The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1299 Corpse Transformation

The successful summoning of Yin Zai made everyone present noticeably relieved, which meant that everyone had a fighting chance with She Qing.

Everyone lowered their heads respectfully and did not dare to raise their heads to speak. They only heard Zhang Chuduan talking to the ghosts in a strange language.

The syllables of this language are very strange, rapid and sharp, and somewhat like a mute shouting.

But in fact, this is Hades, a language exclusively used in the underworld.

This is not unusual. Every country in the world has different languages. The vast underworld is also equivalent to a vast world. It is not unusual to have its own unique language.

In fact, Mingyu is the language exclusively used by the "official" Yin gods in the underworld, and ordinary ghosts cannot use it even in the underworld.

As the saying goes, ghosts in flowing water are like ghosts in iron. It doesn't matter what the ghosts say. Anyway, the underworld is just a transit point for them.

But Yin Chai and the gods of the underworld are different.

The underworld is their home, and it has its own language system and cultural inheritance, which is both very necessary and very reasonable.

The reason why Zhang Chuduan knows Mingyu is the unique advantage of these orthodox and great religions.

The inheritance of great sects all started over a hundred years ago. There are many yin gods who serve in the underworld among their predecessors. Communication between yin and yang is not difficult for practitioners. With more exposure, as long as you are willing, you will naturally learn the language of the underworld.

In fact, Maoshan also has this kind of inheritance, but it is a pity that in today's Dharma-ending era, many "unpopular" or "useless" inheritances have been discontinued.

Zhang Chuduan talked for more than ten minutes before he made the matter clear.

During this process, the four Yinzai just listened quietly without any reaction.

Finally, Zhang Chuduan bowed respectfully three times, then took out four blood-colored incense sticks and lit them. Four wisps of red smoke rose up, divided into four strands, and were absorbed by the four yinza respectively.

This incense is called longevity incense. Although the name is good, it is actually specially used for Yin souls. It allows Yin souls to condense their souls and increase their cultivation.

This is also a reflection of the great teaching heritage.

If you call someone to do something, whether it's public or private, it won't be in vain. As the saying goes, you will definitely have to pay something.

Generally speaking, it means losing some energy and blood, and in serious cases, life expectancy will be shortened.

For example, the fact that Uncle Feng looks so old now is related to the evil summons he made seven years ago.

But these great religions that have been passed down for a long time are different. Yin Zai does not dare to demand too much from them, and they have specialized technology to refine this life-enhancing incense to make Yin Zai return satisfied.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when the four yinza inhaled the longevity incense, they seemed to be no longer so cold. The first yinza on the left opened his mouth to speak, and it sounded like a saw cutting a tree.

As this sinister story was told, Zhang Chuduan's face clearly showed a look of shock, and he even glanced at Su Yi.

Although Su Yi lowered his head, he was standing at an angle where he could see the scene over there with his peripheral vision. Seeing this, he felt something bad in his heart.

Zhang Chuduan waited for the sinister to finish speaking, and then hurriedly spoke in the dark language again, speaking in a long hurry.

But the shady guy before actually started to scold him directly, which made Zhang Chuduan look extremely ugly.

He wanted to say something more, but the four Yinzai ignored him and turned around to face Su Yi.

Although he couldn't see Yin Zai's eyes, Su Yi clearly felt four malicious eyes locked on him.

At this moment, Su Yi's hair stood on end, and there was a warning sign. He kicked off his feet and flew backwards without thinking.


The next second, a dark sickle appeared exactly where Su Yi was. It hooked fiercely, then slowly faded and disappeared from the spot.

The blow missed, and in the next second a chain suddenly appeared on Su Yi's body, tying him up tightly.

Su Yi couldn't feel where the chain came from at all, as if it was already on his body and just appeared at this moment!

This is not the first time Su Yi has encountered this weird attack!

When facing She Qing before, She Qing did the same.

Their attacks don't seem to require speed at all, nor do they need to consider time and space. As long as they think about it, the attack will already be on you!

Even if Su Yi had great abilities, he would not be able to crack this completely unsolvable attack.

The iron chain wrapped around Su Yi's body tightened instantly, and the ice was biting. Su Yi's whole body froze. At this moment, Su Yi's mind seemed to be frozen!

But in critical moments, Su Yi did not hesitate to use all his strength.

His inner energy spurted out crazily, and he roared with force.


