The Meteor Star Formation is an attack formation inherited from Longhu Mountain. It is a very complex formation that uses the stars as the flesh, the Nine Palaces and Bagua as the bones, and the heavenly stems and earthly branches as the skin.

This kind of magic circle can summon the power of meteors to attack targets within the circle, and it is very powerful.

To use Uncle Feng's words to describe it, once the meteor formation was launched, the corpse demon Su Yi encountered before could not survive for even a second.

As for the reverse yin and yang formation, it is the unique skill of the Qingwei sect. This formation can reverse the yin and yang energy. The yang pole generates yin, and the yin pole generates yang.

This formation is set on the periphery of the meteor formation, which is an extra layer of insurance.

The Meteor Star Formation is responsible for breaking through the formation's eyes and defending against attacks in the formation's eyes; and once the Meteor Star Formation cannot hold on, there will be another wave of counter-Yin Yang Formation to block it.

After these two large formations were deployed, everyone felt much more at ease.

Soon, with the collective action of everyone, another sarcophagus was lifted out.

Like the previous sarcophagi, this sarcophagus was still buried vertically in the ground, but the shape of this sarcophagus was different from ordinary coffins. It looked more like a huge stone slab, wide and large.

There was trouble when discussing how to open the coffin.

Opening the coffin is the most dangerous thing. Once the coffin is opened, no one knows what will happen.

The most important thing is that someone must stand beside the coffin when opening the coffin. Once any problem occurs, it will happen in an instant, and it is difficult for ordinary people to react.

To put it ten thousand steps back, no matter how quick your reaction is, you still won't be able to escape from the formation.

And as long as you are in this formation, you will be in great danger.

Therefore, one person must risk a narrow escape and stay in the formation to open the coffin, while the rest withdraw from the formation and wait outside.

Although these twenty-odd cultivators were all prepared to sacrifice, they sacrificed themselves outside the gate of hell without even seeing Mao Sheqing. It was obviously not a show of publicity.

Everyone discussed and discussed, but no one took the initiative to ask Ying to do this, and finally decided to draw a death lottery to decide.

Zhang Zhenren of Longhushan is the leader of the team. Everyone first excluded him and let him preside over the draw.

The form of drawing lots is also very "cultivation style". A peach wood sword, a rotating talisman, stick the talisman paper on the peach wood sword, place the sword on a smooth tombstone lying flat, activate the talisman, and the peach wood sword will start to rotate. .

More than twenty practitioners formed a circle. After the peach wood sword stopped, whoever the sword pointed at would stay and open the coffin.

This method was fair and reasonable, and eliminated the possibility of secret operations. Everyone agreed, and the ceremony quickly began.

As Master Zhang kneaded the secrets and chanted the incantation to activate the talisman, the peach wood sword spun rapidly.

Everyone formed a circle, including Su Yi.

In fact, Su Yi thought about whether to take the initiative to ask Ying to stay and open the coffin. After all, he had martial arts skills with him. If he stayed, his chance of survival would definitely be greater than others.

But after much hesitation, he still didn't say this.

There is no doubt that this matter will be very dangerous, otherwise everyone would not be so prepared to face a powerful enemy and set up two large formations just in case.

Su Yi is good at martial arts, and his chance of survival is indeed higher than others, but whether it is for personal reasons or the overall situation of the operation, the value of him retaining his strength until the end is always much higher than the value of expending it here in advance.

But if he draws lots, Su Yi will accept his fate.

Fortunately, this did not happen. The Taomu Sword slowly stopped, and the tip of the sword pointed at a slovenly middle-aged man.

Everyone looked at him. The middle-aged man was in a daze and didn't react for a while.

"Is this Fellow Daoist Jia from Jia's Trappist Academy?" Master Zhang of Longhushan looked at him with a solemn expression, "Do you agree with this result?"

The middle-aged Luotuo came back to his senses, forced out a smile, and said with a slightly hoarse voice: "I admit it, why don't I admit it? The draw is fair and reasonable, it's just my bad luck, I admit it!"

"Okay!" Zhang Zhenren took a deep breath, "Fellow Daoist Jia, is there anything else you want to say?"

Uncle Feng obviously recognized him. He took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Dagang, is there anything else you want to explain at home?"

Jia Dagang looked at Uncle Feng, shook his head and said, "When I come out, I will explain everything that needs to be explained."

"That's good." Uncle Feng said, "Try to be careful. If something unfortunate happens...don't worry, we're just a step behind you, and we'll be back with you soon."

