"Maliciousness from Xue Xinhua +88..."

This was definitely the first time Su Yi saw this tall Xue Xinhua, but not only did he look at him, but he also gave him a lot of malice. What was going on?

Su Yi didn't bother to guess what the situation was. He smiled and pretended not to hear, and didn't talk to Xue Xinhua.

"Xinhua, in the workplace, you'd better put away your blabbering stuff!" Shen Hongyan scolded.

"This is Ma Yi's fortune telling!" Xue Xinhua muttered unconvinced, "Really, I'm a good fortune teller."

"I don't know what to say!" Shen Hongyan shook his head and continued to introduce to Su Yi, "This is Li Chengli. I told you before, but now I'm facing the master."

Li Chengli was also thin and tall, and he looked like Xue Xinhua in style, with a slightly feminine face. As soon as Su Yi came in, his eyes were sinister, and he would give Su Yi a wave of malice from time to time.

After Shen Hongyan finished speaking, Li Chengli said with a half-smile, "We have a college student in our office. It's really brilliant."

Weird and weird.

Not very powerful, not threatening, not interesting.

Su Yi silently put a label on this person.

"Zhang Chunmei." Finally, Shen Hongyan pointed to a young girl with short hair who looked very capable and said, "It turns out that she is a secretary in the United Front Work Section and is also engaged in propaganda work. She is an outstanding young lesbian in our factory."

"Hello, Comrade Su, I am Zhang Chunmei. Please give me your advice in the future!" The girl extended her hand generously and greeted Su Yi. Her voice was loud and full of energy unique to this era, making people feel comfortable listening to it.

"Hello Comrade Zhang, nice to meet you." Su Yi shook hands with her.

The girl's palms were very smooth, indicating that she had never done any work. Her clothes were clean and neat, and her face was covered with cream. She was obviously from a well-off family.

This time he was hastily selected as a contender for deputy editor of the factory newspaper, which shows that his family background is at least at the level of a factory leader.

Compared to Li Chenglu, Su Yi felt that this girl needed more attention.

The last one, Xu Damao, needs no introduction.

Shen Hongyan said: "Now that everyone is here, let's start the meeting! The place is small, so everyone moved chairs to the middle. Xiao Zhang, that seat belongs to Meng Tangang, you use his place first."

"Okay Director!"

Soon everyone moved chairs and formed a circle. Xu Damao also moved a chair for Shen Hongyan with a wink.

After everyone sat down, Shen Hongyan got straight to the point and said: "We are all our own people. I won't talk in circles. You all know the matter. The theme of our meeting today is to set the tone for this fair competition for employment."

He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Su Yi's face.

Su Yi nodded slightly.

"Maliciousness from Shen Hongyan +67..."

Shen Hongyan was silent for a moment, then continued: "The factory attaches great importance to our organizational reform and has decided to vigorously develop publicity work. The leaders are still discussing specific measures and plans, but there is no doubt that the issuance of the factory newspaper this time will This is the first shot of the propaganda reform! Whether or not this shot can be fired is the key to this reform. This time we will select a warrior who will go into battle. "

"After research and decision by the factory leaders, three candidates have been initially drawn up as editorial candidates for this factory newspaper reform..."

When Shen Hongyan mentioned "three", everyone else's eyes fell on Su Yi.

Then everyone contributed a wave of malice to Su Yi. Among them, Li Chunli, Xue Xinhua and Xu Damao were all at full value. Zhang Chunmei's was the least, with a value of only ten.

"Li Chengli, Zhang Chunmei, and Su Yuanchao." Shen Hongyan announced directly without expression, "The three of you will have a fair and just competition. The best will be promoted and the weak will be eliminated! Time left for you There are only three days. At this time after three days, the three of you will each take out a complete test paper. All the factory leaders above the department level will be your marking teachers. They will jointly score you and determine your final score. ”

As soon as these words came out, Li Chengli frowned slightly, but Zhang Chunmei looked high-spirited.

"Time is indeed a bit tight." Shen Hongyan said, "The workload of more than twenty days was compressed into three days. This is indeed a difficult task. But then again, isn't this the time to test your abilities? What if If you can complete such a task, it is enough to prove that you are fully qualified for this position."

