No one thought that Su Yi would fall out if he said so, but Su Yi had to turn over.

Although Su Yi's so much money is not illegally obtained, it cannot be traced seriously.

Once the relevant departments pay attention to it and go to verify the situation with Li Xinmin, it will cause trouble for Li Xinmin. How can he borrow money from Li Xinmin in the future?

Therefore, Su Yi must have a public explanation of the source of his money to prevent anyone from causing trouble.

When the second aunt came to the door, he just used the problem to his advantage, cut through the mess quickly and solved the problem at once.

"When I was in college for four years, I received a monthly student subsidy of eighteen and a half yuan! When my brother was still alive, he also sent me money every month. The university has a cafeteria and a dormitory, which takes care of food and housing. I saved it in four years Why is the origin of the family unknown? "

Su Yi's voice was stern, and his calm demeanor shocked the entire audience.

"The money I spend is both my money and my brother's hard-earned money. It doesn't matter if you insult me ​​with unknown origins, you also insult my dead brother! Second aunt, you must make it clear to me today that my money Why is the origin unknown? If you have no evidence to spread rumors, let’s go to the neighborhood committee now and ask them how to settle the matter for slandering the martyrs’ families!”

"Fear from Wang Liu's family +83..."

"I, I just said it casually..." The second aunt blushed, embarrassed and worried, "Why is this kid so serious? The second aunt didn't mean that, she just said it..."

"It's easy for you to just say it casually and spread rumors! But if I want to prove my innocence, do I have to carry proof of my income with me to explain to people one by one? I can't explain it even if I break my legs!" Su Yileng Face said, "To be honest, I came to the Capital Steel Rolling Mill with a bright future in mind. If my future is ruined because of your few rumors, then we will have a big hatred!"

"Fear from Wang Liu's family +94..."

"Fear from the Jia Zhang family +46..."

"The joy from the Yansun family +88..."

"The joy from the Yi Liu family +66..."

All the aunts had different expressions.

"Yuan Chao, please calm down. Your second aunt just said it casually. She didn't really mean to make you up." The first aunt persuaded her in a gentle voice, "You come to our hospital, and you will be our children from now on, and we will take care of you." Just like my own child, it’s too late to protect you, how can I harm you?”

What he said was better than that of a great man.

"That's right, aid Korea, your second aunt made an unintentional mistake, you misunderstood!" The third aunt also said hurriedly, "You are a college student, isn't it normal to have money? She just has no brains..."

Su Yi then went downhill and said with a slightly calmer expression: "I also overreacted a bit, mainly because the second aunt said that the origin was so unpleasant. Part of my money was given to me by the country, and part of it was exchanged for my brother's life." Which part of the money did the second aunt say came from wrong sources? The country’s money or my brother’s?”

"Fear from Wang Liu's family +99..."

"No, no, no, I'm talking nonsense. Please don't take it to heart. Just think I didn't say anything!" The second aunt looked pale and forced a smile to Su Yi. "The second aunt won't say anything anymore. I promise not to. I said it! What, I have something to do at home, so I will go back first, you are busy, busy..."

After that, he walked away as if running away.

The scene was slightly silent.

"It's true that Mrs. Liu and Wang are so grown up that they can't speak with their brains." Mrs. Jia Zhang gloated.

When Su Yi looked at her, she hurriedly forced out a smile.

"Fear from the Jia Zhang family +53..."


Am I so terrible?

Su Yi turned around and said: "I'd just like to take this opportunity to tell you guys, so as not to spread nonsense again. I'm an old man who doesn't know how to cook, and I can't go to restaurants or work around, so I just asked My third uncle’s sister-in-law, Yu Li, helped me prepare the afternoon meal. Of course, I couldn’t trouble her in vain. I also expressed my gratitude for taking care of me. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned again.

"Maliciousness from the Yansun clan +88..."

"Maliciousness from Jia Zhang's family +99..."

"Maliciousness from Yu Li +66..."

There was a figure flashing behind the window opposite, and Yu Li was obviously eavesdropping.

"You asked Yu Li to cook for you?" Third Aunt and Mrs. Jia Zhang asked almost in unison, raising their voices.

Both of them spoke with a hint of exasperation and urgency.

"Yes," Su Yi nodded, "This matter was agreed yesterday, and we will start from today."

After a pause, he looked at the third aunt and said: "Third aunt, I won't go to the canteen at noon. Tell sister-in-law Yu Li that the meal this afternoon will be moved to noon. I have bought all the vegetables and everything, so I will trouble her." ”

The third aunt looked very unhappy: "She never told me about this... Yuan Korea, how did you calculate the money with her?"

