In the wilderness of the dark night, a Harley was speeding along the winding mountain road at a speed as fast as lightning.

Su Yi, who was riding a bicycle, had already put away his hat and hood. The blue skull gave off a faint and penetrating light in the night. From a distance, it looked like a will-o'-the-wisp.

This journey was not always lonely. Su Yi also encountered cars traveling in the same direction or in the opposite direction, and they all discovered this crazy knight in the wilderness.

But Su Yi's speed was too fast. No matter how sharp the turn was, he would not slow down. The passing cars could only see a blur of blue light in the dark. They thought it was just the reflection of the color of the helmet. Even those who could see clearly thought they were being dazzled. , so it did not cause any commotion.

It's not that Su Yi's skills are good, it's that once he can't master the balance, he goes to the barrier to adjust it. In this way, he didn't even step on the brakes all the way.

Some people say that every man has a motorcycle dream, and motorcycles are the ultimate romance in every man’s heart.

At least Su Yi agreed with this. Su Yi felt very happy while riding along.

When the car drove to Ren'ai Township, Nantou County, it was already past two o'clock at night. Su Yi did not drive the car into the town to bomb the streets like a delinquent young man, but drove the car all the way to a mass grave outside the town.

Su Yi's arrival caused this "lively" mass grave to explode, but all the ghosts who could run ran away, for fear that they would be half a step slower.

A group of kiddos, no one was provoked and no one was provoked, were happily gathered in front of the house, floating and playing. Suddenly, a photographer came riding a motorcycle. Who can I ask to explain?

The aura exuding from She Qing's body, let alone wild ghosts like them, even if the ghosts sense it, they will run faster than a rabbit. This is She Qing's absolute deterrent.

It would be great if it was really She Qing, because the real She Qing wouldn't have time to deal with these little characters.

But they were unlucky because they met a Sheqing who was not a Sheqing.

In front of Su Yi, even if they wanted to run away, it wouldn't be that easy.

The soul-catching sickle appeared in his hand. Su Yi aimed at the fastest and most resentful ghost. He looked at the most ferocious ghost and hooked it from a distance.


The next second, a sickle appeared in front of the ghost out of thin air and penetrated directly through its ghost body!

Su Yi pulled it, and there was already a ghost in front of him that was wailing under the soul-sucking sickle.

This is a black-hearted ghost, not yet at the level of a serious ghost, but he has a lot of resentment and looks like an old man.

Under the Soul Seducing Scythe, it was in so much pain that it kept wailing and didn't even dare to struggle, because any struggle would be torture to it, and it was in agony.

Su Yi's purpose was not to torture it, so he took the Soul-Seducing Scythe directly.

This black-hearted ghost did not dare to run without restraints. He knelt down and kowtowed with fear on his face, begging for mercy again and again: "God, have mercy on me! God, have mercy on me!"

It may not even know what She Qing is, but it just thinks Su Yi is scary, so scary, so it doesn't know how to call it, it can only call him Great God.

"Shut up!" Su Yi scolded.

The ghost immediately shut up in fear and just lay on the ground, trembling.

"Let me ask you," Su Yi pointed to the town not far away, "Why is the town so smoky?"

In the barrier vision, the atmosphere in the town not far away is very dirty, and there are many different atmospheres, which are very mottled.

Not only this town, but most of the villages and towns Su Yi passed by before were like this, all exuding an aura that disgusted him.

This kind of breath cannot be seen in normal vision, nor can normal people sense it. Only ghosts can see it and sense it in the barrier.

Even Su Yi couldn't stand this aura, let alone an ordinary brat.

Su Yi knew that because most rural areas were sparsely populated, there were a lot of dirty things in the wilderness.

But there are a lot of dirty things in this place, and the amount is a bit abnormal.

But wherever Su Yi passed by, all these ghosts dispersed.

Now that he finally caught someone who didn't look stupid, Su Yi would of course ask questions.

Although this black-hearted ghost did not understand why the terrifying great god in front of him asked such a question, he still trembled and hurriedly replied: "Great god, those are the incense auras of other great gods. Anyone with incense auras is protected by those great gods. We brats don’t dare to provoke the believers of…”


Su Yi was startled, this answer was not too surprising.

Is that the incense used to sacrifice spirits? Why is it completely different from the incense in Lingdu Temple?

Su Yi's incense from Lingdu Temple is not only not annoying, but also smells very comfortable.

