The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1255 Conversation

"I think the existence of the First Commandment is completely self-deception!" Li Guoqiang said his thoughts truthfully after a slight silence. "There are ghosts in this world. This is a fact and cannot be changed! I think it is necessary to let the people know the truth. , let them take precautions against these dirty things.”

Li Wenbin walked up to Li Guoqiang, very close to him, and asked condescendingly: "Do you think we haven't thought about what you said? Do you think the top brass of the police force are just losers who don't think about problems? Or are they cold-blooded who only care about their official positions? animal?"

"I never thought about it that way!" Li Guoqiang said loudly.

Li Wenbin looked at him expressionlessly: "Young man, be in awe of everything and don't take it for granted! You want to know why there is the first commandment? Well, I will give you an explanation today, but I hope this is also the last time. !”

After a pause, he added: "There is another person who, like you, is also complaining about the police force. When he comes, I will not speak again, so as not to have to say it twice!"

"Yes!" Li Guoqiang said. Only then did he notice the sweat on his forehead, and thought that Li Wenbin's sense of oppression was indeed not an excuse.

After a while, someone knocked on the door again and came in.

What surprised Li Guoqiang was that this person was Uncle Feng.

Uncle Feng looked a little decadent and looked very bad.

He was also surprised when he saw Li Guoqiang, but he just nodded to him and said nothing more.

"Director Li." Uncle Feng saluted Li Wenbin.

"A Feng, how many years have we not seen each other?" Li Wenbin asked.

"Seven years?" Uncle Feng said, "After you sent me to Dongpingzhou, we have never seen each other again."

"It's been seven years and you're still so resentful?" Li Wenbin smiled.

"The person assigned is me, not you. Otherwise, do you think you would have no resentment?" Uncle Feng said lightly.

Li Guoqiang on the side heard his heart pounding. He thought, Uncle Feng dared to speak like this to Li Wenbin? Really awesome.

"If it were me, I would have it too. I'm not a saint." Li Wenbin said, "But if you let me choose again, I will still assign you. Do you know why?"

"The first commandment." Uncle Feng said, "For you, whitewashing the peace is more important than anything else."

Li Wenbin smiled and suddenly told an unrelated story.

"Almost half a year ago, Kwong Chi-li from the Dupin Branch came to me and made a suggestion to me." Li Wenbin said, "He said, Sir, Hong Kong Island has been very effective in cracking down on Dupin crimes in recent years, but repeated bans on Dupin are not only a very serious problem. It would be a good thing if we could cut off the supply of unique products at the source and build Hong Kong Island into a drug-free city.”

"He gave me an effective suggestion. If I follow his suggestion, I'm sure that in just three years, 99% of the monopoly traders can be basically eliminated in Hong Kong Island."

He looked at Uncle Feng and Li Guoqiang: "Do you think I should adopt this suggestion?"

He added: "You can say whatever you want and don't be afraid of being wrong. You can speak freely here today and no one will pursue anything."

Li Guoqiang immediately said after hearing this: "I think we should! If you can put an end to the problem of the proliferation of unique products, this will definitely be a good thing that benefits the citizens. Those families who have been devastated by unique products will definitely thank you."

Li Wenbin looked at Uncle Feng incredulously: "What do you think?"

"I think so too." Uncle Feng said, shaking his head, "But I know that many things in this world cannot be said to be right or wrong. Many things that seem right may not be a good thing."

"It seems that you have changed a lot over the years." Li Wenbin said with emotion, "You would never have said such a thing before."

"I'm not changing, I'm just recognizing the reality." Uncle Feng said.

Li Wenbin looked at Li Guoqiang and said, "You are very disappointed. Not only did I not adopt Kuang Zhili's suggestion, I also asked him to announce a phased victory in the anti-drug campaign, and then relaxed the control of unique channels."

"Why?" Li Guoqiang couldn't understand at all, "Isn't this condoning crime?"

"Do you think I have a conspiracy to do this? Do you think I have selfish motives? Have you already thought of many conspiracy theories to guess my motives?" Li Wenbin laughed.

Li Guoqiang didn't speak, but judging from his expression, that's what he thought.

