Seeing the new furniture on Qin Huairu's car, a group of old ladies were shocked.

Are they all bought new?

How much does it cost?

The women in the courtyard were even more shocked when they heard that there were new tables and chairs at the back, and even the coal stove, pots and pans were new!

A group of people were chattering and counting how much money Su Yi had spent. Some said it was more than a hundred, some said dozens of yuan, and some said four or five hundred.

In the end, Lou Xiao'e couldn't stand it anymore and settled the score.

"When Xu Damao and I got married, I bought thirty-six legs for about one hundred and ninety yuan. The price now is about the same." She said, "Huairu said that this new one was used at home. All the large and small items were purchased, and all the miscellaneous items seemed to be worthless, but if you add one piece, it would cost almost 70 or 80 yuan. I guess he spent about 2,670 yuan. ”

Is two hundred and seventy yuan a lot?

It’s not too much, it’s not too much, but who here can come up with two hundred and seventy yuan at once?

Lou Xiao'e counts as one, a mother with no children and no place to spend her money except for medical treatment and medicine, counts as one.

The rest are from a large family, and they have to live frugally to meet their monthly expenses. Whether they can save a little depends on luck. It is really hard to come up with two hundred and seventy yuan.

"Is this new guy so rich?" The second aunt was shocked. "Isn't he a college student who just started working? Where did he get his money?"

"Maybe the family has money and the adults gave it to me." The eldest mother guessed.

"Yes, yes, it must be like this." The third aunt felt that it was reasonable. "I tell you, no matter how old the child is, I don't dare to give him a chance to make big money. Look at this Su Yuanchao, how wasteful he is? How can anyone live like this? If you make more than two hundred at once, would your parents be heartbroken if they knew that their children were squandering so much?”

"Third aunt, what I bought are all necessities. This is not a waste." Lou Xiao'e said lazily, "Maybe for this family, two to three hundred yuan is nothing at all."

The third aunt glanced at her sideways, and said with a strange voice: "Necessities? Some food, some shelter, and some clothes to cover your shame. These are necessities. The rest are for enjoyment! Can't you buy a wooden board to use as a bed? You don't need a wardrobe. What's the deal with a chest of drawers? It's okay to squat without a table. I think it's no big deal to pay more than two hundred yuan - do you think people are just big capitalists like yours? Everyone has a father named Lou Bancheng!”

Lou Xiao'e sighed and said: "That's right. The more grand your father is, the more blessings your children will enjoy. Even if your father doesn't have half the city, he can still have half the family. Without half the family, half the family can still make ends meet. It's pitiful to be a couple. Ah, not even half of the family is saved. I have to pay rent to my father to live in my own house, and I have to pay food expenses to my family to eat my own food. "

Yan Jiecheng is the eldest son of the third aunt.

After a pause, Lou Xiao'e deliberately said to the third aunt with a serious face: "I understand, the third aunt is thinking that the couple is the Yan family!"

The third aunt suddenly became so angry that she said, "Lou Xiao'e, don't spit in your mouth..."

"Go home and don't join in the fun!" Lou Xiao'e turned around and left with a smile before she finished speaking, and deliberately interrupted the third aunt's words loudly.

The third aunt was even more angry. She pointed at her back and said to others: "Look at this Lou Xiao'e, how old is she and she still treats herself as a young lady? Such people will be punished sooner or later!"

"Okay, you should stop saying a few words." The eldest mother said angrily, "Weren't you the first to be weird?"

"I just can't stand her!" Third Aunt snorted coldly, "We have been married for so many years without even laying an egg, and Xu Damao has become a destitute. What is she so proud about?"

"Third aunt, it doesn't matter to you whether they have children or not. Just stop worrying about it!" Qin Huairu said with a smile, "Come on, come on, please help me and help me unload my things at the door. There is also a car." "

"Come on, come on, help me." The eldest mother waved to everyone to come and help.

Women these days can really hold up half the sky, unlike the girls in later generations who can't even unscrew the cap of a drink bottle.

Several women shouted slogans and carried the furniture to the door. It didn't take much trouble.

It looked like it was almost time for dinner, so everyone dispersed and went back to their homes to cook.

Qin Huairu took the time to go back home. After wandering around the house, the three children were not at home. Only her mother-in-law, Jia Zhang, was at home half lying on the bed and taking a nap.

"Oh my God, it's almost dinner time and you're still asleep?" Qin Huairu wordlessly picked up the broom that had fallen by the door, and then put the two dirty bowls on the table in Basin said, "The front yard is so noisy and why don't you go and watch the excitement? Where are the three children?"