"According to the request of the factory leaders, the factory newspaper will be completely revised in the future. It can no longer be like before, with idle articles that take up a lot of space, such as historical stories, food introductions, Beijing trivia... and excerpts from opera reviews. These things are not allowed. What’s more! The content of this factory report must be centered on our factory, and every article must be written around our factory. Anything that has nothing to do with the factory will be considered useless!”

As soon as these words came out, Li Chengli and Zhang Chunmei's expressions changed.

The former couldn't help but said hastily: "Director Shen, all the more than 20 articles are related to our factory? How to write this? There haven't been so many things worth reporting in our factory? Aren't all previous factory reports just excerpts? Current affairs news, explaining some national policies, and doing some interesting stories... Even Meng Tan Gang has been busy for more than 20 days. Now we are given three days, and every manuscript is required to be related to our factory. How can this be?"

"If you think it's impossible, you can withdraw from the competition now!" Shen Hongyan said expressionlessly, "If it were so easy to do, would it be your turn?"

Li Chengli stopped talking and looked a little ugly.

But what Shen Hongyan said is also true. If it is really not difficult, there are many deputy section leaders in the factory, so just grab one and use it. Why bother?

Isn't it just because this job is difficult to do and urgently needed that a deputy subject position should be used as a "heavy reward"?

Of course, what Shen Hongyan did not say was that the factory leaders had discussed and allowed an appropriate reduction in the number of manuscripts due to time constraints.

The original newspaper was two large A3 sheets of paper, with a total of eight sides printed on the front and back. It took almost twenty-two manuscripts to fill so many pages.

But this time it is allowed to be simplified to a piece of paper, with front and back sides, and ten manuscripts, and the task is completed.

Shen Hongyan didn't mention this because he didn't want the three of them to lower their standards, thinking that as long as they completed ten manuscripts, everything would be fine.

The factory leaders said so, but in fact they naturally wanted the manuscripts to be formatted according to the normal layout, and the more the merrier.

At that time, when the quality is about the same, whoever has more quantity will naturally get more points.

Li Xinmin didn't tell Su Yi this either, and he obviously hoped that Su Yi would complete the manuscript more often. This shows that the leaders all have similar thoughts.

"As for the content, after discussion, the factory leaders agreed that it is more appropriate to divide it into four major sections." Shen Hongyan continued, "The first section is 'Factory News', which mainly writes about the major policy changes of our factory that month and the factory leaders. Their major trends, as well as major events that happened in the factory; the second section is 'Theoretical Party Building', which mainly focuses on the propaganda of united front and party building work, focusing on promoting policies and uniting the workers."

"The third section is 'Production Information', which mainly introduces the production status of each production workshop in our factory that month. Of course, you can also write about the work completion status of each department; the last is 'Supplement'. You can use this section freely to determine the content. There are no restrictions, but one thing is that it must be related to our factory. Don’t write things that are beyond your reach like before!”

After introducing the requirements, Shen Hongyan looked around and asked, "Is everything clear? Is there anything else you don't understand?"

Zhang Chunmei raised her hand.

"What do you want to ask, Xiao Zhang?" Shen Hongyan asked gently.

"Director Shen, I would like to ask what the leadership's requirements are for the distribution of manuscripts in the four sections?" Zhang Chunmei asked, "Are there any regulations on the number of manuscripts for each section?"

"You decide this yourself." Shen Hongyan said, "At this time in three days, I will receive three complete drafts from you. This is the result I want. As for how to judge your content, that is something that the leaders need to consider. By the way, after the draft is finalized, twenty copies of each sample must be printed for the convenience of the leaders.”

"Director, I also have a question." Li Chengli said, "If someone gives up voluntarily and only one person is left to run, will this person be directly judged to be successful in the election, or..."

"If there are no competitors, just select the candidate directly without making any other arrangements!" Shen Hongyan said, "But I'll say it first, don't have any evil intentions, otherwise if things get serious, you will be directly disqualified."

"Of course not." Li Chengli chuckled and glanced at Su Yi, "I think some people will give up. After all, not everyone can be the deputy editor. High education does not mean strong ability. "

Su Yi ignored him, and Li Chengli made a fuss, which contributed a little malice to Su Yi.

"Xiao Su, do you have anything to ask?" Shen Hongyan asked.

Su Yi shook his head simply.

He couldn't trust Shen Hongyan now, so he didn't ask anything.

Even if Shen Hongyan said what he said now, he would still ask Li Xinmin again to compare the two to see if they were the same thing.

