There is a saying that his honey is my arsenic.

The God who is so efficacious to you seems terrifying to me, and I just want to stay away from him.

In modern society, people know better than before about respecting ghosts and gods and staying away from them.

The era of worshiping spirits has really declined, and God Bayan is right to have a premonition that he will fall off the altar sooner or later.

It could be more than ten years, it could be decades, it would be a matter of time.

However, it seems that God Bayan has also looked away, and he seems to be able to look at the ending he is about to face calmly.

"I remember the year when I decided to become a god, it was the year when Lin Shuang Wenmeng vowed to rebel against the Qing Dynasty and killed Cheng Jun, a fellow acquaintance of Tamsui. That was when Emperor Qianlong was in power." Bayang Shen said, "I have witnessed the changes in the sea with my own eyes. For three or four generations, from birth to old age, no matter how the world changes, human life has always been the same."

"Although the little gods have been around for a long time, they are like withered bones in the grave, becoming more and more stale, and they are increasingly confused about what people want nowadays. People nowadays also disrespect the gods less and less. They no longer regard them as Gods are not regarded as beliefs, but as doing things for them.”

"If I help them, they will buy more tributes and burn more incense sticks for me next time, as a return of their wishes. They regard worshiping gods as a transaction between you and me. Once the transaction is over, it is over."

"If I don't help them, they won't bother to pray a second time, and they will even curse."

"In the past, people respected me even if they didn't believe me. But even if people believe me now, they don't respect me at all. Even my psychic has doubted me several times, doubting my existence and doubting my existence. Not an omnipotent god..."

"As a god, I become more and more humble and boring as I work. I have to be coveted by those evil spirits and have to deal with the conspiracies and schemes of other gods. It's really boring."

"Actually, I have long wanted to send away my current psychic, help her to reincarnate, and then dissipate her body and completely terminate myself. I would rather kill myself than become the food of those evil spirits."

Having said this, God Bayan looked at Su Yi and said sincerely: "But I need a strong person to protect me, otherwise those evil spirits will rush up and eat me before I can kill myself."

This request from God Bayan was something Su Yi didn't even expect.

God Bayan actually wants to disappear completely and kill himself?

He wanted Su Yi to protect Him during this process, lest He could not even do this and be devoured by those evil heretics.

Su Yi thought for a while, but had no intention of persuading Bayang Shen to cheer up.

God Bayan just made it very clear that the reason why He wants to commit suicide is not only despair about the future, but also boredom and dissatisfaction with reality, and even doubts about his own existence.

The key is that Su Yi also thinks what he said makes sense. Unless Bayan God can break the mold and live a different attitude, it will just be like this now, just lingering on, which is really boring.

"When do you plan to disintegrate yourself?" Su Yi asked.

"Three days, three days from now." Bayan said, "In these three days, I want to help some believers fulfill their wishes, and I want my medium to deal with the aftermath. I have other things to deal with."

God Bayan suddenly knelt down to Su Yi, prostrated on the ground and said devoutly: "I beg the great God to protect my broken body and let me disappear in the heaven and earth. Don't let the evil spirits eat my body."

Su Yi felt an indescribable complex feeling in his heart.

Desolation, vicissitudes of life, compassion, sadness...

He was about to witness the end of a sacrifice to a spirit, a little country god.

To live forever, what exactly does it mean to live forever?

Is immortality a kind of enjoyment or a kind of torture?

If even sacrificing spirits cannot live forever, then can immortals do it? Is it okay to take pictures?

"Okay, in three days, I will witness all this with my own eyes." Su Yi said solemnly.

"Thank you, God." God Bayan was a little pleased, but he also felt complicated and not so calm.

Obviously making such a decision was not easy for Him either.

"It won't be too late to consider my matter after the great god has finished handling the affairs of the Asantia family." Bayan said, "In fact, Willow also begged me before his death, hoping that I could help him solve the curse. At that time, he I haven’t married Noi yet.”

"But I didn't dare to get involved in the Asantia Textile Factory, so I didn't respond to him. Willow is a very talented and smart man, and he knows exactly how to impress me. At the beginning, he promised that if I help He, he built twelve temples for me in four towns and eight townships, and hired special temple worshipers to continue my incense. He also reported my name to the government as the folk culture of the entire Nantou County and passed it down from generation to generation... …”

Su Yi was surprised when he heard this: "Then Willow knows it very well."