Mrs. Jia Zhang's eyes were half-opened and she said lazily: "Isn't it just a new neighbor who has moved in? What's there to see? Mrs. Yan Sun went to clean the house, and she must have smelled something fishy. The whole family of the Yan family It's not enough to take advantage of her, I'm too lazy to talk to her three children..."

"My eldest grandson didn't come back after being beaten. You two daughters did come back. They were chattering. I didn't like the noise, so I let them go out and play by themselves."

"If your eldest grandson quarrels with you, you must not drive him away!" Qin Huairu said angrily.

"Sooner or later, my eldest grandson will be in charge of this family. He is the head of the family. He is the only one who can drive others away. How can there be any reason for others to drive him away?" Mrs. Jia Zhang got up with a matter-of-fact expression, "Why are you back so early today? ?”

Qin Huairu wiped her sweat with a towel, picked up the pot and poured a glass of water, and said, "I made extra money today. I ran out to make extra money."

Mrs. Jia Zhang was startled and immediately got up: "Extra money? What extra money?"

Qin Huairu drank a few sips of water and was about to speak when she saw Jia Zhang licking her dry lips, so she poured a glass of water for her and handed it over. Then she said: "It was originally a job worth two yuan, let your eldest grandson mess with it." It’s a dollar and a half. If my two daughters hadn’t fought hard, I wouldn’t have gotten this dollar and a half!”

"What... is going on? Why does it have anything to do with the three children?" Mrs. Jia Zhang became more and more confused as she listened.

Qin Huairu didn't hide anything from her and told her everything.

Jia Zhang's eyes widened even more as she listened, and she said with disbelief: "Just 50 cents for helping clean up? One and a half for a few deliveries? Is this college student short-sighted? That's not how you make money. of!"

"Who knows, maybe we don't understand the market, so we took advantage." Qin Huairu said, "It's fortunate that the third uncle is not here, otherwise it would still be my turn to sell goods?"


Mrs. Jia Zhang was so angry that she slapped her thigh and gritted her teeth and said: "You Yansun, you can even lie to a child. You are holding charcoal and eating until you are full - your mouth is evil and your heart is evil! Fifty cents can buy several kilograms of grain. Was she deceived like this? No, I have to go find her!"

As she said this, Jia Zhang was about to get off the kang and put on her shoes, but Qin Huairu hurriedly stopped her.

"Forget it, Mom! The most important thing now is to put this RMB 50 in your pocket first, and don't cause other troubles!" Qin Huairu said, "I have to go pick up the goods again. , but the cart of things we brought back is piled at the door. No one can take away the big things. Aren’t there a lot of small things too?”

"It's almost time to get off work, and I'm afraid that there are so many people in the yard, and if someone takes something away, or someone breaks something, then we won't make any money, but will have to lose money. Good things have turned into bad things.”

"Yes, yes, yes..." Ms. Jia Zhang suddenly became nervous and hurriedly put on her shoes while saying, "The Yan family is the worst. Yan Laoxi'er is not a thing. He doesn't want to be nice to others. He might ruin our affairs. ...and the two boys from the Liu family are also bad, with unclean hands and feet..."

"The most important thing is your grandson!" Qin Huairu rolled her eyes and said, "Banggen had trouble with the college students before and failed to please him. You know your eldest grandson's temper. Be careful of him causing trouble and deliberately causing damage."

"Banggen is a good boy, so he won't do that." Jia Zhang yelled, "If you ask me to say that this college student is a fool, why do you care about a child? He is still soft-eared and was deceived by Yan Sun... …”

"Yes, yes, your eldest grandson is the best." Qin Huairu said, "Then I'll go first, don't make people wait impatiently. Mom, you are tired and you have to wait for the goods."

"Don't worry, Mom will definitely like it!" said Jia Zhang, "But you have to obey me and buy me 50 cents more pills..."

Qin Huairu frowned and wanted to say something but held back and said, "Okay, I understand."

As soon as Qin Huairu left, Jia and Zhang were clicking their tongues around a pile of furniture.

"What a spendthrift! If you buy so many things at once, you'll have to finish them sooner or later!"

The third aunt opposite brought a basin of water and poured it in the yard. When she saw Jia Zhang, she smiled and said hello: "Hey, sister-in-law, where are you taking a walk?"

"Let me walk your grandma's legs!" Jia Zhang's eyebrows immediately stood up when she saw the third aunt, "You shameless person, you give me back fifty cents!"

