Feng is so high-profile, we have different ideas. There’s no way we can live together.”

Su Yi smiled and changed the subject: "I'm calling you because there are two ghosts here who have resurrected themselves and become living people. One of them has succeeded. Now I want to save one of them and destroy the other." One. In this case, at least one body must be left behind.”

"Bringing a corpse back to life...you want me to wipe your ass?" Huang Yaozu understood what Su Yi meant.

Although the death of a person on Hong Kong Island is not a big deal, it is by no means a small matter. Unless you destroy the body and eliminate any traces, the police will definitely come to investigate.

Su Yi's mission to destroy ghosts was to do justice for heaven. He didn't want to destroy corpses and eliminate traces after doing a good deed, as if it was very shameful.

So he needs someone to wipe his ass, and this person is none other than Huang Yaozu.

"Don't sound so harsh." Su Yi said, "Actually, I'm doing something for you."

"That's right." Huang Yaozu said, "But this matter... forget it, you can do it first, just don't make the whole city uproar, otherwise it will be a disservice. Remember to call me when you are done."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi looked thoughtful.

It can be heard that Huang Yaozu's attitude towards cultivators is very awkward. He wants to use Xu Xingren's power, but he is also afraid of the troubles caused by cultivators.

As a cultivator, Su Yi naturally had opposing attitudes to Huang Yaozu, but in fact, he quite agreed with this concept.

Respect ghosts and gods and keep away from them. This is a principle passed down from our ancestors.

If ghosts and gods really exist, as long as you keep a respectful distance from them and ignore them, sooner or later you will "don't be surprised if you accept the strange things, and the strange things will be defeated".

But there is a premise, that is, ghosts and gods do little harm to people and their influence is limited.

If there are ghosts and gods that cannot be avoided and avoided everywhere, and you still want to "just ignore them", you are deceiving yourself and others, and you are deceiving others.

In any case, now that there is someone to wipe the butt, Su Yi can throw off his arms and give it a try.

While Su Yi drove Yuan Xiaomin back, a man and a woman came to the place where Su Yi met Yuan Xiaomin.

It was Mike and Yu Huiqi.

At this moment, the two of them frowned, their expressions full of surprise.

"It's impossible. She must have been here last. There's no reason why she disappeared!" Yu Huiqi said angrily, "She should have been dead, but she's not dead yet, and I can't sense her! How is this possible? ? She...is being hidden! Someone is doing something wrong!"

"At this point, it stands to reason that no one in the world will recognize her." Mike said, "If no one can recognize her, naturally no one will hide her. But now that she is gone, then only One possibility..."

Mike looked at Yu Huiqi.

"That damned Wanwan policeman!" Yu Huiqi immediately thought of Su Yi, gritted her teeth and said bitterly, "It must be that damned Wanwan policeman! Except for him, no one has such ability to kill someone under my nose. People hide!"

"I guess it's him too!" Mike also gritted his teeth, "The only person who has a grudge against us and has the reason and ability to do this is this person!"

"How dare you spoil my good deeds, you bastard!" Yu Huiqi's eyes were filled with hatred, her expression was ferocious, and her hair was windless. "You are lying to me if you say that water from a well does not harm a river! He has been here for me from the beginning!"

"Now you are only one step away from being able to melt and return to your body. But without this step, you will be knocked back to your original shape by the spell. This time, all your previous efforts will be completely wasted!" Mike looked at her and said.

"Wasting this opportunity in vain? Do you want me to endure the pain of seven days of reincarnation again? I am not willing to do it! I will never be willing to do it!" Yu Huiqi's face was distorted and she shouted resentfully, "I'm going to fight him! Brother Qiang, please help Don’t help me?”

Mike's expression was gloomy and uncertain, and he hesitated slightly: "Of course I want to help you, but I have returned to Yang now, and I am afraid that I will fight with him with my flesh and blood..."

