Although Qiu Miaofang's body showed signs of being burned to death, strangely, her hair was intact.

All the hair on the body is also complete.

If they were burned to death, there is no way these things would still exist.

And there were no signs of fire at all.

It's so weird.

The weirdness of this scene reminded Li Fengbo immediately of Liao Zhenfu's case.

Liao Zhenfu froze to death in his office at over 30 degrees Celsius in the hot weather.

The forensic doctor soon noticed that Qiu Miaofang also had mysterious entomogenic fungi in her body, and realized that these two cases were unusual.

On the one hand, the top police officials took the entomogenic fungus to a more technologically advanced lighthouse for testing; on the other hand, the top police officials decided to "cover the lid".

This is also the consistent way of thinking and practice of many authorities.

When encountering something beyond their control, their first reaction is to suppress the matter first and give an explanation to the outside world, so that the matter will no longer become the target of public criticism.

This is usually done for three purposes - the first is to cut through the chaos quickly and calm public opinion; the second is to prevent interested people from taking the opportunity to cause trouble; the third is to prevent outside interference, reduce the pressure on the investigators, and continue the investigation secretly.

Therefore, for things that are taken for granted by the police, such as handling cases, Zheng Zhi characters can usually see several meanings, and thus make actions that would seem "stupid" to ordinary people.

The Criminal Punishment Team is under pressure from the top brass of the police force. Li Fengbo is not a good policeman who sticks to the bottom line. He has already begun to think about finding a scapegoat to explain to the outside world first.

This is not a simple matter, because once something goes wrong, Li Fengbo will be the biggest scapegoat.

The medical examiner was ordered to revise the autopsy report and change the result of "suspected homicide" to "death due to sudden illness."

Two days later, Xie Yali appeared in front of Su Yi again.

Her expression was no longer as indifferent as the first time, and there was a bit more melancholy in her eyes.

"Huo Tu, can I really become an immortal?"

These were the first words she said when she saw Su Yi.

"Still not sublimated?" Su Yi put down the scripture in his hand and raised his head and asked.

Xie Yali shook his head first, hesitated slightly, and then nodded.

"It's not enough." She said, "The mandrill's soul is too weak. This Qiu Miaofang is worse than the previous Liao Zhenfu. She persisted in the fire pit for a moment and then disappeared. This is not a scapegoat at all... Fire Earth , I suspect that the Five Hell Laws are flawed... The Five Hell Laws should have requirements for mandrills, rather than just looking at fate."

Su Yi was silent for a moment and asked, "Have you contacted your sister?"

Xie Yali shook his head: "She didn't respond to me."

"According to your tacit understanding, what does it mean to not respond?" Su Yi asked again.

"The representative is right, there is no need to change." Xie Yali frowned, "But... maybe my cultivation is not enough, and I am worried in vain."

"Would you like to stop and figure out the situation first?" Su Yi suggested.

"We can't stop." Xie Yali shook his head and looked at Su Yi, "Once you start scapegoating, you can't stop. Otherwise, it will be as simple as wasting all your previous efforts."

"What will happen?" Su Yi asked.

"I absorbed the mandrill's soul and was tempered by the punishments of the five hells," Xie Yali looked at Su Yi and said word by word, "I will become the most evil mandrill."

At this moment, Su Yiru fell into the ice cave and felt cold all over his body!

If that's the case, wouldn't it mean that if he finally defeated Xie Yali, he would become a man-killer?

Couldn't Xie Yali, a mandrill, be able to struggle in the five prisons for a long time?

Then who do you think you are?

a knife?

His lips wriggled and he hesitated to speak, but in the end he said nothing. He shook his head and said, "Then don't stop now and keep going. Do you remember what I told you?"

"Intellectual and visual impairment." Xie Yali still remembers, "Is it really intellectually impaired?"

"I don't know." Su Yi didn't give her a definite answer this time.

He looked at Xie Yali and said, "But as long as you have the slightest chance of becoming an immortal, I will definitely help you."

"I believe you, Huo Tu." Xie Yali looked deeply at Su Yi.

"Come on." Su Yi took a deep breath and said.

Xie Yali knew what he was talking about, frowned and asked: "Are you coming again? Do you think it is necessary?"

Su Yi nodded without explaining anything more.

He is not a masochist, nor is he a curious child who insists on knowing what is in the five prisons.