Each of the conditions mentioned by Willow accurately touched the pulse of the spirit sacrifice, and each one just tickled the itch of Bayan God.

Being in a different place, Su Yi felt that if he were God Bayan, he would definitely be moved.

This is equivalent to giving hope to Bayan God to survive!

"You weren't tempted at that time?" Su Yi looked at Bayang Shen.

"How could you not be tempted?" God Bayan sighed, "But I can't fulfill his wish. I can't undo the curse on their family, and I don't dare to go to the Asantiya Textile Factory. I can only not Respond to him, otherwise I, Bayan God, would not have existed as early as that year.”

God Bayan is really sober in the world.

"Willow married Noi again after begging you?" Su Yi suddenly noticed something was wrong.

From what Bayan God said, it seems that this Willow is very smart, very courageous, and knows exactly what he wants.

How could he marry a stupid woman like Noi?

Because of love?

"Yes, this also makes me very unhappy." Bayan Shen said, "But since then Willow has fallen into the arms of the Western Holy See. He built a cathedral for the Western Holy See. But it is impossible for the Western Holy See to help him eliminate Curse, the priests of the Holy See have never been to the Asantia Textile Factory."

"Is Willow devout to the Western Holy See?" Su Yi asked.

"As far as I know, he is very pious." Bayan said.

"He is so pious, and he is still the financial backer behind the Holy See. There is no reason why his wife and daughter would be reduced to this situation." Su Yi felt that something was wrong even more, "Although Aning's situation is difficult, if she has been rejected by the Western Holy See from beginning to end, If she is given asylum, her situation will definitely be much better.”

Although Su Yi doesn't like the Western Holy See, it is undeniable that the Western Holy See still has some abilities and can provide shelter for Noi's mother and daughter.

Even if the Vatican priest didn't have the determination to eliminate the demon, he could still protect the mother and daughter from being destroyed by the demon.

Even if the priest here can't do it, they can send the mother and daughter to the cathedral and find a more capable priest to help them. Where the cathedral's heritage is, there is absolutely nothing they can do.

But the problem is that the mother and daughter have no intention of seeking help from the Holy See. It seems that aside from their husbands, their relationship with the Holy See is very delicate. Noi even preferred to go around the world to find other practitioners for help instead of asking the Holy See for help.

Su Yi thought it was a trust issue before, because Noi and her daughter didn't trust the Holy See.

But now that I think about it carefully, maybe it's not that simple.

If there really is another reason for this, then maybe Su Yi hasn't seen the truth yet...

Seeing that Su Yi was thoughtful, God Bayan did not interrupt, but contacted his medium Nim and issued his own oracle.

God Bayan has already planned to disintegrate himself, so the oracle he gave to Nim is to let Nim face the deadline calmly and handle his funeral affairs.

But in the process, God Bayan discovered that Anin drove to find Nimue, so he also ordered Nimue to bring Anin to the temple to see Him today.

After doing this, Su Yi seemed to have come to his senses, and Bayang Shen told Su Yi about the matter.

"The mountain road from Nim's house to here is rugged. I guess they may not hit the road until dawn." Bayan said.

After all, we are mortals and we have to consider route safety. This journey requires trekking through mountains and rivers, and we can only walk. It is too dark to walk.

Su Yi said: "I have to go out and check some things."

He felt that although Willow was dead, he was full of doubts. He decided to check out the church that Willow supported.

"Your Majesty, please." Bayan said, "If Aning arrives first, I will ask Nimu to take her to purify her mind and chant sutras, waiting for your return."

Su Yi nodded slightly and disappeared from where he was.

At the same time, Nim's residence was more than ten kilometers away.

Nim woke up from his sleep and realized that tears were streaming down his face!

She had a dream, a nightmare.

She dreamed that the revered god Bayan was calling her.

God Bayan told her that it was time to be rewarded for everything she had done for God in her life. God Bayan asked her to deal with all the things left in the world within three days, and then go to the temple and return to the embrace of God Bayan.

She asked the god Bayan: "Am I going to die?"

God Bayan told her that death is not the end, but the beginning of another life. Her practice in this life won her the Pure Land in the next life, which was a gift from God Bayan.

