The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1379 Business Opportunities


Silly Zhu, who returned home, gave himself a slap in the face.

"You are such a fool. You gave me even though you said you wouldn't give me. Now it's good. What will you eat when the rain comes?"

Silly Zhu looked up to the sky and sighed, looked around, then put his hand behind his back and went to the house of the first uncle Yi Zhonghai.

After a while, he came back with seven or eight preserved eggs in his hands, and took out a small bag of peanuts from under the bed. He clapped his hands happily: "That's it, let's work together!"

On the other side, Qin Huairu returned home carrying eight large pieces of snacks. Xiaodang's sharp eyes saw it at a glance.

"Mom, what are you holding in your hand?" she asked.

"Nothing, just go and do your homework!" Qin Huairu blocked her and went straight to the back room.

Mrs. Jia Zhang was lying on the kang with her eyes closed and concentrating. When she saw the thing in Qin Huairu's hand, her eyes lit up. When she was about to speak, she saw Qin Huairu wink and she immediately shut up.

Qin Huairu found a cloth bag to wrap the pastry. Seeing that the three children didn't pay attention, she lowered her voice and said to Jia Zhang, "It's a pastry given to Silly Zhu by Su Yuanchao. I want it back."

"Then why did you hide it if you didn't give it to the child?" Jia Zhang frowned.

"Do you know what kind of snack it is? You can also eat it..." Qin Huairu said happily, "It's the Eight Great Pieces, from Daoxiang Village!"

Mrs. Jia Zhang was stunned and said, "Hey, that's a lot of money, right?"

"I want a ticket of 4.5 yuan, not 7.8 yuan!" Qin Huairu said excitedly in a low voice.

Jia Zhang's eyes widened and her mouth was half opened, like a toad.

"How many, how many!" she exclaimed.

"Shh... please keep your voice down, don't let the children hear it!" Qin Huairu said, "I plan to go to the pigeon market and sell it. I will sell it as long as you give me six yuan! With this money, these two I can relax faster every month.”

Mrs. Jia Zhang was so happy that she couldn't help but smile: "Hey, this relationship is great, so great! This prodigal son is really a loser. Even if you buy such expensive snacks, no matter how good your home is, he will ruin it sooner or later!"

Qin Huairu said: "I am still thinking about one thing today. Mom, do you think he is a grown man, can he cook?"

"Why do you want to go up to the pole and cook for others?" Jia Zhang suddenly became wary.

"No, I want to ask him if he can come to our house to live with us and pay us some food expenses every month." Qin Huairu thought about it, "If he really can't cook, he can still eat when he comes back. If it's hot and ready, he should be willing to do it. With his generosity, our family's life will be much easier in the future."

Jia Zhang's eyes lit up: "Hey, it really works! It's not too much to ask him for fifteen yuan a month, right? But he can't come to our house to eat. When the time comes, we will bring it to him and let him eat by himself. ! Otherwise, it would be like we have a son-in-law, which is not okay.”

"You, you haven't even written your horoscope yet, but you are thinking very far!" Qin Huairu said angrily.

"I have to say something ugly first." Mrs. Jia Zhang snorted, "Then you go ask quickly and settle this matter quickly."

"No, I have to ask the uncle's house to borrow a flashlight and quickly go to the pigeon market in Dongsi." Qin Huairu said, "I heard that the pigeon market closes at ten o'clock. I can still catch up if I go now. Let's go together. Let’s talk about this later, I have to think carefully about how to say it.”

"Then go quickly!" Mrs. Jia Zhang said hurriedly, "Oh, even poor Bangge, I have never had such a good snack."

"Today he stole someone else's chicken. It's okay if I don't beat him up, but also give him snacks?" Qin Huairu sneered, "Don't even think about it! Such an expensive thing will make your heart pickle after one bite!"

"Then go quickly!" Jia Zhang said.

Qin Huairu asked Yi Zhonghai to borrow a flashlight, then wrapped his head with a towel, covered his face with a handkerchief, and even wore a thick cotton-padded jacket. He looked very bulky, and even without speaking he couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman, so he quietly went out.

The reason why she dressed up like this was because she was afraid that if she walked alone as a woman at night, a man might encounter her and have evil intentions.

When she arrived at the front yard, Qin Huairu saw the third uncle Yan Fugui knocking on the door of Su Yi's house. She hid behind the hanging flower door and watched as Su Yi let Yan Fugui in, and then walked quickly to the courtyard door.

When she was out of the alley, she met Shazhu's sister He Yuyu coming back on her bicycle. In order to avoid being recognized, she deliberately hid her face.

Here, Yan Fugui came to Su Yi to discuss compensation with Su Yi.

Su Yi washed the cup that Shazhu had used before and continued to make tea for Yan Fugui.

"Congratulations from Yan Fugui +88..."

