If Su Yi is the only one here to maintain the situation, even if Su Yi has three heads and six arms, these evil ghosts will inevitably be tempted to take risks and strike hard.

But with Su Yi's eight friends blocking the four exits, and Su Yi's force deterring them, none of these evil spirits dared to make any mistakes.

After all, they are reviving corpses just to survive, so why are they willing to risk their lives at will?

After Su Yi asked seven "representatives" and dozens more members, he let all the evil spirits leave.

As Su Yi said before, the main enemy they have to deal with now is She Qing, Xiao Huang's father. There is no need or energy to waste time on these evil spirits.

These people are of high status, and handling them rashly will definitely cause a lot of trouble, and it will be difficult to explain to the outside world.

But these people will definitely enter the police's priority testing list in the future, and they will definitely be restricted to "die" on Hong Kong Island.

If you want to die, die outside. If you must die on Hong Kong Island, I'm sorry, I will forcefully summon your soul to save you.

The karma of these evil ghosts is so great that there is no question of reincarnation, so to rescue them is to make their souls fly away.

"It's really an advantage to them!" Uncle Feng was a little unwilling. With his jealous character, he would definitely find it hard to accept this kind of compromise with evil. "According to me, we should kill all these guys! Let's keep them." Big hidden danger.”

"What Ah Feng said is not unreasonable," Bai He said, "Now that we let them go, what if they join forces with She Qing again?"

"So we can only win this battle, not lose." Su Yi looked at the "notes" written down by Hua Tsai, frowning and said, "As long as we win, they will not dare to make mistakes. Besides, we have The reason why I have to win...look at this.”

He handed the transcript to Uncle Feng, who read it and passed it on to the next one. After a while, everyone had passed on the transcript and read it, and everyone frowned.

There are more than a hundred evil ghosts, from all walks of life, and everyone's tasks in the Ghost Story Association are also different.

But looking at all the tasks, they all have several common purposes——

Create conflicts, mess up Hong Kong Island, and cause many deaths.

For example, the task of the leader of a society is to recruit more subordinates, which will lead to more conflicts with other gangs.

The mission of opening a gambling stall is to attract more people to gamble and cause more people to go bankrupt.

Restaurant chain owners are tasked with sneaking poppy shells into their dishes to get diners hooked.

The job of the school principal is to incite students and create more hatred and conflicts.

Etc., etc.

The missions of these evil spirits may seem unrelated, but when viewed together and combined with the current situation of Hong Kong Island, they make people shudder.

What are these evil spirits going to do?

What is the purpose of the Ghost Stories Association?

If this purpose is also the purpose of Photographing Youth, then why Photographing Youth wants to mess up Hong Kong Island?

You don’t want to be subversive or make a fuss about color, right?

A ghost wants to interfere with human government? This is too ridiculous!

So everyone naturally ruled out this point. Everyone was very sure that messing up Hong Kong Island was just a means, a method, but not an end.

What is the purpose?

"Too many people died, making this city full of hatred and hostility... Why did She Qing create such an organization to do these things?" Sang Xin frowned and murmured.

His question was also a question shared by everyone. After figuring out what the Ghost Story Association was going to do, it only made everyone more confused and made the matter even more confusing.

"Not only the Ghost Story Association, but also the disaster caused by Huang Father." Su Yi reminded everyone, "The current situation is that Huang Father's disaster creates panic and death, and the Ghost Story Association creates conflicts and hatred... and it is definitely not just that. These tasks of resurrecting evil spirits are all long-term tasks after they join the association. Will they receive urgent tasks and key tasks at a certain critical moment? Maybe the Guaitan Association has been brewing, dormant, and The layout has not really begun to work hard..."

"Critical mission? Urgent mission...what could it be?"

Everyone frowned and thought hard, but there was no clue.

"Speaking of dead people... I have something rather strange here." Uncle Feng suddenly said, "Now the disaster caused by Huang Father has spread like a spark to start a prairie fire. I find that these little Huang Fathers are becoming more and more greedy, and they are becoming more and more greedy. The more brutal it is.”

"Cruel?" Everyone looked at each other.

"I also killed a few little Huangfus, but I didn't find out how powerful they were." Hu Yidong spread his hands and said in confusion.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

While they were looking for traces of She Qing recently, they also tried to kill Xiao Huang's father. As Hu Yidong said, they didn't think there was anything special about Xiao Huang's father.

