A sister is a sister.

This is a bit convoluted, but in other words, my sister is a quasi-immortal from the Five Hells.

No twins become immortals in their wombs. The reason why Xie Yali's sister, who is the same mother as her mother, was stillborn because a mortal mother cannot give birth to two people who will become immortals. She has already planned it. Let Xie Yali be the unfilial mandrill who has dug out the prison of his heart.

So before she was born, her soul escaped from that body, giving Xie Yali the illusion that she had become an immortal in her womb. But in fact, the vitality of the fetus, including the mother's vitality, was all absorbed by Xie Yali.

Su Yi overthinks one thing. Xie Yali is indeed her junior sister, and the method of reincarnation is real.

But the method of reincarnation is very dangerous. The reason why Xie Yali was eaten to death by her was because he fell into her trap during the reincarnation process and never broke free again, without even knowing it.

The Five Hell Immortal Techniques practiced by Xie Yali are fake. The real Five Hell Immortal Techniques require five human mandrills who have escaped from the Five Hells. They absorb their souls that have been purified by the Five Hells and sublimate themselves into a human being. Fairy.

Uncle Feng and the others have found out the truth about this.

The reason why my sister wants Xie Yali to practice fake Dharma is because doing so can train Xie Yali into a mandrill capable of escaping from the prison of the heart!

My sister wants to make Xie Yali into a mandrill!

In the previous life, my sister had found the three previous mandrills.

In the years since she escaped from her mother's womb as a ghost, she has spent the past few years cultivating and training the three mandrills she had found in her previous life.

Raising and training mandrills, she painstakingly planned everything for her to become an immortal.

Since she was not born, she could not be reincarnated until she later discovered Huang Huotu, a person from Taiyin and Shaoyang, and was reincarnated as Huang Huotu's daughter, Huang Xiaomei.

When she was born, Xie Yali had been practicing hard for ten years, and the remaining three mandrills were almost ready for harvest.

The first two mandrills were both evil cultivators who had escaped from the world. Their younger sister was very scheming. These two evil cultivators were also very successful. They escaped from the Ice Prison and the Fire Pit Prison respectively by virtue of their profound cultivation.

They think they are liberated, but in fact they are just mature.

They were absorbed by their sister without any resistance.

The third mandrill is a person who is both unexpected and reasonable.

The death of this mandrill once plunged Huang Huotu into endless pain, and even sunk for several years and became a useless person.

It was also a knot that Su Yi couldn't figure out for a while.

This mandrill is Liu Qingyuan!

Liu Qingfang's younger brother and Huang Huotu's brother-in-law.

This man was used as a scapegoat by the top police officers due to a corruption case two years ago. In anger, he kidnapped Huang Xiaomei and wanted to kill Huang Xiaomei and make Huang Huotu suffer for the rest of his life.

But he didn't expect that the bullet grazed Huang Xiaomei's temple and hit him around the corner.

Ever since Su Yi entered this world, he had been trying to find out why the bullet couldn't hit Huang Xiaomei but turned around and killed Liu Qingyuan.

He also used this incident as a stepping stone to get acquainted with Uncle Feng.

With Su Yi's ability, he can dodge bullets, ignore bullets, and even deflect bullets.

But generally speaking, he would have a way to stop the bullet before it came out of the gun barrel, and he would never give the bullet a chance to be fired.

But even when he was at his strongest, he couldn't make a 90-degree turn on a freshly fired bullet.

This "technology" sounds simple, but in fact, the more powerful it is, the more difficult it is to achieve.

After Su Yi and Uncle Feng "restored contact", Uncle Feng talked about the matter again. Because he had always wanted to do something to help Su Yi, he had been thinking of ways to solve Huang Xiaomei's problems.

Uncle Feng's joke-like words inspired Su Yi.

This is what he said at the time: "Huo Tu, with your current ability, you are the strongest among the immortals. Even She Qing was swallowed by you. If it were you, you would be able to make Fei Qing escape from the muzzle of the gun." Does the bullet turn ninety degrees?"

"It can't be done." Su Yi shook his head without hesitation.

"Is it so difficult?" Uncle Feng sighed, "Then you are so strong now that it's almost a showdown with that guy. Have you helped your daughter find out what is it that prevents her from speaking? "

"I've seen it," Su Yi sighed, "I can't see anything. There's nothing wrong with my sister at all."

"That's a big problem." Uncle Feng laughed to himself.

Yes, even Su Yi can't do it. If you can't see it, isn't the problem still big?