"Actually, I made this decision out of public concern and for the security of this city." Li Wenbin said, "When I reach my position, the highest goal I pursue is no longer vulgar things like money and power, but The opportunity to change the world is to leave a name in history, so many of the decisions I make are for the public, not for personal gain.”

"The reason why I made this decision is actually very complicated. Because from a high-level perspective and looking at the overall situation, the issue of unique products is not a separate issue, but an issue related to the security and stability of Hong Kong Island, which affects the whole body."

"The population of addicts in Hong Kong has risen to 184,000 this year, an increase of more than 4,000 compared to last year. It is expected that the growth rate will further increase next year," Li Wenbin said, "Most of these 180,000 addicts are some Of course, there are also some habitual drug addicts among the middle- and lower-class residents who live in poor living conditions and have unstable jobs, but the proportion is not large.”

"You are all police officers, and you all know what these drug addicts will look like if they become addicts. They will lose all moral bottom lines and become inhumane! What will happen if the drug addicts are completely banned? Hong Kong Island will have ten more people. 80,000 criminals who are disrupting society because they have nothing to drink!”

"I don't need to estimate how many victims this will cause, right? Who is responsible for this? You? Or me?"

Uncle Feng was silent, but Li Guoqiang was still a little unconvinced and hesitated to speak.

"These are just prostitutes, as well as lawbreakers engaged in the sale of exclusive products." Li Wenbin did not give him a chance to speak, and continued, "According to incomplete statistics, there are three people in Hong Kong who are directly or indirectly engaged in exclusive crimes. More than 10,000 people, this number is always changing, and there are always new ones. I can tell you responsibly that I have put all 30,000 people in prison today, and it will not take long for another 30,000 people to join them. Position, continue to sell unique products! This is called the supply and demand market, as long as there is profit, many people will take risks!”

"Let me tell you again, can independent products be completely banned according to Kuang Zhili's method? This is wishful thinking! His method is just to get rid of this group of criminals who traffic in independent products! But by doing so, he will only make the next group of independent products Trafficking becomes more secretive and more sophisticated, and it will indirectly raise the price of drugs, making more people take risks and embark on the road of drug trafficking!”

"If you want to completely eradicate unique products in Hong Kong Island, it will never be accomplished overnight. This may require the efforts of several generations, and you have to work on it slowly. Rushing for quick success and instant gain will not work. Sometimes it is clear that we can do better. , we won’t do this, why?”

"Because settling scores will do more harm than good! If I accept Kuang Zhili's suggestion and carry out drug control in a big way, do you know what will happen? I, Li Wenbin, can gain a high reputation and fame through this, and my personal prestige will be further enhanced, but in this way What’s the cost? It’s Hong Kong’s security that has to endure pain, it’s the frontline police who have to face new challenges and new enemies in advance! It’s the lives of many people who could have been avoided..."

"The underworld will be reshuffled, and channels for exclusive products will still be re-established. Those drug addicts will still smoke exclusive products. The price of exclusive products will become higher due to drug prohibition. If they can't afford it, they will rob and kill!"

"In this case, why don't I leave a few drug trafficking routes that we have mastered to indirectly control the drug market, so that those addicts can fend for themselves honestly?"

"But everyone who commits a crime should be punished!" Li Guoqiang finally couldn't help but retort, "Otherwise this would be the greatest insult to justice!"

"Justice?" Li Wenbin smiled, "Is justice more important, or human life? Let me tell you, if I can save a child's life today and ask me to do something illegal, I will still do it! Not to mention just putting justice on the back burner A little! If the price of justice is too expensive, why should I wait until it becomes cheaper before pursuing it? Young people, justice is a trap, we need it, but it is not the most important!

"The most important thing is to make the world more stable, more prosperous, and make most people happy! This is the meaning of being the deputy commissioner of the police!" Li Wenbin's expression became serious again, "Now I Let me tell you why the police force needs the first commandment. If a person commits a murder and a ghost commits a crime, should they be caught and brought to justice? If so, how should the case of a ghost murder be investigated? "

"It took thousands of years for this world to summarize the existing criminal investigation methods, and all of them will be overturned in the face of ghosts! Because ghosts have no fingerprints, and they do not need alibi when they kill people. We cannot interrogate them, and there is nothing we can do even if they are wrongly accused. Defend yourself.”

