The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1214 Entering the Water

The group of people followed the river downstream, walked eleven miles and seven feet and three feet, and came to a remote mountain stream. The river in the valley was rapid, quiet and eerie.

When we arrived here, it was already dark, but not completely dark. The stars in the sky were sparsely shining.

"This is it." Su Yi looked at the water in front of him with a solemn expression. Next to him, Uncle Feng also had a solemn look on his face.

In the eyes of the two of them, where is the river in the turbulent flow in front of them? It’s clearly Yin Qi!

The Yin Qi here has become so rich that it is almost in liquid form, and both Uncle Feng and Su Yi are in awe of it.

"Mr. Huang, are you mistaken?" Alian stretched her neck and looked into the water curiously.

The water surface was a little turbid and it was not clear how deep the river bottom was.

However, judging from the exposed shoals and riverbed not far away, it seems that the water here is not very deep even if it is deep.

"The water is so shallow and the current is so fast. If there were corpses, they would have washed downstream long ago!" Alian said, "But it's possible that the bones were scattered and this is just a part of them. Could that be the case? ?”

"This kind of corpse that has been soaked in resentment for nearly a hundred years is very tough and cannot be easily washed away." Uncle Feng stepped forward and stood by the river with a serious look on his face. "The corpse must be here. The Yin Qi here has already The birds don't dare to stop here. We just walked along the river and there were so many flies and insects in the trees, but when we got here, we couldn't even see a mosquito. This is not an ordinary ghost. It can be said.”

"But what Alian said is not unreasonable. The river here is so fast, so it stands to reason that the corpses should continue to flow down the river." Su Yi said, "The stones here are all cobblestones, which cannot stop such a large corpse. Unless... …There may be something else under the river, maybe there is a water hole in it.”

Uncle Feng nodded slightly when asked, obviously agreeing with Su Yi's guess.

"In other words, its bones must be here?" Xiao Ming said, "Then what should we do now? Do we want to go into the water to fish it out?"

"I will definitely go into the water, but if ordinary people dare to go into the water from here, the next one will die! So I can only do this." Su Yi said, "Even if I go in, it will be very risky, so I must be fully prepared."

"What do you think?" Uncle Feng turned around and asked Su Yi.

"We have to lure it into the water first." Su Yi said with a serious face, "I have prepared the soul-drawing incense. We can set up the Five Elements Array on the shore and trap it in the array. When the time comes, Brother Feng, you will be in charge of the array. , I’ll go into the water to retrieve its bones, and it’s best to find the ancient seal.”

Uncle Feng pondered slightly, shook his head and said: "There is little hope of success. This ghost is spiritually intelligent, not to mention that it is difficult for you to lure it up with just the soul-inducing incense. Even if you lure it up, the Five Elements Array can only trap it for one stick. When the time comes, can you guarantee that you will find its body within one stick of incense? If you can't find it when the time comes, it will be very difficult for you to deal with it in the water, and it will be very dangerous even if you can get to the shore intact. That would be extremely difficult.”

"Brother Feng, do you have any advice?" Su Yi smiled bitterly, "To be honest, I only know three formations, one is the Five Elements Formation, the other is the Bagua Formation, and the Liangyi Flip Formation. Never again.”

The Five Elements Formation is a magic formation for subduing demons. The Bagua Formation is a magic formation for transforming and sealing demons. As for the Liangyi Reversal Formation, it is actually a trick similar to "ghosts beating the wall". Setting up this formation can make ghosts I can't find myself or the person I want to protect for the moment, and the duration is within a stick of incense.

"It's not your fault." Uncle Feng said, "I have an idea, which is similar to yours, but it uses more things. One is the abdominal and back seal, and the other is the seven-star soul nailing array. I don't know if you know have no idea?"

"I've never heard of it at all." Su Yi shook his head.

"The seal on the abdomen and back is a small mechanism. Come over here." Uncle Feng waved to Su Yi.

Chu Renmei is different from those vicious ghosts who only have instincts and resentments. It has intelligence, so the plan on how to deal with it cannot be heard.

Uncle Feng first performed a hand trick to ward off evil spirits, and then lowered his voice and said to Su Yi: "The seals on the belly and back are actually two things, one is called the evil-suppressing seal, and the other is called the soul-binding talisman. The evil-suppressing seal is not for exorcising ghosts. With this second magic weapon, even the ghost in the water cannot get close to you. Once it comes within a radius of your body, it will be bounced away immediately! However, it will become ineffective after being used seven times."

"As for the soul binding talisman, as the name suggests, this object can trap ghosts in this talisman. However, this talisman also has a flaw, that is, it can only trap ghosts who have been subdued and have no resistance, and this object can only trap ghosts. A stick of incense..."