But this matter is really strange and unreasonable.

If Wu Jie Xian wants to save Huang Xiaomei, he can make Liu Qingyuan commit suicide, he can make Liu Qingyuan's gun unable to shoot bullets, and he can even control anyone on the scene to kill Liu Qingyuan directly.

She has countless simpler and more direct ways to directly save Huang Xiaomei's life without letting anyone notice the strangeness. She can even directly disguise the incident as a natural accident.

But she chose the outrageous method of bending the bullet.

Why sacrifice the easy for the difficult?

Why must Huang Xiaomei be left speechless?

Even if Huang Xiaomei saw something at that time, if a fairy wanted Huang Xiaomei to keep it a secret, it would be completely unnoticed. Is it necessary to make Huang Xiaomei directly aphasic in such a serious and excessive way?

This kidnapping case really gets weirder and weirder the more I think about it, and the more I think about it, the more wrong it becomes, and a lot of the logic makes no sense at all.

There is really no need for an immortal to leave so many flaws when saving people, and there is absolutely no need to go to such trouble.

No matter how you explain it, it doesn't make sense.

This problem has always troubled Su Yi and Uncle Feng.

But Uncle Feng's words "the problem is big" inspired Su Yi.

What exactly is the problem?

Could it be that there is actually nothing wrong?

What if it's just my sister who doesn't want to talk?

Why doesn't my sister want to talk?

Could it be that the bullet's bend was also made by my sister?

When Su Yi changed his mind and solved the problem to this point, he was shocked.

But the more I think about it, the more likely it is!

If someone else wanted to make the bullet turn 90 degrees, it would be too difficult. Even Su Yi wouldn't be able to do it.

But what if it's the sister herself?

What if I save myself?

Uncle Feng has a solution!

"If the bullet were to hit me, I would have prepared well in advance. There are at least three ways to bounce the bullet away, or even bounce it back." Uncle Feng was also very excited by Su Yi's bold guess, and immediately responded, "Fu Lu, magic, Magical weapons can do it, but did your daughter have anything similar to an amulet?"

"No, absolutely not." Su Yi said firmly.

Although he did not experience this incident personally, he was sure that his sister could not have these things on her because Huang Huotu had always been worried about this incident, so he investigated all the details of the incident and did not miss any clues.

If there really was such a thing as an amulet, Huang Huo Tu would not ignore it.

"Hiss..." Uncle Feng took a breath of cold air, "If you are really sure there is no such thing... then did you see your daughter... making a hand and chanting a spell?"

Uncle Feng's tone was trembling when he said this.

I don't know if it's because of excitement or fear.

Maybe both.

"I...can't be sure!" Su Yi was really not sure about this. Maybe everyone's attention was attracted by the desperate Liu Qingyuan at that time, and they did not notice Huang Xiaomei, so it is not sure whether Huang Xiaomei was chanting the incantation at that time.

"But it still doesn't make sense!" Su Yi said immediately, "The bullet grazed my sister..."

"So it was stained with my sister's blood..." Uncle Feng said quietly.

Su Yi felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and could not utter a word for a while.

But there was a storm in my heart!

Blood is definitely the most sensitive thing for practitioners!

Drawing symbols, practices, curses, formations...

Practitioners need their own blood as a guide to do many things. Some spells or talismans require the practitioner's blood to be activated, and some are more powerful if they are blessed with the practitioner's blood.

If there is really a problem with my sister, if the bullet grazed my sister, it was not because my sister was not strong enough to be injured, but because I deliberately allowed the bullet to be stained with my own blood——

Is this possible?


Not only is this possible, but if it is explained in this way, all the strange things can be explained!

Su Yi and Uncle Feng were very excited at the time. The problem that had been bothering them had finally achieved an amazing breakthrough, and if their analysis was true, they knew exactly what it meant!

"Why did she hit Liu Qingyuan with a bullet stained with blood?" Su Yi first followed the previous train of thought, "If Liu Qingyuan was an ordinary person, she could kill him casually. There is no need to go to such trouble. ”

"There is only one explanation. This Liu Qingyuan is anything but ordinary!" Uncle Feng affirmed.

"But in my impression, this person is just a greedy and duplicitous villain." Su Yi frowned, "He is very ordinary, with a despicable and extreme temperament. There has never been anything special about him. If he is really not ordinary, he must not be ordinary." He will hide his abilities, but will use his abilities to seek various benefits for him! He can't hide it!"

"It's possible that he doesn't know what's special about him." Uncle Feng said, "It's possible that there's something wrong with his memory."