He had to endure this inhuman pain, so he had his own reasons.

Xie Yali stopped persuading.

She walked towards Su Yi and was very close to Su Yi. Then he blew gently into Su Yi's nose.

The next moment, things changed.

When Su Yi regained consciousness, he found himself lying in a bathtub.

Warm water surrounded his body. He lowered his head and his eyes swept across his graceful breasts and the deep jungle.

He had already shared Qiu Miaofang's body.

This woman is actually quite old, but her figure is still very well-proportioned and plump, her skin is firm and smooth, and she is very well-maintained.

And she practices yoga, in terms of flexibility...

Of course, now is not the time to discuss such things.

The woman lay completely relaxed in the bathtub, scrubbing her body.

But as she washed, she suddenly felt that the water was getting hotter and hotter.

How can this be?

This is not a heated bathtub, the water in the bathtub will only get colder and colder.

Although the woman was confused, she didn't think much about it. She just stood up and stepped out of the bathtub when she felt very uncomfortable. Then she casually pulled a bath towel and wiped her body while walking out.

But the moment she opened the bathroom door, she was dumbfounded.


There is fire everywhere!

The living room was in flames, and everything was burning!

If the woman could calmly observe a little bit at this moment, she would definitely be able to tell that something was wrong.

Although this fire is big, it has no roots.

All the furnishings in the home were intact, as if the raging flames were separated by an invisible glass cover.

Even the newspapers on the sofa and the gauze curtains hanging on the windows showed no signs of being burned.

But at this moment, the woman was so panicked that she immediately ran to the phone and dialed 119 first.

After making a hurried call, she saw that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the woman immediately ran out the door.

As soon as the door was opened, raging flames immediately rolled back!

The woman screamed and covered her face, and was swallowed up by the flames the next second!

Someone once made statistics on the most painful ways for people to die. Burning to death was undoubtedly one of them.

When you are swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire, you will subconsciously close your eyes, cover your face, then run wildly, fall to the ground, and roll...

But all of this is of no avail. If you hold on for a few seconds at most, you will completely faint.

Then he was quickly and completely burned to death without any consciousness, freed from pain and fear.

But according to Su Yi's feelings, this woman's consciousness was still very clear and her feelings were very keen.

This kind of pain is different from the pain of Ice Prison.

This kind of pain is like a red-hot steel needle penetrating your entire body, skin, flesh, bones and even internal organs, including the brain.

Then the steel needle "sizzles" and burns inside your body, and the temperature gets higher and higher.

Fortunately, this extreme inhuman pain lasted less than ten seconds, and the woman died.

Her soul was freed from her body and entered the pit of fire.

This is a pit of fire so deep that you can’t even see the sky!

The fire pit was only one foot in diameter, and the bottom and surrounding walls were all burning with blazing flames!

It's like being in a furnace!

The blazing flames burned the unprotected soul, and the woman wailed and climbed up.

Since it is a pit, of course the exit is above!

But the pit is a hundred thousand feet deep!

You have to climb to a height of 100,000 feet to climb out of this fire pit!

The walls of the pit are filled with blazing flames. If you want to climb up, no matter which wall you choose, the flames will engulf your entire body. This means that you must have the courage and will to throw yourself into the sea of ​​fire, or even bathe in the sea of ​​fire for a long time!

But this alone is not enough. During the climb up, you cannot let go or fall, otherwise you will fall into the bottom of the pit and all your efforts and suffering will be wasted!

Who can climb up a pit a hundred thousand feet deep in a sea of ​​fire in one breath?

Just thinking about it makes me despair!

Of course, almost no mandrill can climb out of the Fire Pit, and this woman is no exception.

She was indeed worse than Liao Zhenfu. She didn't even last ten seconds and didn't even try to climb. She completely collapsed due to extreme fear, pain and despair, and she completely lost her mind!


At the moment when the woman's soul was gone, the scenery in front of Su Yi changed, and others had returned to reality.

He curled up and fell to the ground in pain, still covering his face with his hands.

The extremely hot feeling on his body seemed to still remain, faintly felt, and Su Yi couldn't help but scream.

too painful!

Originally, Su Yi thought that he had endured the pain of the Ice Prison, and that the pain of the Fire Pit Prison would be slightly weaker for him.

But no!

There is no such thing as adaptability to extreme pain. Even the inhuman Su Yi cannot adapt to this kind of inhuman pain.