"The reason why this soul-bundling talisman and the evil-suppressing seal can be combined into one and become the abdominal and back seal is because the two can be used as matching temporary magic tools after being refined with special methods. The use of this abdominal and back seal is also very simple. First place the soul-binding talisman in a fixed position, and then go into the water with the evil-suppressing seal. The ghost will not be able to get close to you and will be bounced away seven times. "

"As long as you stand within a radius of three feet from the Soul Binding Talisman, stand opposite the Soul Binding Talisman, and sandwich the ghost between the Evil Suppressing Seal and the Soul Binding Talisman, you can directly seal the ghost into the Soul Binding Talisman. middle!"

"But you have to remember, if your back is turned to the Soul Binding Talisman, even if you and the ghost are within three feet of the Soul Binding Talisman, but you activate the Evil Suppressing Seal, the Evil Suppressing Talisman will not be activated. You must stand within three feet of the Soul Binding Talisman, facing the Soul Binding Talisman. You can deviate from it at a certain angle, but it cannot be too large, otherwise it will easily fail. And the ghost must stand between you and the Soul Binding Talisman. "

"As long as this ghost is sealed, you can immediately take this ghost ashore. Let's work together to set up a seven-star nail soul array to completely trap it in the array. It will no longer be able to sense the outside world. Then you can easily go into the water. Find its body and the seal. When the time comes, Xiao Ming will go down to help you, and there won’t be any danger anymore!”

Su Yi listened with rapt attention, and when Uncle Feng finished speaking, he immediately asked: "What is the use of this seven-star soul-nailing array?"

"Do you know about Qiguan? Do you know about locking Qiguan?" Uncle Feng asked.

"I know," Su Yi nodded, "The seven levels correspond to the seven stars of the Big Dipper. Locking the seven levels is to create an absolute realm, which will drain out the yang and yin energy in the realm..."

Su Yi was startled when he said this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he took a breath and said: "Could it be that this Seven-Star Nailed Soul Formation is the formation that locks the seven levels?"

"That's right." Uncle Feng nodded, "It's just using the principle of locking seven passes to set up the formation."

"But as far as I know, the Seven Locks can only be arranged in an absolutely sealed coffin. The main reason is to prevent the unjust death of a person from transforming into a corpse or a ghost. Moreover, the Yin and Yang must be eliminated first, and the contents of the coffin must be evacuated. Even if you are angry, you still have to bury the coffin underground and hang it in the air, and paint the sides of the tomb with quicklime." Su Yi frowned.

"Do you even know this?" Uncle Feng said in surprise, "You are right, the Seven Locks Pass was indeed like this at the earliest. However, the Seven-Star Nailed Soul Array created by our senior Maoshan using this principle can only eliminate Yin, but will not eliminate Yin. Yang, you can only set up the formation on a night with a bright moon and few stars. You can't set up the formation during the day or when you can't see the stars. There is no need to dig a tomb, let alone a completely closed coffin."

Uncle Feng pointed at the sky: "Although the stars are not very clear today, they are there at least. Setting up this seven-star nail soul array is definitely enough. As long as you trap it with the abdominal and back seals, bring it up, and we will trap it again." In the Seven-Star Nailed Soul Formation, most of this matter has been completed today.”

Su Yi nodded slowly, understanding what Uncle Feng meant.

The so-called "mostly completed" means that if Chu Renmei's bones and the ancient seal are not found, then Chu Renmei's resentment cannot be dispelled, and the only option is to directly seal the Seven Star Nailed Soul Array and let it disappear into ashes.

This can be regarded as a guarantee for today's battle against demons.

Of course, the best result is to find the Su seal and bones, and seal Chu Renmei's resentment in her bones. In this way, Chu Renmei can be directly sent to be reincarnated.

This is the happiest ending.

Compared with Su Yi's method, Uncle Feng's method is obviously more rigorous, more ingenious, friendlier to Su Yi, and has a higher success rate.

This is not to say that Su Yi is not smart, but because he is limited by his knowledge.

Just like when we don't know the rule of three seven twenty-one, we can only get the answer by adding three plus seven times.

However, Su Yi still made additions to this plan.

"It's better to put the soul-inducing incense on the shore. It can be used as a confusion and a target!" Su Yi said slightly, "This will make it easier for me to build a plank road to sneak into the warehouse secretly, and it will be easier to lure it into being deceived."

After a pause, he asked again: "Is the Soul Binding Talisman waterproof?"

"Just wrap it tightly in plastic. I brought a plastic bag and tape." Uncle Feng said, "I know there is waterproof paper and waterproof ink. I'm already doing experiments. Maybe we won't have to go to such trouble in the future. We can Just draw the waterproof symbol.”

