The reincarnation of the movie king

Chapter 1402 Peaceful things

Maybe it was because Su Yi had aroused his feelings before, but Qin Huairu said these words very sincerely.

Su Yi also followed this trick. Hearing this, he nodded and said, "That's no problem. I'm relatively lazy in my personal life. I will definitely trouble you, Sister Qin, in the future."

Qin Huairu felt happy and said with a smile: "It's agreed, you have to think about my sister!"

After a pause, Qin Huairu said again: "Sister, I will think of you if something good happens. Aren't you looking for a partner? Can I introduce you to one?"

Su Yi knew that she was talking about Qin Jingru, so he didn't reject it. He nodded and said, "Okay, no matter if it works or not, I will thank you first."

Qin Huairu pursed her lips and smiled: "Then just wait for my news!"

The two of them were talking and turned into the alley. Not far further, we'll reach home.

But at this time, the entrance to the alley was blocked by about ten people.

Su Yi could only park the car.

The gangsters of each era have their own unique signs. For example, in later generations, the energetic young man with yellow hair and tattoos and beanie shoes will most likely be a street gangster.

Most ordinary people in this era dress very neatly and neatly. Even if their clothes have dozens of patches, they still have to be buttoned.

If you meet a group of people with their coats open and unbuttoned on the street, don't ask, they are most likely just street gangsters.

The dozen or so people in front of him were like this. A group of people were puffing and smoking at the entrance of the alley. Three bicycles were lying across the intersection, blocking the way. One of them, Su Yi, looked familiar, and he was amused when he took a closer look.

Isn't this Wang Cheng?

Wang Cheng also saw Su Yi, his eyes suddenly lit up, he pointed at Su Yi and shouted: "That's him!"

The gangsters were all stunned, and then swarmed in with shouts, surrounding Su Yi in the middle.

Behind him, Qin Huairu turned pale with fright and grabbed Su Yi's arm, shaking all over.

Su Yi patted her hand and said, "Don't be afraid, they can't hurt you."

"Maliciousness from Qin Huairu +99..."


Su Yi cast his eyes on Wang Cheng's face.

The boy smiled ferociously, his face full of pleasure and sarcasm.

"Cousin, we meet again!" He smiled ferociously, and his eyes fell on Qin Huairu who jumped off the back seat of the bicycle. His smile became even more ferocious, "Hey, isn't this the sister I met the other day? Isn't that right? It’s a coincidence, isn’t it? Hey! I said something unexpected happened to me that day. You almost kicked the shit out of me. Cousin, are you just getting angry?”

"Dachengzi, you are flattering your mother-in-law and suppressing other people's secrets. No wonder they kick you." A young man with a flat head and triangular eyes bared his teeth and smiled, looking at Qin Huairu with his eyes unscrupulously, and said "hmm" in his nose, " Not to mention, this sister has a fair face, but you have pretty good taste..."

A group of gangsters burst out laughing.

Wang Cheng also laughed. He looked at Su Yi with mocking eyes, hoping to see fear and anger on Su Yi's face, but what made him unhappy was that Su Yi had no other expression except a frown.

"Boy, how much does your coquettish girl cost per night?" The flat-headed girl with triangular eyes suddenly put her face in front of Su Yi and said with a wicked smile, "If I give you a dime, will it make her feel comfortable serving me?"

The gangsters burst into laughter again, and they kept talking dirty words.

Tears welled up in Qin Huairu's eyes, and her whole body was shaking even more violently. She didn't know whether she was angry or frightened.

Su Yi patted the back of her hand to comfort her, but it was obviously of no use.

He looked at the arrogant flat head and triangular eyes in front of him and asked, "Can this matter be settled with money?"

The flat-headed man with triangular eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "I heard Dachengzi say that you go to the department store and spend more than two hundred yuan at a time without blinking. You are a rich man. This bicycle is also a new one. Right? Tsk, the steel stamps are all new..."

He looked at Su Yi with a smile: "Dachengzi is my cousin. We are no different from brothers. If you dare to fight with him, it will be the same as hitting me. There is no difference! Ming told you, today I I came here to destroy your leg. If you want to spend money to make peace, it's not impossible. How much do you plan to sell your leg? And what about the kick you gave Dachengzi? If you bother us brothers to go all the way, how can we calculate the carriage fare?"

Su Yi smiled and said: "I'm not good at calculating, you can tell me the number."

"Why are you so arrogant!" Wang Cheng became furious when he saw Su Yi's calm look. He stepped forward and kicked Su Yi in the stomach.

He planned to retaliate for the beating he had received without saying anything else.

But how could Su Yi let him succeed?