"We agreed to advance and retreat together, but now you actually..." Yu Huiqi was surprised and confused.

"Sorry, I managed to survive. I don't want to take risks." Mike said, "You should also listen to my advice. There is still a chance. There is no need to fight to the death."

Yu Huiqi's expression was gloomy and twisted: "If you don't help me, I will only die! I have no way out, do you think I will let you go away and live a happy life?"

Mike's eyes suddenly became fierce and he stared at Yu Huiqi.

The two ghosts glared at each other fiercely, and after a long time, Mike gritted his teeth and said, "It's indeed right. We can trust each other as humans, but as ghosts, no one can trust us!"

"I thought Brother Qiang had already understood this truth!" Yu Huiqi sneered.

"Okay, I'll help you!" Mike said coldly, "But I won't help you fight to the death with that Wanwan cop named Huang. I will only help you kill your stand-in."

"How do I know that if someone of my generation surnamed Huang gets involved, you won't leave me and run away?" Yu Huiqi said quietly, "Brother Qiang, I don't want you to work hard. You are a human being now, and you have more ways than me. Compared to me, you can pester the person named Huang to buy time for me. Even if you spend some money to find some young and Dangerous people, you can achieve your goal. This is better than killing someone, right? What if you go to jail? Aren’t years lived in vain?”

"Okay, I promise you!" Mike weighed for a moment and agreed.

"But now you can't even sense the substitute, where can we find him?" Mike asked again, "What if it's past twelve o'clock tonight, or your substitute dies, but you don't have time to get on her? It’s a waste of time.”

"You've been a ghost for a long time, don't you know how to be a human being anymore?" Yu Huiqi smiled coldly, "I'll go find him, you go find Young and Dangerous, and we'll split up."

Mike nodded and turned to leave. Yu Huiqi took a deep breath, put on a sweet smile, and walked towards a convenience store on the roadside.

"Uncle, can you help me? I want to ask something. Was there a woman who looked sick and sick and was taken away by a man at your door just now?"

"I seem to have some impression. Not long ago...a red car went in this direction..."

The convenience store man pointed in a direction and wanted to explain, but when he turned around, he found that the sweet girl just now was nowhere to be seen, as if he had been talking to the air just now.

The uncle was stunned, and after a long time his hair stood on end, and he trembled and said: "What a ghost..."

In Su Yi's room.

Yuan Xiaomin looked at the empty living room full of runes, the bedroom, and the bell hanging in the middle of the living room in surprise. She couldn't help but said: "Sir Huang, have you been ready to deal with them?"

"It is my duty to subjugate demons." Su Yi lit six sticks of incense and gave them to Yuan Xiaomin. "These are the tablets of my ancestors and the Three Pure Ones. It will be good for you to come and pay homage."

"Yes." Yuan Xiaomin now regards Su Yi as the only life-saving straw, and naturally takes his words as a guideline. He hurriedly stepped forward to take the incense, and worshiped and kowtowed to the tablet on the incense table with a pious face, "Please protect me from the gods and ancestors. Save me." I got through it…”

Su Yi also bowed three times, pointed to the lowest position of the bell in the formation, and said seriously: "You sit here now, don't move at all. No matter who tells you to leave here, or if anything happens, or if you see anything , don’t listen, don’t care!”

"What if it's you?" Yuan Xiaomin asked.

"Neither can I!" Su Yi shook his head, "These sneaks are the best at creating illusions to confuse people. They are likely to pretend to be me and ask you to leave, so even if you see me asking you to get up, you must never get up. Maybe you You may feel like you are being attacked in a fantasy world, for example, a tiger suddenly pounces on you or even bites you. You feel pain and feel like you are going to die, but even so, don’t move!”

Having said this, Su Yi approached Yuan Xiaomin with a serious face and said word by word: "You must remember that this is your only chance to survive. As long as you move, you will definitely die! But if you don't move, you will die. Yes, you can live!"