The third aunt was shocked: "You, why do you curse people when you open your mouth?"

"Scolding you? I'm going to beat you up, you shameless old slut!" Mrs. Jia Zhang looked around, ran to the wall, grabbed a broom, and rushed to the third aunt.

The third aunt was so frightened that she turned around and ran home with a loud "yeah" and slammed the door.

Mrs. Jia Zhang knocked hard on the door with a broom several times, frightening the three aunts inside to scream.

"You damn black-hearted thief, you defrauded my family of 50 cents, and you were lighting a lantern in a latrine - looking for death! You are a bad old pious woman with pus, let lightning strike you..."

Mrs. Jia Zhang stood in front of the third aunt's door with her hands on her hips, jumping and cursing, without saying anything the same, and her voice was so loud that the entire courtyard could hear it.

But no one came out to watch the fun.

On the other side, Su Yi waited for a long time before Qin Huairu arrived.

The second car had fewer large items but more fragmentary items. The two of them loaded everything into the car. Qin Huairu pedaled and Su Yi pushed, pulling the goods out of the compound.

During this period, no one came out to take a look, and no one stopped him.

The little widow was a spiritually enlightened person and realized something was wrong but didn't ask anything.

In fact, there is another point. She knew that Su Yi's brother Su Jianshe and her husband Jia Dongxu died in the same accident, but she did not take the initiative to bring this up to build a relationship between the two, because she was not sure whether it would be more effective to bring it up. To get closer, you still encounter other people's minefields.

The entire journey was silent.

Back in the courtyard, this time with Su Yi helping to push the cart, Qin Huairu didn't disturb anyone.

Mrs. Jia Zhang scolded the third aunt so much that she didn't dare to go out. She was tired of scolding and was sitting on the bed board Su Yi bought newly to rest. When she turned around and saw Qin Huairu coming back, her eyes suddenly lit up and she stood up.

"Mom, why are you sitting here?" Qin Huairu looked very surprised, "It's cold, please don't freeze!"

Mrs. Jia Zhang smiled kindly and said, "You kid, you piled things at the door and ran away in a hurry. You are not afraid of losing so many valuable things? Aren't I worried that something will go wrong?"

"Hey, blame me for being careless!" Qin Huairu said with a smile, "Go back quickly, Mom, it's almost time for lunch, the stove isn't lit yet, right?"

"It's not about looking at things, and I don't care about them." Jia Zhang said with a smile, "It's okay for the children to eat later, they won't starve to death..."

"My mother-in-law." Qin Huairu then turned around and introduced Su Yi with a smile, "She just loves to worry."

The cooperation between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is as smooth as flowing water, and there is no trace of it.

In other words, Su Yi, if it were anyone else, would you be moved by this scene?

"Auntie, go back quickly, you're too tired!" Su Yi laughed and praised.

"Maliciousness from Jia Zhang's family +63..."

Oh, what is this aunt doing?

"It's okay to be a little tired. Come and see if you've lost anything?" Mrs. Jia Zhang said with a smile, "I've been guarding you and I didn't dare to move."

Is the performance so obvious?

This aunt's acting skills are still inferior compared to Qin Huairu's, and she can't help herself.

"Have you been sitting here all this time?" Su Yi looked surprised.

"That's right!" Jia Zhang said.

"Hey, you didn't damage my bed board, did you?" Su Yi frowned and hurriedly went up to check the bed board.

Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu were both stunned.

"Maliciousness from Jia Zhang's family +99..."

"Maliciousness from Qin Huairu +54..."

"That said, how much do I weigh and can I break the board of your bed?" Mrs. Jia Zhang could no longer laugh, and her face was a little gloomy.

"Aunt, I disagree with your point of view." Su Yi had a serious face and turned around to point to the place where she had just sat, "This position of the pine bed board is called the golden section. According to Newton's third law, Aunt, your weight Just in line with the function value of high-energy protein, if you sit here, it will seriously affect the torque of the bed board, trigger a serious El Niño effect, cause serious deformation of Walmart and Carrefour, and even lose wild shared bicycles, causing the Nth power of *** to radiate A large amount of sediment will eventually cause the bed board to become flaky, shorten its service life, and even cause a large amount of charcoal emissions! "

"Auntie, if I say this, can you understand?"

Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu were confused, looking at Su Yi as if they were aliens, their eyes dull.

"Maliciousness from Jia Zhang's family +99..."

"Maliciousness from Qin Huairu +99..."

"Maliciousness from the Yansun clan +33..."

Um? Is there another one hiding behind the window?

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