The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1202 Determined Plan

Chu Renmei's singing has faded for a long time, but everyone in the room still didn't dare to speak out. They huddled in fear and didn't dare to move.

After a long time, Su Yi took the lead and exhaled a long breath: "It's gone."

Everyone was relieved.

"Ahhhh..." Jack still held his head and shouted as hard as he could. He curled up on the ground, shaking like a sieve of chaff.

The rest of the people were not much better. Xiao Ming tried to stand up several times, but failed because of weak legs.

Only Miao Xiaowei and Fa Mao were better. The former helped Xiao Ming and Jack respectively, and went to the bathroom to get a towel for Jack to cover his wet pants.

The latter held Cissy's hand and comforted her with gentle words.

"Sir Huang, on your neck..." Miao Xiaowei pointed at Su Yi's neck and said tremblingly.

Su Yi touched the mark where Chu Renmei had scratched him, and his voice was a little hoarse when he opened his mouth: "It's okay, it's not a big problem."

This is a trace left by the erosion of Yin evil spirit. If it is an ordinary person, it will definitely be painful at this moment. It must be spread with glutinous rice, smeared with talisman water, and then wrapped with willow leaves. It will take seven days to get better.

But for Su Yi, the inner power can be eliminated in just a moment.

He walked up to Xiao Ming, who was holding his arm with a face full of pain.

Su Yi had previously used a mahogany sword as a talisman to hit him. Although it was a ghost attack, it also dislocated Xiao Ming's arm.

"Don't move, I'll help you set the bones." Su Yi reached out and grabbed his left arm, moved it slightly, and then exerted force.

Just hearing a "bang" sound, his arm immediately returned to its original shape.

Xiao Ming was so painful that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he gritted his teeth and did not scream.

"Go to the bathroom and wash your face." Su Yi said to him.

I had painted symbols on Xiao Ming's forehead before, but now his entire forehead was covered in blood, which looked shocking.

"Take Jack with you." Su Yi looked back at Jack, "Awei, there is bandage potion in the drawer of the dining room cabinet, and there is a pair of clean pants in my bedroom closet. You can bring it to Jack."

Jack's face turned red, he covered his face and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I was so rude, it's so embarrassing..."

Cissy hurriedly broke away from Hairao, held his arm and comforted him: "That thing is lying on you. Anyone else would be scared to death. You are already very strong."

Jack just shook his head and said frustratedly: "Cissy, did I let you down?"

Su Yi interjected: "People are born with the fear of ghosts. If you are possessed by a ghost, your body is actually not yours to decide. The reason why you peed your pants is because you happened to hold in your urine. That ghost just peed on you. Fortunately, you didn't hold it in, otherwise we wouldn't be standing here talking to you now."

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Jack, you heard what Sir Huang said. It's not your fault at all. It was the ghost that controlled you and made you look embarrassed." Cissy said hurriedly.

Jack glanced at Su Yi gratefully. Only he knew clearly that Su Yi was excusing him.

He knew very well that he was scared to death and had nothing to do with ghosts.

In front of his fiancée, Su Yi helped him save his face as a man.

Jack and Xiao Ming went to the bathroom to tidy up. Fa Mao said in slight silence: "This is the first time I have seen a ghost. It is really scary. This somewhat subverts my previous understanding of ghosts."

Su Yi glanced at him and felt that this guy was a little unreasonable in terms of emotions.

After all, Cissy is about to be married. As a man with integrity, is it difficult to keep a distance from a famous and married woman?

When someone's boyfriend is still there, you pull, hug, and hug his girlfriend. How are you any different from a thief?

You shouldn't be called Fa Mao, you should be called Huang Mao.

"Your biggest problem is your lack of respect for ghosts and gods." Su Yi said.

"Maybe." Fa Mao said, "But I still love the truth more."

"Should I say I admire you?" Su Yi smiled half-heartedly.

Fa Mao smiled: "I know you can't understand me, but I am indeed such a person."

After a pause, he asked again: "What we saw and heard just now, are they hallucinations or reality? I originally thought that ghosts create hallucinations to harm people, but I was a little unsure just now, especially you The marks left on the neck show that ghosts can really touch the real body and are not hallucinations.”