"Brother Feng, keep up the good work." Su Yi resisted the urge to complain.

He once read a short story about a villain who had been cultivating for hundreds of years and came out to capture the enemy's son, forcing the enemy to hand over the secret book of immortality that he dreamed of.

As a result, the enemy led him into a trap that was arranged in advance. Explosives, spells, high-voltage electricity, and machine guns were used to deliver a violent firepower, which reduced the villain to smithereens and left him completely shaken.

After the killing, he called his son: "Son, are you still there? Are you cold?"

"I'm fine dad, I'm just a little hungry. Remember to bring me a piece of braised chicken when you come."

"Okay son, then send me your location and I will pick you up now."

"Well, okay, the mobile signal is good, there are four squares in the wilderness... Dad, why do you think there are still such evil people now? They kidnapped me and didn't even take my mobile phone?"

"He is from the Ming Dynasty and has been cultivating in the mountains for hundreds of years. What does he know about a mobile phone? How does he know what the outside world has developed like?"


It can be seen that spiritual practice must also keep pace with the times. If you work behind closed doors, you will suffer big losses.

Back to business.

Uncle Feng had prepared the talismans and seals in advance, and there were many small things in the suitcase he brought.

He also took out a bunch of bones, waved them in front of Su Yi and said, "This is the base of the formation that will be set up later."

Su Yi stared at the string of bones for a while and said, "Is this a chicken crow bone?"

"That's right, it's the cock crow bone." Uncle Feng said with a smile. He was very proud that he could pull out some needed gadgets at any time like magic.

The so-called crowing bone is the very small bone that connects the rooster's lower jaw and neck.

According to Taoists, roosters are animals with strong yang energy. Rooster blood and black dog blood are often used as props to drive away evil spirits. Even ordinary people can use them to a certain extent.

But in fact, the most yang-y part of the rooster is the crowing bone.

When the rooster sings, the world becomes white. The rooster crows in front of the rising sun every day, absorbing the first ray of yang energy every day. Therefore, its yang energy is very heavy. Over time, the crowing bones on its neck and lower jaw have become... The part with the strongest yang energy.

As the old saying goes, kill the chicken and show it to the monkey.

But why kill chickens, not rabbits, geese, or even cattle and sheep?

There is something to this.

Monkeys are very intelligent animals and are extremely sensitive to breath. Killing a chicken for the monkeys is not because the monkeys are scared when they see the chickens being killed, but because the majestic yang energy of the rooster suddenly disappeared. This is very important to the monkeys. The shock factor is greater than seeing a chicken being killed.

If you kill other animals in front of monkeys, the shock effect is actually far less than killing a rooster.

After the rooster dies, in addition to dissipating with the blood flow and vitality, a considerable part of the yang energy in the rooster will be retracted into its crowing bones.

After cultivators obtain its rooster bone, they use special techniques to sacrifice it to seal or even strengthen the Yang energy contained in it, thus forming materials for forming formations or making magical instruments.

The rooster crow bone was for later use. Uncle Feng just mentioned it and put it aside. He quickly found two more things and put them in Su Yi's hand. They were the two-piece set of "Abdominal and Back Seal" .

One of the evil-suppressing talismans is a small square seal carved from peach wood, tied with a red rope. This thing feels heavy when you hold it in your hand, and you can tell at a glance that it is not simple.

The soul-binding talisman is a purple talisman, which is obviously a borrowed talisman. Su Yi and Uncle Feng worked together to quickly put it into a plastic bag and seal it with tape, thus completing its waterproof outer layer.

After doing this, Su Yi was ready to go into the water.

"This hydropower is also waterproof, take it." Uncle Feng handed the flashlight to Su Yi, "I haven't used the battery a few times, so it should be enough for you."

"Fire, earth, and water are the home of that ghost. It will penetrate everywhere down there. You must not be brave." Uncle Feng said with a solemn face, "It has not responded to our arrival until now. It is obviously confident. No. What do you think we can do to it? You have to be careful, no one knows if it has other tricks down there!"

"Don't worry, I only have one life. I won't joke with my own life." Su Yi was also very serious. Although he looked calm on the outside, he was actually extremely tense inside.

He knew very well how difficult Chu Renmei was to deal with. Even though he had prepared so much, the danger was still great.

"Sir Huang, be careful."

"Come on Mr. Huang!"

"Mr. Huang, be careful..."

Everyone cheered for Su Yi.

Su Yi smiled and nodded. He lit the soul-inducing incense and planted it on the grass on the bank. Then he took a deep breath and walked into the rushing river...

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