The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1234 Traveling Together

Yinshan Sect?

Su Yi felt awe-inspiring in his heart, but also felt a sense of enlightenment.

The Yinshan Sect, like Maoshan, focuses on exorcising evil spirits and catching ghosts. This sect is very mysterious. It does not worship the Taoist Sanqing, but the Dharma Master of Yinshan, the powerful ghost king.

This lineage can be regarded as the originator of the Five Ghost Techniques. It is good at various Five Ghost Techniques, such as harmony, confusion, soul transfer, soul exorcism, soul locking...

They basically know all kinds of weird spells.

Because the techniques of this sect are very secretive and sinister, they were once ostracized by the spiritual community, and even the disciples had to go to Siam, Malay and other places.

Later, this lineage merged with the local Jiangtou Master and called itself the "Ghost King Sect".

In fact, there is no distinction between good and evil in law, and people are divided into good and evil. No matter how different the magic is, it will be righteous if it is used correctly, and it will be evil if it is used evil. It just depends on who is doing the magic.

Uncle Li was a bit serious. After saying hello to Su Yi, he fell silent and stopped talking.

Su Yi took the initiative and said, "He's over there. Would you like Uncle Li to take a look first?"

"No need." He shook his head slowly, turned to look at Xiao Ming again, then walked to the side, found a haystack and sat down, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

When Su Yi saw this, he didn't speak again.

As for Xiao Ming on the side, he was so frightened that he didn’t even dare to express his anger!

Su Yi can decide according to his own mind whether he wants to see ghosts; but Xiao Ming's yin and yang eyes can passively see ghosts, whether he wants to or not.

Just now, Su Yi didn't take the initiative to look at the five Liu Lingtong boys, but Xiao Ming could see clearly that there were five ferocious-looking human heads hanging around Uncle Li's waist!

He was trembling, not even daring to look at Uncle Li.

After a while, another figure appeared in the way.

This man was carrying an old suitcase, his hair was very short, and he was wearing a set of dirty work clothes.

There was a smell of gasoline before the person arrived. He must be a repairman.

He is tall, skinny, with sharp edges on his face and piercing eyes, giving him a very powerful feeling.

Su Yi went to Daoji as usual, greeted the man and informed him of his name.

However, he did not introduce himself first, but looked Su Yi up and down, and asked straight to the point: "Are you the colleague from Wanwan that A Feng mentioned?"

"It's me." Su Yi nodded.

"Are you Chinese?" he asked again.

"Of course!" Su Yi said.

"We can talk!" The man nodded and stretched out his hand, "My name is Tie Yan. I am from the Lushan sect. I should be older than you. You call me Brother Tie, and I call you Brother Huang!"

"Brother Tie." Su Yi was kind-hearted and had a brief conversation. Su Yi judged that this person was a very straightforward person, and his temperament should be straightforward.

If he is what he looks like, then this kind of person is Su Yi's favorite person to deal with.

The Lushan sect is also very good at exorcising evil spirits and catching ghosts, but their attitude towards ghosts is a bit extreme. They believe that all ghosts who dare to harm people should be beaten to death, and they should be killed without leaving any further trouble. So they were very ruthless.

Chen You once commented on the people of the Lushan sect: "When this sect is exorcising evil spirits and catching ghosts, you should stay away, and it will easily splash blood on you. They are cruel to ghosts, and even more cruel to themselves!"

"Lao Li!" Tie Yan looked at Uncle Li over there and nodded to him, "Are you feeling well?"

Uncle Li stood up and said, "The past few years have been pretty good. I heard you got married? Congratulations."

Even when he said congratulations, Uncle Li had no expression on his face.

"Congratulations! I married a widow! Two husbands have died!" Tie Yan snorted coldly.

"Don't walk in front of me." Uncle Li replied slowly and sat back down again.

Tie Yan looked at Xiao Ming again, looking up and down. When the latter was worried, Tie Yan walked aside without saying a word, put the box in her hand on the ground, and sat directly on it.

"Wait until they come!" Tie Yan said to Su Yi.

"Okay." Su Yi nodded.

After a while, a car appeared not far away.

This is a luxury car, the kind that costs seven figures.

Seeing the car arriving, Tie Yan snorted and said, "I don't understand. Why did Ah Feng insist on calling this acrobatic liar?"

"He still has the ability." Uncle Li said without raising his eyebrows.

"Is it useful? You're not following the right path!" Tie Yan said disdainfully, "None of these bald donkeys are really good!"

"He's half a good guy." Uncle Li corrected him seriously.

"Hey, are you short on others and soft on others, so you say nice things to them?" Tie Yan glared.

"Yes." Uncle Li sighed, "I am different from you. I want to support myself in old age and need money, but you will never grow old."