Su Yi passed some temples or churches along the way, and Su Yi didn't dislike the smell of incense inside.

But why did the scent of these incense offerings make Su Yi feel disgusted and repelled from the bottom of his soul?

"What gods are there in this town?" Su Yi asked again.

"That's a lot." The old ghost said in a trembling voice, "There are the Holy King of Kaitai, the Holy King of Kaizhang, General Fuxin, the King of Sanshan, the Patriarch Shame and the God Bayan, as well as the God Fartu and the God Huru. , The god of endurance..."

The old ghost talked about nearly twenty kinds in a row, but Su Yi had never heard of anyone except the god Bayan.

However, this old ghost might be afraid that Su Yi would be dissatisfied, so he added a sentence at the end, which caught Su Yi's attention.

"There used to be a dog god in the town, but for some reason, the dog god was kicked out of the town by the Western Holy See a few years ago..."

Su Yi frowned immediately upon hearing this.

But he didn't ask much, even if he asked the old ghost, he didn't know.

"Where is God Bayan?" Su Yi asked.

"Twelve miles east of the town is the mountain behind Bayan Village." The old ghost said respectfully, "The temples and statues of Bayan God are all there."

"What's the status of God Bayan in this town?" Su Yi asked again.

"God Bayan used to be a great god," the old ghost said, "but now there is less and less incense."

"Do you know Noi and Aning?" Su Yi asked.

The old ghost shook his head blankly.

"Do you know where Inugami is now?" Su Yi asked again.

The old ghost said in a trembling voice: "In the Asantia Textile Factory... there are many evil gods there. Even the evil ghosts dare not go there. I know the Inugami has arrived there."

"Are you the boss here?" Su Yi asked him.

"Don't dare, don't dare..." the old ghost said hurriedly, "We are here in a mass grave that has been abandoned for a long time. Very few people come here. We are here... we just have nowhere to go, so we gather together. I am just one of them. One, one of them...Other places are owned, and we don’t dare to run around.”

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully.

It seems that the ghosts and "gods" here have a strong sense of territoriality. It seems that everyone has their own sphere of influence and will not easily cross the boundary.

Su Yi looked at the old ghost, who shivered even more violently.

"Watch my motorcycle, don't lose it, or I'll kill you!" Su Yi pointed at him.

"Yes, yes..." The old ghost responded hurriedly.

Su Yi nodded with satisfaction, turned his head and teleported a few times, and the person was gone.

As soon as he left, the old ghost trembled for a while before standing up. Then he floated to Su Yi's Harley and stared at it, not daring to slack off at all.

Su Yi knew that Noi and Aning's home seemed to be in the town ahead, but Su Yi had no intention of finding it directly.

When you come to a place you don’t understand, it’s best to find someone who knows the local area well to take you with you, so that no matter what you do, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

Su Yi originally thought that the black-hearted old ghost in the mass grave might be competent, but after asking some questions, he found that the black-hearted old ghost was just an insignificant role. It didn't even dare to enter the town, so how much could it know?

As a local snake, it is obviously unqualified.

Therefore, Su Yi can only look for a "leading party" that suits him again.

He simply chose the god Bayan.

Since this incident was caused by the god Bayan, there was no way around this sacrificial spirit, so Su Yi simply went straight to Huanglong.

It just so happened that he also wanted to see what kind of abilities this Bayan God had.

According to the old ghost, more than ten kilometers east of the town is the temple of Bayan God.

But most of the more than ten kilometers are mountain roads, not flat roads. For ordinary people, it is really not easy to go to worship gods. The journey is very difficult.

Of course, for Su Yi, he arrived in just over a minute with teleportation and Qinggong.

The temple of God Bayan is located in a very claustrophobic valley. The valley is deep and densely forested, and the temple worship is quiet and ancient.

Few people come here, and there is only one stone statue standing majestically in front of the temple, solemn and mysterious.

Judging from the stone statue, it is not clear whether it is male or female.

This is normal. Many gods will consciously blur their gender in order to become more divine.

After all, the Bayan God is a large local sacrificial spirit. Naturally, no ghosts would dare to approach his temple. There are even no other ghosts in a large area nearby, which shows the intimidating power of the Bayan God.

But when Su Yi arrived, not far from the temple, there was a female ghost exuding the smell of incense fighting with a large ghost wearing a red vest and holding a long knife that exuded an evil aura. .

