The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1398 Taking credit

Yang Baorui knew that his words could not convince Zhang Chunmei, and further said: "A great man once said that struggles are everywhere, but we cannot take it for granted that all struggles are life and death. Some struggles are good and are healthy internal competitions that can promote A struggle for everyone to make progress together. The competition between Su Yuanchao and you is the deputy editor of the factory newspaper, not a moral pacesetter. Even if you compete, it should be a competition on work skills, not a moral attack. Your struggle line should be from the same It was wrong from the beginning!”

"Xiao Zhang, there are some arrangements in the organization. You must obey if you understand it, and you must obey even if you don't understand. The organization has organized considerations. It is impossible for everything to be based on your ideas and your temper. If you don't compete for the position, you must do it. Are you making a fuss? You’re not a kid anymore. Do you think I’ll give you sweets just for making a fuss?”

"I didn't want to cause trouble, I just reported the problem truthfully!" Zhang Chunmei said aggrievedly.

"Then your goal has been achieved." Yang Baorui spread his hands, "Your problem has been directly reflected to me beyond Yang Shutan. Who else do you want to respond to?"

"But, but..."

"But you still want a result?" Yang Baorui said for her, "I won't beat around the bush with you, Xiao Zhang, but this is the first and last time. I hope you know clearly that I don't actually have anything to do with this matter. There is no need to explain or explain to you. The result of this matter is that I will criticize Su Yuanchao privately and ask him to pay attention to the way he gets along with his colleagues, to be correct in his thinking, and to be united and friendly. But the position he has been given, It won't be canceled and turned on you. Did I make it clear enough?"

"It's clear." Zhang Chunmei wiped her tears, "I know I was the wrong factory director, but I don't really want to get the position this way."

"Regardless of deeds, this matter ends here. You can go out." When Yang Baorui saw Secretary Tong knocking on the door and coming in, he ordered the eviction in a calm tone.

Zhang Chunmei wiped away tears and left.

After Zhang Chunmei left, Yang Baorui asked Secretary Tong: "Is Deputy Director Li alone in the office?"

"Comrade Su Yuanchao is also here." Secretary Tong said, "When I went there, Deputy Director Li was reading a piece of material, which was quite thick. I saw there was also an interview letter from the Beijing Daily on the table. …”

Yang Baorui's heart sank slightly.

Yang Shutan, Yang Shutan, you are such a piece of shit, you can actually fail in such a small thing...

Su Yi ran to find Li Xinmin first, which undoubtedly made a simple matter complicated.

Li Xinmin has his background. If it is really an attractive proposal, then Li Xinmin will definitely recommend it to the person behind him. In this case, how can the big leader’s instructions be fulfilled?

However, no matter what the proposal is, it is impossible to bypass him as the leader, and the good thing is that the big leader has already known about this matter in advance, which gives this matter room for maneuver.

The so-called maneuvering means giving benefits.

Yang Baorui's head was as big as a bucket when he thought that he would be bitten off another piece of meat by Li Xinmin, the fierce and cunning jackal.

But we have to do things that the big leaders personally asked us to do.

Not only must it be done, but it must be done well.

Yang Baorui paced back and forth in the office with his hands behind his back, thinking for a long time. Finally, he picked up a document and walked to Li Xinmin's office.

On the other side, Su Yi arrived at Li Xinmin's office a few minutes ago.

"I'm looking for you everywhere!" Li Xinmin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Su Yi come in. "Do you know everything? Director Yang suddenly changed his position. Your position as deputy editor has been obtained."

After a pause, he said: "This old fox has always ignored rabbits and hawks. There may be something fishy behind this. You must report to me in detail all aspects of your work during this period, so as not to accidentally step into a pit. I'm worried that he will I'm going to use retreat as an opportunity to advance..."

Su Yi nodded and said: "Thank you for your concern, Director, but no matter what the pitfalls are, I will not step on them. I happen to have some immature ideas, which I have just compiled into materials, and I am about to report them to you, Director."

He did not want to explain Yang Weimin's matter to Li Xinmin, because he did not report the matter to Li Xinmin immediately but contacted Director Yang privately. This was a taboo. For this reason, no matter how beautifully Su Yi handled the matter, It will no longer leave a good impression on Li Xinmin. After all, no leader likes to make his own decisions without permission and contact his opponent's subordinates privately.