Jia Zhang was also concerned about this matter, and the latter's ears suddenly stood up.

"It's not much money, it's mainly a little kindness. I can't let my sister-in-law help in vain." Su Yi smiled.

"If you don't tell me, I'll go back and ask her!" The third aunt snorted coldly, "She didn't even discuss such a big matter with us. It's really against her!"

After saying that, the third aunt angrily walked to Yu Lina's house.

Seeing this, the others dispersed, leaving only Jia and Zhang.

Jia Zhang's face was also ugly. Qin Huairu and her were planning to take advantage of Su Yi's meal last night. Well, today this matter has become someone else's job!

Are the naughty bitches from the old Yan family too fast?

Mrs. Jia Zhang secretly hates Qin Huairu. She asked you to come and ask quickly, but you insist on delaying it. This prodigal, stupid bitch can’t even keep up with the heat even when she eats shit!

"Yuan Chao, I didn't tell you, how could you let Yu Li do this?" Jia Zhang said unwillingly, "What if her married daughter-in-law keeps running to the house of a young man like you? What happened? It wouldn’t sound good if it got out.”

Su Yi smiled half-heartedly, "Married women are not nice, but widows are nice?"

"Auntie, you reminded me." Su Yi pointed at her, turned around and went into the house.

Jia Zhang was confused and didn't know what he was going to do.

But she quickly opened the canvas bag on the back seat of Su Yi's bicycle, reached out and touched it, and slipped out a large piece of meat.

Jia Zhang was stunned, her eyes widened.

Such good fat meat!

so much!

You're such a prodigal son, why don't you eat me to death?

Without saying a word, Mrs. Jia Zhang pulled down the flesh, trying to pull off a piece.

She is too greedy.

If she pinched it a little, the meat wasn't very strong, so she could still pull it off a little bit.

But she grabbed a piece of flesh as big as the child's head!

I even managed to get the fart out but didn’t even pull it off!

The harder it was to pull it off, the more anxious Jia Zhang became. In desperation, she planned to bite off a piece, but at this moment Su Yi's footsteps came from the door.


Jia Zhang threw the meat into the canvas bag and tilted her head nonchalantly, pretending to look at the bicycle.

"Yuan Korea, your bicycle looks good, much better than Yan Laoxi'er's." She said seriously to Su Yi who opened the door curtain and walked out.

Su Yi smiled half-heartedly: "It seems so."

Can Jia Zhang's actions be concealed from him?

He came out so quickly to avoid having the meat stolen.

Deliberately walking harder was also a reminder to Jia Zhang, so as to avoid the embarrassing situation of being caught on the spot.

Su Yi went in to get a red iron plate with four big characters written on it - Glorious Martyrs.

Su Yi still held four nails in his hand and directly pressed his hands to nail the iron plate to the wall.

While Su Yi was doing this, Jia Zhang glanced at the canvas bag with a distressed face, and quietly put her lard-stained hands behind her back.

"Yuanchao, what are you doing?" Jia Zhang asked, "What does this sign say?"

She cannot read.

Su Yi nailed the sign, clapped his hands and took a step back. He pointed at the sign with a smile and said: "Aunt Jia, what is written on this sign is "Glorious Martyrs". My parents are martyrs, and I take credit from them. From now on, Anyone who spreads rumors about me is insulting the revolutionary martyrs and is breaking the law. If I hear about it, I will directly send him to the police station and detain him and punish him."

"Fear from the Jia Zhang family +57..."

"This... the police station still cares about people telling lies?" Jia Zhang was doubtful.

"Do you dare to tell lies about the Party?" Su Yi asked seriously.

"Don't dare, don't dare, don't dare!" Mrs. Jia Zhang waved her hands hurriedly.

"Fear from the Jia Zhang family +76..."

"The principle is the same." Su Yi said calmly.

Jia Zhang forced a smile and said, "I understand, it's the gold medal for immunity from death mentioned in the play!"

"It's not that exaggerated. It's a new era and we don't engage in feudalism." Su Yi waved his hand.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to hang up this sign can avoid a lot of trouble.

Su Yi is not afraid of trouble if he can have less trouble, but he will not ask for trouble.

There was a muffled quarrel coming from Yan Jiecheng's house across the street. Su Yi heard it clearly, but was too lazy to listen and started unloading the things on the bicycle.