The dark iron chain was broken into several sections by Su Yi in an instant, flew out and disappeared into the air.

Before Su Yi could catch his breath, one of the ghost guards over there suddenly took out a white cloth flag and waved it at Su Yi. Su Yi felt as if his whole body was being caught by an invisible net, and he froze in place for an instant.


What was caught and frozen was not his body, but his soul!

Su Yi felt an irresistible force pulling his soul away from his body suddenly.

The world in front of me changed instantly, everything lost its color, leaving only black, white, and gray!

The black ones are people, the gray ones are the world, and the white ones are the four ghosts.

In Su Yi's field of vision at this moment, the billowing black mist that was everywhere in the ghost world completely disappeared, replaced by the endless desolate land!

The sky is round and the place is round, with an unobstructed view!

The dense white dots moving in the distance are the thousands of ghosts that escaped before.

This is the enchantment horizon!

Ever since Su Yi's heart was injured, Su Yi's soul has never left his body and entered this kind of enchanted vision.

It’s not that I can’t, it’s that I don’t dare!

His heart was seriously transformed into corpse, which required his consciousness to control the operation of his internal energy at all times to suppress the spread of corpse energy.

But once his soul leaves the body, his internal energy will stop functioning, and the corpse energy in his heart will lose its suppressive power and will spread throughout his body in an instant.

Therefore, from that time of injury to now, Su Yi has never had an out-of-body experience.

Unexpectedly, in this ghost world, he would do this passively.

But what makes Su Yi extremely fortunate is that since Su Yi entered this ghost world, there is no need to suppress it, and the corpse energy in his body will not spread out.

Therefore, this time when his soul was suddenly "netted" by something, Su Yi remained calm, pulling with all his strength to prevent his soul from completely coming out of the body, while using his mind to control the body's internal energy to run wildly.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of breaking away from some kind of restraint rang out from Su Yi's body. Su Yi's soul quickly retracted into his own body. His eyes blurred, and his vision suddenly turned and changed into the normal vision of a living person!

The next second, a stick of white bones, whistling like a cry, fell hard on Su Yi's head.



When the stick fell, Su Yi felt as if he was struck by lightning——

No, this is thunder, Yin thunder!

Su Yi was familiar with this feeling. In order to practice the Five Thunder Techniques, he had been struck too many times by Yin Thunder. He knew this feeling all too well.

It's just that the thunder struck by this white bone stick is bigger and stronger!

The power it emitted instantly could have split Su Yi's entire body into a ball of paste.

Even if Su Yi doesn't die, he will still have to pay a heavy price!

But the Yin Thunder seemed to be pulled by some kind of force, and it went straight into Su Yi's heart!

Bang bang!

This strong current actually caused Su Yi's heart to miraculously revive and beat!

Just at this moment, the blood that had not flowed for more than ten days instantly circulated along the blood vessels of Su Yi's body for a week!

The rich corpse energy in the heart also flowed with the blood, and instantly surged throughout Su Yi's body!

Almost at the same time, the blood vessels all over Su Yi's body bulged, and a strange cyan color appeared all over his body, making him look ferocious and terrifying.

His internal organs, his flesh and skin, everything, could no longer be restrained at this moment, and turned into corpses irreversibly!

His organs began to rot, his bones became dry and cracked, as if they were weathered, all the blood in his body turned black at this moment, all muscles and fat began to fibrosis, his skin emitted an astonishing green light, and his eyes were red. , The lips are scary dark!

In just an instant, Su Yi became a human and a ghost!

Just because of this thunder, Su Yi's body was completely transformed into a corpse, completely cutting off his difficult way of survival for more than ten days!

But Su Yi is not dead yet!

The surging inner energy in his body is still there!

This is a majestic force of blood!

This is Su Yi's hard training so far. Although he has exhausted himself, he still has more than eighty years of profound skills!

This is the essence of pure Yang Qi and blood!

It is still in Su Yi's body and has not disappeared!

Just because Su Yi's body transformed into a corpse, the meridians all over his body also turned into things like vines, sprouting poisonous thorns that stuck into the fibrous muscle fat.

And every time the majestic internal force circulates a little bit in Su Yi's meridians, even just a little bit, it will cause Su Yi to suffer severe pain that he wants to die!

"Uh ah..." The man Su Yitie hit couldn't help but let out inhuman screams and wails at this moment!

Unable to control himself, he fell to the ground and rolled, and his meridians sprouted dense thorns that pierced into his flesh and blood. This severe pain made him want to tear his body apart into parts!

