There are generally two types of paper-tying people. One is paper-tying techniques. There is paper-tying technique in Maoshan, which can make paper figures move. The other is paper-tying ghosts. The formation of this paper-tying ghost is quite special and rare. .

The body of this kind of paper ghost usually appears in ceremonies to sacrifice ancestors, and is usually burned on the spot.

But there are exceptions to everything. Some people with paper sticks will not be burned, but will be left behind.

Because the paper man absorbed a lot of yin energy and incense at the sacrifice site and was worshiped by "filial sons and virtuous grandchildren", this thing has the ability to carry ghosts, and the ghosts "involved" have a common bond with the paper man. , so I love to possess this paper man.

Then the tragedy happened - it was easy to get in, but hard to get out.

This kind of paper figure that carries incense and has been sacrificed becomes a cage, trapping the ghost in it.

It is like a double-edged sword, which not only protects the ghost from the harsh cold of the bone-shattering wind, but also makes it impossible for the ghost to escape and has to become a paper ghost.

There is only one way to get it out - burn it.

Only by burning it down to nothing can the ghost inside be freed.

There are hundreds of paper figures densely packed in front of you. They have different shapes and have their own movements. It is obviously not controlled by magic, but there is a ghost hidden in each paper figure.

There are hundreds of paper ghosts here!

The level of paper ghosts is generally not high. Generally, the most is yellow page ghosts. Most of them are actually white shirt ghosts and discouraged ghosts.

If ghosts of this level were in the outside world, they would have no choice but to run away when they saw these practitioners.

They can't bear even a drop or a breath of the practitioner's blood, so there is no need for the practitioner to take action.

But when this kind of ghost hides among the paper-tied people, everything changes.

They have a layer of protection against positive things. If you want to harm them, you must break through this layer of protection.

It would be easy to deal with one or two, but the problem is that there are hundreds of paper ghosts here.

Everyone who saw this scene had their scalps exploded, despair surged in their hearts, and they could not help but wailing or moaning.

What made everyone even more horrified was the existence inside the paper sedan!

What kind of ghost is this being that can have so many paper ghosts as its slaves?

Although everyone could not see its true appearance, the milky white gas seeping out from the gaps on the four sides of the sedan could give them a glimpse of the power of the ghost in the sedan!

That was a very pure and extremely yin energy!

Only evil ghosts with a certain level of spiritual conduct can exude such pure and extremely yin energy.

Sitting in the sedan chair was obviously another powerful ghost!

The mind-obsessed ghost, the mountain light ghost, the temple ghost, the wind girl, the paper-stuck ghost, the soul-breaking bird...

There are so many different kinds of evil ghosts and evil spirits!

It only took a few years for She Qing to create this ghost world, but it was like collecting stamps to collect so many weird ghosts. This is the most incredible thing!

How is it done?

With an inhuman roar, hundreds of paper ghosts rushed into the area shrouded in Buddha's light!

The Buddha's light shines on them, causing their paper bodies to emit a golden light!

This Buddha's light had no impact on them, and some paper ghosts let out inhuman screams.

But this did not affect or restrict their movements. Hundreds of paper-barred ghosts rushed in one after another, rushing towards all the practitioners!

The practitioner's already precarious defense line was instantly broken!

Uncle Li roared crazily, took out two black balls and threw them, hitting several paper figures. Before he could take any further action, a group of paper ghosts rushed over and knocked them to the ground!

The next second, his whole body was lifted high, with a paper man grabbing each of his limbs and head, trying to tear his body apart!

At the critical moment, Uncle Li's eyes widened with anger, he chanted a spell and pointed his hand at the chest, and the three willow spirit boys who were fighting with the soul-breaking bird in mid-air immediately flew back screaming and disappeared into Uncle Li's body.

The three willow soul boys got into Uncle Li's arms and head respectively. Their upper body emitted an astonishing bloody light, and the three paper ghosts were immediately knocked away!

But the two paper ghosts who grabbed his feet twisted and pulled hard, and they actually tore off both of his feet from the ankles!

"Ah..." The severe pain caused Uncle Li to scream in agony. He waved his arms wildly to hit the surrounding paper ghosts, and fell heavily to the ground!

If his five ghosts were still intact, he would not suffer this disaster.

However, there is no if in this world...

The two paper ghosts who tore off Uncle Li's feet threw the severed feet into the air. A strange human skin that looked like it had just been peeled off a living person and was still dripping with blood suddenly flew towards the two severed feet with a whistle. The foot was wrapped inside, and the human skin was squirming, and blood was flowing down like a juicer. There were creepy and terrifying sounds of chewing flesh and bones and cracking bones coming from the human skin.