In addition, he promised Yang Baorui that the matter would end here, that is, it would end with him. If he tells Li Xinmin, there is no guarantee that Li Xinmin will not have some small thoughts and continue to make a fuss about this matter. If this is true, he will become a duplicitous villain in front of Yang Baorui, which is what Su Yi does not want to see.

So this matter can only be concealed. Fortunately, the only parties involved were him and the Yang family. If he didn't tell them, the other two would definitely not tell them. This matter could be kept secret.

Li Xinmin was a little surprised and said with a smile: "You are very efficient. How can you form materials so quickly? You don't know how to step into trouble... If you are so confident, I want to take a good look at this material."

Li Xinmin smiled and took the materials from Su Yi's hand, as if he mentioned inadvertently: "Now that the matter is done, please return the funds."

"Director, please look at the materials first." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +66..."

Li Xinmin's hand froze for a moment, but he calmed down and looked down.

Wen Huikai's interview letter was placed at the top of the material.

Li Xinmin was shocked when he saw clearly the seal and signature of the interview letter.

"Beijing Daily! Interview letter?" He glanced at Su Yi in surprise, "Good guy, what kind of satellite did you build?"

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

Li Xinmin's curiosity was aroused, and he stared at Su Yi again, then lowered his head to read the documents again.

I was very interested in it at first and seemed to want to make a few comments.

But soon he frowned, and then his expression became serious, and he even sat up a little straighter.

He read the entire material almost word by word, sentence by sentence. After reading the last word, he looked at Su Yi with a complicated expression and said with emotion: "Support Korea, support Korea, your future future will be limitless!"

Compared with the general outline of the oral discussion between Su Yi and Wen Hui, Su Yi's detailed material elaborated on his views and specific measures in more detail, as well as the feasibility analysis and significance of the matter.

This will undoubtedly bring greater shock to people.

Li Xinmin's Zheng Zhi sensitivity is also very high, and he can see the power of this thing right away. Under the right time, right place and right people, as long as it is handled properly, the value of this material is immeasurable.

Even if the promotion of this matter is blocked in the end, no one will deny its correctness and significance.

In other words, this is political achievement, political achievement that can have immediate results.

Who wouldn’t be jealous of this thing?

As for Su Yi, who created this thing, who dares to say that he is not a talented person?

"The idea of ​​​​your material is very novel, and the general direction is correct. But you are young after all. Some things in the material are not objective enough, and you lack understanding of policies and actual situations." Li Xinmin knocked on the table and said to Su Yi, looking indifferent on the surface. Nothing came out, but the dilated pupils, the full joy of his contribution, and some small details he showed unnaturally, all showed that he was excited and ecstatic at the moment.

He was pretending to think it over, deliberately slowing down his tone to hide his emotions. The reason for doing this is to match his words at the moment and what he wants to achieve.

"This proposal still needs to be further enriched and improved, but even so, some things in it are very sensitive, and great attention must be paid to the scale and proportion. These are things you cannot do, and I have to do them myself." Li Xinmin observed Looking at Su Yi's expression, "After the materials are finally formed, I will give you a signature for proofreading and editing. Yuan Korea, can you understand what I say?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "The factory director loves and protects me, what can't I understand?"

His expression was natural and casual, as if he really didn't take it seriously at all.

But in fact, Su Yi was not surprised at all that Li Xinmin wanted to take advantage of his achievements.

This is what people like Li Xinmin can do. What's so surprising?

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +69..."

Su Yi's reaction made Li Xinmin unable to figure out his thoughts.

"I won't tell you falsehoods to support North Korea," he looked at Su Yi, "this proposal can have its greatest value only in my hands. But I will help you get the greatest benefits, and you will definitely get what you deserve. , and your returns may even be far higher than you expected.”

Su Yi waved his hand: "Director, can I still not believe you? None of this is important. What is important is that I have done what you asked me to do. With this proposal, even if Director Yang does not change his position, Deputy I also got the position of editor-in-chief for you.”

"Congratulations from Li Xinmin +88..."

"You, your structure is not big enough and your vision is not high enough." Li Xinmin was in a good mood and said with a smile, "Is a deputy editor with no authority and no real authority just to send you away? You can still have higher expectations. In short, do your best. Follow me and I will never treat anyone who has done something wrong."

