When working in the system, the most taboo thing is to "stand out".

Why did Shen Hongyan give Su Yi three days to write a work report? Doesn't he know that writing a work summary can be completed in one day at most?

He must have known, but he still gave Su Yi three days.

Firstly, it must be because he is not in a hurry. It is only the 20th, and there are eleven days before the end of the month. He gives Su Yi three days to write the report, and also leaves himself seven days to proofread and check, so he has plenty of time.

The second is that he hopes that Su Yi can write carefully. In addition to the documents that should be read, he also needs to understand the content and progress of previous work before writing.

After all, Su Yi is a newcomer. When he first arrived, his eyes were blank and he didn't understand anything. It was impossible to write a detailed and comprehensive work summary by just looking at the official documents of the month.

Therefore, it only takes one day for a normal person to write a monthly work summary report, but for a newcomer, it may take two days.

Shen Hongyan gave Su Yi an extra day because he hoped that Su Yi would focus on writing the report and not have to rush the work or worry about time.

What would happen if Su Yi wrote the report today?

Shen Hongyan would never think that Su Yi was efficient, but would think that Su Yi was unstable and impatient.

With this preconceived impression, no matter how brilliant Su Yi's report was, Shen Hongyan would definitely find faults.

The reason is very simple. You are so outstanding. If I don’t beat you, why can’t you go to heaven?

If I give you three days and you finish it in one day, am I wrong?

And what I pursue is quality, do you want to hurry up? You didn't understand the leadership's intention...

But if Su Yi came out with this report three days later, normally the evaluation he would receive would be mainly praise, because his work behavior was within Shen Hongyan's expectations, and it was a high standard and fulfilled Shen Hongyan's psychological expectations. .

Many newcomers are eager to express themselves when they first enter the workplace. They often work with high quality and efficiency, but do not get the rewards they deserve. In the end, they become discouraged and become salty fish or old fried dough sticks in the face of repeated blows.

This is still good, but some people have been transformed into ruthless work machines by their bosses. They fully expect that they can go further, but in the end they find that the person who does nothing and likes to flatter others has been promoted. You have to wait for "next time" ".

In any department, the one who can do the most work will definitely not be promoted too quickly. Usually he will be the last one to be promoted, or even never be promoted.

Because you are the leader, who will do the work?

Su Yi can be considered a "experienced person", so he naturally understands these principles.

Whether he likes it or not, he has to integrate into such an environment and rules unless he wants to change the world.

Of course he didn't have such crazy ideas.

So in the afternoon, he asked for more files to review. As expected, Shen Hongyan was very satisfied with Su Yi's work attitude. He encouraged Su Yi and gave Su Yi a few waves of happiness.

Xu Damao came back at five o'clock. He first reported to Shen Hongyan about his introduction of new movies and applied for funds.

After Shen Hongyan signed it for him, he asked him to report it to Section Chief Yang for review and signature. But Xu Damao didn't leave in a hurry. After talking about business, he walked over to Su Yi's desk and said with a smile: "Director Su, you got started so quickly? After all, I am a college student. On my first day at work, I acted like a fool and didn't even know. What do you want to do? How do you look like you? "

Su Yi raised his head and smiled at him: "Da Mao, how have you considered the matter of borrowing money?"

"Maliciousness from Xu Damao +99..."

"I... let's talk about it after this matter is over. I'm still working. Haha. Director Yang called me for dinner in the afternoon. I have to go there. I can't delay. Haha, I'll go now. See you later. I'll see you later. See……"

Xu Damao slipped away.

He hadn't decided yet whether to lend money to Su Yi, so he had to put it off, not refusing, but also not agreeing.

As soon as Xu Damao left, Shen Hongyan said with a smile: "He finally got along with Director Yang. Xu Damao is a bit smart, but not enough. Director Yang... Haha, he even has his son." I don’t understand. Can you arrange for an outsider? I’m trying the wrong thing..."

This old man took advantage of the fact that he was about to retire, so he said many things without hesitation.

Su Yi smiled and replied: "Director, you don't think highly of Damao."

"Isn't that great?" Shen Hongyan said with a smile, "He is also considered your competitor. The lower my evaluation, the better it is for you."

"You have to be strong to make iron. I just have to do my job well." Su Yi replied calmly.

"Well, this realization is correct." Shen Hongyan nodded.

"Maliciousness from Shen Hongyan +23..."

You are so young, why are you pretending to be an old bureaucrat with me?

As for the borrowing of money that Su Yigang mentioned, Shen Hongyan pretended not to hear anything and would never ask.

You ask, if someone is short of money, as their leader, will you help or not?

So I simply don’t ask and don’t know.