"There are billions of people in the world, and everyone is different. Why do you think all ghosts are the same?" Su Yi asked, "There are many kinds of ghosts. I have even heard of many kinds of ghosts. I haven’t seen it. If you rely on conjecture to define ghosts, I don’t think this is the attitude of pursuing the truth.”

Fa Mao Congshan Ruliu nodded and said: "It makes sense, so I decided to explore these things with a more rigorous attitude."

"Even if you pay the price of death?" Su Yi couldn't help but persuaded, "I advise you to be more honest these days. Chu Renmei already hates all of us. You saw how powerful this ghost is just now. You If you are really interested in this kind of supernatural event, you can explore a less dangerous ghost later.”

While talking, Miao Xiaowei and Xiao Ming had already walked out of the bathroom one after another.

The latter interjected: "Teacher Mao, seeing ghosts is really not a good thing. I have seen countless ghosts since I was a child. I know very well how scary ghosts are, especially this ghost. I think if it weren't for Sir Huang, All of us would have died here just now!”

Miao Xiaowei said: "I was very curious about this kind of thing before, but now I actually regret getting involved because I found that I couldn't help Sir Huang at all, and instead had to rely on Sir Huang for protection."

It can be seen that the sudden danger just now made everyone feel deeply.

As a person involved, Su Yi felt even deeper.

In this sudden confrontation with Chu Renmei, it's hard to say whether he suffered a loss or gained the upper hand.

He spent a peach wood sword and a charm to exorcise evil and was pinched by Chu Renmei, and Yu Huiqi took the opportunity to escape. He could not do anything to Chu Renmei, but instead made the latter jealous of everyone here. Man, from this point of view, Su Yi seems to have suffered a big loss.

But Su Yi protected everyone and made Chu Renmei return without success. Chu Renmei had to retreat temporarily out of fear, and his sword must have caused some damage to Chu Renmei.

Su Yi hurriedly accepted the challenge against a decades-old evil spirit. Su Yi felt that he had won if he could survive and save his companions.

However, the situation is by no means optimistic.

On the contrary, after this confrontation, Su Yi felt that the next moment would be the official confrontation between him and Chu Renmei.

"I have to tell you some very bad news!" After everyone gathered together again, Su Yi said with a serious face, "Everyone here has been targeted by Chu Renmei!"

When Su Yi mentioned this name again, everyone looked around in fear.

"Don't worry, it won't appear this time." Su Yi said. "It appeared here before because the Yin Qi in Jack's body was strong enough for her to sense that someone was reciting its name here, and then used it as a medium to come to her instantly. But just now I drove it away from Jack, and together with it Most of the Yin Qi in Jack's body has also been removed, and now there is only a little bit left. This Yin Qi is not enough for him to sense that we mentioned it again at a long distance."

Everyone was relieved when they heard this.

"Sir Huang, you just said it was targeting us? What do you mean?" Cissy asked nervously, "Will it come to us again?"

"Yes." Su Yi nodded, "When it left, you all heard it singing, right?"

"heard it."

"I heard it too, it's so scary!"

"I have goosebumps all over my body..."

Everyone responded with lingering fears.

"This is the second time I've heard it." Miao Xiaowei said with wide eyes, "Sir Huang, I heard this kind of singing voice at Rubbish's house before. Could it be that it was Chu... too? "

"That's right." Su Yi said, "It doesn't matter what it sings. What's important is that its resentment will spread with her voice. Anyone who hears it singing will be infected by its resentment without knowing it. This is It's like it has marked you, and it can find you even if you go to the end of the world."

Everyone panicked when they heard this.

"What should we do? Doesn't that mean it could kill us at any time?" Cissy said in horror.

"Sir Huang, you must have a way to help us, right?" Jack begged with a trembling voice.

"Is there any way to eliminate or block this resentment?" Fa Mao asked.

Su Yi shook his head: "This kind of ghost that spreads resentment by sound and harms people from a distance is called a resentful spirit. This Chu Renmei is a special and powerful resentful spirit. The resentful spirit spreads resentment and is rooted in your mind through sound. , Resentment exists in your memory, and there is no way to eliminate it unless you forget what happened just now."

This is also the most special and difficult thing about ghosts like Yuling.