This is a ghost in human skin. Only when the whole human skin is peeled off while alive, you must not die during this process. You must stay awake and in pain, so that you can form a ghost in human skin under the huge hatred and resentment.

Human skin ghosts love to devour human flesh and blood, hoping that in this way, they can also give birth to flesh and blood and become human again.

But unfortunately it is in vain and it will never succeed.

Originally, shrouded in Buddha's light, it was impossible for ghosts in human skin to approach.

But now, under the attack of the paper-stick people, all four monks had to stop guarding the Buddha's light. Each of them was besieged by dozens of paper-stick ghosts.

As soon as they stopped, all the surrounding fierce ghosts rushed in!

There are also temple ghosts, Feng Nu and other ghosts who suffered losses before, all rush forward!

What a mess!

It's all chaos!

The whole scene turned into a pot of porridge!

Fortunately, although the Eight Yang Golden Bell Formation on the other side has not been completely arranged, it can still exert its power. Uncle Feng and Zhang Chuduan, who are in charge of the center, are constantly attacking. The fierce ghosts are attacking from all directions, but the eight directions serve as the formation. Under the control of Uncle Feng and Zhang Chuduan, the people in the flag all chanted incantations in unison, but they saw the shadow of a huge golden bell taking shape. There was a large piece missing from the top of the golden bell, but the surrounding area was enough to withstand thousands of evil ghosts. , the golden light keeps those ghosts out of the formation, and they will be bounced away once they get close!

"Hurry! Everyone join the formation!" Uncle Feng shouted anxiously.

In any case, the Eight Yang Golden Bell Formation can still barely resist the group of ghosts.

If the outer defense line is lost, as long as everyone escapes into the formation, they will at least be safe for the time being.

It's a pity that the enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered. At this time, the situation outside the array is completely out of control.

The first to suffer was Father Anderson.

His soul had been torn apart by the soul-breaking bird before, and his soul had been severely damaged, to the point where he was confused and confused.

After the Zhizhi Man rushed over, he immediately surrounded him and tried to tear his body apart with all his hands and feet.

Under severe danger and pain, Anderson woke up like a flashback!

He roared angrily and suddenly took out a handful of white powder from his pocket and threw it away.

When these powders were stained on the paper ghosts, they immediately made a "chichi" sound, corroding holes of different sizes on their bodies!

In pain, a group of paper ghosts immediately dispersed and threw Anderson to the ground again.

Anderson endured the severe pain and discomfort and continued to take out the white powder from his pocket, throwing it in all directions while trembling as he picked up the cross thrown aside.

This white powder is special exorcism salt, which is a common consumable in the Western Vatican's exorcism rituals.

But just as he kept pushing back the paper ghost, he didn't realize that the temple ghost had gone and returned. He quickly approached from the ground with a dirt bag the size of his head, and it was under him in the blink of an eye. The next second, mud erupted, and from the ground The jet is about to wrap up Anderson!

Anderson reacted very quickly to the sudden change. He quickly put the cross on his forehead before the mud was about to flood his body, and recited the exorcism spell loudly and quickly: "Expel you, every demon, every evil force, Every invasion, every hellish enemy, every legion, every demonic sect! Banish you, damned devil! I command you, stop deceiving and hurting, and poison you to eternal sleep..."

He read faster and faster, and finally at the moment when the mud was about to completely wrap him up, a sacred and blazing white light spread from the cross on his forehead to his whole body, and then suddenly burst out!

The mud covering his body was immediately blown away, and the splashing mud quickly regrouped not far away, but he never dared to get close to Anderson again.

However, before Anderson could breathe a sigh of relief, the blue light of the mountain ghost suddenly enveloped him, causing him to stagnate. The next second, a group of paper ghosts lifted Anderson up again.

The slowing effect of the Mountain Light Ghost ended, and Anderson realized his situation and suddenly groaned in despair: "Oh, no..."


The next moment, his entire body was torn into pieces by the paper ghost!

On the other side, the tall and thin man who was praying for help was finally defeated by his four fists and was thrown into the air by a group of paper ghosts.

Several soul-breaking birds swooped down and tore at his soul, causing him to scream in agony.

Before he could fall, a piece of human skin suddenly roared out and wrapped him up, causing his screams to stop abruptly.

