The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1343 Before the War

Looking at all the worlds Su Yi has experienced, there has never been a world that made him so depressed and desperate as the world of seeking immortality.

Chu Renmei, Ghost Story Association, Huang Fu, Wu Jie Xian...

These powerful opponents were each higher than the other, and they were so overwhelming that Su Yi couldn't breathe.

If it weren't for Su Yi's tenacity, someone else would have given up long ago.

How many director points are there for one set? Why are you playing with your life?

Look at Su Yi's fate now. He managed it all by himself, but his heart is broken, his inner strength is lost, and his soul has become a green ghost.

Not to mention that until now, Su Yi had already spent three death-free cards.

This is a rare prop that even a director cannot buy, but on this set, Su Yi paid for it three times.

No prodigal son will bring up such a prodigal son.

What did you get in exchange for paying such a high price?

Is it worth it just to succeed in the mission?

This is a matter of benevolence and wisdom.

It's like Jack's obsession with Cissy, just like the obsession of Seediq's army of heroes.

Isn't Su Yi's tenacity a kind of obsession?

It is said in the Buddhist scriptures that if you insist on the existence of the eternal one-dominated self, all troubles and obstacles will arise from this, and there will be greed, anger, ignorance and other confusions, which will generate karma and entangle sentient beings in the three realms and six paths, hindering the tranquility of Nirvana. The principle disturbs the body and mind of sentient beings.

It can be seen that obsession is the root of all troubles and troubles.

So Buddha said to let go.

Su Yi felt that with his personality, he had no chance of becoming a Buddha in this life.

His obsession is too deep, and there are too many things that he can't let go of. This troubled world of mortals is probably his destination, and he can't escape it.

Becoming an immortal or a Buddha has nothing to do with him.

In such emotion, Su Yi slowly opened his eyes.


He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Every pore seemed to feel the moisture of the air, sniffing the permeating smell of blood, the faint smell of rust came from the tip of the tongue, the heart beat weakly in the chest, the blood circulated in the blood vessels, the belly was empty, and the intestines were ravenous. But I feel very uncomfortable and want to drink a bowl of light porridge...

This is the feeling of life.

This is what it feels like to be alive.

Breathing and heartbeat, these are ordinary things, but at this moment, in Su Yi's eyes, they are so precious and wonderful.

He couldn't help but smile, so happy and pure.

"It seems it's okay!" Uncle Feng and Uncle Li looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Uncle Feng took a step back, wiping the sweat from his forehead and sitting on Uncle Li's lap.

"Hey!" Uncle Li shouted dissatisfied.

"Let me sit for a while, I'm exhausted!" Uncle Feng relaxed and smiled, "I'll be busy for a while. Huo Tu, how do you feel now?"

Su Yi turned his head to look at Uncle Feng and Uncle Li. Looking at their eager eyes, he smiled and said, "Brother Feng, Uncle Li, I'm alive again!"

"After a hundred liters of blood are used up, you are like a bottomless pit. If you don't survive, it is really unreasonable!" Uncle Feng laughed and cursed.

He was really happy.

I have never been so happy in my life!

Seven years ago, he lost his Taoist friend, and Alian's parents died for him.

Seven years later, Su Yi's self-sacrifice made him feel heartbroken and almost collapsed. But he had to repay kindness with hatred and become a villain.

But now, everything has cleared up!

Even the mental shackles that he had been unable to let go seemed to open with a "click".

Did he save Su Yi, or did Su Yi redeem him?

Maybe it's mutual success.

"A hundred liters of blood was transfused to you and you didn't even wake up, which made Ah Feng and I worried for a while." Uncle Li was also very happy. He had always admired Su Yi and felt sorry for Su Yi.

After the battle between He and Shi, he and Uncle Feng even had to discuss the matter of enduring the pain to eliminate harm for the people, which made him suffer internally.

But now it's better, Su Yi is alive again.

"It's okay." He looked at Su Yi with emotion and said.

"Do you still have your martial arts skills?" Uncle Feng couldn't help but ask.

Su Yi shook his head, but the smile on his face never weakened.

He was resurrected from the dead, and all his internal strength was completely gone.

I don't know if it dissipated between heaven and earth, or if it was absorbed by my own ghost when it absorbed the power of Qing.

But it doesn't matter. If the inner strength is gone, you can still practice it again. He has already started to rebuild it now.

Pure pure Yang internal energy!

Although it is rare, even though it is not enough to repair the heart and make ends meet, as long as you can live, there is hope for everything. What else is Su Yi dissatisfied with?