Mrs. Jia Zhang reluctantly glanced at the canvas bag, sighed and said, "What about that? You're busy supporting Korea. Auntie has something to do at home."

"Then please take your time." Su Yi replied with a smile.

When Mrs. Jia Zhang returned home, she cursed a few times in a low voice, feeling angry and a little annoyed that she had not pulled out a piece of meat just now.

She took out a piece of steamed bread and rubbed all the lard on it, leaving no space between her fingers.

"It still tastes like meat. Give it to my eldest grandson and put it in the pot with lard steamed buns... hum..." she muttered.

On the other side, at Yu Li’s home.

The third aunt's face was ashen and she was so angry that she could not speak while pointing at Yu Li.

"Yu Li, your father and I didn't do you any harm, did we? You did this to us?"

"Mom, what did I do to you?" Yu Li asked back, "Didn't I just take over the job of cooking for the other party and didn't have time to tell you? Is this a heinous thing?"

"Why don't you discuss such a big matter with us?" asked the third aunt.

"I have discussed it with Jie Cheng." Yu Li said slowly, "Mom, we have separated. We pay for food when we eat at your place, and we don't eat for free, right? In the same way, what should I pick up outside? It doesn’t matter how much you earn, don’t say I didn’t intend to hide it from you, even if I did, it’s okay.”

"You... Okay, you really have strong wings! What a disgrace to you!" The third aunt was trembling with anger.

"I know you feel that you didn't get any benefit from this matter, and I didn't tell you, so you are angry." Yu Li directly challenged her thoughts, "But I also tried to deal with this matter. Just talking, I didn’t expect it to happen. Mom, I don’t think you should be angry. No matter how much this money is, it will not go to other people. If Qin Huairu takes over this job, our family will get nothing. "

Although the third aunt thought this was true, she was still angry and asked angrily: "How much did he give you?"

Yu Li said: "Five dollars."

"Five yuan!" The third aunt suddenly raised her voice, "That's so much! Just cook one meal every day?"

"I still have to clean up and clean up," Yu Li said.

"What's the matter?" The third aunt slapped her thigh, "This money is like picking up for nothing!"

Yu Li sighed and said, "Not everyone can pick this up."

"I can do it!" The third aunt snorted, "What's so difficult about this?"

"It's really hard for you to come." Yu Li smiled, "You have to be willing, right?"

An image of her mother-in-law squatting under the table and waving her arms flashed through her mind, and she suddenly burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing!" The third aunt glared, intuiting that her daughter-in-law's expression was full of bad humor.

"I'm laughing at you. There's no reason to be angry." Yu Li stood up, "I won't hide this from you. I will tell you sooner or later. Why are you angry?"

The third aunt said: "Then you pay an extra dollar to the family every month!"

Yu Li's face suddenly changed: "No, why don't I tell Jie Cheng that if I don't eat with my family next month, I won't pay a cent!"

After saying that, he turned around, pushed out the door, and walked towards the opposite door.

The third aunt was stunned for a long time, and then said angrily: "Who are you threatening? The little money you have is enough to support yourselves! Why don't you pay it? If you don't pay it, I can save my worries!"

Su Yi moved everything into the house and was packing it up when Yu Li opened the door and came in.

"Sister-in-law is here?" Su Yi greeted with a smile.

Yu Li also looked as usual, without any embarrassment.

"I heard from my mother-in-law that you are having dinner at home at noon?" She quickly rolled up her sleeves and said, "Stop cleaning it up and let me do it. Oh, so much meat? How much is this?"

"Ten pounds." Su Yi frowned and said, "I can't finish it in a while, do I have to marinate it?"

"Well, it needs to be marinated. I can't hold it anymore today." Yu Li said, "Don't worry about it, just leave it to me. Go, go, stay away from the chopping board."

As he spoke, he pushed Su Yi aside with a smile, and his physical contact with Su Yi was very natural.

"Desire from Yu Li +33..."

Su Yi retreated and said, "I've bought all the vegetables. You can cook four vegetables for noon, two meat and two vegetarian. Will brother come back at noon?"

"The joy from Yu Li +88..."

"He's back." Yu Li guessed Su Yi's intention and was a little surprised and disbelieving.

Su Yi said: "Then ask Brother Jie Cheng to have dinner here at noon. I'll treat you two as a thank you, but I have to trouble my sister-in-law."

Yu Li rolled her eyes at Su Yi: "It's broad daylight, do you want your sister-in-law to do something to you again?"

"..." Su Yi was stunned.

Sister-in-law, that’s not what I meant...

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