Yan Fugui's face was full of surprise: "Yuanchao, if I guess correctly, your tea is Paulownia black tea, Lapsang Souchong, right?"

"Third uncle has a good eye." Su Yi said with a smile, "I can't buy fresh tea. This is last year's old tea. You can make do with it."

Silly Zhu also drank this before, but it was a cow chewing peony and nothing came out.

"It's only March, and the new tea hasn't come out yet, so this tea is considered new!" Yan Fugui smiled from ear to ear, "This is Jingui tea. I saw our principal drink it before, and it was just a small can. It's like hiding gold, no one will give it to you... Hey, I'm lucky enough to take advantage of you. "

He picked up the tea cup and took a deep breath, his face full of intoxication: "It smells so good..."

Su Yi smiled and said: "The third uncle came here to talk about the compensation, right?"

"Yes." Yan Fugui took a small sip, put down the tea cup and said, "To aid Korea, Silly Zhu paid us six yuan, plus his casserole of chicken."

"Why so many?" Su Yi asked.

"You have a guilty conscience." Yan Fugui smiled disdainfully, "This is not a shameless thing. He still understands the principle of spending money to eliminate disasters."

"Brother Zhuzhu came to my place just now and came to explain to me." Su Yi looked at Yan Fugui, "He said that he took the blame for someone else this time."

"Widow Qin, right?" Yan Fugui chuckled and said confidently, "The chicken was stolen by a stick, right?"

"Hey, how do you know?" Su Yi asked in surprise.

"I have lived in this courtyard all my life. Although Silly Zhu is a promiscuous person, I have watched him grow up. How can I not know the character of this child?" Yan Fugui said, "He is not a sneaky person! Besides, his reason for stealing the chicken is untenable. He asked me to introduce him to a partner. Just by mentioning it casually, I told him that if you really want me, I will go and match you. Didn’t I agree to his promise? "

"He went to my house just now. He said that he was wronged, so I guessed that he was not the person who stole the chicken. He even admitted that he didn't steal the chicken. Haha, in our courtyard, who is he willing to take the blame for? Do you have to ask? It’s impossible for Widow Qin to steal chickens. Her son’s hands and feet have never been clean, and he even stole the dried spicy food hanging on our window before. I guess it’s him!”

Su Yi gave Yan Fugui a thumbs up: "Third uncle, you are really like this. But since you have guessed it, why do you still want brother Zhuzi's money?"

"Otherwise, who should I ask for it? Qin Huairu? Or her mother-in-law?" Yan Fugui sneered, "Do you believe that I can get a dollar back and be accused of bullying orphans and widowed mothers? Silly Zhu is willing to help her family If you are punished, it's Zhou Yu's fault. We can't care about it. I don't want to expose it because I have to pay for it."

"You are a sensible person." Su Yi sighed, "I think so too. His willingness to take the blame is his business and has nothing to do with us."

"That's right." Yan Fugui said with a smile, "If it weren't for Silly Zhu, I wouldn't have paid for these six yuan. These six yuan can at least buy two laying hens."

Su Yi said: "Third uncle, what do you think?"

"That's what I think." Yan Fugui said with a smile, "The chicken is your chicken, and the money you lose should also be your money. As for me, I have a lot of credit for being able to get the money back. Before you He said, let’s use the lost money to buy chickens. I don’t have classes tomorrow afternoon, so I will go to Changping to check the prices. I can still buy two chickens for six yuan.”

"In this case, we will have three chickens. When there were two chickens, you said that we would help you raise chickens for three months. From now on, one of the chickens will belong to our family, and then your chicken will give us three eggs every month. , considered as feeding fee. This is the condition for two chickens, but now there are three chickens..."

"I wonder if this is possible. We have the same conditions as before for the two chickens. This third chicken is shared by our two families. We divide the eggs laid every month into three parts. You take two parts and our family takes one. If the chicken doesn't lay eggs in the end, we will divide it according to this proportion, whether it is killed for meat or sold for money. "

Su Yi smiled and nodded: "The third uncle's allocation is reasonable. I have no objection."

"Hey, hey, come to aid Korea. What the third uncle likes most about you is that you are cheerful and informal!" Yan Fugui was very happy and gave Su Yi another wave of happiness.

But the reason why Su Yi is so happy is because these three uncles are greedy, but they are not insatiable. They are the kind of greed that is within Su Yi's acceptable range.

"By the way, there's also Silly Zhu's chicken." Yan Fugui added, "I thought you didn't start the fire here, so I'll ask my eldest daughter-in-law to stew the chicken tomorrow and bring you a bowl. Haha, we have a lot of family members, so I’ll keep some more, what do you think?”

"Okay, then let me try my sister-in-law Yu Li's craftsmanship." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Let me tell you, my eldest daughter-in-law has a good way of stewing chicken, and the stew is delicious." Yan Fugui said with a smile.

