Xie Yali let go of Su Yi.

No, it should be said that my sister let go of Su Yi.

Not right either.

Is she really Xie Yali's sister?

Perhaps like Huang Yifeng and Lin Daosheng's status as "disciples in previous lives", Xie Yali's status as "junior sister in previous lives" is also a dream.

Xie Yali has been living in this "dream" since he was born.

From birth to now, eighteen years of life have been ruined!

Whether the truth is as cold and cruel as Su Yi guessed is irrelevant.

What matters is now.

is the future.

How to choose now?

Where is the future going?

"Everything is doomed." My sister suddenly smiled.

The smile was extraordinarily bright and extraordinarily pure.

Even Su Yi was infected by such a smile and couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

But he soon became alarmed again.

"You are very smart," my sister said. "Who are you?"

Without waiting for Su Yi to answer, she followed her own answer: "I am very sure that you are Huang Huotu. From the moment I found you, I have been letting you eat my Five Hells elixir. As long as I want to, you can't escape anything." With my eyes, you can’t hide anything you want from me.”

"But suddenly I can't see through you." She said, "You suddenly walked out of your office and went to Hong Kong Island. Although I can sense your words and deeds, I can no longer know what you are thinking. You Suddenly you can learn magic, and your temperament has completely changed. You seem to be a different person. Who are you? "

"What do you think?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Like me, you are a cultivator who has been reincarnated!" My sister stared into Su Yi's eyes, "But you are not like me. I awakened Su Hui before I was born. You awakened before going to Hong Kong Island. Right? Otherwise, there is no way to explain why you suddenly learned magic. What you said to the man named Feng were actually from your past life, right? I am very sure that there is no practitioner named Chen You in Wanwan!"

"And the background of the story you told is not right. It doesn't sound like it's in Wanwan. The environment and some details you mentioned seem to be in a housing estate on Hong Kong Island."

Bang bang bang...

Su Yi couldn't help but applaud: "Awesome, awesome!"

"I didn't expect that the knife I chose was the same as me!" Seeing Su Yi's acquiescence, my sister narrowed her eyes slightly, "But there must be a big flaw in your memory, otherwise you wouldn't have only this ability. He also went to find Academic Law named Feng."

"Knife?" Su Yi sighed, "It seems that autopsy is also a scam. The Five Hells Immortal Technique does not require autopsy at all."

"You are really smart. You can guess the truth with just one word from me." My sister tilted her head and looked at Su Yi. "You are right. If a corpse becomes an immortal, that is when a corpse becomes an immortal. After five hells, it becomes an immortal. "Five Hell Immortals."

"I am the sword you chose. If I kill Xie Yali, it is equivalent to you personally killing the mandrill." Su Yi looked at her, "She was deceived by you from birth to death. You deceived her until she lost her soul and thought she was a cultivator. It's really So miserable."

In the original plot, Xie Yali designed and directed his own death, which can be regarded as digging his own grave.

Really miserable.

"This is her destiny." My sister said matter-of-factly.

"Immortal fate?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Su Yi's mouth, "This is committing evil, this is becoming a devil!"

My sister smiled: "You don't understand."

"I understand." Su Yi knew what she was talking about. "As far as you are concerned, we have nothing to do with ants, and the ants' concepts of good and evil certainly have nothing to do with you. Just like how many ants a person burns to death will not affect his behavior. Just like a good person, no matter how many people you kill or how many bad things you do, it will not prevent you from becoming an immortal."

My sister was a little surprised: "Now I am more sure that you are a person with Suhui and a person like me, otherwise you would not be able to explain these truths."

"We are different." Su Yi looked at her calmly, "I will always remember that I am a human being. If becoming an immortal requires me not to be a human being, then I would rather not become an immortal!"

My sister smiled, disdainfully.

She didn't believe what Su Yi said at all.

"When you have the chance to become an immortal, you can say this again!" she said.

Just like a person with only 10,000 yuan in savings is asked if you have 100 million yuan in assets and are you willing to donate 50 million yuan?

He is willing.

But if you ask him to donate a thousand yuan, he won’t be able to do it, because he really has it.

Su Yi didn't explain either, because it wasn't necessary.

"Now that I have become your fifth mandrill, I am obviously no longer suitable to be your sword." Su Yi said, "You will find another sword to kill Xie Yali and kill me as well."