His heart was chewed up by a group of worms and then burst out and stuck together. Normally, it would be impossible to survive. However, with the Nine Talisman Life-Extending, Flying Head Drop, I Ching Marrow Cleansing Sutra plus Su Yi's own vitality, the key is still There is that drop of essence and blood that is the only remaining fruit.

With the positive blessing of this series of conditions, Su Yi's heart can now beat weakly and operate slowly.

With the help of Su Yi's internal strength, there is no problem in keeping Su Yi alive for the time being. In the future, as the heart continues to repair and recover, it will be able to operate independently sooner or later.

But at the moment, Su Yi couldn't move around, let alone make any violent movements.

In other words, Su Yi was temporarily paralyzed.

He needs a wheelchair more than Uncle Li, and it is a fully automatic wheelchair.

Because he couldn't use his hands.

Once you exert force, your heart will stop beating due to overload, which is very dangerous.

Su Yi briefly talked about his physical condition, and then he was too tired to speak.

Uncle Li frowned slightly: "In this case, if your ghost comes out of your body, wouldn't your physical body immediately belch?"

"Fortunately, we were prepared." Uncle Feng took out another purple talisman from his pocket, "This time a life-extending talisman can hang his life."

Uncle Li flicked his sleeve, and a red Gu worm crawled out from his sleeve.

"This heart voodoo is connected to my heart. Let it suck on your heart. As long as I still have a heartbeat, you won't die!" He couldn't help but stuff the voodoo into Su Yi's mouth.

Su Yi allowed the insect to crawl into his body and attach itself to his heart.

Then he waited for Uncle Feng to put the substitute charm on himself, and then used nine golden needles to stimulate his blood circulation.

He felt it carefully, and then he felt relieved and said with a smile: "This way I can feel confident about leaving the body."

His mind moved, and a green light suddenly spurted out from Su Yitian's spiritual cap.

The next second, a green figure stood in front of Uncle Feng and Uncle Li.


But it’s not Sheqing, it’s Su Yi’s ghost, a ghost that contains the power of Sheqing!

Almost all of Su Yi's physical body has been absorbed by Su Yi's ghost. In addition, he possesses two ghost cores, Chu Renmei and Soul Seducer, which makes his ghost become an extremely special and powerful existence.

In the past, Su Yi was only strong in his physical body and his soul was his shortcoming, but now the situation is completely reversed.


A dark-black Soul-Seducing Scythe suddenly stretched out from Su Yi Yinhun's right hand.

With a thought in Su Yi's mind, the Soul-Seducing Scythe was taken back again.

The soul-catching sickle was also transferred to Su Yi's soul!

The pressure brought by She Qing made Uncle Feng and Uncle Li tense up subconsciously.

But soon they relaxed.

"Huo Tu, this corpse aura is still a big hidden danger for you. The soul of a living person is so full of Yin Qi and corpse aura, which is not a good thing for you." Uncle Feng said.

"I know." Su Yi looked at his ghost and felt its power. "We will slowly think of a solution after we pass this level."

Uncle Feng and Uncle Li nodded together.

In fact, Su Yi's soul is also a hidden danger to human society, but the reason why they are relieved is because of Su Yi's efforts to be a new person. They see Su Yi's determination to reincarnate as a human being, so they also believe that Su Yi will cooperate. They eliminate the power of capturing greenness.

"Uncle Li, please take good care of my body." Su Yi nodded to Uncle Li.

"Don't worry, unless the big enemy comes in person, I'll keep you safe." Uncle Li said.

"Don't worry, we will entangle her." Uncle Feng said while checking his equipment, "But you must also be prepared. Once you receive the fire and earth signal, don't hesitate or be soft."

"You still want to tell me?" Uncle Li glanced at him sideways.

"No problem, let's go!" Uncle Feng looked up at Su Yi.

"Then...let's begin!"

The final decisive battle is about to begin, and Su Yi feels the long-lost passion.

It's time to end this!

Downstairs, the real immortal is watching outside.

Li Fengbo personally led the team and brought more than ten police officers to the gate of Zhenxian Temple.

Kevin Wright also applied for a gun and traveled with the team.

However, he had no arrest power and was only armed with a gun for self-protection.

He can only be regarded as a "consultant" in this operation. He cannot shoot unless his life is threatened.

He warned Li Fengbo that this operation may be very "dangerous".

This veteran FBI agent has rich experience and a keen intuition of danger. The headquarters' attitude of being determined to capture the insect fungus at all costs made him realize that this case was more dangerous than he imagined.

But Li Fengbo is now filled with the dream of "getting injured for meritorious service and taking advantage of both sides". He hopes to solve this case and catch the real culprit, which will not only give an explanation to the lighthouse people, but also relieve the pressure on the police station.

He admitted that there was something strange about the case, but he didn't think there was any danger in the arrest.