"It's not about becoming more powerful, but about becoming greedy." Uncle Feng said seriously, "You are not the police. You just want to eliminate Xiao Huang's father. But we need to track them and understand how they spread and how many people they have harmed."

After a pause, Uncle Feng looked at Li Guoqiang, who had been silent and listening with Hua Tsai on the other side.

"Aqiang, you tell them, the changing trend of Xiao Huang's father harming people, these data are all calculated by you, and you told me." Uncle Feng said.

Li Guoqiang looked solemn and said: "Earlier, these guys would be killed by us if they killed about 4 people each on average; but now, our efficiency has become higher, and the citizens are also wary of this situation. , but on average it takes 9 people for them to be discovered and killed."

"What does this mean?" Hua Zai interjected and asked.

"This shows that they are hurting people faster." Li Guoqiang said.

"It's not that simple." Uncle Feng said seriously, "Little Huang's father swallowed the soul, and it takes a certain amount of time from swallowing to digesting, just like a person will not eat another meal immediately after he is full. But Now Mr. Huang wants to eat even when he is full, and he eats more and more quickly, which is very abnormal. "

"I asked Monk Miao'an of Dabei Temple about this. As you all know, he has been running around searching for and destroying Xiao Huang's father. I met him last night, and he also noticed this and felt very It’s not normal.” Uncle Feng continued, “He has a suspicion, but it sounds a bit absurd.”

"What suspicion?" Monk Shengyi asked.

"He suspects that the souls swallowed by Little Huang's father have not been digested, but that they do not know where they exist." Uncle Feng said, "He suspects that Little Huang's father is hoarding rations."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present laughed, and even Su Yi couldn't help but shake his head.

This is indeed ridiculous. Hoarding rations?

This means that Xiao Huang’s father swallowed other people’s souls and spit them out again to save them?

How can this be?

It doesn’t make sense!

"Anyway, the situation Brother Feng mentioned is indeed an abnormal situation." Su Yi said, "Everyone, the mission of the Weird Talk Association, the abnormality of Xiao Huang's father, and the disappearance of She Qing. So many strange and suspicious things It must be abnormal to happen at the same time! This abnormality is not insignificant, but something is brewing. I don’t know what you think about it, but when I think about it carefully, it makes me scared.”

"This is why I insist on finding out what She Qing is trying to do before investigating She Qing's whereabouts. What is She Qing planning and calculating? If we run into it headlong into ignorance, we will probably fall apart. Falling into a trap! We are not afraid of death, but if it is a unnecessary sacrifice, I believe no one wants it!"

Having said this, Su Yi paused, looked around with a serious face and said, "At least we have to make more preparations and plan for the worse."

"Brother Huang is right to worry." Sang Xin said in a deep voice, "This Sheqing is indeed different from what we know. It organizes and does things. It does not go its own way and act alone like what is recorded in the book. . It also got involved with Father Huang. We really need to figure out what it is trying to do, and we can deal with it in a more targeted way."

"I agree." Taoist Bai He nodded, "As long as there are desires and demands, there will be weaknesses. I also think we must first figure out what She Qing wants to do."

"But what exactly is She Qing going to do?" Hu Yidong spread his hands, "We know so much now, and we can't even see the shadow of She Qing. Who knows what it is going to do."

Uncle Feng's eyes fell on Su Yi: "Huo Tu, you have a good mind, what do you think?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Su Yi again.

Su Yi pondered slightly and said, "I can't guess what She Qing is going to do, but I can probably guess what it needs."

"What?" Uncle Li asked subconsciously.

"Dead people." Su Yi said, "It requires more people to die on Hong Kong Island."

Everyone frowned slightly.

"Why do you say that?" Father Anderson asked.

Su Yi picked up the notes and said: "The answer lies here. We can all be sure that She Qing is not interested in the order of the world, but it wants to mess up Hong Kong Island and create hatred and division. This is very difficult. Conflict. So I think, if Hong Kong Island is in chaos, the society becomes very violent, everyone has grievances, and there is hatred everywhere, what will be the consequences? "

"Dead people." Old Taoist Bai He suddenly said, "More people will definitely die!"

"That's right!" Su Yi said, "In times of peace, humanity is flourishing, and no matter how powerful the photographer is, it is impossible to start a war, so creating an organization like the Weird Tales Association to stir up troubles secretly, and then teaming up with Huang's father to cause a large number of deaths, should have been It’s the sharpest method he can think of. Photographing Qing requires the death of many people in Hong Kong, that’s my guess.”