When she was about to ask again in fear, why she was suddenly going to die even though she was not sick or suffering from any disaster, God Bayan told her, your niece Aning is here, please bring her to the temple.

After God Bayan said these words, Nim woke up.

This dream was so clear and real that Nim could not doubt it, but she was very frightened and at a loss.

Anyone who is in good health but still young and is told without any warning that the end of his life is approaching will be so frightened and at a loss what to do.

A knock on the door interrupted Nim's thoughts. Nim thought of the last words of God Bayan and hurriedly got out of bed, put on his shoes and opened the door.

As expected, her niece Aning stood outside the door.

To Nim's surprise, Aning looked good.

Although Aning looks a little haggard, she is healthy.

Nimu touched An Ning's arm in disbelief, and it was warm. This showed that An Ning's consciousness was now pure and had not been disturbed by any dirty things.

It's incredible.

Nim was shocked.

Not long ago, Aning was troubled by evil spirits and couldn't get rid of them. Nim was also very distressed about this and didn't know what to do.

But now, Aning is fine?

Evil spirits don't go away on their own, so what's going on?

"Aunt, I would like to ask you to take me to see God Bayan." Aning went straight to the point and explained his purpose.

Nim's heart was shaken.

"Is your mother okay with this?" she asked.

Noi has been preventing Nim from getting close to An Ning, thinking that Nim will seduce An Ning into believing in the god Bayan.

Therefore, Aning has never worshiped Bayan God, and has never been to Bayan God's temple.

"Where's your mother? Are you here alone?" Nim quickly realized something was wrong.

Aning looked gloomy, shook his head and refused to say more: "Aunt, I just want to see Bayan God."

"Come in first." Nim sighed, "No matter what, we have to wait until dawn. I'll get you something to eat first."

She invited An Ning into the house, but couldn't help but ask: "An Ning, have you asked other magicians to exorcise you? I heard that your mother took you to Hong Kong Island, and the magicians in Hong Kong Island have already helped you. Are you there? I think you are in good condition..."

"Really?" Aning was a little distracted, "Aunt, when do we set off?"

"It will be daylight in half an hour, and we will set off then." Seeing this, Nim had no choice but to suppress her curiosity. She was also very confused at the moment because of the "oracle" and was in no mood to ask further questions.

Half an hour later, Aning, who barely ate something, followed Nimu into the mountains under the drizzle.

Both of them were confused and anxious, not knowing what kind of future was waiting for them during this trip.

On the other side, Renai Township Cathedral.

This is the largest church in Nantou County. It is gorgeously decorated and has a tall building. It looks very majestic from the outside.

People often think of "appearance", and sometimes just because of the decoration style, it will affect people's beliefs.

This church has developed well in recent years, with more and more believers.

Because of the cohesion of faith, although the church was built not many years ago, it already possesses sacred power.

The arrival of Su Yi, the "evil heretic", immediately aroused a fierce reaction from the church's guardian forces!

The bell on the top of the church suddenly rang, and the cross facing the door suddenly emitted a holy light, shining on Su Yi's body.

The hexagonal star array on the top of the church was activated, covering the entire building, and the sound of choir singing seemed to be floating in the air.

Sizzling, sizzling...

Su Yi's body was illuminated by the holy light, and black smoke was rising, but at most it only made him feel a little uncomfortable.

The formation in the church was useless to Su Yi. He walked into the formation easily and looked around curiously, especially at the huge statue in front of him.

The sound of rapid footsteps came from the side door. Someone was awakened and hurried over to check.

Su Yi did not look at this man, but stood in front of the statue and bowed before him.

Burn incense in temples and worship Buddha in temples.

When you come to someone else's territory, no matter what his preferences and attitude towards the Western Holy See are, you still have to have the respect you deserve.

After doing this, Su Yi's situation has not changed at all.

Su Yi turned around and his eyes finally fell on the man who hurried out to investigate the situation.

This is a disheveled foreigner in pajamas.

The foreigner was staring at Su Yi dumbfounded, his expression full of horror, and his whole body was shaking.

He didn't dare not shake. Whether it was the appearance of Su Yi's jade skull or the arrogance of looking at the church's Holy Light Array as if it were nothing, he was horrified to the extreme.

This foreigner has never encountered such an outrageous thing in his life.

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