As Su Yi recited the spell and drew the talisman, he felt that his energy was quickly being drained away from the tip of the pen!

This is a very obvious feeling. Su Yi can clearly feel that his power is passing away.

He couldn't borrow the ancestor's method, so he could only rely on his own strength to give this purple talisman power.

What was taken away by the talisman was not only his mental power, but also his vitality.

Su Yi couldn't be sure, because these two powers were the ones he was least familiar with.

Fortunately, he is not what he used to be, and he can still afford such losses.

But after drawing a talisman, Su Yi still felt obviously tired.

The talisman is drawn!

The talisman twisted strangely, as if it was alive.

"The God of Dimensions always shines on the heaven and earth, and the universe changes endlessly. What is true and what is false becomes real, what is true and what is false becomes true, what is true and what is false becomes true, what is false about earth, water, fire and wind becomes true, and one is so illustrious, the substitute Soul God comes and descends, and the divine soldiers are as urgent as the law!"

Su Yi recited a spell quickly while pouring all the blood of Nim in the vial onto the talisman.


The talisman burst into flames and turned into a flaming man, which looked like a man roaring and wailing in the fire.

Su Yi sent the burning man to the army of heroic spirits. The heroic spirits who had just torn the soul of Willow's son into pieces were quickly attracted to the flaming man. They roared and tore the flaming man into pieces.


The moment the burning man was completely extinguished, the whole world seemed to shake.

All the heroic spirits stopped moving, their eyes regained their clarity, and they looked around blankly.

The power of the curse is gone!

Their last obsession was also dispelled!

They have no purpose for existing anymore, and it’s time for them to rest in peace.

Mona Ludao's eyes fell on Su Yi not far away.

He has not forgotten the memories of these days, so he knows exactly what happened.

His eyes fell on Aning, who was huddled up not far away, with an extremely angry look in his eyes.

"She is innocent!" Su Yi spoke at this time.

He spoke in a deep voice and walked towards Mona Ludao.

"This girl was used as a tool and as a livestock by her father..." Su Yi did not hide anything, nor did he add jealousy, he just told the facts.

In fact, Aning was indeed innocent and miserable. As Su Yi told the story, Mona Ludao's expression gradually softened. He waved his hand, and the emotions of the army of heroes behind him were also calmed down by him.

"The bloodline of the Asantea family has been severed!" Su Yi said solemnly to Mona Rudao, "This shameful family of traitors no longer exists."

Mona Ludao looked at Su Yi and suddenly asked: "Have the Zhepeng people been driven away?"

Su Yi's heart was slightly shaken, and he said seriously: "Yes, the Zhepeng people failed, the Japanese surrendered, justice finally defeated evil, and the world is at peace."

Mona Rudao was silent for a moment and said, "Then the war should be over."

His eyes fell on Aning and he said slowly: "In the name of the leader of the Seediq tribe, I pardon this poor girl. She is innocent and she should be redeemed."

"Thank you for your tolerance and kindness." Su Yi solemnly thanked him.

He didn't want to have any conflict with these anti-war heroes. If Mona Ludao insisted, Su Yi actually had no choice.

Because the curse and obsession disappeared, this ghost land was also disappearing.

It is no longer an area isolated from the outside world, but has begun to blend with the barrier.

The surrounding scenery began to change, and the scene returned to the backyard of the Asantia Textile Factory.

The garden is full of ivy, withered towering old trees, and surrounded by dilapidated buildings.

This is a very strange sight, as if the world has been rendered with ink, revealing its original appearance.

The Seediq heroes looked around, and their figures disappeared one by one.

No more regrets, no more obsessions.

They loosened their grip on the world and allowed themselves to drift into nothingness.

No words, no goodbyes.

Maybe they didn't need to say anything more or say goodbye.

Su Yi watched the last heroic spirit disappear before his eyes, and he bowed deeply in the direction they left.

Not far behind him, Aning also struggled to stand up, imitating Su Yi's example, and bowed deeply in that empty direction.

She had understood everything through Su Yi's narration. She was heartbroken and should have collapsed after being treated so cold-bloodedly by her biological father.

But maybe she had developed a strong heart through too much suffering, or maybe she was shocked by the persistence and purity of the Seediq heroes. At this moment, she said nothing or did nothing.