You're such a fool, you grab all the credit when it comes to you, your pie-painting skills are quite good...

Su Yi chuckled and said, "Then just do as the director says."

He didn't mention Wenhui and the big leader. It's not necessary. Yang Baorui already knows about this anyway. If he doesn't know, just remind Yang Baorui. He doesn't need to talk to Li Xinmin about this. Let Li Xinmin be happy first.

"Congratulations from Li Xinmin +99..."

Li Xinmin is very satisfied with Su Yi's ability to know how to advance and retreat. Such a subordinate is a good subordinate!

Do things when you need to do things, and give when you need to dedicate. Although I borrowed a lot of money from myself, it was just a loan, and it was not something that I had to pay back sooner or later...

Speaking of money, Li Xinmin thought of his five hundred yuan of funds.

"By the way, you have found a reporter from the Beijing Daily. You can't just let them run errands without doing anything." Li Xinmin said, "Take me a nice meal tonight, and bring me some good cigarettes and wine. Just press fifty Come on the dollar standard.”

He was reminding Su Yi to refund him 450 yuan.

At the same time, he was also generous, giving Su Yi a taste of something sweet.

After all, no matter how much he beautifies it, he can't hide the fact that he took the credit from Su Yi. Li Xinmin felt that he should comfort Su Yi and give the horse some grass so that the horse could run for him.

Li Xinmin looked at Su Yi with a smile, waiting for Su Yi to return the money.

"Fifty yuan standard?" Su Yi frowned and thought for a moment, "Director, is it too high?"

"The rest will be treated as a reward." Li Xinmin waved his hand generously, waiting to see Su Yi's expression of tears of gratitude or excitement.

But Su Yi just nodded calmly, stretched out his hand and said, "Director, you have to grant me another 47 yuan and 72 cents."

Li Xinmin's smile gradually solidified.

"What did you say?" He suspected that he had heard wrongly, and at the same time, he had an extremely familiar and unpleasant premonition in his heart.

"Maliciousness from Li Xinmin +100..."

Good guy, it just exploded.

"I mean the funds you gave me before are only one dollar and twenty-eight cents left." Su Yi said, "You have to give me another forty-seven dollars and seventy-two cents to make up for the fifty dollars. I It’s a good idea to arrange for the reporter to have dinner in the evening.”

Su Yi said it matter-of-factly.

Li Xinmin's eyes widened, and his face gradually turned from white to red, from red to black, from black to purple...

That expression was wonderful.

"The malice from Li Xinmin +123, the anger from Li Xinmin +100!"

"That's five hundred yuan!" He gritted his teeth angrily, staring at Su Yi and saying word by word, "That's five hundred yuan, Su Yuanchao! From the time you got the money and went out, in one afternoon, you told me five All the hundred dollars spent?"

"Tell me, where did you spend the money? Huh? What have you done to spend five hundred yuan? Even if you eat money, you have to have time to digest it, right?"

"Factory director, look at you, why are you so fierce?" Su Yi said helplessly, "When you gave us the money, we made it clear and clear that you pay and I will do the work. Yes, I am the one with the money. It’s a waste, but you’re going to say this is not a good thing, right? As for my two competitors, do they have room to fight back? Can you win it easily?”

"Yes, this is really beautiful!" Li Xinmin was trembling with anger, "But you spent five hundred yuan! That's five hundred yuan!"

"It's smaller!" Su Yi said seriously, "Director, the situation is smaller. Spend money to do things. This is my style of doing things. You have to adapt to it! The key to the problem is not money. You have to see that I can do things. That's the good side, right? That's the whole point. Money is nothing, right? It's just a side detail, so why should you care?"

"I really care!" Li Xinmin became anxious, "Su Yuanchao, please stop fighting with me and fooling around! It's only five hundred yuan, why is it so trivial? Tell me, where did you spend the money? "

"Look at you, why are you so anxious?" Su Yi sighed, "Hey, don't get so angry. Why are you so anxious? I'm just preparing to report to you right now? I didn't spend my money indiscriminately. Every money is spent wisely.”

As he said that, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket, handed it to Li Xinmin and said, "I don't know how to go about this write-off process, but I remember where the money was spent and I made a list."

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