Jia Dagang seemed to have calmed down a bit, smiled and said: "Okay, if it really comes to this point, I will definitely wait for you."

"And I!"

"And us! Brother Dagang, you won't be lonely on the road to hell!"

"Dagang, don't be too pessimistic. Be careful and you should be fine..."

People who knew him spoke one after another. Jia Dagang clasped his fists, looked around, bowed and saluted, his expression was solemn, and his eyes became determined.

Master Zhang stepped forward and began to explain the precautions to him. Jia Dagang listened very seriously and nodded repeatedly.

After a moment, as Master Zhang waved his hand, everyone exited the formation, at least fifty meters away.

But seeing Jia Dagang taking a deep breath in the field, he first took out a few talismans, muttered something, put one on his chest and legs, then placed the two talismans due east and west, and then took out A bracelet with a Five Emperors coin string, put it on your wrist.

This is his job of protection, protecting himself as much as possible and being prepared to respond to various emergencies at any time.

After doing this, he took out a knife and cut his finger, dripped blood into the gap between the coffin lid and the coffin body, and began to officially open the coffin.

He muttered something, and gradually, an astonishing red light came from the gaps in the sarcophagus.

This is a sign of consumption of yin and yang and evaporation of yang energy, indicating that there is not enough yang energy and yin is strong and yang is declining.

When Jia Dagang saw this, he didn't hesitate. He gritted his teeth and slashed the palm of his hand, and blood immediately fell on the sarcophagus.

The red light gradually converged, as if there was something in the sarcophagus that sucked the yang energy back.

Just when Jia Dagang was about to continue to chant the incantation, his body suddenly staggered, and his palms actually stuck to the edge of the sarcophagus.

His expression suddenly changed, and he pulled hard twice, but he didn't break free!

The next second, Jia Dagang stepped off the ground with his feet on the sarcophagus, trying like crazy to break free, but to no avail.

Bang bang bang!

There were only three explosions, and three clouds of blood mist rolled over his body, but it was the talisman he had attached to his body that exploded!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically when they saw this scene!

There are only two situations when a talisman explodes. One is when you use it improperly and the attributes are incompatible; the other is when you receive huge force in an instant, causing the talisman to be overloaded and even explode.

The current situation is obviously the second one.

"Ahhh..." Jia Dagang let out a shrill and desperate scream.

He suddenly raised the knife high and slashed hard at his sucked wrist.

Jia Dagang screamed and slashed his wrist crazily.

But that knife is just a small dagger, how can it cut off the wrist bone in one go?

However, the strange thing is that he chopped until the bones cracked and the skin and flesh rolled, but not even a drop of blood came out.

Everyone on the periphery watched this scene nervously. Some people exclaimed, some roared, some chanted sutras, and some couldn't bear to watch.

Su Yi clenched his fists several times and wanted to rush in to save people, but as a master, his frightened crisis sense told him that even if he went in, he would die!

Just in the few seconds Su Yi hesitated, another change happened inside!

But seeing Jia Dagang's whole body uncontrollably pressed against the sarcophagus, he was still screaming miserably, but at this time, he no longer screamed, but suddenly roared and recited the formation breaking technique.

His voice was hoarse and painful, and it was hard to imagine how much perseverance he had to do so at this time.

This scene made everyone's eyes wide open!

Including Su Yi.

Everyone knows that Jia Dagang is using his own life to complete the task of breaking the formation!

If he doesn't do this, someone will have to draw lots to take his place and go in to continue breaking the formation!

And the person who replaces him is almost certain to die!

Jia Dagang spoke very fast, almost roaring as he finished reciting the Formation Breaking Technique. However, his whole body was torn apart and his bones were cracking and shattering. This piercing sound could be heard from far away.

At some point...

The world seemed to suddenly become silent. The next second, a loud noise shook the world, the sarcophagus exploded, and the billowing black mist instantly spread and expanded, filling the entire world!


Several meteors seemed to streak across the sky, falling into the billowing black mist with their long tails.

This is Zhenren Zhang who inspired the meteor formation and activated the power of the meteor.

But when I heard the "rumbling" sound in the black fog, it sounded like thunder.


Zhang Zhenren of Longhushan, who was in charge of the meteor formation, suddenly spat out a large mouthful of blood with a "wow" sound. He didn't even have time to spit out or swallow the blood foam in his mouth, so he shouted in a hoarse voice with a horrified look on his face: "Back off! Quickly!" retreat!"