So just say nothing to avoid being misled by Shen Hongyan.

"Okay, that's it." Shen Hongyan looked around and said, "If you need any documents and materials, you can go find the leaders and coordinate with each department. I won't get involved in this matter, so as not to be accused of being biased."

Not intervening would be the biggest injustice to Su Yi.

Because Li Chengli and Zhang Chunmei are old employees, they each have backgrounds and are easy to work with.

But when Su Yi arrived for the first time, his eyesight dimmed. He didn't know which department's door opened which way, and no one in charge knew. His job was definitely more difficult than the other two.

Of course, maybe Shen Hongyan felt that there was Li Xinmin standing behind Su Yi, and the three of them were evenly matched. But again, the more Li Xinmin ends up doing this, the more counterproductive it will be.

"Our office's own information and documents are all there." Shen Hongyan pointed to the file cabinet on the side. "If you want to check it, ask me for the key. In addition, the only job of our office these days is to prepare the factory report, and the rest of the work is Stop for a moment. Xinhua, Damao, you two must fully cooperate with the three candidates to help them complete their tasks. You must not only respond to requests, but you must do your best.”

"Don't worry, Director Shen, I will definitely help with this matter! He is one of his own, if I don't help him, who will he help?" Xue Xinhua immediately expressed his position.

Xu Damao also smiled and said: "Don't worry, director, I know what to do."

After a pause, he looked at Zhang Chunmei and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhang, I am familiar with every workshop in the factory, and I also know all the subordinate factories. If you need any help, just ask, and I promise to be there when you call."

"Thank you very much, Comrade Xu!" Zhang Chunmei said gratefully, "I know few people and rarely have contact with people from other departments in the factory. I cannot help but trouble you. Thank you in advance!"

"Don't tell me you are calling me Shengfen!" Xu Damao waved his hands with a smile and said boldly, "We are all colleagues, so we should help each other."

Shen Hongyan looked at the clock hanging on the wall, stood up and said, "Okay, let's get over here first and go about our own business. You don't have to come to the factory on time these days to do whatever you need to do. I still have to report to Factory Manager Yang, so let’s do this first.”

Everyone stood up to see off Shen Hongyan. Zhang Chunmei glanced at Su Yi and felt a little unbearable. She couldn't help but said: "Director Shen, Comrade Su has no one to help."

"If you're a good person, you'll get a lot of help, but if you're a bad person, you'll get little help. Xiao Zhang, you have to see the situation clearly and stand on the right side!" Xue Xinhua said.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Shen Hongyan scolded and said to Su Yi: "If Xiao Su needs anything, he can also contact Xinhua and Damao. They are mobile personnel, not someone's full-time assistant. Okay, let's disperse! "

He waved his hand and walked out.

As soon as Shen Hongyan left the house, Xue Xinhua smiled and said to Li Cheng: "Ji Cheng, the director of the printing factory is my third uncle. Don't worry, my third uncle will definitely support you!"

"Xinhua, it's right for our third uncle to support Lu, but you can't bully Xiao Zhang." Xu Damao said with a smile, "If you bully Xiao Zhang, then I can't agree. I don't ask you to take care of me, but what should I do? , this can always be done, right?”

"I don't bully lesbians!" Xue Xinhua raised his neck and looked at Su Yi demonstratively, "But some college students are so capable, I guess they don't need my third uncle's help, right?"

"Xinhua, you can't say that. The director said there must be fair competition." Li Chengli looked at Su Yi with a smile, "Su Yuanchao, if you are a smart man, come over and help me, and I will take care of you in the future. ”

"Hey, hey, you don't take our comrade Xiao Zhang seriously?" Xu Damao shouted, "I'll tell you the distance, don't think you will win, our little Zhang is also very powerful!"

Zhang Chunmei glanced at Xu Damao gratefully and then at Su Yi, giving Su Yi a wave of sympathy points.

"Support Korea, although we are neighbors in the same courtyard, I'm sorry, I can't help you this time." Xu Damao looked at Su Yi apologetically, "Actually, you just entered the factory, why do you need to be used as a weapon? You said You are not worthy of offending everyone for something that is completely impossible, right? You are a college student, aren't you blinded by lard? "

This is a real villain. After struggling for several days, he finally made a choice at this moment.

Since he couldn't curry favor with Su Yi without borrowing money, he might as well take this opportunity to beat Su Yi to death.

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