"The Resentful Ling...its resentment can also be spread through water. Does it have anything to do with water?" Xiao Ming frowned.

Su Yi looked at Miao Xiaowei: "What happened to the thing I asked you to ask before?"

Previously, Su Yi asked Miao Xiaowei to call the water supply company to inquire about the water outage due to pipeline construction at Plover Cove Reservoir. But before Miao Xiaowei could tell Su Yi after making the call, Chu Renmei came.

"I've asked," Miao Xiaowei said, "people from the water supply company said that an airport transmitting station is going to be built at Plover Cove Pier, and the water supply pipeline needs to be detoured and rebuilt. They originally planned to cut off the water supply for three days, but the impact was too great. , and finally the water supply was cut off in some areas, and backup water sources were activated in some areas. However, the new notice was not publicized from door to door. "

"Where is the backup water source?" Fa Mao asked.

"Bride's Pool." Miao Xiaowei said.

"Is it the Bride's Pond, which is known as the first of the four ghosts in Hong Kong?" Cissy exclaimed, "This place is very evil. Many people die every year. No wonder there is a problem with the water!"

"But the evil sect of Bride's Pond has been around for decades, and it didn't just start now." Fa Mao said, "As far as I know, several villages near there rely on Bride's Pond for drinking water. It makes no sense that they have been drinking this water for so many years. If nothing happens, there will be problems when others eat it.”

"Then how do you explain the water problem?" Miao Xiaowei looked at Su Yi.

The rest of the people also looked at Su Yi, waiting for Su Yi to clarify his doubts.

If it wasn't for foresight, it would be surprising if Su Yi could guess the reason.

Who would have thought that the reason for this was due to construction at the construction site, which caused Chu Renmei's bones to be excavated and fell into the pool, so there was a problem with the water.

This is an accidental incident and has no logic at all.

"There was no problem with the water before, but now there is a problem. That means there has been some change in the water in Bride's Pool recently, and this change should be related to Chu Renmei." Su Yi said, "Compared with the resentment contained in the voice, the water contained I still have a way to resolve the Yin Qi. Chu Renmei is very strong and has a lot of resentment. The most important thing is that it is not sneaky and has lost its self-consciousness. It is conscious and thinking, which is also the most difficult to deal with. "

Su Yi frowned: "If its revenge is strong enough, you may be killed by it at any time. With its ability, ordinary people have no power to resist it. Before, I thought that if I gave you the amulet, maybe you It can still be resisted for a while, but now it seems that if it is bent on harming people, just relying on the talisman is not enough. "

Everyone was so shocked by what Su Yi said that they felt chills all over their bodies and their hair stood on end.

"Then what should we do now?" Cissy trembled, "We can't just leave it to fate, right?"

"If we keep following you, then everything should be fine, right?" Miao Xiaowei said.

"Of course I can save you at any time by my side, but you can't just follow me all your life, right?" Su Yi said, "Time is meaningless to the evil ghost. It can always wait for revenge, but we can afford it. ?"

"So the only way to stop it from harming people is to get over it!" Su Yi said firmly, "Only by getting over it, all problems will be solved."

"How can we help, Sir Huang?" Fa Mao asked.

"I do need your help." Su Yi said, "But before that, we have to save people first."

"Save who?" Jack asked.

"That night, there were two other girls who played a psychic game together." Miao Xiaowei said, "Sir Huang asked me to find out their addresses in the morning. They should be in danger."

"Annie and Biggie?" Xiao Ming said in horror, "Yes, they also drank water. Now that Rubbish and Big B are dead, it will be their turn next!"

"Chu Renmei returned to us without success, will he take his anger out on the two of them?" Fa Mao guessed.

"Aren't they in danger?" Xiao Ming suddenly became anxious, "Sir Huang, please save them!"

"Let's act separately." Su Yi said, "I don't know whether Chu Renmei will be anxious to harm them. To be on the safe side, let's act separately. Those who should save people will save people, and those who should investigate the truth will investigate the truth. But in this way, you Some people will take certain risks. Let’s face it, once Chu Renmei takes action against any of you, you will be in danger.”

Everyone fell silent, with fear on their faces, except for Xiao Ming, who had a look of determination on his face.

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