"But dead people are obviously not the goal. I'm not sure what She Qing wants to get through more dead people." Su Yi frowned and said, "Corpse energy? Resentment? Or a lot of people who died in vain?"

"Corpse energy... resentment... wasted death..." Uncle Feng read these three words, his face suddenly changed drastically, he took a breath, and his eyes suddenly widened!

At the same time, Monk Shengyi couldn't help but let out an "ah" and widened his eyes.

He and Uncle Feng stared at each other, seeing the look of horror in each other's eyes.

"Master Shengyi, what did you guess?" Uncle Feng asked tremblingly.

"Amitabha, what I guessed should be the same as what fellow Taoist Feng guessed." Shengyi said solemnly.

"What time has it been? Stop showing off!" Hu Yidong couldn't help but said.

"Ghost King!" Uncle Feng said with a solemn expression, "If She Qing really wants corpse energy, resentment and a lot of ghosts who have died in vain, all I can think of is that it wants to be the Ghost King!"

Su Yi didn't know much about this aspect, so he asked: "Ghost King? What are the requirements for becoming a Ghost King? How can I become a Ghost King?"

"Lao Li, you know this issue better than me, tell Huo Tu." Uncle Feng frowned and said to Uncle Li, looking heavy.

Uncle Li is a descendant of the Yinshan Sect. Among the gods enshrined by the Yinshan Sect, there is the Mighty Ghost King. In particular, the first generation of descendants who spread to Southeast Asia only worshiped the powerful ghost king.

"The ghost king is a kind of career position, comparable to the immortals, who receive incense and control the world." Uncle Li first defined the ghost king, "If a ghost wants to be a ghost king, the conditions are extremely harsh and it is almost impossible to achieve it. From ancient times to the present, There are only three ghost kings, one is the powerful ghost king worshiped by our Yinshan Sect, and the other is the one-horned ghost king and the Mangshan ghost king."

"If you want to become a ghost king, you must first have a ghost party, secondly, you must have a large number of ghosts to follow you, and most importantly, you must be strong. These three conditions are indispensable."

"The ghosts are independent of yin and yang. They belong to one side. They are generally formed naturally and are difficult to create artificially. However, it is said that if the Jiuyin Jedi continues to accumulate resentment, corpse energy and ghost energy, it is possible to form a ghost."

"The ghosts who enter the ghost world are not reincarnated and are no longer troubled by karma, but their lives depend on the thought of the ghost king. So in the ghost world, the ghost king is a heaven-like existence. Does Mangshan know? Mangshan ghost ghost Here, the ghost king of Mangshan dominates everything. He has ten ghost commanders, thirty-six ghost generals, and tens of thousands of ghost soldiers. He is neither governed by the underworld nor respects the orders of gods. He is considered the overlord of one side. "

Su Yi was shocked and nodded slowly.

In his impression, the Ghost King was like a bandit leader who lorded over the mountains in the underworld, but he did not expect that the Ghost King would have such a high status and be so powerful.

"Amitabha, in fact, the ghost king cannot do whatever he wants." Monk Shengyi saw Su Yi's expression and added, "The ghost king is only recognized by gods, Buddhas and the underworld because of his huge power, but he must also follow the movement of heaven and earth, otherwise he will suffer retribution if he eats the cause and effect. accurate."

Uncle Li did not refute, but nodded and said: "It's just like the relationship between your Bayan and the mainland."

Su Yi nodded and understood instantly.

"Does She Qing really want to be the Ghost King?" Old Taoist Bai He was a little puzzled, "Are we a little too fanciful?"

"It's very possible!" Uncle Li took a deep breath and said, "This Sheqing no longer lives alone, joins forces with Huang's father, and even sets up a ghost talk association. Huo Tu's analysis is good. It should be doing these things for A lot of people died.”

"Then it must be to collect resentment, corpse energy and dead ghosts! What does it need these for? Do ordinary ghosts need these? As long as it wants to be the ghost king, that can be explained clearly!"

"And its whereabouts!" Uncle Feng's face became more solemn, "We dug all over Hong Kong Island and couldn't find it! But what if it already has ghosts?"

His eyes passed over everyone: "If it is hiding in a closed ghost cave, unless we find the entrance, we will not be able to find it for another hundred years!"

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