Back in the courtyard an hour ago, the three brothers and sister Banggen hid behind the hanging flower door and watched the third aunt who had just finished feeding the chickens return to the house carrying a dustpan.

"Brother! She's gone!" Xiaodang reminded excitedly.

"Don't worry, wait a minute, these three aunts always like to look out of the window, wait until she goes back to the kang to sleep." Banggeng said in a low voice.

"How do you know she will go to sleep on the kang?" Xiao Dang asked.

"Grandma is like this." Banggeng said matter-of-factly, "Third aunt is about the same age as grandma, so she must be like this too."

Huaihua swallowed her saliva and asked, "Brother, does the roasted chicken taste good?"

"Xiang, Xiang will knock off your front teeth!" Banggeng said, "The mud has been reconciled and the fire has been lit. After we catch the chicken, we will go to the moat to wash the chicken and pluck the feathers... That's right. Sophora japonica, has the kitchen knife been stolen from home?”

"Well, Sophora japonica stole it!" Sophora japonica nodded vigorously, "Grandma didn't see it! My sister and I were already under the firewood just now!"

"Then all that's left is the chickens!" Banggeng's eyes were shining, staring at the chicken cage not far away.

"Brother, we stole the chickens from Uncle Yuanchao's house. What if he finds out?" Xiaodang said worriedly, "He is different from Uncle Silly. What if he beats us?"

"They said it was stolen, how could he find out?" Banggeng said nonchalantly, "Also, who told you to call that prodigal son Yuan Chao Shu?"

"Mom asked me," Xiaodang said.

"Don't bark!" Banggeng snorted, "If you want to scream, you have to call me the prodigal uncle, or I won't give you chicken!"

"Then the prodigal uncle!" Xiaodang compromised decisively.

"Brother, is Third Aunt asleep?" Xiao Huaihua couldn't wait any longer.

Banggeng looked around crookedly, then ducked out and ran out.

Two minutes later, Banggeng packed an old hen with a broken neck in a cloth bag and ran out of the compound like flying, followed closely by his two sisters.

Banggeng took his two younger sisters to the river and immediately disembowelled the chicken and plucked out its feathers.

Three inexperienced children made a mess on a chicken, which was very ugly, but they managed to clean it up.

Banggeng wrapped the chicken in several layers of newspaper, wrapped it in mud, lit a fire and put the mud ball inside.

After roasting for nearly an hour, the three children couldn't wait to take out the chicken, but it turned out that it was undercooked. The three simply put them on the open fire to roast.

There was no flavor after roasting, so Banggeng thought of going to the steel rolling mill to get some soy sauce, and dipping the chicken in the soy sauce to eat.

The three of them ran to the steel rolling mill in a hurry. The two sisters hid and watched the chicken, and Banggeng went to the kitchen to steal soy sauce.

This brings us to the scene at the beginning of the Siheyuan plot. Bangge steals soy sauce and is seen by Shazhu. Shazhu drives Bangge away as a joke and throws a rolling pin to scare him, but he happens to come over to show off to Shazhu. Xu Damao's body.

Xu Damao was very angry, but he didn't dare to do anything to Sha Zhu. The two exchanged a few words. Xu Damao still showed off to Sha Zhu that he wanted to have dinner with Director Yang, but was ridiculed by Sha Zhu. Xu Damao couldn't beat Sha Zhu, so he couldn't. He couldn't stand up to Silly Zhu and finally left in anger.

On the other side, Liang Yanqiu from the General Affairs Office sent a notice to Shen Hongyan, saying that the factory had punished Meng Tangang. His salary had been suspended for three months, and his level had been reduced from Level 6 Clerk to Level 9 Clerk, and he would not be allowed to work within five years. Those who are outstanding will not be promoted, and the criticism will be circulated throughout the factory.

Su Yi was shocked when he heard this. This punishment was so severe that he was just short of being fired.

What bad thing did Meng Tan just do?

"This Xiao Meng's dignity has been completely ruined." Shen Hongyan sighed with sadness, "He is a face-loving person. Can he bear this? Don't go to extremes again."

"Just with this in mind, the section chief and I went to the picket team to talk to Captain Geng in person." Liang Yanqiu said, "Look at this disciplinary notice, it didn't mention a word about the things he did. It just said... violated discipline."

"Do you still need to mention it?" Shen Hongyan said, "It's already causing quite a stir. What's the secret in our factory?"

"Who's to blame for this?" Liang Yanqiu said helplessly, "He wrote a love letter to a married woman, and her husband came to the door of the district government and made a fuss about hanging himself. This thing is so bad. If someone hadn't interceded for him, he would have died this time. Definitely fired."