"If we announce to the public that ghosts exist, let me tell you, many things in this world will be overturned! This price is unbearable for any country. No one knows what terrible things will happen, but if we choose to hide it , then it will be easy. If you are at the top, how do you choose?”

"42,800 people died on Hong Kong Island last year. I can tell you that there are almost more than 2,000 people suspected of dying from ghosts and supernatural incidents. For the death of more than 2,000 people, the world's perception has been subverted, and people all over the world have to bear the price. , how do you think this account is calculated? Rulers from ancient times to the present have known that ghosts and gods exist, but so what? When did this world have an officially recognized ghost catching department? Is it hard to imagine why? "

Li Wenbin looked at the two people in front of him: "So, there must be a first commandment! Whether you think you are deceiving yourself or others, or whitewashing the peace, this first commandment must be implemented. This is not just a problem in Hong Kong Island. It’s a problem the whole world faces! If someone doesn’t obey the first commandment…”

Li Wenbin paused and said: "Then I'm sorry, for everyone, I can only sacrifice you!"

Uncle Feng and Li Guoqiang both had complicated expressions and were deep in thought.

Obviously, Li Wenbin's words touched them greatly.

"However, many people know that there are ghosts in this world, and we can't hide it if we want to." Li Guoqiang said.

"Does it matter?" Li Wenbin smiled, "The right to speak in this world is not in their mouths. No matter how much they say, can it affect the overall situation? We have heard too much about so-and-so seeing ghosts since we were young, but if you Without seeing it with your own eyes, would you believe that this is true? As long as the existence of ghosts and gods does not form a general consensus and is only spread in a small area, it will be beneficial to us, just like you, like the yellow fire earth in Wanwan, your existence, In fact, it is a powerful supplement to the policy of the First Commandment.”

"Huo Tu didn't kill anyone, he was wronged." Uncle Feng said.

"I know." Li Wenbin said, "I also know about the shooting in the detention room that just happened. The guy was also innocent. He was just being used by ghosts. The truth of these things is easy to see through, but Huang Huotu is still wanted, that The guy who shoots someone in the detention room must also go to jail and lose his job, that’s the rule!”

"I know they are unjust, but the evidence is conclusive, and the first commandment will not make exceptions for anyone! Otherwise, whoever kills people in the future will have to rely on ghosts and gods!"

He looked at the two people in front of him and changed the topic: "Of course, this matter is not without a turn. If the matter is always in our hands, whether Huang Huotu and that guy killed anyone, for us, it is just a matter of changing the confession and report. things.”

Uncle Feng and Li Guoqiang looked at each other and both looked at Li Wenbin.

"Is there any other department that wants to accept this matter?" Uncle Feng asked.

"Britain is ready to send people here." Li Wenbin said, "They have been very experienced in handling this kind of thing from the Middle Ages to the present. In addition, the north also vaguely indicated that enthusiastic religious people from the public would come to Hong Kong Island to help. It is unofficial. After all, Haven’t returned yet…”

Uncle Feng was silent for a moment and said, "What will happen if they take over?"

"The matter will be suppressed." Li Wenbin said, "But in what way, we can't decide. In addition, they will never wipe our butt for what has happened. In other words, Huang Huo Tu and That guy is dead!"

"Enthhearted people from the north have contacted me and said that this incident is very serious and may lead to a serious humanitarian disaster." Li Wenbin said seriously, "I don't understand a lot of what he said, but I know one thing , Wipe your own butt! And even if we ask others to help, we can’t do nothing, otherwise we will be looked down upon!”

"There are not many people I can trust in this kind of thing. Ah Feng, you are one of them. It's a pity that Azu died, otherwise it would be Ah Feng and him I saw this time." Li Wenbin's eyes fell on Li Guoqiang's face , "Although there were flaws in how you handled this matter, overall, you stabilized the situation, which makes me very satisfied."

"I don't care how you did it or who was helping you. If you achieve such a result, I will admit it!" Li Wenbin said, "A Feng, Guo Qiang, let me ask you something now. What happened this time? Are you willing to work hard?"

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