While shouting, he turned around and ran away!

There was no need for him to remind him that such a loud and powerful battle would have already frightened everyone!

The moment the sarcophagus exploded, many people started to turn around and run away.

Uncle Feng and others were no exception. Everyone yelled, turned around and ran wildly.

The black mist that exploded quickly stopped spreading, as if it was covered by an invisible cover.

But after a pause of less than a second, a "crash" sound was heard, as if glass was broken, and the billowing black mist quickly spread again!

But then he was covered by a second barrier!

Hee hee hee…

Red blood glowed out from a corner of the cover, and after a few seconds of gushing out, the blood turned into flames, and the raging tongues of fire spurted out more than two feet away. The sound was extremely terrifying!

This is the Yang Qi converted from the reverse Yin and Yang formation, but the Yang Qi is so rich and majestic that it actually burns directly!

It seemed that the second barrier blocked the rolling evil energy.

But the good times did not last long, and soon, the whole world seemed to tremble, and at a certain moment——


With a louder noise, the Yin-Yang Reverse Formation was also exploded!

The rich black air spread instantly, like an overwhelming stormy wave, sweeping everything, unstoppable!

How can human legs outrun the surging waves?

In just an instant, many people were swallowed up by the black mist.

Su Yi used Qing Kung and fled like crazy. He didn't have much time to worry about at this time and only had time to bring Uncle Li, Uncle Feng and Sang Xin with him.

He held one in one hand and another under his arm.

When passing by a woman with half of her face burned, he tucked the woman under his arm and ran away frantically.

Out of the corner of his eye, Su Yi saw some people who could not escape activate their magic weapons to protect themselves.

Others were running wildly and had no time to do anything before they were swallowed up by the black mist, and then let out piercing screams.

In just a few seconds, Su Yi ran to the front. And he was keenly aware that the speed of the spread of the black mist seemed to have slowed down a bit, so he immediately threw the four people hanging on him to the ground, turned around with his feet, and flew back.

Hu Yidong ran wildly with two big black rats on his shoulders, and was about to be swallowed up by the black fog. Su Yi grabbed him by the collar and flew into the air.

He screamed in fright, but stopped immediately after seeing clearly that it was Su Yi.

The pretty female Taoist priest from the Mazu Temple had been half swallowed by the black mist. Only one arm was exposed, but Su Yi grabbed it and pulled it out!

But when he saw that the delicate female Taoist priest was all black, like an African, with her eyes rolled up and her mind wandering, Su Yi immediately channeled pure Yang internal energy, and black mist steamed above her head, and she returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

The black mist seemed to have stopped spreading. Su Yi threw the two of them down. Just as he was about to continue rescuing people, he saw that the black mist began to shrink back faster than before!

It seemed like there was a bottomless pit absorbing the black mist.

There were shadows in the shrinking black mist, and there were faint roars and screams.

When the black mist completely shrunk and returned to one place, people who had been swallowed by the black mist were scattered everywhere.

Some even used magic weapons to protect themselves, but were unscathed.

Some were covered in black, lying on the ground not knowing whether they were alive or dead, and motionless.

Some of the bodies were mutilated, torn apart by something unknown.

The scene was miserable!

Looking further away, inside the original cemetery, a jade ring as white as jade hung quietly in the air. The hole in the middle of the jade ring projected billowing black mist, which condensed but never dispersed, forming a cone.

This thing is the formation eye of the Twenty-Eight Evil Ghost Sect Formation!

The black mist that had spread just now was instantly sucked back by this thing.

And in the condensing black mist, there are faint ghost faces that appear and disappear, seeming to be roaring and wailing, as if there is another world connected inside.

The people who survived the disaster stared blankly at the scene in front of them, filled with shock.

For a moment, I forgot to react.

Su Yi was the first to react.

"Help!" He shouted, flew out first, and pounced on the nearest practitioner who was lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

He turned the man lying on the ground over, but saw that his eyes were closed, his teeth were clenched, and he was unconscious.

But he is still alive.

This person is the kind of person who, although he did not protect himself immediately when the black mist hit, he still had time to sacrifice his magic weapon to protect himself.

It was just that the evil spirit entered his body at the beginning, causing him to faint because he couldn't hold on.

But it lasted for a while.

It was this moment that won him precious life and allowed him to survive.

Su Yi slowly channeled his internal energy to remove the evil spirit from his body, and the man slowly woke up.

Before his dazed eyes could regain focus, Su Yi left this person's side and rushed to save the next person.

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