Sizzling, sizzling...

The domain disappeared, and the lingering yin and filth here also quickly dissipated!

The ivy that grew very densely and coquettishly withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The lingering fog gradually disappeared.

At a certain moment, a ray of sunlight shined through the cracks in the withered ivy leaves.

This is the first time in decades that sunlight has shone on this land.

The sunshine is like a bunch of golden ribbons, blurry, mysterious and holy.


A gust of wind blew by, and large golden leaves scattered one after another. The warm sunshine was unobstructed and spread warmly on this moist and dark land.

Aning happened to be bathed in a patch of sunshine. She looked up at the clear sky. At this moment, she could no longer hold back the tears. She knelt on the ground tremblingly and burst into tears.

The haze will always dissipate and the sunshine will always shine on the earth.

Leave the suffering and unbearableness in the past, don't miss it, and don't recall it.

The road of life is ahead, and so are all the beautiful scenery.

When Su Yi led Aning out of the Asantiya Textile Factory, the latter was still wrapped in Su Yi's windbreaker.

"Let's separate here." Su Yi looked at Aning, "It's time for me to leave, and it's time for you to live well."

An Ning looked at Su Yi with gratitude on his face: "You gave me a new life! Mr. Huang, I had no faith or respect before. But from now on, I believe in you, and I respect you like a god—— No, you are my god."

I am not Ou Hao...

Su Yi silently complained in his heart.

"If believing in me can bring peace of mind to you, give your heart something to rest on, and have a destination, then believe in me." Su Yi smiled, "But if not, then believe in life. Only if you are full of life With hope and awe, you will live a better life.”

Aning looked at Su Yi foolishly and suddenly said: "Can I hug you?"

Su Yi shook his head: "This is a very dangerous move. Maybe I will take you away directly."

After a pause, he changed the topic and said: "Your aunt will die soon, but there is no need to be sad for her. For her, death is not a bad thing."

Aning was startled and asked hurriedly: "Is it because of me?"

Su Yi shook his head: "It's related to Bayan God."

Aning seemed relieved, but his expression became sad again: "In this case, I lose another relative who truly loves me."

Seeing that Su Yi was silent and seemed to be planning to leave, Aning hurriedly said: "Mr. Huang, I want to leave here and start over in a new place. Do you have any suggestions?"

Su Yi thought for a while, smiled at her and said, "Go to the mainland, it's full of life and it's very suitable for you."

He took a step back, his body gradually disappeared, and disappeared in place.

Aning looked at the place where he disappeared, looking lost.

Su Yi still has one last thing to do, which is an additional thing besides the mission - to witness the dissipation of the Bayan God.

It's hard to imagine the concept of a god who doesn't want to live anymore, but this happened in front of Su Yi's eyes.

God Bayan cannot see the future. For Him, the future is only despair.

He didn't want to reach the end of the road and end in despair.

He would rather end everything right now while it is still very good.

This incident shocked Su Yi's heart far more than the story of "Psychic Medium" itself.

Especially under the witness of Su Yi, God Bayan disintegrated his divine body and dissipated into heaven and earth with a smile.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, what is taken from heaven and earth is returned to heaven and earth.

This is definitely something Su Yi will never forget.

It was a baptism for Su Yi's soul.

There is a great fear of death. The more people seek immortality, the more they understand this fear and the less willing they are to face death.

In the face of death, all ugliness is revealed.

It is easy to say that God Bayan embraces death so gracefully and runs towards death with open mind, but not everyone has such courage.

Being in a new place, Su Yi feels that he will do whatever it takes to extend his life and will never give up easily.

He did not agree with God Bayan's negative mentality, but he sincerely admired God Bayan's fearlessness and open-mindedness.

Maybe death is really nothing to fear.

We can pursue the length of life, but the original intention must not be to escape death.

Before his death, God Bayan arranged for Nim to be reincarnated.

Nim has no karma, and is blessed by Bayan God. It is no small matter for a spirit to use its own origin to pray. Nim can not only be reincarnated quickly, but also be reincarnated into a good family and have good luck. This is Bayan God's gift to her.

Nim was in front of many people, smiling and sitting in front of the statue of Bayan.