Fortunately, this pain did not last long. When Su Yi recovered all his internal energy into his Dantian, the severe pain began to slowly subside, and the pain also subsided to the point where Su Yi could barely bear it without screaming!

But his whole body was still shaking uncontrollably, and the pain made him tremble uncontrollably!

But something worse happened!

The Yin Thunder constantly acts on Su Yi's heart, and the electric current makes the insect king hidden in Su Yi's heart very excited and active! And with the continuous stimulation of the current, thousands of insect eggs attached to Su Yi's heart began to hatch, and countless small corpse insects continued to break out of their eggs. In the blink of an eye, Su Yi's heart became a corpse insect nest again!

This is the situation that Su Yi least wants to see. It is also the situation that he is most worried about, has the most headaches, and makes his scalp numb the most these days!

In order to suck out the corpse qi from his heart, he used Uncle Li's method to control hundreds of corpse worms to enter his body at one time, hoping that these corpse worms would suck out the corpse qi and then carry them out.

Unexpectedly, not only did he do this for a drop in the bucket, but he also did bad things with good intentions. The corpse worms that entered Su Yi's heart helped him absorb the corpse energy according to Su Yi's expectation, but at the same time, all these corpse worms also laid eggs in Su Yi's heart!

This kind of corpse insect with extremely strong reproductive capacity regarded Su Yi's heart as their warm nest, leaving countless eggs densely packed in Su Yi's heart!

Moreover, Su Yi soon discovered that Yin Lei could promote the hatching of corpse insects, which completely failed his original plan to use another method to save himself.

It is precisely because of this that Su Yi felt that his injuries were irreparable, reluctantly gave up hope, and made the tragic decision to make a last stand against She Qing.

But he didn't expect that the situation this time was completely beyond Su Yi's expectation, and it would develop into this awkward and strange situation today.

Now Su Yi's heart was stimulated by the huge Yin thunder struck by Yin Zai. Countless corpse insects burst out of their eggs and invariably and madly absorbed the corpse energy contained in Su Yi's heart!

For them, this is simply a great nourishing soup!

And because Su Yi's heart was completely transformed into a corpse, the corpse energy emitted from the heart was so strong that it was scary!

These newly born corpse insects are blessed. Each of them greedily consumes the corpse energy, and they are as big as blowing up a balloon, growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

These things are a long story, but they happened in just a few dozen seconds!

In just a few tens of seconds, the four ghosts who were summoned to deal with She Qing suddenly attacked Su Yi. In a flash of lightning, Su Yi's injuries worsened completely and his body turned into a corpse!

If Su Yi didn't still have inner strength, if Su Yi's soul was different from ordinary people's souls, and there was such a thing as a ghost core, I'd be afraid that his soul would have been taken away by ghosts, or he would have simply died!

And after dozens of seconds, Uncle Feng and others finally reacted!

They were completely stunned by the sudden attack on Su Yi by the ghost chariot, but only then did they fully react. Uncle Feng and others responded quickly!

"Stop, stop everyone!" Uncle Feng was the first to react. He ripped off his jade pendant, held it high and shouted in anger, "Wrong! You are wrong!"

Without saying a word, Sang Xin stepped forward and opened his arms to stop Su Yi, who was rolling on the ground in pain behind him.

Hu Yidong, the pretty female Taoist priest, Monk Shengyi and others, all those who could move, all moved at this moment. They all blocked the line between Gui Cha and Su Yi, blocking the sight of both parties.

"Wrong! They made a mistake!" Hu Yidong also shouted angrily, "Zhenzhen Zhang, tell them, just because Master Huang has corpse energy in his body, it doesn't mean that he is Sheqing, he was harmed by Sheqing!"

"@#¥%..." Monk Shengyi obviously knew how to speak in the underworld, and with a serious look on his face he explained to the four ghost servants in a hurry.

"I explained it to them, but they didn't believe it at all!" Zhang Chuduan explained anxiously, and then continued to explain to the four ghost servants in the dark language. He waved his arms and looked very excited.

The four ghost warriors stopped taking action instead of continuing.

What I have to say is that these people bought Su Yi a buffer of time, allowing Su Yi to survive the terrible state of being in pain and not caring about anything.

If it weren't for them and the ghost agents had taken action just now, Su Yi would have had only one way to go -

Activate the death-free card and exit if failed!

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