The police officers he leads are all elites, each equipped with a gun. Such strength is enough to fight a single encounter, let alone deal with a few gangsters who are pretending to be gods and ghosts.

He didn't even plan any tactics and led his men directly to the gate of Zhenxian Temple.

He had no idea that at this moment, the more than twenty disciples of the True Immortal Temple inside all had expressions of determination and madness, and their eyes were full of fanaticism amidst the falling insect fungi.

"Knock on the door!" Li Fengbo waved his hand, and someone immediately came to knock on the door.

But before the police officer's hand fell on the door panel, he heard a deep and powerful voice coming from behind.

"If I were you, I would never do this!"

The sound startled everyone and they looked back.

They saw a Taoist wearing a bright yellow Taoist robe, carrying a mahogany sword on his back, holding a Bagua mirror in his hand, and having unibrows slowly walking towards them from the end of the corridor.

It's Uncle Feng!

In fact, Su Yi's ghost is right next to Uncle Feng, emitting a dazzling green light.

But of course these mortal eyes cannot see him.

They only felt that the temperature suddenly became colder, the light suddenly dimmed, and the lights in the corridor suddenly dimmed and brightened.

The unique smell and intimidation of shooting green made everyone present have goosebumps all over their bodies. An unspeakable fear filled everyone's heart.

But they couldn't see Su Yi, they only saw Uncle Feng, so they took it for granted that these were the deterrents brought by Uncle Feng!

"Don't move!" Li Fengbo was the first to react, quickly took out his gun, pointed it at Uncle Feng and shouted.

Su Yi looked at the gun in his hand and blinked.

Li Fengbo suddenly felt something wrapped around his wrist. When he looked closely, he found that he had a gun somewhere in his hand? What he was holding was clearly a snake!

The snake was wrapping around his wrist, hissing and spitting out the message.

This is naturally Su Yi's masterpiece. For a young photographer, creating illusions is just child's play.

"Ah!" Li Fengbo screamed in fright and dropped the pistol.


The pistol fell to the ground and made a loud noise.

Only then did he realize where the snake was?

At this moment, Li Fengbo felt a chill surge through his body. He stared at Uncle Feng in horror, backed up and shouted: "Shoot! Shoot!"

The police officers naturally obeyed his orders.

At that moment, more than ten police officers drew their guns.

Su Yi's eyes narrowed, and the police officers immediately found that the hands they put into their holsters were crawling with centipedes, scorpions and other poisonous insects, biting their hands.

Not only that, these poisonous insects kept swarming out of the holsters and crawled all over their bodies in an instant!


A group of policemen screamed in fear and kept beating their bodies or rolling on the ground!

The only ones who didn't get hit in this wave were Li Fengbo and Kevin Wright, who were stunned to see all this!

"Monster! You monster!" Li Fengbo pointed at Uncle Feng and shouted in horror.

"I'm saving you!" Uncle Feng said angrily. He looked at Su Yi, "Have you had enough fun?"

Su Yi put away the illusion, and the policemen realized that all the poisonous insects had disappeared. They got up in shock, but they all shrank into a corner, no longer daring to draw their guns on Uncle Feng.

"Hallucination! What you see is all hallucination!" Although Kevin Wright was not tricked, he guessed what happened. His expression changed and he shouted loudly.

But he spoke English, and no one could understand what he said except for a frightened translator.

"Tell them that what they saw is an illusion, don't be afraid, as long as you overcome the illusion, it will be okay!" Kevin Wright yelled at the translator.

But the translator was so frightened that he trembled and murmured: "Ghost, there is a ghost..."

"Fake!" Kevin Wright cursed, drew his gun and pointed it at Uncle Feng, shouting in English: "Hold your head with both hands, do you hear me!"

Li Fengbo on the side swallowed and did not stop.

Uncle Feng looked at Kevin Wright solemnly and stammered in English: "I, the Hong Kong Island Police, you, leave! Danger!"

"I said, put your hands on your head! Otherwise I will shoot! Do you hear me! I just count to three, three..." Kevin Wright didn't want to hear what Uncle Feng said at all, he just wanted to control the situation.

"It's up to you." Uncle Feng shrugged helplessly.

Su Yi winked at Kevin Wright.

In fact, this is just a habitual action. Activating the illusion is the ability of some ghosts to use their mental power to interfere with the opponent's soul. This is not a spell, but an instinct.

Kevin Wright suddenly found that the floor beneath his feet collapsed, and the next second he fell completely!

The feeling of weightlessness was so real that he subconsciously waved his arms wildly and screamed in fear.

But to outsiders, the foreigner suddenly lost his gun, danced and shouted, as if he had been possessed by an evil spirit.

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