"You can't change anything." My sister said with a smile, "This is God's will."

"Really?" Su Yi raised the corner of his mouth, "If that's true, why did you appear in front of me?"

"It's a small problem, just adjust it and it will be fine." My sister said lightly, "It's as simple as the clothes are wrinkled and need to be pulled."

She looked at Su Yi and suddenly stretched out her hand and put it on Su Yi's chest. Su Yi had no time to react!


Su Yi felt as if his whole body was being held by an invisible big hand!

He couldn't move, couldn't exert any strength!

He had a splitting headache, and he felt that his energy was draining away rapidly, and his consciousness was quickly becoming blurred!

There is a powerful force that he cannot resist, which is rapidly draining his energy!

No, it's the power of the soul!

He was like a fish on the chopping board, unable to resist at all!

Seeing that Su Yi was almost drained and her consciousness became increasingly blurred, her sister suddenly let go of her hand and took a step back, the corners of her mouth raised, and a thick smile appeared on her face.


Su Yi collapsed on the ground, like a puddle of mud.

He couldn't even move a finger.

Even raising my eyelids has become a very difficult thing.

This is a symptom of excessive soul loss, which means that Su Yi's soul loss is too severe and is no longer enough to control the physical body.

Su Yi crawled at her sister's feet, looking miserable.

At this time, sister could kill Su Yi with just one kick.

But Su Yi didn't do anything. He just raised his head with difficulty with an expressionless face and looked at his condescending sister.

"Did you see that?" My sister said contemptuously, "It's not much harder for me to crush you to death than to crush an ant to death. Don't think that just because you have become stronger, you can compete with me. No matter how strong an ant is, it is still just an ant. Don’t forget, everything you have is made by me! If I can give it to you, I can take it away. You can’t hide your cleverness from me, so why do you have to be such an ugly clown?”


Su Yi let out a weak laugh.

"The ants also want to survive." He struggled to turn over and lie flat on the ground. Just such a simple movement made him dizzy from exhaustion and almost fainted.

"What's the point of being a clown in order to survive?" Su Yi said.

The smile on my sister's face became even stronger: "Then if you want to become an immortal, wouldn't you be willing to do anything? Your appearance now is different from your righteous appearance before."

"It's different." Su Yi grinned, "My nature is still kind, just like Xie Yali."

"Kind?" My sister was even more disdainful. "Kind people will not become immortals. Who do you think is going to launch the Thirty-Three Corpse Blood Sacrifice? Is it me?"

"That's because she was led astray by you." Su Yi gasped.

My sister shook her head and didn't want to say anything more to Su Yi.

"I came here just to deal with it. It's fine now. Everything is back on track." My sister said, "I'm leaving. You have a good rest."

Su Yi had to rest because he couldn't get up anymore.

In order to prevent him from doing bad things, his sister directly made him incapacitated.

"You originally planned to imprison me in the ghost world forever." Su Yi looked up at her and said calmly, "I actually gave up hope at that time and just tried to negotiate terms, but you agreed. You are sure Why are you willing to let me out because you are grateful to me for helping you get a ghost?"

"Never use human thoughts to speculate on the will of immortals." My sister half-smiled, "Goodbye, Huang Huotu."

She didn't mean to answer Su Yi, maybe she was disdainful?

Perhaps she felt that there was nothing much to say to a dying man, or rather a dying mandrill.

She suddenly stretched out her hand to support him, and Su Yi suddenly floated up from the ground and stood there.

Immediately, Xie Yali's eyes flashed with confusion, and he said with a firm look: "Huo Tu, you guessed it right, my sister did teach me the art of the Thirty-Three Blood Corpse Sacrifice, but this further proves that my sister is... Help me wholeheartedly. Your cultivation is not enough, you are not at my level, you don’t understand, that’s why you misunderstand her.”

Su Yi looked at her, speechless.

My sister has left, and it was Xie Yali who said this.

She was completely unaware of what had just happened, and even picked up the topic before she was possessed by her sister.

But she no longer had any fear, doubt and uneasiness, and her attitude towards becoming an immortal became firm again.

This is obviously my sister's way of "stretching out the wrinkles in her clothes."

Everything is back on track.

Looking at Xie Yali's attitude, I'm afraid that whatever Su Yi says now will only be counterproductive.