"I'm not a god, why don't I age?" Tie Yan asked doubtfully.

"How can a person like you live to be old?" Uncle Li said seriously.

"Damn, you cursed me!" Tie Yan shouted angrily.

A smile appeared on Su Yi's lips, and he became curious about the "dead acrobatic liar" they called him.

The car stopped, the driver's door opened, and a fat figure jumped out.

The fat man was wearing a suit, with shiny hair and a smile on his face.

After getting out of the car, he quickly ran to open the back door and helped out a trembling old lady from inside.

At the same time, Uncle Feng also walked out of the car door on the other side and looked this way.

Seeing the trembling old lady, Uncle Li and Tie Yan stood up at the same time and walked to Su Yi, waiting to greet the visitor.

They are all older than Uncle Feng, so of course they cannot welcome him.

They didn't show much respect for the fat bald man, and it was obvious that they were unlikely to greet him.

So what they respect is the trembling old lady.

The old lady's back could no longer be straightened, her hunchback was a bit severe, her hair was gray, and her face was covered with ridges. She looked really old.

The fat bald man smiled and talked to her while helping her walk over, with Uncle Feng following closely behind.

"Lao Li, Ayan, haha! Long time no see, you still look good!" The fat bald man waved to the two of them happily.

"Flatterer!" Tie Yan muttered disdainfully and ignored him. Uncle Li on the other side

Su Yi and Uncle Feng looked at each other and smiled at each other.

The eyes of the fat bald man and Su Yi fell on each other at the same time.

"You must be the Master Huang that Ah Feng mentioned, right?" Bald Head smiled enthusiastically, "Oh, it's better to meet him than to be famous. Master Huang is a talented person, young and promising!"

"Excuse me, what do you call me?" Su Yi replied.

"Oh oh oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself!" Baldhead slapped his forehead and said with a smile, "My name is Sang Xin. I practice in Lingdu Temple. I am from the Pu'an lineage."

"So it's Master Sang Xin?" Su Yi was surprised.

He had just heard the name of Master Sang Xin yesterday, but he didn't expect to see the real person today.

As for the Pu'an Dharma lineage, Su Yi has also heard that the ancestors of this lineage practiced both Buddhism and Taoism, so it was later split into the Buddhist Pu'an Dharma and the Taoist Pu'an Dharma. Pu'an Dharma of the Taoist sect belongs to the sect of Tianshi, and they major in the Thunder Dharma of the Celestial Master. Most of the Pu'an Dharma of the Buddhist sect call themselves "disciples of Nanquan Xiangxiang of Sakyamuni's legacy". Although they become monks, they do not observe the precepts.

It turns out that he is a monk who does not observe the precepts. No wonder he is bald.

This monk is so slick, drives a luxury car, and wears expensive suits. He really doesn't look like a serious practitioner. No wonder Tie Yan can't deal with him.

"Let me introduce it to you," but Sang Xin was very enthusiastic about Su Yi, and Su Yi didn't mean to judge people by their appearance.

"This is Long Po, who worships the Black Leaf Buddha Mother. He is an old man here. He is over a hundred years old this year!" Sang Xin said with a smile.

Black Leaf Buddha Mother?

From the tantric lineage?

Su Yi hurriedly saluted this kind-hearted old lady.

Generally, Buddhists worship Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats. Even Tantric sects rarely worship the Buddha's mother. Those who worship the Buddha's mother belong to the side sects among the side sects, and there are too few.

The Buddha Mother is also called Ming Fei, this...

how to say?

There is quite a bit of criticism among the people about this. Those who worship Ming Fei are all small sects, and even the Tantra themselves do not recognize it. Su Yi had never heard of this Black Leaf Buddha Mother.

But since everyone respects Long Po so much, it must not only be because of her age, so Su Yi does not dare to show any slight to this old lady.

The old lady smelled strongly of medicine, mixed with the smell of incense.

Tie Yan and Uncle Li stepped forward to salute one after another. Long Po smiled and nodded, his attitude was very kind.

She looked deeply at Su Yi and suddenly said: "Sang Xin, my old eyes are dim and I can't see clearly. You have a discerning eye. Can you see clearly? Has this little friend Huang who came from afar developed into a Yin God?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Except for Sang Xin, everyone showed an extremely incredible state.

"Isn't this impossible?" Tie Yan was the first to blurt out, with a look of disbelief, "Isn't Yin Shen Ye You the method of those group of ghoul guards? And they can't practice it themselves. Brother Huang is from the Maoshan method, how can he succeed? Yin Shen? Long Po, you must have read it wrong!”

Sang Xin laughed and said: "I can't see clearly either, Long Po, I've been exposed to too much turbid air from the world of mortals, and now my eyesight doesn't work either!"