Yuan Xiaomin looked frightened, but still gritted her teeth and nodded: "I will listen to you in everything!"

In fact, even if Yuan Xiaomin is deceived by the sneaky illusion and leaves her place, she may not necessarily die, but she will definitely cause trouble to Su Yi. Therefore, Su Yi deliberately exaggerated the threats to scare her and make her feel that the matter was serious. Thus avoiding trouble.

"Put this anti-ghost talisman close to you, preferably at your heart." Su Yi took out another talisman and handed it to Yuan Xiaomin, "If a ghost confuses you with illusions, or attacks you directly, it will It will work, remember, don't take it out no matter what the situation is," Su Yi ordered.

Yuan Xiaomin nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

But Su Yi was sure that she would take it out, because it was the thing that ghosts were most afraid of. If they wanted Yuan Xiaomin's life, they would be the first to trick Yuan Xiaomin into deactivating the anti-ghost charm. Yuan Xiaomin has no experience in fighting ghosts. There is a high probability that she will be bewitched by ghosts and throw away the anti-ghost charms.

This is also the reason why many mortals are still killed by ghosts even if they ask for spiritual talismans.

Yuan Xiaomin stuffed the anti-ghost charm into her bra. She felt like she was carrying a heavy iron lump, but she felt much more at ease.

Whether it was the layout of the room or what Su Yi did, the feeling given to her was in four words - professional and down-to-earth.

Because he is professional, he is very down-to-earth.

"Sir Huang, you suddenly became cold towards me. Is it related to these two ghosts?" Yuan Xiaomin asked.

"That female ghost warned me not to spoil its good deeds." Su Yi smiled, "I couldn't tell you directly at the time, so I had to use a trick to deliberately keep you at arm's length to make them relax their vigilance."

"Why can't you tell me?" Yuan Xiaomin asked curiously.

"If I told you at that time that your boyfriend and your close friends who live together are ghosts and they want to kill you, would you believe me?" Su Yi asked.

Yuan Xiaomin was startled, shook his head and said: "I might...think you are crazy. Now that I think about it, I'm so stupid. Mike never talks bad about others behind their backs, but he keeps saying bad things about you and tells me to stay away from you. "But I never doubted him."

"It's not your fault. Ghosts confuse people's minds and always make you ignore the unreasonable things." Su Yi said, "Of course I won't just watch ghosts harm people, but the trust of the person involved is also very important. If you and I are not of the same mind. , but you are bewitched by ghosts and stand on their side, then not only will I not be able to save you, but I will be implicated and lose my life. "

"So serious?" Yuan Xiaomin was confused. She couldn't figure it out at all.

"It's more serious than you think." Su Yi said, "For example, if you see me preparing to kill your boyfriend with a knife, and you happen to have a knife in hand, and my back is turned to you, will you stab me from behind? "

"This..." Yuan Xiaomin thought for a while, if that was the case, she would really do this to save Mike.

"But the real situation is that I was fighting with a ghost and couldn't move, and you were bewitched by the ghost at the critical moment to plot against me from behind." Su Yi said, "If you kill me, even if you are not killed by the ghost, you will still have to go to jail. ”

Yuan Xiaomin couldn't help but shudder when she thought of such a situation.

"So you must fully trust me before I can help you." Su Yi said, "Just like now, I tell you that no matter what happens, you must sit here and never leave. If you trust me 100%, you will listen to me. . But if you have doubts about me, if a ghost confuses you later, those doubts will be infinitely magnified, making you suddenly completely distrust me and feel that I am the one who harmed you, and then leave here, this It’s called ghostly obsession.”

"I absolutely trust you, Sir Huang!" Yuan Xiaomin hurriedly stated, "Don't worry, Sir Huang, I will never be obsessed with ghosts. I know very well that you are the only one who can save me now."

"I hope you always think so." Su Yi shook his head, not having high hopes for this.

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