"Since you don't need to share the five hells, I'll leave." Xie Yali said to Su Yi, "The fourth mandrill is about to be executed, and the blood sacrifice will begin soon. Huotu, when we meet again, you will be the one to help When my troops are over."

Su Yi looked at Xie Yali quietly and nodded slowly.

Xie Yali smiled at Su Yi.

The next second passed, and Su Yi returned to reality.

He was still in the small room where he was in seclusion, still holding the previous book in his hand.


His hand dropped weakly, and the scripture in his hand fell to the ground.

Then his whole body collapsed to the ground.

He tried hard to open his eyes, but he couldn't even do a simple action like raising his eyelids.

He didn't have any strength to control this body that didn't look like a body.

His sister took away his ability to move and left him paralyzed here, like a puddle of mud, waiting for his end.

Now Su Yi only felt that his whole body was being sucked tightly by his heart, including his soul, and he couldn't get out of his body.

"The problem really lies in the heart..."

Su Yi smiled helplessly.

He had already guessed that there was something wrong with the only vitality left in his heart. This vitality was the only evidence of Su Yi's survival and the source of his immortality. Let alone others, even if Su Yi wanted to destroy himself, he would not be able to do so. .

But this vitality is not under Su Yi's control. This vitality may be Su Yi's talisman.

But what’s the use of guessing?

Su Yi couldn't do anything. Now the vitality showed its fangs and completely imprisoned Su Yi's body and soul.

Su Yi closed his eyes.

outside world.

Today's Zhenxian Temple is particularly lively.

In the Immortal Lord's Palace, a group of disciples and disciples, under the auspices of Huang Yifeng and Lin Daosheng, prepared to drive the fourth mandrill into hell.

The fourth mandrill is an unfilial man named Chen Liangwang.

He was extremely unfilial to his parents, frequently beating and scolding him. He even kicked his two elders out of the house and let them live on the street. Even if they were exposed by the media, he would not repent and clamored for his parents to die.

But after learning that his parents still had hidden savings, he went to the second elder and forced them to ask for their bank cards and passwords. He even put the second elder under house arrest, deprived them of food and drink, and humiliated and tortured them wantonly.

The two elders couldn't bear the humiliation and chose to commit suicide in despair.

Chen Liangwang did not feel guilty about this. Instead, he yelled at the two elders for not knowing how to appreciate him. He even threw the elder's body in the room and left it to stink.

After receiving a report from neighbors, the police arrested Chen Liangwang and asked him to bury his parents.

"There's no charge for burial?" Chen Liangwang said plausibly, "The house was only rented by me, what does it have to do with me? I paid the rent and let the landlord handle some garbage. I paid for the garbage removal freight. La!"

The police had nothing to do with the knife, after all, it was not illegal.

In the end, the landlord thought he was unlucky and paid for the cremation fee, cremated the couple, and scattered their ashes in the Keelung River.

But Chen Liangwang has always been worried about his parents' bank card. He felt that the money could not be used cheaply by the bank, so he looked for people to watch Luoyin everywhere, trying to force out the bank card number and password from his parents' souls.

The so-called "Guan Luoyin" means that the master guides the victim to go down to the underworld in person to visit Yuanchen Palace to understand his destiny and communicate with his deceased relatives through the method of out-of-body soul.

But it actually allows the victim to see the bardo body of his or her loved one in the barrier.

This kind of magic is not too clever, and people and ghosts have different paths, so the success rate is not high. What's more, in a situation like Chen Liangwang's parents, it would be nice not to seek revenge on his son. How could he be willing to see such an unfilial son?

Therefore, Chen Liangwang spent a lot of money, but he never succeeded.

This made him, who was already petty, even more angry and obsessed with it.

Huang Yifeng and the others deceived Chen Liangwang into the True Immortal Temple under the pretext of Guan Luoyin.

They asked Chen Liangwang to hold up a photo of his parents, and then blindfolded Chen Liangwang.

Huang Yifeng stepped forward and slapped the worm fungus hidden in his palm in front of Chen Liangwang who was kneeling in front of him. The dust was immediately inhaled into Chen Liangwang's nasal cavity and played its role.

A group of believers began to chant sutras around Chen Liangwang. One of them walked up behind Chen Liangwang with a brass dagger, stabbed the knife into the back of his heart, and dug out Chen Liangwang's heart.

During this process, Chen Liangwang not only did not feel any pain, but instead seemed to be high, with a weird smile on his face and shouted out happily.

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