Su Yi lay on the ground for a long time before he regained his composure, but the symptoms of being burned by the fire still seemed to remain on his body.

Not to mention moving, just a little bit of wind would make Su Yi feel severe pain all over his body!

It was as if someone had peeled off his own skin and then rubbed the juice of the devil's pepper on his bloody body.

This pain still does not come from the body, but from the soul.

Seeing Su Yi in such pain, Xie Yali hesitated, squatted down again, blew on Su Yi's nose, and pulled him into the virtual world.

Su Yi appeared in Xie Yali's retreat.

There are many Mars particles lingering around her, and the stars are like stars in the Milky Way, dense and countless.

With every breath Xie Yali takes, these sparks will be inhaled into her body, nourishing and tempering her soul.

These sparks are Qiu Miaofang’s soul after she died!

But it became a tonic for Xie Yali.

Now, it also belongs to Su Yi.

All falsehoods in the virtual world will affect reality. Although the soul of Mandrill was absorbed by Xie Yali, now Xie Yali allows Su Yi to absorb it again through the virtual world, which is equivalent to sharing the benefits she received with Su Yi.

Su Yi woke up quickly and immediately resisted: "This won't work, this is what you need to become an immortal..."

"But it's not that important." Xie Yali said quietly, "It doesn't matter, just suck it, it will relieve your pain...otherwise you won't be able to bear it, and your soul will be burned and it will be difficult to recover."

When Su Yi heard this, he stopped talking and began to absorb these star points along with Xie Yali's breathing.

This is not the first time Su Yi has devoured something like a soul.

He had swallowed many evil spirits in Nantou County before.

But this time it was completely different. This time Xie Yali used a special method to devour the soul star point.

After the soul star point is inhaled, it will turn into a warm current and wash away the soul.

This feeling was extremely comfortable, reminding Su Yi of the feeling of taking a hot bath before Qiu Miaofang.

It seemed to be repairing the burned area, and at the same time, it vibrated Su Yi's soul with a strange rhythm.

Su Yi couldn't sense what effect this rhythm had on him, but the shock made his mentality gradually become more peaceful, and he entered a state of being a sage with no desires or desires.

Su Yi relaxed wholeheartedly.

But at a certain moment, he suddenly woke up, took the initiative to break away from the virtual world, and let his consciousness return to reality!

His face was solemn and his eyes were cloudy and uncertain.

Xie Yali came over quickly.

"What's wrong?"

She reacted strangely to Su Yi's sudden violent reaction.

Su Yi looked at Xie Yali and said, "This immortal, you can no longer cultivate!"

"Why?" Xie Yali asked.

"You have a higher level of cultivation than me!" Su Yi looked at her and said solemnly, "I don't believe you can't feel it. That's not sublimation at all, but transformation!"

"The mandrill is transforming your soul!"

"A little adds up to a big thing." Xie Yali looked at Su Yi, "If the transformation is thorough enough, it will be sublimation."

"With the energy of the mandrills now, it's impossible for you to completely transform them!" Su Yi said, "These mandrills are too weak and not enough! I'm afraid that in the end your soul will become deformed and transformed into something different! Stop now. It’s too late, if you continue, you will really become a mandrill!”

"Also, this has no effect at all on killing people's emotions!"

"Perhaps we have to wait until after the five hells have been traversed..." Xie Yali said.

"Stop lying to yourself!" Su Yi came closer, stared into her eyes and said word by word, "Your worries and feelings before were right. Maybe your sister really doesn't have anything at all..."

"Sister has contacted me!" Xie Yali's eyes suddenly burst into astonishing light, and the next second her figure disappeared from Su Yi's eyes.

Su Yi was stunned in place for a while, then took a long breath and sat back down again.

The police officer's absorption process just now was not a pleasant experience, but at least Su Yi's burned soul seemed to have really recovered a lot.

Su Yi thought he could wait for Xie Yali's explanation, but he didn't.

By the time Xie Yali came to find Su Yi again, it was already three days later.

The third mandrill has been executed!

This time the mandrill was a Lighthouse man named Lorenzuo. On the surface, he was a priest of the Western Holy See in the Bayan Church, but secretly he was a representative of the Lighthouse arms dealer.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Wanwan wanted to buy a bullet from the lighthouse, he would have to give Lauren Zuo a nod.

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