From Su Yi's point of view, the fight between ghosts was completely unattractive. It was just like two rural shrews tearing and biting each other. It looked ugly.

But the danger is not small at all. The loser is usually swallowed by the winner.

But then again, ghosts that can fight together are generally of equal strength. If there is a huge disparity in strength, there is no chance of fighting.

There is no skill in fighting ghosts, only strength.

It is a natural rule that the powerful defeat the weak. There is no miracle of turning the tables against the wind.

These two ghosts are equally powerful, and they have been fighting for who knows how long.

But the fight between the two ghosts came to an abrupt end with the arrival of Su Yi. Both of them jumped out of the battle group in panic, looking at Su Yi in fear and fear, their eyes full of fear.

The big ghost in the red vest stared at Su Yi while quietly retreating, gradually disappearing into the darkness and disappearing.

Obviously, its roots are not here, so it can run away and walk away.

Compared with it, this female ghost is not so lucky.

He is the god Bayan, the sacrificial spirit here and the common belief of hundreds of families.

Su Yi was once very curious and yearning for the spirit sacrifice, but now it seems that he is somewhat disappointed.

To put it bluntly, this sacrificial spirit is just a ghost with the smell of incense.

Of course, this is also related to the origin of his current body.

She Qing was originally the lord of ghosts. Even if he offered sacrifices to spirits, he could not transcend the realm of ghosts. He was naturally inferior to She Qing.

If Su Yi didn't have this Qingqing aura, he would be the one who would be very wary and frantically warning of danger.

The image of Bayan God is that of an old lady from a local minority group. She is very tall, looks kind-hearted, and has a good face, which makes people feel good at first sight.

Perhaps because of the incense worship, He does not have the gloomy, twisted, and terrifying temperament of ordinary ghosts, but has a bit of holiness.

He stared at Su Yi uneasily and asked cautiously: "Great God, why do you come to my temple to worship?"

The Qingqing aura on Su Yi's body made him tremble with fear.

"Are you the Bayan God?" Su Yi asked.

"It's a little god." God Bayan nodded, "Can you give me some advice?"

"I'm not a god, I'm a human being." Su Yi said calmly, "My surname is Huang and my name is Huo Tu. You can call me Mr. Huang."

"Human?" Bayan Shen looked at Su Yi carefully and couldn't see the slightest trace of a human being. He just assumed that Su Yi didn't want to tell Him where he was.

But Mr. Huang will be Mr. Huang.

"Mr. Huang, I wonder why you are visiting my temple to worship?" God Bayan asked again.

In fact, what Su Yi didn't understand was that even though they were both ghosts, this kind of behavior of intruding into other people's territory without saying hello, especially other people's temple worshipers, was a malicious and provocative behavior.

If God Bayan hadn't been so afraid of him, he would have taken action against him without even saying a word.

The kind that can kill you without mercy.

Su Yi said: "I came from Hong Kong Island and met two people who may be related to you, so I came here to visit them."

Bayang Shen's expression changed, and he obviously guessed who Su Yi was talking about.

"Mr. Huang is talking about Noi and Aning, right?" God Bayan asked.

Su Yi found that the ghosts here were really different from other places. The black-hearted ghost before was a rare "sane ghost", and this Bayan God was sober and just like a normal person, and his expressions and emotions were all different. Just like real people.

As for normal evil spirit ghosts, they should be confused and immersed in twisted killing and resentment.

The reason why these ghosts are like this is that they have obviously not been corrupted by karma and still maintain their intelligence.

"It's An Ning." Su Yi said, "I was entrusted by An Ning and came here to help her."

Bayang Shen's expression changed a few times, and he stared at Su Yi and said slowly: "A Ning is my betrayer. She and her mother have abandoned me. Mr. Huang should not come to me. I It has nothing to do with them anymore.”

"But you know Aning very well, right?" Su Yi asked lightly, "I want to know everything about her, can we talk about it?"

Bayang Shen asked: "Mr. Huang really wants to help Aning? Do anything for her?"

Su Yi smiled: "It's not anything, it's what I want to do."

"Okay, as long as Mr. Huang wants to know, I will tell you." Bayan said, "I only have one request, please don't hurt me."

Su Yi smiled half-heartedly: "Why should I hurt you?"

"Why don't you hurt me?" God Bayan asked.

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