He casually dodged and Wang Cheng was kicked out of the way, and he pushed Wang Cheng off his butt with a gentle push.

"If you want to take action, let's not talk about money!" Su Yi said to the flat-headed man with triangular eyes in a calm tone but without doubt.

Wang Cheng was pushed down by Su Yi. Instead of being annoyed, the gangsters burst into laughter.

"Dachengzi, what's wrong with you if you haven't eaten?"

"You are really good, Dachengzi, did you put all your strength on the woman's belly last night, haha..."

"What a shame, oh, you made me laugh so hard..."

Wang Cheng's face turned the color of pig liver as he laughed. He got up in anger, took out a brick wrapped in newspaper from the army green satchel he carried with him and rushed over.

"I opened your pussy!"

"Dachengzi!" He shouted and stopped him with a flat head and triangular eyes.

"Don't stop me, minibus. I'm going to die today!" Wang Cheng roared angrily.

"What's the hurry!" Xiaoba winked at him, "Follow the rules!"


Wang Cheng knew that his cousin never followed the rules and it would never be complete until someone was killed.

He calmed down, glared at Su Yi bitterly, gritted his teeth but stopped talking.

Xiaoba's eyes fell on Su Yi's face again, and he sneered: "Boy, do you really want to spend money to settle things?"

Su Yi said: "Don't talk nonsense, tell me the number!"

"Quite a temper." He grinned and pointed at Su Yi, "I like people with a temper. Okay! Then let's just do it. For a thousand yuan, this matter will be settled. Don't bargain with me, today If it were a penny less..."

Xiaoba's face darkened and he glared viciously: "Just wait until you become a cripple!"

Su Yi nodded: "I don't have that much on me. I'll give you three hundred yuan first, and ask me for the rest tomorrow, okay?"

As soon as these words came out, a bunch of gangsters were stunned.

Even Qin Huairu was confused.

No one expected that Su Yi would agree to the high asking price.

One thousand yuan is definitely a huge amount of money!

According to Qin Huairu's current salary, the total salary for three and a half years is only one thousand yuan.

As for these gangsters...

I have never had more than one hundred dollars in my life, let alone one thousand?

The price for the minibus was sky-high, and they waited for Su Yi to bargain, then finally made some threats and then showed mercy and reduced the price to reach an agreement. This was a process that gangsters were familiar with.

But I never thought that Su Yi would not counter-offer at all.

It was very unexpected.

After the accident comes ecstasy.

"Okay! Happy brother!" Xiaoba's expression of ecstasy was palpable, and he reached out to pat Su Yi on the shoulder, but Su Yi turned aside to avoid it.

But he no longer cared about these details at this time, and laughed and said: "As long as you are happy, we promise to be happy, and we will never pester you in the future! Even if you suffer any grievances in the future and want us to come forward, you can come to us! We can’t be acquainted without fighting, aren’t we?”

"It's really a thousand dollars, and the beating I received was worth it." Wang Cheng smiled half-heartedly, "The key is not to play tricks! Su, you're not just trying to fool yourself into this situation, so turn your head. Just go to the artillery station and ask for our ideas?"

"No way?" Xiaoba's eyes flashed fiercely, and he said with a threatening expression, "Brother, you don't look like a fool. You wouldn't do such a stupid thing, right? We have hundreds of brothers in the Brick Club, so even if you Can we all be arrested after calling the gun bureau? People on the street are very particular about respecting others as much as I respect them. It’s a big deal, it depends on how many lives it takes to fill it up.”

While counting the money, Su Yi said with a smile: "I paid for it today just to get things done at once without leaving any future troubles. Don't worry, I won't mess around today."

Minibus gave Su Yi a thumbs up: "Smart man!" He looked at Su Yi's hands with big smiles and greed in his eyes.

"Support Korea!" Qin Huairu on the side had been anxious since just now. At this time, she could no longer care about her fear. She grabbed Su Yi's hand counting money and bravely said to the minibus: "You are too bullying. Right? A thousand yuan for a kick is too much! He is a foreigner who has just come to the capital. He is a specially recruited college student by our factory. The factory director thinks highly of him. Don’t go too far! "

Her hands were still shaking and her voice was trembling, but her words were as clear and crisp as pouring beans through a bamboo tube.

Seeing that the money was about to be obtained, Qin Huairu spoke at this time, just to ruin the affairs of these gangsters.

Xiaoba's face suddenly sank, his eyes flashed fiercely and he said: "I fucked the stinky guy next door, you're so fucked up! Believe it or not, I found someone to fuck you? Tell me, stop here Where? If I don’t clean up your whole family, I will take your last name!”