When Nim died, Aning was also present.

It's just that she regretfully didn't see Su Yi or God Bayan.

At the same time that the god Nim was disappearing, the god Bayan was also disappearing under the witness of Su Yi.

Ironically, the disappearance of Bayan God was not known to anyone, but because Nim died with a smile on his face, many people began to believe in Bayan God again, and Bayan God's incense became more prosperous than before.

But this is just a flashback.

In this age where everything is utilitarian, when belief in Bayan cannot bring any benefits, people will soon give up this belief.

Eventually, Bayan will become a lost piece of history until no one mentions it anymore.

After Bayan God disappeared, Aning and his uncle's family took care of the funeral of their aunt and mother. Because the autopsy report showed that it was cardiac arrest and not caused by external forces, the deaths of Noi and the old widower did not cause any trouble to Aning. .

Aning closed her mother's dog meat restaurant, sold all her belongings, and left this sad place.

She decided to follow Su Yi's suggestion and go to the mainland, to that vibrant land, to start over.

Five years later, on the edge of the Lijiang River in Yunnan, there was a beautiful proprietress who opened an inn. She was gentle and kind, and no one knew her past. Everyone only knew that she was a Taiwanese, and this identity at that time was equivalent to a layer of protection for her.

Willow's legacy has no heirs.

This is a huge amount of wealth. In the end, local officials, lawyers, priests and other parties started a thrilling game around this amazing wealth. After some open and covert fighting, a small part of the money was taken away. People, use it for the people.

The vast majority have been carved up by these stakeholders through legal means.

Because Willow's only daughter Aning is missing, she is far away from the whirlpool of interests, which is equivalent to being far away from a big trouble.

Su Yi didn't know what happened next, and he didn't bother to care.

After witnessing the disappearance of Bayan God, he wandered back to Beitai City.

When returning, Su Yi happened to witness the return of his wife Liu Qingfang and daughter Huang Xiaomei.

At the airport, the reporters' long guns and cannons were all set up and aimed at the airport pick-up port.

Senior police officers and a government member stood guard at the door, waiting solemnly for the hero's widow to appear.

Huang Huotu's sacrifice has long been hyped as the Zheng Zhi incident. In view of the fact that both Hong Kong Island and the Mainland spoke highly of the deceased police officer Huang Huotu, and even awarded Huang Huotu a medal and applied for a commendation. Naturally, there must be one here in Wanwan. represented.

The top police officials who originally sent Huang Huotu to Hong Kong Island for exchange and study, as well as the chief of the police station where Huang Huotu worked, all benefited from this incident and gained a lot of Zheng Zhi's resources.

The Bayan authorities have always been keen on appearing on the "international stage", so Huang Huotu has long been hyped as a Bayan hero.

It is said that an entertainment company has contacted Liu Qingfang to purchase the copyright, hoping to bring Huang Huotu's heroic deeds to the big screen. Hong Kong star Andy Lau personally told the media that he is very interested in playing Huang Huotu on the big screen and hopes to join the show for free.

As the flashing lights flashed, at the boarding gate, officials and high-ranking police officers stepped forward to greet Liu Qingfang with solemn expressions, shook hands with Liu Qingfang, and expressed their condolences.

Officials and police showed large checks to the media respectively, which were Huang Huotu's pension and condolence money.

After a short mourning ceremony, the bustle came to an end, and Liu Qingfang left the airport holding her daughter in her arms.

The person who sent them off was Huang Huotu's best friend during his lifetime, Li Fengbo, the leader of the major criminal case team.

"Sister-in-law, Huo Tu is so prosperous this time. His suffering and grievances over the years have not been in vain... This time, all the brothers have followed him to benefit, and the previous grudges and resentments are all over. In the future, you and your sister will have nothing to do with each other. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me, or to our director. We all share a common bond, and if you have any ideas, just speak up."

Li Fengbo looked in the rearview mirror at Liu Qingfang, who was holding her daughter and looking out the window silently. He sighed and said: "No matter what, life has to go on. Even for your sister, you have to think clearly about what you want from the government. Now everyone We are paying attention. If you ask, the officials will not dare not give it. If a few days pass, it will not be so easy..."

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