"You just don't want to offend anyone." Long Po shook his head.

"Young man, my old lady is not trying to expose you," Long Po explained to Su Yi, "Don't be angry with me, a person who is about to be buried. Regardless of whether you have cultivated Yin Shen or not, you will remember it. Don’t take advantage of strangers, it’s a taboo and it’s not good for you.”

Su Yi was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "Senior is right."

He didn't say anything more.

"Long Po, I can vouch for Huo Tu's character and ability. There is absolutely nothing to say!" Uncle Feng glanced at Su Yi in surprise and said hurriedly, "And he is very talented and upright. This time That’s what he discovered.”

Everyone was silent for a while, and Sang Xin laughed and said: "Ah Feng said so, Huang brother must be of the same mind as us! Long Po, Ah Feng, you still can't believe it?"

"Believe it, why can't you believe it?" Long Po said with a smile, he looked at Su Yi, "Young man, my old lady talks too much, I apologize to you."

"How can this happen?" Su Yi said immediately, "You are a senior, I can't be worthy of you!"

Uncle Feng said: "Huo Tu, everyone present is a Taoist friend who can be trusted and relied on. The reason why Long Po said this is because raising ghosts to give birth to human bodies is something only evil cultivators do. There are people in Hong Kong In order to extort money, evil cultivators deliberately bring ghosts into other people's bodies, and then pretend to be good people to exorcise evil spirits and defraud people of their money."

"But Yin Shen is like a legend to us. We just heard about it, but we have never seen it with our own eyes. Only Long Po is knowledgeable and Sang Xin has a discerning eye, so they can see it. Yin Shen has the body of others. It is not a good thing. You are contaminated with turbid air without knowing it, but people with discerning eyes can see that your aura is mixed. You are obviously one person, but you have the aura of many people on your body. It is naturally abnormal..."

"In ancient times, there were countless seniors who had cultivated into Yin Shen and fell in love with others too often, eventually breeding inner demons and becoming demons. That's why Long Po was so wary of this..."

Uncle Feng briefly explained to Su Yi, then turned to Long Po and said: "I can't tell what's going on with Huo Tu, but I can guess a little bit about it, and I understand why you got it wrong. Don't worry, he I know what's wrong with me. Let's finish the matter at hand first and see what Huo Tu wants."

"Haha, Ah Feng, why are you so serious, as if you are bullying the younger generation as soon as we meet?" Sang Xin laughed and said, "Okay, okay, don't be so nervous! Brother Huang, we know each other now, and our friendship is considered Yes, let’s cultivate our feelings slowly, don’t be in a hurry... By the way, why don’t you take us to see people? Now that everyone is here, let’s go and see them?”

"Seniors, please come with me!" Su Yi nodded without saying anything more. He made a gesture of invitation and led everyone towards the black car.

Xiao Ming didn't speak from beginning to end, he was extremely nervous.

It wasn't until everyone was walking in front under the leadership of Su Yi that he deliberately dragged himself to the back to say hello to Uncle Feng.

Uncle Feng nodded majestically and said solemnly: "I just won't tell you."

"I know, Uncle Feng! Angkou Huang told me the same thing!" Xiao Ming said hurriedly.

When everyone saw the Vietnamese woman for the first time, their faces became serious.

Everyone first moved out of the way to let Luang Phor take a look first.

Luang Po walked forward with a solemn face, put his hand on the Vietnamese woman's head and touched it twice, then shook his head and walked away.

"Lao Li, you and Ayan come first." Sang Xin said with a smile.

"Okay." Uncle Li was not polite. He took two steps forward, fumbled in his pocket for a while, and pulled out a white, writhing insect.

It looks like a maggot.

He put the maggots near the Vietnamese woman's mouth, let them crawl in, and then turned around and walked away without looking for any results.

As soon as Uncle Li left, he followed Tie Yan and came forward. He grabbed the woman's hand, put it in his mouth, bit it, sucked hard, then tasted it for a while, frowned and walked away.

"A Feng, you come first?" Sang Xin said with a smile.

Uncle Feng waved his hand: "I am the youngest, and I am the last."

"How about we talk about faces?" Sang Xin said with a smile.

Uncle Feng showed a helpless expression, and before he could say anything, Sang Xin laughed and patted him on the shoulder: "You're just kidding, hahaha! Ah Feng, you are so mature and steady!"

As he spoke, he opened the Vietnamese woman's eyelids with his hands, looked closely at her for a while, then nodded "Yeah", turned around and smiled at Uncle Feng: "I've seen it, it's your turn, Ah Feng."

Some people in the group chat and this chapter asked where these characters were from, and even looked for them... Don't look for them, they are all original characters and NPCs that enrich the plot.

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