Qin Huairu's eyes showed fear, and she was trembling and did not dare to speak anymore.

Su Yi patted her hand, took her hand away, and handed the money to Xiaoba.

"This is three hundred dollars, you order it." He said.

Minibus's face immediately turned from cloudy to clear, and he said with a smile: "No need to order! Brother is an open-minded person, and he is not bad at all! There is still seven hundred yuan left, what can I say?"

As he spoke, he had already kicked the money into his pocket.

"How about I write you an IOU?" Su Yi said.

Xiaoba grinned: "What if you are a cultural person? I didn't even think of such a good idea! Who has paper and pen? Bring it quickly! Let Brother Su write a note for us, haha!"

Where would a bunch of gangsters bring this thing? I asked around and found no one.

Su Yi sighed and said, "Don't bother, I'll bring it."

As he spoke, he shook his head, took out a pen and a small notebook, and asked, "How do I write this IOU?"

"The malice from Qin Huairu +88, the sadness from Qin Huairu +99..."

The gangsters also contributed a wave of malice and joy to Su Yi, and some of them had no concealment of disdain, such as Wang Cheng.

Everyone felt that Su Yi was too cowardly. He was being blackmailed and still cooperated like this. He was cowardly and despicable.

But for the gangsters, the more cowardly the better. If you don't cowardly, it's still less than a thousand yuan.

"Haha, brother, you are so open-minded." Xiaoba smiled from ear to ear, "You wrote this IOU like this, saying that you lent me Ba Qingtai seven hundred yuan, and I made an appointment with real money. I’ll pay it back tomorrow, and if it doesn’t, I’ll add four cents of interest every day.”

He said that Su Yi wrote with flying colors, without any hesitation.

Su Yi didn't respond, but Qin Huairu on the side was shocked. She held down Su Yi's arm and shouted: "Yuan Chao, you can't write this! If you write it, your life will be over!"

"You stinky bitches are done, right?" Xiaoba's expression changed, and he suddenly took out a dagger from his pocket and pointed it at Qin Huairu, "Believe it or not, I stabbed you!"

Qin Huairu was trembling all over but managed to pretend to be calm, and said in a trembling voice: "You are forcing people to death! It's not good for anyone to kill people!"

Xiaoba's face was uncertain, he hesitated slightly, and was about to let go, but Su Yi pulled Qin Huairu behind him and handed the written IOU to Xiaoba.

"Look, is it written like this?" he asked.

"Support the dynasty!" Qin Huairu exclaimed, with annoyance as if iron could not turn into steel.

Su Yi squeezed her hand, smiled and shook his head at her.

Xiaoba grabbed the IOU, glanced at it, and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Su Yi didn't forget a bit of what he just said, it was all written on it.

He shook the IOU in his hand, no longer concealing his true identity, and said jokingly: "Brother, with this IOU, it is a matter of course to pay back the debt. You can just go to the artillery station to order us, I have said so."

"Can we leave?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Yes, why not?" Xiaoba said with a smile.

"But she has to stay." Xiaoba pointed at Qin Huairu, "This sister was so crazy just now, she almost ruined my brother's good deeds. If I don't give her some clues, I'm afraid she won't know what to do. How many eyes does the prince have?”

"That's right! You have to keep your honey!" Wang Cheng on the side suddenly laughed wildly, "Silly boy, do you really think you can get away with it by spending money? Are you too naive? Hahaha, you are stupid because of reading. ?”

A group of gangsters laughed.

Qin Huairu's face turned pale with fright, but Su Yi still smiled and asked: "What do you want to say?"

Xiaoba pointed the dagger at Su Yi's face and said mockingly: "Boy, for the sake of your filial piety, I won't embarrass you today. You can get out, but you have to keep your honey. If you want Take her away..."

After a pause, Xiaoba approached Su Yi with a smile, and said as if he was sure of Su Yi: "You have to pay more!"

"What will happen if we don't add it?" Su Yi asked.

"No?" Xiaoba said with a smile, "If you don't, my brothers will just beat her! Don't worry, we promise to serve your sweetie comfortably, and you will cry and call me master."

"Master, please slow down, it hurts!" A gangster yelled at the top of his voice, and a group of people laughed again.

Wang Cheng burst into tears and laughed: "Grandson, it's really shameful for someone like you to kick me! In order to repay you, don't worry, I'll be the first to take your honey!"

"Okay, give it to my brother! I'll be second!" Xiaoba said with a smile.

"I'm third!"

"I'm fourth!"

"I was still young, so I pushed my brothers' butts!"



A fist fell hard on Wang Cheng's face. The bridge of his nose suddenly collapsed while he was laughing wildly, and two bloody teeth flew out.

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