"My wife grew up with him, and she knows all about his experiences." Su Yi said, "Unless my wife's memory has also been tampered with."

"This is unlikely." Uncle Feng muttered, "People who have been manipulated can more or less see flaws. There is something different from ordinary people. Is your wife abnormal?"

"No." Su Yi was sure of this.

Disciples such as Huang Yifeng and Lin Daosheng have all been manipulated by Xie Yali and even quasi-immortals, so they look very different from ordinary people, and there are awkwardnesses in their words and deeds that even ordinary people can feel.

But Liu Qingfang is normal.

"Your wife is fine, which means your brother-in-law's memory should be fine, otherwise it wouldn't be right..." Uncle Feng said, "There is another possibility, that is, your brother-in-law practiced cultivation in his previous life and was reincarnated using secret methods, but But the mystery of opening the womb has never been solved..."

This is very possible!

And this situation is relatively "common".

Didn't the quasi-immortal also suspect that Su Yi was a cultivator who had just awakened to Su Hui not long ago?

"If that's the case... Liu Qingyuan is almost thirty years old. At this age, it is possible that she has mastered the movements of his previous reincarnation. Even if Liu Qingyuan has not awakened Su Hui, she may have done something." Su B analyzed, "But why did she kill Liu Qingyuan in this way?"

They both fell into deep thought again.

After a long time, Su Yi said quietly: "We have always thought that she has become an immortal, but what if she has not become an immortal?"

Uncle Feng was moved, his brows furrowed and he thought hard, and said: "Among the five prisons, people like Liu Qingyuan are the ones who will be sent to the Exhaustion Prison. Liu Qingyuan kidnapped your daughter and was killed again. It was probably a set-up. Could it be that you Is my daughter killing mandrills in this way? If she doesn’t become an immortal, is she actually killing mandrills?”

"That's not right either." Su Yi sighed, "Shouldn't the mandrill in the prison of the intestines be forced to death by having his intestines drained?"

At that time, Uncle Feng had not yet found any records about the true method of the Five Prison Immortals, so the two were once again in trouble. Why Liu Qingyuan was shot dead became a new question.

"Anyway, this matter has finally made progress." Su Yi said, "I will go to Zhenxian Temple next to see if I can find out more secrets about the Five Hells Immortal Technique. The more I know about this method, , the more helpful it is for us to understand the truth.”

"I'm also going to ask various sects for help to see if they have any records about the Five Hells Immortal Technique." Uncle Feng nodded, paused, and looked at Su Yi.

"If your daughter is really that one, what are you going to do?" Uncle Feng asked Su Yi in a complicated tone.

This is really a very sensitive question. Uncle Feng asked it carefully, and he was worried about Su Yi.

But Su Yi was calm.

"Of course I want to stop her." Su Yi said, "If she is really reincarnated as my daughter, she is going to kill her father now. How can I not stop her?"

"If she wasn't and was just possessing my daughter, then that would be all the more reason for me to stop her."

Uncle Feng nodded, but he knew very well that this matter would not be as easy as Su Yi said.

Later, as the investigation deepened, both Su Yi and Uncle Feng made progress, and they became more and more suspicious that Huang Xiaomei was a quasi-immortal, and it was increasingly proven that Liu Qingyuan was the third mandrill.

"You were also present at the time, and you were her knife. It is very likely that she wanted you to do it." Uncle Feng said, "But maybe out of many considerations, she changed her mind and decided to do it herself, so it was very strange what happened. situation.”

"It's very possible!" Su Yi agreed with Uncle Feng's guess, "I can guess that she didn't want to talk anymore... She wants to become an immortal and kill all love and sex. She no longer wants to call her daddy. Mom, but she didn’t have a good reason, so she just didn’t say anything, making us mistakenly think that she was aphasic.”

"Now that we know her identity, what can we do?" Uncle Feng looked at Su Yi, "We definitely can't alert the snake, and we can't be sure whether she will hurt your wife."

"This is a secret move, maybe it can save lives." Su Yi squinted his eyes slightly and said, "Brother Feng, I remember that Long Po has a spell that can help you enter dreams. Can you find it and teach it to me? I want to contact Qingfang, but I can't. If she notices it, it will definitely not work if she believes in the divine seal. If we get along day and night, she may recognize it. If this happens, the relationship between us may be exposed... Only the magic of dreaming will not be noticed, which is safer. "

"I'll think of a way, give me two days!" Uncle Feng said in a firm tone.

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