Su Yi suddenly realized that he was the one who inherited Wei Wu's legacy, and he still wrote love letters? What's going on? So careless?

Can this matter leave such a big clue?

"Xiao Su, send this notice to the radio station." Shen Hongyan directly summoned Su Yi, "Let Yu Haitang broadcast it now."

"Okay." Su Yi stood up immediately.

He is just a newbie now, he still has to run errands when he should, and he can't just dress up and show off.

Shen Hongyan looked at Su Yi several times before when he stood up to pour water. Su Yi pretended not to react and received several waves of ill intentions.

It doesn't matter if he can't do anything but serve tea and water. It would be shameful if he can't even run errands.

The broadcasting room is in the same building, the innermost one going east.

When Su Yi arrived at the door, he heard a man and a woman arguing inside. The man's voice was obviously that of Yang Weimin whom he had met before.

"Haitang, I have done so much for you, can you really not listen to me for once? In the evening, it was my dad and a few old comrades. Those uncles are very nice people. I heard that I have a partner, and I must take care of him. I want you to go see them, why can’t you go?”

"Yes, we are partners, but I also said that we are in the investigation period and are not officially partners yet. Why do you take me to meet your family and elders? Why do you confirm my identity? Are you not forcing me? Me? Did you discuss it with me and decide on your own?"

"It was you who told me to make my own decision..."

"I let you have your own opinion, but I let you decide your own affairs, not mine! I won't go anyway!"

Boom, boom, boom.

Su Yi knocked on the door three times, and the quarrel inside stopped abruptly.

"The anger from Yang Weimin +87..."

After a moment, a suppressed angry voice came from inside: "Come in!"

Su Yi pushed open the door and entered.

The broadcasting room is not big, there are only two desks in it, one is by the window, there are flowers and plants on it, and there is a microphone.

The other one is outside and there are many documents on the table.

There are only two people in the broadcast station, a station manager and an announcer.

There used to be a male announcer, but he was transferred to the machine repair shop next door not long ago, so Yang Weimin and Yu Haitang are the only two people left in this unit.

"What are you doing here?" Yang Weimin was already in a bad mood. When he saw Su Yi, he became even more angry and asked unceremoniously.

Su Yi raised the notice in his hand and said, "Send the document. Director Shen said that this notice will be broadcast now."

"Who do you think you are to order me?" Yang Weimin glared and yelled, "Get out and let Director Shen speak to me himself!"

"Why do you take your anger out on others?" Yu Haitang glared, "Do you have any principles or qualities? They are just running errands, what about you?"

"Okay, the principle is right?" Yang Weimin angrily came to Su Yi, "Do you have the application form for broadcasting? Without you, why would you just take a piece of paper and let us broadcast it? Who is responsible if something goes wrong? Do you understand the rules and regulations? Nothing. Don’t know what you’re running for? Get out!”

This is the second time Yang Weimin told Su Yi to get out.

Su Yi raised his foot and kicked Yang Weimin in the stomach, sending him flying out.


Yang Weimin held his stomach and knelt down two meters away. He curled up like a shrimp ball, his face turned red, his veins popped out, and he couldn't say a word.

"The fear from Haitang +33, the malice from Haitang +21..."

"The malice from Yang Weimin +100, the anger from Yang Weimin +99..."

Both of them were stunned, obviously they didn't expect that Su Yi would actually take action.

Su Yi pulled back his feet, looked at Yang Weimin and said slowly and calmly: "Using the power in your hand, you yell at your comrades, make things difficult for your comrades, have an ugly face, ugly words, and difficult things to do. Is this how you serve the people?"

"Love from Haitang +17..."

"The anger from Yang Weimin +99..."

Su Yi glanced at Yu Haitang and saw the girl staring at him with bright eyes.

Damn, I'm beating up your boyfriend, girl!

Su Yi returned his attention to Yang Weimin, who was holding his stomach and breathing hard.

This was the reason why he kicked her in the stomach. Once he kicked her down to keep you, you couldn't stand up and couldn't speak. You could only listen to what Su Yi said.

Su Yi put the notice on the table on the side of the house, pointed at Yang Weimin and said: "I kicked you, I recognize this kick, you can go and file a complaint! But this notice, you Ma Liu'er broadcast it to me! Personal emotions Don’t affect your work, it’s hard to understand how you can be a leader?”

"Also, it doesn't matter if this matter is public or private, I will take care of it, but I'm going to say something ugly next time. If you still use chicken feathers as arrows next time, I will kick you still. If you don't believe me, give it a try!"

After saying that, Su Yi turned around and walked out the door.

"The love from Haitang +42, the desire from Haitang +79..."

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