Su Yi said: "Third uncle, since you also know that this chicken was stolen by Bangge, what will happen next time this kid steals it?"

"It's really possible..." Yan Fugui frowned immediately.

These greedy big hens are cooing in the front yard every day. You can see the cocks coming in and out. Plus, there are also the temptations of eggs. Can the little thief resist it?

Especially this time, he had nothing to do with stealing the chicken. Someone took the blame for him, someone wiped his ass, and even Jia Zhang secretly protected him. Su Yi didn't believe that there would never be a second time.

Yan Fugui said: "You can only catch a thief in a thousand miles, but you can't guard against a thief in a thousand days. If this guy really cares about our chicken, we can't prevent him."

"I think so too." Su Yi said, "It's not enough to raise a chicken and have to guard against people stealing it all day long."

"Then there's nothing we can do..." Yan Fugui frowned, "We can't watch all the time."

"I have a stupid idea," Su Yi said. "My method is to protect against villains but not gentlemen. Only if the boss really steals our chicken again, but if it really works, I can cure this kid's disease in one go." . In fact, if Bangge really wants to steal the chicken, the time can be roughly guessed. The first is when he is not at school, and the second is definitely in the afternoon when there are many people in the yard, so it is difficult for him to do it. "

"What can I do?" Yan Fugui asked hurriedly.

Su Yi explained in detail, Yan Fugui frowned, thought about it, and sighed: "That's all we have to do. If he doesn't take action, then there's nothing to say. But if he really takes action to steal the chicken, don't blame me for the new account and the old account. Let's forget it together. No one's money comes from the strong wind. No matter how orphaned or widowed you are, you can't enrich yourself at the expense of others."

"That's the truth." Su Yi said.

In this way, even if Bangge takes action again, Yan Fugui will still be charging ahead.

But next time he will be a repeat offender and will not let go so easily.

"That's it, you can rest early." After talking, Yan Fugui stood up with a smile and picked up the tea jar on the table, "This tea can be brewed many times, don't waste it, I Take it back and drink it slowly. I'll bring you the cup tomorrow."

"Okay, please slow down." Su Yi smiled and stood up to see him off.

Yan Fugui happily returned with the teapot.

Everyone in his family was sitting and waiting for the news. As soon as he came back, the third aunt immediately came up to him and asked impatiently: "How did it go?"

"It's all done!" Yan Fugui said with a smile, "As for the conditions we agreed on at home before, they didn't even stutter, they agreed to them all!"

"Oh, this relationship is so good!" The third aunt was so happy that she slapped her thigh, "This prodigal son really can't live well..."

"Hey! Stop calling people a prodigal son!" Yan Fugui said with a serious face, "Through these two contacts, I feel that Su Yuanchao's character and dealing with people are nothing to say. His lavishness is just because of his temperament. Due to our generous character, if our family benefits from others, we should stop calling them prodigals behind their backs. This is not good. "

"Yes, yes, it's my fault." The third aunt hurriedly admitted her mistake.

Yan Fugui then smiled and said to Li: "Daughter-in-law, let's stew the chicken as we agreed before. After it's stewed, your family will share two more pieces of meat and one more bowl of soup. Then you can give it to the other side. I also brought a bowl, eight pieces of meat, and enough soup."

It was a rare moment for her husband to be generous, and Yu Li happily said hello.

As soon as she got home, Yu Li couldn't wait to talk to Yan Jiecheng and said excitedly: "Jiecheng, I came up with a good idea that can make money!"

"What's the idea?" Yan Jiecheng immediately became energetic when he heard about making money.

"What do you think, how about I cook for Su Yuanchao, the opposite man?" Yu Li asked expectantly, "He is a young man and a scholar, so he definitely doesn't know how to cook! I help him cook his meal every afternoon, no matter what It doesn’t matter if you give me wages every month or let me bring you some food, we’ll all make money!”

Yan Jiecheng's eyes lit up: "Daughter-in-law, let's put this matter together!"

On the other side, Qin Huairu, who was covered tightly, rushed home angrily.

"Come back so soon?" Jia Zhang asked in surprise, "Did you sell it?"

Qin Huairu took out the cloth bag from her arms, opened it, pointed at the snack bag inside and asked, "Mom, let me ask you, did you secretly open this snack and take out a piece? Did you give it to Banggeng?"

Mrs. Jia Zhang was stunned for a long time, and then she muttered: "Could discovered by the buyer, right? You can't look at things in such detail, right? Are you stupid and let someone take the initiative to inspect the goods?"

"Mom!" Qin Huairu burst out, bursting into tears, stamping her feet and shouting, "Do you know that I have negotiated with someone to sell it for seven yuan, and they are planning to pay? Do you know that I have These seven dollars plus my salary can keep our family stable for two months? Do you know how hard it is for me to make money? Now, it’s gone, nothing is left! "

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