Blood was like rain, seeping out from the human skin that was constantly struggling and twisting, and fell to the ground in a trickle. The creepy sounds of chewing flesh and crushing bones sounded again, and the human skin wrapped around him and disappeared into the darkness.

On the other side, Hu Yidong was whipping around with a barbed whip. Many paper ghosts were beaten until they lost their arms and legs. The paper scraps flew away and they screamed repeatedly.

And two great gray immortals were not far away, fighting with a cloud of gray mist.

It's Feng Nu!

A group of fierce ghosts surrounded Hu Yidong, and once they got close, they would be whipped away with a whip.

On the other side, Aga Lama is holding a demon-conquering pestle, waving his magical weapon vigorously like a glaring Vajra. Every blow will blow up a paper-stuck ghost, or beat the evil ghost into a puff of blue smoke, and his soul will be scattered.

At the same time, the red cassock on his body emitted red-gold light, resisting the invasion of countless ghosts.

He fought and retreated, moving towards the Eight Yang Golden Bell Formation, and was the first to get into the formation.

Monk Shi Yan and Master Sheng Yi were back to back. One held a Zen staff and tried their best to sweep away the approaching ghosts. The other actually lit his cassock and waved the flaming cassock. Wherever he went, many paper ghosts were hit and transformed into The burning man struggled to escape in the sea of ​​​​fire, and finally turned into a ball of ashes!

They are also struggling to get closer to the Eight Yang Golden Bell Formation.

On the other side, Uncle Li, who had broken both legs, was completely desperate, but he didn't expect that at the most critical moment, Sang Xin would come to kill him.

Sang Xin pulled him up and let him lean on his back. Then he held the rosary in one hand and frequently released the thunder with the other hand. Each blow would either make a ghost ghost disappear into ashes or make a paper ghost be directly hit by the thunder. It burst into flames!

Wherever you go, you are invincible!

But the group of ghosts quickly realized how powerful Sang Xin was, and immediately a large number of ghosts gathered around him. The temple ghosts and mountain ghosts that had been defeated in other places also wanted to come over, and they were ready to attack.

Sang Xin's pressure increased instantly!

"Let's go! Go by yourself!" Uncle Li was not idle on Sang Xin's back, directing the two willow spirit boys to fight against the enemy.

He recalled the two groups of green Gu worms that could deal with the soul-breaking birds. The dense insects all clung to his severed feet, preventing him from passing out due to excessive blood loss.

"I am already a useless person. If you save me, it will only hurt you!" Uncle Li roared while fighting back, and he was about to struggle to get off Sang Xin's back.

"Don't move! Idiot!" Sang Xin yelled angrily. He struggled against the enemy and approached the direction of the Eight Yang Golden Bell Formation with difficulty.

"You have to live! You have to live, Lao Li! Don't give up, understand!" he shouted angrily.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shanguang Ghost suddenly seized the opportunity and shone blue light on them, causing their movements to freeze.

A group of ghosts waited for the opportunity to swarm up, and the temple ghosts also emerged from the ground, and the mud quickly spread to Sang Xin's body!

"Go away!" Sang Xin shouted angrily and suddenly crushed a bead in his hand.


The world seemed to be shaken, and all the sneaks around Sang Xin were blown away, leaving the three feet around him completely empty!

At the critical moment, Sang Xin once again used his trump card.

Now, only two beads on his string of beads are intact, and the rest are all cracked, dull in color, and have lost their power.

Sang Xin seized the opportunity and ran wildly with Lao Li on his back. When he saw the Eight Yang Golden Bell Formation, countless sneaks rushed over again.

At this moment, Hu Yidong arrived, waving his whip wildly to resist the group of ghosts, and shouted: "Get in quickly!"

Sang Xin gritted his teeth and fought off the sneaks around him, then threw Lao Li into the Eight Yang Golden Bell Formation.

Lao Li fell heavily to the ground and was helped to sit up by Aga Lama who was already inside.

"Sang Xin! Sang Xin!" Lao Li shouted anxiously, concerned about Sang Xin's safety.

Sang Xin originally planned to step into the formation, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Hu Yidong being surrounded by a group of ghosts. He hesitated for a moment, suddenly raised his head and smiled at Lao Li, then rushed out without hesitation and went to fight alongside Hu Yidong.

At the same time, Monk Shi Yan and Master Sheng Yi on the other side also arrived at the edge of the formation. Master Sheng Yi stepped into the formation with a Zen staff in hand, and behind him, Monk Shi Yan was still waving his lit cassock.

It seems that the two of them are about to be safe, but at this moment, something unexpected happens again!

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